Chapter VIII


Jisoo walked in, scanning the whole place. She quickly ordered for her usual and sat at a spot that she can clearly see who enters and exits the door. She opened her laptop to continue working but her mind was drifting to something else. Lisa can't know about this thing.

She chose a day where both Rosé and Lisa were taking a day off from the café to come and stay the whole day. Her agenda was to wait for the person she's been meaning to see and talk to for the past 13 years. She's holding on to a thin line of luck here but she's still hopeful.

It didn't take long. After an hour of her eyeing who passes by the door, she saw the person she's been waiting for. She quickly left her stuff by the table and walked over to the counter to "get" some water

"Here's your Americano, Lily" Jisoo choked on her water hearing the name

The woman turned around to see, "Are you okay?" Jisoo cleared and wiped her lips. She nodded and smiled at her, which made the woman freeze in her spot.

"Hi... Do you have a moment? I want to talk to you"

"I actually need to-"

"It won't take long. Please?"

It all went so fast and the next thing she knew was she's back on her spot with the woman sitting across from her, sipping from her coffee.

"Is it okay if I call you mom?"

"Please call me Lily instead" Jisoo felt a pang on her chest but she ignored it and continued to smile.

"I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you?" She tried her best for her voice not to shake.

"I'm good. Everything's been great" Jisoo expected for her to ask her as well but that didn't happen.


"I'd suggest you get to the point because I have to go in a few."

Jisoo was dumbfounded at how firm and cold she sounded. She pursed her lips.

"Aren't you happy to see me? Because I am. I missed you mo-"

"I don't know. I didn't really spent a lot of time with you to feel the same, sweetie."

"Oh.. I guess you're right."

"Is that all?"

"Why did you leave us?" Jisoo's eyes were desperate, pleading for an answer. The woman just looked at her with disinterest and shrugged.

"I wanted to. I didn't feel happy anymore so I left"

"Are you happy now?" She looked down on her fingers and focused on them.

"Yeah, I am"

"That's great. I'm glad" Jisoo faked a smile, which the woman returned.

"That was a good chat. I'll have to go now."

"Can I talk to you again some other time?" The woman sighed. 

"I prefer that we don't see each other again. Good bye."

She walked away and left her again.

Jisoo couldn't move as she watched her leave. It felt like déjà vu and it's making her sick in the stomach. The tears are threatening to fall from her eyes but she couldn't care less.

Her own mother didn't even care about her anyway. It all crushed the hope she had for years.


A/N: This chapter is quite short and boring. Sorry I didn't have time to edit. I think the succeeding chapters will be longer...

I'm excited for DuaPink collab! A few more days and we're getting a new song~~

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Oneinamillionlady #1
Chapter 21: Oh god , my eyes.. ! I need to drink gallons of water so I wouldn't get to dehydration stage cause of my unlimited overflowing tears. This is PERFECT.. I CANT STOP REREADING IT . thank you so much author San. This is a blessings..
Chapter 21: Aww thank you for your writings! Looking forward for the next one. Happy holidays!
Oneinamillionlady #3
Chapter 20: I fell in love with lisoo again.. your stories are really beautiful.. realistic and unpredictable. Thank you for this wonderful fic. I'm crying
Chapter 20: This chapter was beautiful. Their feelings never changed ❤️
Oneinamillionlady #5
Chapter 19: Ughh omg.. what's gonna happen senpai I'm going crazy but it's good feeling niceeee well written . I'm gonna wait for it author San TvT
Oneinamillionlady #6
Chapter 18: Oh my god. This chapter breaks my heart I feel so sad so freaking saaaaaad dfq x((( omg my emotions is going overboard . I can't wait for the next chapters ughhhh I'm shedding tears like ....GAAAAAGHHH ITS BEAUTIFUL THO
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 17: idk what was that and happy birthday author-nim!! <3333
Chapter 17: My lisoo heart is hurting T.T Lisa what are you doing? You have to stay and visit our princess Jisoo T.T

Happy birthday author-nim :D
Oneinamillionlady #9
Chapter 16: Omg.. what's with thaaaat oh my god. What is she thinking!? O.O oh nooo... What will happen?! I'll look forward to next chapter . This makin me crazy