Forest Of Memory

Can I Go To Neverland?

"Dubu-ah, how far is this place actually? I'm tired..." Hyunmi let a tired sigh out.

"Hyunmi-ah, don't give up now. Just a few more minutes and we'll arrive there." Dubu said and offer his hand to Hyunmi.

Hyunmi grab his hand and let him lead her to the forest. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the forest. "Dubu-ah, why is the forest looked so creepy?" Hyunmi ask Dubu as she hold tightly his arm.

"I don't know Hyunmi. Usually this forest is calm... I wonder why?" Dubu swallow his saliva.

The forest in front of them was dark and sending out creepy aura as there were crows flying around. "Hyunmi, let's go somewhere else first. I have a bad feeling about this place. Kaja." Dubu pulled Hyunmi's hand to get her away from the freaky looking forest.

Hyunmi wants to follow Dubu but something stop her from doing so. A soft voice heard by her.

'Hyunmi... Come inside here. I've been waiting for you. Come here and I'll bring you the happiness you always wanted.' the voice told her.

"Dubu, let me go. I need to go inside." Hyunmi told him. The imagination of her and her parents together in a peaceful and happy environment filled her mind when she heard what the voice promised her.

"What?! No way Hyunmi! There are many other places in Neverland that I can show you but certainly NOT this creepy forest! Kaja Hyunmi. I'll bring you back to the palace before the princes start looking for you."

Hyunmi pull Dubu's hand off her and she said. "I'm nobody to them and I don't know who are they. Don't stop me Dubu. If you want to leaves then do so. I'm going." As soon as her finish her words, she quickly run into the dark forest leaving Dubu who is still clueless.

"Hyunmi! Oh I'm soo dead if she get lost inside that creepy forest! Should I tell the prince?" Dubu hesitates. "Hyunmi safety is my top priority. I should told them." With fast speed, Dubu ran back to the castle.


Hyunmi keep looking at her back, worried if Dubu will follow her and drag her back to the castle.

'Good Hyunmi... Just walk in the straight path till you reach the end of this forest. You'll find the happiness you want.' the voice said.

"Walk straight?" Hyunmi followed the voice order and keep on the right track.

*I can't believe she is so dumb to follow all of my order. She doesn't even know what is she going to face later... Heh. *  the owner of the mysterious voice chuckled evilly as he watch Hyunmi walking to the end of the forest.

"Chi Hoon-ah, why do you want to have her here?" a dark haired boy ask Chi Hoon.

"Well, let's just say that I have some unfinished business with her." he smirked and continue to observed Hyunmi.

"If you said so. Just warning you, that kitty went back to the castle to informed those princes about that girl you've observing right now. I'm afraid a fight will happen if they come." the boy warned Chi Hoon.

Chi Hoon just nod his head. "Yeah... I know the consequences if I did it, but what can I do? Seven prince of Neverland cannot stop me from hurting her right?"

"Don't be so over confident Chi Hoon. We never know."

"Whatever Jongjin. Whether I am the one who get killed or her, let time decides it shall we?"

Jongjin heavily sigh. "We shall."



Hey everybody! Sorry for not updating this story for a long time >.<


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Hello~ Sorry for not updating sooner. School started n I'm super busy. I'll find a time to update somehow. Sorry >.


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Fluffydar #1
Chapter 18: New reader~
So interesting please continue
please please
Miss your updates :(
update!!! please T.T
KISSmeBecca #4
omg, i was right. O_O NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! PRINCES, HURRY UR REAR ENDS UP!!! >.<
yuxuan #5
update soon
yuxuan #6
update soon
This story is supa cool XD
Update soon ^^
KISSmeBecca #8
o.o why do i get the feeling that the Chi Hoon guy is the same lil jerk who told her to kill herself? >:( i hated that kid...
yinmay25 #9 was sooooooo GREAT! please update soon~ >_<