The Rebels

Heir by Blood
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Sehun chuckled at a whisp of smoke that arose out of the round mirror placed flat on the surface of the ebony table top in front of him. With the rise of the smoke, the image of the royal court room slowly faded away from the surface of the round mirror. The faces of Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook too faded away slowly. 
Sehun placed a finger on his chin, tapping it with an amused smile. 
“Kookie is doing well. Even better than I expected...Hmm...I didn’t expect that he’d make a friend so quickly.” Sehun spoke in a whisper to himself, recollecting the scene at the court room which he had just watched a replay of, through his magic. He sighed, swirling his long slender fingers over the mirror again, and a twisting funnel of scarlet smoke rose from the surface and swirled around. The image of a large door, guarded by two armoured sentries appeared in the mirror. 
Sehun made a face and rolled his eyes. 

“Darn it, if only there were some way to see into Taehyung’s room... Shinye’s protection charm makes it impossible...” Sehun said and waved his hand, clearing away the smoke and erasing the picture in the mirror, which now went back to reflecting the blackened roof of Sehun’s invocation hall. “I wish I could see... I don’t trust that human boy... He’s the one person I don’t trust Kookie with.... I just don’t know why.”

Sehun walked around and sat down in a high backed chair, putting his long legs, his feet bare, up on the table. “It doesn’t make any sense, does it. That half human is no match for Jungkook. But I just don’t know why I can’t seem to trust him being alone with Kookie...” 

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

“Huh?...” Sehun moved his fingers with a beckoning motion and the doors moved in to reveal Jungkook standing on the other side. He was wearing a black zipped shirt, with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the hood pulled down and a sky blue pair of jeans. 

“What the-…?!”

“Hyung!” Jungkook walked over to Sehun’s chair and gave him a half hug from behind, before pulling up a chair facing Sehun’s and falling into it.

“What are you doing here? I tapped in on the whole scene at the court room today where they were supposed to have a trial against you...and I saw that it went well. But why did you come back?” Sehun asked. 

“Can’t I come home if I want?” 
Sehun stopped, thrown off by the question. 

“What?... Of course you can... I didn’t mean that, Kookie. But... Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, hyung, everything’s fine!” Jungkook said, smiling at Sehun. “I came because... I need your help.”
Sehun’s eyebrows narrowed as he studied Jungkook. 

“My help?  Kookie, are you okay?...Are you in danger?”

Jungkook chuckled. “Aish... Hyung, really?”

Sehun rolled his eyes. “Of course I know they couldn’t hurt you... But...”

“I’d like to see some of them try it. Like Yoongi... Oh how I’m loving looking at that face of his!” Jungkook slid against the cushioned back of the chair and laughed. 

Sehun smiled, looking at Jungkook. “Mm hmm... Yyyes...I saw...” He said with a drawling voice, tapping his fingers on the table. “That was interesting. Park Jimin seems to have taken your side already. I don’t know why, he might have a small crush on you or something... But whatever it is, very well done. He’s the best ally you could have asked for.”
Jungkook stopped laughing and looked at Sehun. He avoided Sehun’s gaze the next moment. 

“Things are going according to plan then. But how did you pull him in this fast?  I’ve heard he’s an arrogant and stubborn jerk.” Sehun said. 

“Hyung! Umm... what I came here for... I need your help for something.” Jungkook said, sitting up. 

“Tell me. Whatever you want, you got it.” Sehun said. 

“ remember The Oculis? The children of fate... Some rebels abducted the children. They have them captive... And I received some information, if it’s correct, then they should be at the old prison dungeons...Near the eastern boundary of the capital.”

“What? The Oculis abducted?!  From under the Cent soldier’s noses?” Sehun’s mouth went wide open and he covered it with his hands, sitting shocked for sometime. He then burst out laughing, throwing his head back. “Wow! Amazing!”
Jungkook stared at Sehun, stunned. 

“Hyung?... Amazing? What are you saying?”

Sehun looked at Jungkook and sighed. “Kookie... The king is Seokjin, as far as the knowledge of all his subjects goes. And this is the biggest fail on his part ever. You don’t know how much the rebels have helped you. The people of the dominion will start rooting for a new king even before they find out that you are still alive, Kookie. Don’t you see?... This is the best thing that could have happened.”

Jungkook looked down and sat quietly for some time. He got up and started pacing the room slowly. 

“No, Hyung.”

“Huh?” Sehun’s smile vanished. He stared at Jungkook. 

“We’re going to bring the children back.”Jungkook said. 


“Yes, hyung. That’s what I wanted your help for.” Jungkook said. 
Sehun’s eyes narrowed as he studied Jungkook. 

“Kookie, are you alright?... I’m starting to doubt if I’m hallucinating. Is this really you I’m talking to?... Why would you want to take the pains of doing that?... When it’s clearly better for you to-...”

“To have those children die?” Jungkook stopped and turned to Sehun. 

Sehun’s stopped talking, his mouth slightly open as he blinked a few times.
“Coz those rebels are going to kill those children. Very soon.”
Sehun seemed to freeze, his eyes going blank for a few seconds. Jungkook’s eyes studied the elder boy who looked like he was struggling hard, as if to convince himself something. But after just a few moments, his face returned to the casual calm picture mixed with the inherent rudeness of the black laced eyes. 

“So?” Sehun asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He got up and moved a few steps around the table toward Jungkook. “Are you sad about the death of an innocent?... How are these children any different from the hundreds of people you have killed over the last twenty years, Jungkook?”
Jungkook blinked. “Hyung...”

“Are you feeling sorry for them?” Sehun asked, tilting his head to a side. “Do you not remember who you are, Jungkook?”
Jungkook stared at Sehun, silent. 
“How many children were left as orphans because of you in the past?...How many times have you hunted an innocent because you were thirsty?” Sehun asked. 

Sehun seemed to freeze, shaken back to reality by Jungkook’s voice. He turned his face, so that Jungkook wouldn’t be able to see it.

“I’m…I’m so sorry, Kookie. What the was I even saying-…please, forget all that.” Sehun said, running a hand over his face.
Jungkook walked up and stood behind him, just a few feet away.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I have no intentions of ever forgetting my identity. And I’m a monster. I have no intentions of ever forgetting that I’m a murderer. Not that I could, if I tried.” Jungkook said.
Sehun heard his voice and there was no repentance or regret in Jungkook’s voice. It was the voice of a person stating the truth.

And yet, there was a time when...  you weren’t.
I…I made you a monster…

“Kookie...Please just forget whatever I said. I was being an …” Sehun turned to Jungkook. If there had been any struggle in him, then there was no trace of it in his face anymore. It was the same cold picture, the beautiful eyes that were devoid of any mercy or feeling, resting on Jungkook. “But there’s no place for emotion in our lives. You have a goal. Don’t get distracted from it.”
Jungkook looked into Sehun’s eyes, his own eyelids never flickering for even a moment.



[Jungkook's POV]

“Jay, I can’t bear to think about it. It’s so terrible. How can they hurt those little angels?”
“Taehyung, please, calm down.”
“I can’t! Jay, I just can’t bear it! I just can’t!” 
As I looked at Taehyung, sobbing in front of me, his shoulders shaking miserably as he hunched over, his forehead against my shoulder…I couldn’t describe what I felt.

Did this half human boy just make me feel…human?
Not a monster…but human…
Someone who can sympathize…someone who can feel the pain of others.

As I looked at him, I felt something completely contrary to the emotions that always burn me from deep within. This one didn’t burn me…it suffocated me. I could stand pain, I could stand anger…I loved them at times. Because every time they came, specially pain, they left me only after making me a bit stronger than I had been before.
But this feeling wasn’t like that. It made me so uneasy…I didn’t like feeling this way.
I realized that this feeling was an old friend. 
This feeling…the feeling that they call grief. Sorrow.

I hated having this feeling back in my life.

And as I watched Taehyung cry, his frail body seeming to become even more fragile as it shook under the force of his pain…I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get rid of this feeling this time. Not if I didn’t make Taehyung’s pain go away.
I had to do it. I had to make him smile again.

I didn’t know and I didn’t care…I didn’t care how ridiculous it must have seemed that I must feel this way.
I would have laughed at anyone who said I could ever fall for someone this way…
That too…for Taehyung…

But the truth is that I did. I didn’t know how or why or whether there was any coming back from this.
All I knew was…I couldn’t stand Taehyung’s pain.



“Hyung, just trust me. Please…I’ll explain everything to you later on. But I need your help.” Jungkook said, walking up and placing a hand on Sehun’s shoulder.
“Will you help me, Hyung?” 


“Please. Hyung, if you don’t agree, then I’ll do it alone.” 

Sehun rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration.
“No…I’m coming with you.”




Jimin pulled the black hood over his head. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, at the locks of silver falling over his forehead and brushed them aside, pulling the hood down even lower.

“So, you’ve started dressing like him.” 

Jimin almost jumped in surprise. He had been so lost in his thoughts that his ears hadn’t picked up the faint sound of someone else’s presence in his room. He turned with a start and saw Yoongi leaning against the wall at the opposite end of the room. He had a small smile on his face that had more spite than any other feeling.

“When did you-…”

“I’ve been here for a few minutes. Of course, it doesn’t matter, does it?...By the way, did I ever tell you, black looks really good on you?” Yoongi said.

Jimin stared at him, dumbfounded. 

“Yoongi…what…” He whispered.

“And, I’ve noticed something else. You look really good beside that boy. What’s his name?...Taehyung’s bodyguard I mean.” Yoongi’s smile widened, watching Jimin’s reaction.

“Yoongi…how can you even…Are you crazy?!” Jimin’s face mirrored his shock very clearly.

“Much better than you look with me. I think everyone would agree to that.” Yoongi said.
Jimin stayed rooted to the spot where he was standing. His eyes had gone red and the anger was coming up in them slowly.

“How can you even say that?” Jimin’s voice was a harsh whisper. “After everything. How can you?”

“Then tell me I’m wrong.” Yoongi shrugged.
He stood up straight the next moment as Jimin was right in front of him, the hood now slipped down from his head and his eyes flaming red, a tear running down his cheek even as he shook with rage. Jimin grabbed Yoongi’s collar and jerked him forward, their faces just a few inches away now.

“How dare you?” Jimin whispered. 

Yoongi grabbed Jimin’s hand and yanked it hard. He had forgotten in that moment that his strength couldn’t budge Jimin’s arms but as his own hands came down, his nails ran down the skin of Jimin’s arms. Jimin felt like his skin had been seared by fire along the line they had made. He glanced down and saw that he was bleeding. He looked up at Yoongi in shock and saw that he hadn’t noticed what he had done. Yoongi’s eyes were fixed on his and Jimin saw the anger that had surprised him earlier that day. 
Yoongi had lost control over his magic in that brief moment and though he probably hadn’t wanted to hurt Jimin, his anger had gotten the best of him.
Jimin blinked, surprised as the burning pain in his arms seemed to only get more aggressive with each passing second. He remembered something that Yoongi, himself had once told him…magic that bursts out of anger is always the most damaging. 

“Go ahead, do it. Attack me. Finish what you were about to do in the court today, before that boy stopped you. Go ahead, do it.” Yoongi said.

Jimin swallowed, his eyes searching Yoongi’s face. 

What…what just happened?
Did you just hurt me?
…This isn’t the Yoongi I know.
...I was always irritated at why you never got mad…And now…
But how can I blame you for doing this when I almost hurt you earlier? It’s all my fault.


Jimin’s hands came away from Yoongi’s collar. Yoongi looked at him for a few seconds before giving a small push to his chest and moving away. He walked around Jimin, heading towards the door.

Jimin swirled around and reached his side, grabbing his arm. Yoongi stopped but avoided Jimin’s eye.

“You’re thinking wrong. Completely wrong.” Jimin whispered.

Yoongi turned his eyes to Jimin slowly. 

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry for earlier. I’m sorry for everything. But I could never feel the way I do for you, for anyone else. You’d be a fool not to see that.”





Jungkook and Sehun reached the cliff, which had a view of the old prison. It was a large fortress, now reduced to a dilapidated building, due to lack of care and renovation.

“They’ve got a huge number. From as much as I could look into, there are around two thousand.” Sehun looked at Jungkook and observed his expression. As always, his face was unreadable.
“And that’s just the number in this one old building. Can you start to imagine the total number in the capital?...Let alone in the entire dominion.”

“We don’t have to kill all of them. Just a few.” Jungkook said, his eyes focused  on the castle, as if in deep thought. “For now, that is.”

Sehun’s lips moved up at one corner in a smirk.
“And how is it that we’re going to leave with a few hundred children from under the noses of those that will be left alive?”

“Hyung, you’re the one with the genius plans. I’m just muscle.” Jungkook shrugged.

Sehun snorted. “We both know that’s not true. You’ve got more brains than me. I start out with plans and then you go and change them the way you want to.”

“Let’s hope there’s no need to change the plan this time.” Jungkook said. He turned his head and smiled at something behind. Sehun turned and saw that they had been joined by the boy whom he recognized as Park Jimin from his vision.

“Prince Jimin.” Sehun bowed courteously and smiled at him, observing his face.
Jimin nodded to him but he could see the stiff expression on his face.
“I’m extremely sorry for hurting the High Minister, your highness. I hope you can forgive me.” He added his eyes glinting with mischief.

Jungkook turned and glared at him. “Hyung.” He said in a firm voice.

“Oh, I thought you were about to apologize for something else you did that was not so recent. Something a lot worse.” Jimin said, his eyes narrowing as he smirked.

Jungkook sighed next to them, his eyes on the ground. Both the elder boys looked at him and realized he was not in the mood for anything that didn’t pertain to their task at hand.

“Prince Jungkook. Tell me what I have to do.” Jimin said, walking up to his side.

“We have a small plan for us to gain entry. Hyung will be making sure we don’t get caught.” Jungkook said.

Jimin’s eyes moved to Sehun and narrowed again. Sehun laughed silently.
“I wouldn’t be too happy about that if I were in your shoes, too. But whatever I am, I wouldn’t let Jungkook get hurt. I know it’s hard to believe. But I wouldn’t.”

Jimin’s face relaxed and he nodded.

“So should we move?” Jungkook said.




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New chap up finally :D


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Sillvi2022 #1
Chapter 31: Hi 😳🥺
Sillvi2022 #2
Chapter 31: Hello 😳😳😳
Sillvi2022 #3
Chapter 31: Hello 😊 hope everything is fine 😳😳😳😳😳 please, don't forget us 😳😳😳😳😳😳
Chapter 31: new chapter please
kulitlang08 #5
Chapter 31: i just hope that taekookand yoonmin...also sehun and luhan...have a happy ending...

seokjin...please wake up...

kookie is very matured...he owes up for his mistakes...and he apologized and meant it...tae...I know it insecure and jealous...but please trust kookie...he did everything for you...he even gave u his immunity...please...

and all of you...stay safe...

thank you for this update...
kazuikazami #6
Chapter 7: Do you change the 7th chapter? The part was changed. Not Im complaining. Its good though hehe
bloodymoon #7
Chapter 34: Dont cut it short just bec u feel guilty we want the
A class job to continue
Sillvi2022 #8
Chapter 34: Don't worry. I'm just happy that you decide to update soon. Thank you ☺???
Chapter 34: its really been a while :") but anyway, i still rmb the plot so dont worry hehe and i feel glad that u're back and will finish the story. i'll wait for the rest of the chapters! Fighting (^o^)9
kulitlang08 #10
Chapter 30: oh Jin...please wake are being blinded...and do not underestimate any of them...even tae is his own way...

yoonkook and yoonmin... :-)