Chapter VI


It's been days since the incident at the cafe. Lisa couldn't shake the thought and sight of Jisoo looking so rattled. Since she met Jisoo when they were in Seoul, she has never seen Jisoo that vulnerable and fragile. It bothered her so much but she couldn't do anything about it.

Lisa has been trying to get Jisoo to talk about it without forcing her. It seems to be a very sensitive topic. Jisoo hasn't really opened up anything much about her family, and now that something came up from it, she stayed silent. Lisa didn't push it anymore.

that's so...cheesy

Jisoo sighed

Jisoo sighed. She knows Lisa is worrying about her but she doesn't know how to tell her. Not even Jennie knows much about her and she's already her best friend for god knows how long. She wanted to open up but a part of her doesn't want to either. It's a struggle once again.

She was jolted out of focus when her phone rang. She turned it off once she saw the time. Good thing she put on an alarm or else she would've forgotten the time and end up going home late to an upset Lisa. She texted Lisa that she was on her way home so she wouldn't worry.

"I'm home," She called out once she entered the apartment. "In the kitchen!"

Jisoo made her way to the kitchen and found Lisa setting up the table. She walked up to her and hugged the girl from behind, resting her cheek against her back. Lisa caressed her arms.


"Super" She murmured. Lisa pulled her arm and turned to face the girl, cupping her face that has a slight pout on her lips. She pinched Jisoo's cheek lightly.

"Let's eat then get some rest, alright? No more work for tonight" She kissed her forehead then made her sit down.

Jisoo was compliant- probably too tired to argue. As promised, she did eat everything Lisa prepared while giving remarks about her improvement on cooking. The dinner went on with Lisa telling stories from work while Jisoo listened intently. It made Lisa feel at ease somehow.

But things turned around when Lisa felt tossing and turning beside her at 2am, quickly turning on the lamp to see that Jisoo was making all those movements.

"Unnie... tell her... ask her." Lisa watched as beads of sweat trickle down her cheeks, murmuring words and chest heaving.

Lisa shook Jisoo's arms, trying to wake her up from a nightmare. She pulled her closer to her, patting the girl's face.

"Jisoo, wake up!"

Eyes shot open, with a tear rolling down on her cheek, looking confused and desperate. Lisa hugged her tight while Jisoo leaned restlessly.


A/N: Well things are starting to turn... I don't know if I should call it slow burn but maybe it's somehow like that? Get ready haha

I've decided to do updates twice a week since some parts are a bit short. Wednesday and Saturday would be the usual updates. Thanks!

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Oneinamillionlady #1
Chapter 21: Oh god , my eyes.. ! I need to drink gallons of water so I wouldn't get to dehydration stage cause of my unlimited overflowing tears. This is PERFECT.. I CANT STOP REREADING IT . thank you so much author San. This is a blessings..
Chapter 21: Aww thank you for your writings! Looking forward for the next one. Happy holidays!
Oneinamillionlady #3
Chapter 20: I fell in love with lisoo again.. your stories are really beautiful.. realistic and unpredictable. Thank you for this wonderful fic. I'm crying
Chapter 20: This chapter was beautiful. Their feelings never changed ❤️
Oneinamillionlady #5
Chapter 19: Ughh omg.. what's gonna happen senpai I'm going crazy but it's good feeling niceeee well written . I'm gonna wait for it author San TvT
Oneinamillionlady #6
Chapter 18: Oh my god. This chapter breaks my heart I feel so sad so freaking saaaaaad dfq x((( omg my emotions is going overboard . I can't wait for the next chapters ughhhh I'm shedding tears like ....GAAAAAGHHH ITS BEAUTIFUL THO
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 17: idk what was that and happy birthday author-nim!! <3333
Chapter 17: My lisoo heart is hurting T.T Lisa what are you doing? You have to stay and visit our princess Jisoo T.T

Happy birthday author-nim :D
Oneinamillionlady #9
Chapter 16: Omg.. what's with thaaaat oh my god. What is she thinking!? O.O oh nooo... What will happen?! I'll look forward to next chapter . This makin me crazy