She's Missing?!

Can I Go To Neverland?

Dubu pants as he run to the castle. Bead of sweat flow down to his cheek yet he didn't budge to wipe it away. Hyunmi's safety is the only thing on his mind and he need to inform the prince about it. He arrived at the main door and without knocking he walk inside hurriedly.

"U-KISS princes!" he called loudly, hoping any of the prince will heard his call. "U-KISS princes!" he called again.

"Who the hell are you, dare to come inside our palace and screaming frantically?!" Soohyun ruffled his hair angrily, searching for the voice.

Dubu eyes immediately caught Soohyun presence and went to him. "Prince Soohyun! I need your help!"

"Dubu? What are you doing in here?"

"Please help me Prince Soohyun! It's Hyunmi! She went to the Forest of Memory-"

"Forest of Memory? How could she went there? Did you take her there?!" Soohyun screamed to Dubu.

Dubu lowered his head. "Jeongmal mianhaeyo Prince Soohyun. I know I'm wrong."

"Yah Soohyun-hyung... What's with the commotion?" Eli come out from his room and ask Soohyun.

"Get everybody ready. Hyunmi's gone."

Eli gawked. "Gone? As in... missing or what?"

Soohyun face-palmed himself. "Yes Eli. She went to the Forest of Memory. By herself. Now get the others and we need to find her."

"Neh Soohyun hyung." Eli nods and went to the others room to inform them.

"Dubu, are you sure that it's the real Forest of Memory that she went in?"

"What do you mean by that Prince Soohyun?"

"You do know that in Neverland there are two forest nearby at the deepest part of North Neverland right?"

"It's the Forest of Memory and ..."

"The Forest of Darkness. It's the place for evil soul, creature, just name any evil thing you can think of. It's all there." Soohyun told Dubu.

"Does that mean... I've accidentally bring Hyunmi to the Forest of Darkness?"

"I'm not sure about that. But we will know once we arrive there."

"Hyung! Is it true? Is Hyunmi really gone?" Dongho ask Soohyun with worried look plastered on his face.

Soohyun nods. "Neh. Have everyone ready?"

"We're ready hyung. But-" Dongho stop his sentence mid-way, hesitates to tell Soohyun about it.

"But what?"

"Kiseop hyung. He doesn't want to go. He said it will only waste his time."

"Aish that arrogant brat. Let him be. The six of us is enough to find Hyunmi in the forest. Kaja." Soohyun heavily sigh and instructed everybody to go.


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Hello~ Sorry for not updating sooner. School started n I'm super busy. I'll find a time to update somehow. Sorry >.


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Fluffydar #1
Chapter 18: New reader~
So interesting please continue
please please
Miss your updates :(
update!!! please T.T
KISSmeBecca #4
omg, i was right. O_O NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! PRINCES, HURRY UR REAR ENDS UP!!! >.<
yuxuan #5
update soon
yuxuan #6
update soon
This story is supa cool XD
Update soon ^^
KISSmeBecca #8
o.o why do i get the feeling that the Chi Hoon guy is the same lil jerk who told her to kill herself? >:( i hated that kid...
yinmay25 #9 was sooooooo GREAT! please update soon~ >_<