Chapter 6

My Unscripted Life

Jimin has a boyfriend. Jimin has a boyfriend. Jimin has a boyfriend.

 Jungkook scribbled on his desk. . He crosses the words out with his pencil, frustrated. He could not stop thinking about it, no matter how much he wished he could. Upset at himself for not taking having the courage to at least confess his feelings to him, and now it was too late. Regret. Coward. Stupid.

He continues scribbling on the desk, putting a line through the words, blackening the words until they were unreadable. He sighs, tapping his pencil against his lips.

I love Jimin?????

He stares at the three words that looked foreign as if they were in a different language. Love. A word that was rare to him, the romantic version of it anyway. He has not even thought about it before, how could he when having a crush was a lot easier to get over than being in love? Or at least he hopes.

Taehyung who was sitting next to him, slightly nudges him, clearing his throat, pulling him out of his head. Jungkook glances over at him, realizing that all eyes were on him, as the teacher. Mr. Davis has been calling his name. Jungkook glances around the class, it was quiet, he had spaced out again. He turns to the front and Mr. Davis’s eyes were on him, feeling embarrassed, Jungkook adjusts him,

“Do you mind reading the last paragraph Mr. Jeon?” asks Mr. Davis, with a slightly annoyed tone.

“The last paragraph?” he mumbles staring at his Human Development textbook, not sure what page they were on.


“Next page,” whispers Taehyung.

Jungkook quickly flips the page, he could feel Mr. Davis’s piercing gaze at him, he clears his throat and as he was going to start reading, the last bell rings, announcing the end of school. Jungkook exhales, feeling relieved.

“Mr. Jeon, next time I catch you dozing off, it’ll be detention,” says Mr. Davis, “Alright guys that’s all for today. Don’t forget your essay and Happy Valentine’s Day.”



Jungkook opens the door that was already unlocked, as usual as Namjoon always lives it unlocked when he is home, so he doesn’t have to get up and answer it. Something his parents have warned him not to do due to obvious safety reasons.


Jungkook walks towards the living room, where his brother laid on the couch on the phone.

“Hey, hyung.”

Namjoon looks up, staring at him upside down, “Aren’t you supposed to be at practice?”

“Cancelled, Valentine’s Day,” says Jungkook, “Is Jennie home?”

“No,” says Namjoon.

Jungkook sighs, “Don’t you have work?”

“Called off sick,” he says, “Do you have plans today?”

Jungkook shakes his head no, “Why?”

“Well, because I actually do have plans today,” he says.

“A date?” teases Jungkook.

“Yes,” he says, “Why else would I call off sick.”


“Cool, make noodles if you're hungry,” he says, laying back down and returning to his phone. Jungkook stares at him, even a nonchalant person like his brother was gushing over Valentine’s Day. What’s so special about it?


Jungkook opens the door, closing it behind him as he places his skateboard down and tosses his backpack on the floor. He falls on the bed, arms wide open, staring into nothing.

“God, I hate Valentine’s Day,” he says.


He sat at his study table with his laptop, working on his Human Development and Growth essay based on the article, Parenting Journal: Infancy, learning about Cognitive Development. They are supposed to choose one topic they found interesting and write an essay on it, Jungkook chose the importance of early bonding in childhood but so far, the only words written on the page is his name, class, and date. His mind was drawing a blank or he was just distracted.

The door opens and Namjoon sticks his head in, “I’m heading out, Jennie is still at school so don’t make sure to lock the door if you decide to go somewhere.”

“Okay,” says Jungkook.

“Okay, see ya,” says Namjoon, closing the door. Jungkook sighs, he could hear his footsteps down the stairs. He turns back to the laptop, staring at the blinking cursor, he grunts, ruffling his hair. He stares at the time, the dance was at eight o’clock pm and it was only three o’clock, he still has time to change his mind but why would he? What would be the point? He was only a junior, so he has plenty of time to go to school dances.


Unable to start his essay despite an hour passing, Jungkook decides to go downstairs to make a sandwich as his stomach growled. He opens the door and sees Jennie who was going in her room, they exchange silence glances, she looked better than she did in the morning. A little calmer.

Did she make up with Jimin?

Not wanting to be told off, Jungkook shrugs it off, closing his door. As he was about to head down, Jennie calls him. Jungkook stops, turning to her.


“Did you know about Jimin?” she asks. Jungkook stares at her confused, why would he know about Jimin?


“I mean…you never got the hint that he may be gay?” she asks, rephrasing the question.

Jungkook scoffs, not sure of how to answer her question, “Why? Because I’m gay, I’m supposed to detect every gay person out there?”

“Whatever,” says Jennie.

Jungkook sighs, “Look, I know your hurting, but you shouldn’t let this ruin your friendship with him, I don’t think he purposely withheld it from you.”

“How would you know that?”

“Because I spoke to him this morning,” says Jungkook, “I think you should listen to his explanation. I’m sure he feels bad.”

“Well, how do you think I feel,” she says, frowning, “I’ve had a crush on him since we were kids and I just learned now that he doesn’t even fancy girls. I…just…I’m so freaking angry and hurt. Just in one day, I learned that I know absolutely nothing about my best friend and that any chances I thought I had been gone in an instance, do you know how that feels?”


Jungkook stares at her, he wanted to tell her that he knew exactly how she is feeling. In one day, all his hopes and dreams were shattered as well. He sighs, shaking his head no.


“Of course, you won’t understand, the only thing you love is your video games,” she says, opening the door, slamming it behind her. He sighs, heading downstairs.

As he walks in the kitchen, the doorbell rings, he sighs, annoyed as he goes to answer it. He opens the door, surprised to see Jimin standing at the doorway.


“Hey,” he says, “Is Jennie here?”

“Um…yeah,” says Jungkook, gawking at him. Heart racing.

“Can I come in?”

“Oh, yeah,” he says, moving out of the way.

“She’s not returning my calls and ignored me at school,” says Jimin, turning to face him, “I don’t know how else to apologize.”

“She’s in her room,” he says, “Keep trying, you’re her best friend, she’s just hurt, I’m sure she’ll forgive you.” 

Jimin gives him a soft smile, though his eyes showed concerned, “What would you do in my place?”


Jimin chuckles, “Is there someone else here?”

Jungkook chuckles, nervously, “Well…I’m not good at taking care of people so I don’t know aside from apologizing.”

Jimin nods his head, “Okay.” He says heading upstairs. Jungkook watches him as disappears around the corner, he can hear his footsteps on the stairs.


Jungkook decided to hang in the living room, hoping to see Jimin before he leaves. Jennie allowed him in her room, so they must be talking it out. He’s been up there for a while now and he couldn’t help but be curious about what was happening. Jennie was not someone who liked being angry for long, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she forgave him and they made out. He has never seen them apart since they were kids, but they never had this issue of mistrust before either.


Jungkook peeks at the stairs and as soon as he hears distant voices, he quickly makes his way back to the couch, picking up the remote controller, continuing to play his game. Upon hearing footsteps, he puts his controller down, pretending to go to the kitchen for something to drink. He bumps into Jimin, who takes a step back surprised to see him.

“Sorry,” he says, taking a step back, idiot.

“It’s fine,” says Jimin.

“How did it go?”

“Hmm, at least she didn’t chase me out,” he says, smiling, “She needs time, I guess. My being gay is not the issue. She’s mad, I didn’t trust her.”


“Yeah,” he says, his voice trailing off, he glances up, making eye contact with Jungkook who instantly felt his heart skip a beat.

“Do you think I’m selfish?”


“Yeah, I mean, I know I should’ve told her at least she wouldn’t have developed a crush on me,” he says, exhaling, annoyed.

“I don’t think you're selfish,” says Jungkook, “But you just have to win her trust again.”

Jimin smiles, biting his lip, “And you’ll help me, right?”


“Pretty please,” he says, taking his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Jungkook stares at his hand, soft and gentle, his cheeks suddenly red, like a spring rose. He gazes back at him, his heart and mind in a mess, Jimin’s gaze doesn’t drop.


“Okay, I’ll help,” says Jungkook, internally screaming as he tries to compose himself. Jimin just held his hand but why does it feel like they shared a kiss?

. Calm down, dude. Be cool.

"Awesome," says Jimin, smiling wide, exposing his crescent-shaped eye smile that lights up his entire face. Jimin gently taps him on the chest, "Thanks, see ya Jungkook." 

"See..ya...hyung," stutters Jungkook, watching him leave, unable to stop smiling, Wow he is so cute. 

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I'm sorry for not being able to update. I have decided from now on, I will properly update every Wednesday. So don't give up on me okay. lol. thank you for reading.


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Sorry, I haven't updated because I kind of forgot my password but I found it now lol...
Kim_Suki #2
Chapter 16: Hopefully this secret won’t cause problems between the siblings. I hope Jiminie is the one secretly writing JK.
Chapter 15: Oh dearrrr it’s ok JK don’t regretti the spaghetti
Kim_Suki #4
Chapter 15: That was hot. Sorry Kookie got in trouble, but he at least had fun.
Chapter 13: Go go JUNGKOOK (ง'̀-'́)ง
Kim_Suki #6
Chapter 13: Yeah!!
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhuhuhuhu yassss
Chapter 12: Ahhhh I need another chapter!! This is so interesting >.<
I hope after their kiss, jimin brave enough to acknowledge his feeling and not say 'heat in the moment' or blame the drinks. Go JIMIN!!!
Kim_Suki #9
Chapter 12: Go Jimin!!