
Can I Go To Neverland?

"Do I know you?" Hyunmi asked them.

Kevin grin and answered, "Of course no silly. You just arrived here and furthermore no humans live here like us and comes here like you. Got it?"

"If you're saying that I'm a human... then what are you? Demon? Spirits? Ghost? Or even worst, vampire?" Hyunmi starts to lists out any random things she could think of.

All of the princes let out a big laugh hearing her stupid answer.

"Bwahahahahahaaha!! Ah, make it stop! Hahahahaahahah!" Dongho clutched his hurt tummy due to laugh so hard.

"Yah! Do you think we have ugly face to say that we're ghost? Hahahaahaha!!" Kevin rolled on his back and laugh more louder.

"More importantly, do we look to pale to you or what??" Hoon wiped his teary eyes with his finger.

"Stop it. She's down already. You don't want to make her cry right?" Soohyun firmly said.

"Ahahaha... Mianhae hyung."

"You guys are the worst." Hyunmi said with a teary eyes. "This is why I want to die. Nobody take serious of my words. Nobody! Not even umma, appa or anybody!! I just want to die now!!!" Her tears flow down her cheeks and she run away from the room.

"What just happen?" Eli said, dumbfounded.

"Did we hurt her feeling hyung?" AJ ask Soohyun.

"Of course you dummy! You laugh your head out to her." Soohyun sarcasticly answered and rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna find her. She's still not familiar with this place." Kiseop stand and walk out from the room.

"Did we went overboard?"


*Where's the exit?! Damn! This place is too huge!* Hyunmi cursed as she run and run to escape from the new place. Suddenly, a unique craved door captured her attention. "Is this the exit door?" she wonders.

'KREK!' the door make a creak sound as she pushes it open. "Omo..." she exclaimed and her eyes widen. The room is full of weapon like swords, daggers, knifes and etc.

Suddenly, Chi Hoon's voice was heard in her head, repeating the word 'die,die,die'. Her mind's went blank all out of the sudden and Chi Hoon's voice was the only sound she could hear.

"Take the dagger and kill yourself with it. the dagger straight to your heart." he command.

Hyunmi pull out a dagger without any hesitation and she raised it high above her head. 'SRUF!' the sound of the dagger pierced into her heart was heard along with her slow whimpers. "Urgh..." blood come out from and she fell.

"You did a good job this time Hyunmi." and his voice slowly disappearing.

"Cough! Cough!" Hyunmi cough more blood and her body begin to slow down it's movement. *Is it really the time for me to die? Haha... Finally...* tears flow down to her cheeks and she faints.


"Where is she?" Kiseop looks to the right and to the left hoping that he could find her in a split second. *Why did I get a bd feeling about her?* he clutched his chest and feel his heartbeat starts to beat at fast rate. The open door caught his eyes. "Did someone forget to close this door?"

Kiseop wonders and he walk to the door to close it but suddenly he saw a glipse of body near the weapons. "Oh no! Hyunmi!" he dashed to her bloody body and carry her in her arm. "Soohyun hyung! Dongsaengs! Come here!" he shouts and run back to the place they gathered ealier.

"Waeyo?" Soohyun came outside and ask him.

"Hyung! Bring Dongho to heal her!" he instructed Soohyun.

"Arraso! Dongho, quick!" Soohyun called Dongho.

"Wae hyung?"

"Heal her!" Soohyun and Kiseop yell together.

Dongho startled at their yell but walk closer to Hyunmi. He could see the injury at her hearts and blood still coming out from her chest. He focus all of his power at her sinci this time it involve her life. A bright light come from his hand and insert her body.

"Are you okay Dongho?" Kevin ask him. Dongho nods.

"Will she be okay?"

"Let's just wait till she's awake." Soohyun assured,




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Hello~ Sorry for not updating sooner. School started n I'm super busy. I'll find a time to update somehow. Sorry >.


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Fluffydar #1
Chapter 18: New reader~
So interesting please continue
please please
Miss your updates :(
update!!! please T.T
KISSmeBecca #4
omg, i was right. O_O NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! PRINCES, HURRY UR REAR ENDS UP!!! >.<
yuxuan #5
update soon
yuxuan #6
update soon
This story is supa cool XD
Update soon ^^
KISSmeBecca #8
o.o why do i get the feeling that the Chi Hoon guy is the same lil jerk who told her to kill herself? >:( i hated that kid...
yinmay25 #9 was sooooooo GREAT! please update soon~ >_<