EXCUSE ME!? Do You Think I'm Happy Seeing Your Face!?

The Ice Prince and The Narcissistic Cheonsa
"J-Jeonghan sunbaenim, I-I like you!"

"Heeeh~ Really?"

Yoon Jeonghan, 19-year-old, third-year high school student at Tenshi Academy. This popular school is owned by his family, the Yoon clan.

Jeonghan was no doubt born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His family owned more or less twenty schools all over South Korea, and other businesses around the globe. His Father's always busy collecting all the money in the world while his Mother's busy on how she'll spend their unlimited money. But most of the time, you can find her inside the casino. So, our poor Yoon Jeonghan grew up alone. He talks to himself, takes care of himself, plays with himself. Yes, he's lonely, a very lonely young man who only wanted to be loved.

Cause of  Narcissistic syndrome - some researchers think that parental neglect can contribute to narcissism.

Everything about Yoon Jeonghan is ... BEAUTIFUL, and he's well-aware about that. His perfect sculptured, angelic face, and beautiful short blond hair could make anyone instantly fall in love with him.

"Yes! I'll do anything ... No, EVERYTHING for you sunbaenim!"

A guy, from the sophomore year, suddenly confessed his undying love for the Almighty Yoon Jeonghan.

"Pfft! Okay, do you really think I'll fall in love with an ordinary person like you? You're just a mob character in this story for goodness' sake!" He sneered.


"You see this beautiful face, right?" He asked, and strikes a prince like pose.

The sophomore student nodded multiple times.

"Do you think I'll let you have this beautiful face?"

"A-u-uhmm ..."

"Oh come on! You don't even have the face! You're the fourth person confessed to me today," he sighed.

"A-a-I-I ..."

"Well, I know I can't really blame you all. I mean, I'm really damn gorgeous and beautiful from head to toe. You know what? I rather marry myself and no one can have me."

"Yes! You're beautiful sunbaenim, very beautiful. I-I know I'm not worthy of you but please, l-let me do something for you. I-I'm smart, yes ... I can do your homework!"

Jeonghan gave him a bored look,

"I already have plenty of people to do my homework for me." He replied with a dead tone.

"T-then I'll be your errand boy."

"I don't need you, I can ask anyone in this school to do something for me. Besides, our family owned this school, so they can't say no to me."

The young boy swallowed hard.

"So, what now?" Jeonghan raised a brow.

The poor guy is muted, he's shaking.

"Go, I already rejected you before you even confessed to me. Of course I know everyone loves me. I mean, who wouldn't, right? Even I was in love with myself!" He declared.

"A-a-y-yeah ... I-I'm sorry ..."

The beauty rolled his eyes, then left the broken-hearted young man alone.

He walked straight to his classroom while everyone's looking at his way. He has this sparkling, flowery, glowing light effects surrounding him that makes the students noticed him more. His beautiful face's really noticeable ... And well, as all we know Jeonghan's well-aware about that.

Yes, Yoon Jeonghan's what we called a Narcissistic person. He has never been in love other than himself, the students are head over heels for him. And almost every day, a lot of students confessing their undying love to this beautiful creature.

"Jeonghannie ya!"


Hong Jisoo, but most of the students calling him Joshua, 19-year-old, also a third-year student, from Los Angeles, California. He's Jeonghan's best friend since middle school. Their family owned a confectioner's factory.

The girls squealed when they saw Joshua. He immediately flashed a sparkling smile to them, causing the girls to fangirl to him even more.

"Joshuji," Cheonsa pouted once he saw him.

The feline eyes, young man frowned at his best friend.

"I told you to stop calling me Joshuji, it sounds weird!" He protested.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes,

"You should be thankful that I gave you a nickname idiot!" He blurted out.

"Lol! As if I am, I'm not one of your servants here Your Highness, I'm your best friend."

The blond pouted more,

"I know ... *Sigh* Why am I so pretty like this?" He asked him in a dramatic way.

Joshua chuckled,

"You know what, you really should see a psychiatrist, your narcissistic syndrome is getting worse."

Jeonghan only snorted,

While the two talking on the way to their classroom, Jeonghan suddenly bumped into someone causing him to stumble and land his  to the floor.

The students who saw the great Yoon Jeonghan fell down were shook, they looked at him worriedly since their Cheonsa gets hurt, they wanted to help him but ...

"Ouch! What th- are you blind!?" Jeonghan groaned in pain and frustration.

"Jeonghannie!" Joshua hurriedly helped him to stand up.

The blond gritted his teeth, glaring at the guy who just bumped him.

The guy only looked at him with a pair of cold, emotionless eyes. Then, he started walking again like nothing's happened.

"Yah!" Jeonghan shouted, clenching his both fists tightly.

But the guy just kept walking.

"I'm talking to you, you jerk!" He yelled once more. Jeonghan ran and grabbed the young man's wrist.

The guy stopped walking and looked at him, still emotionless.

"What do you want?" He finally spoke and asked.

Jeonghan felt insulted after hearing what the guy said.

"Excuse me, do you not know me?" He then asked back with a hint of annoyance.

The guy raised a brow,

"No ..." He simply answered back.

The students once again gasped,

"Huh!? Are you kidding me? No one inside this school can't recognize me, okay? Even a transfer student know that I'm the legendary Yoon Jeonghan!"

"I told you, I don't know you, now ... Could you let go of my hand?"


Jeonghan massaged his nape, he felt he would collapse anytime soon because of high blood.

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" He then shouts again.

The guy sighed in exhaustion,

"You're the one who's insane," he replied then ​​​pulled back his hand to Jeonghan a little bit harsh and walked out.



Jeonghan quickly shut a deadly glare to his best friend.

"Okay, *giggle* I'm sorry ... *muffle laugh* I'm just ..."

"Shut up Hong Jisoo!"

But Joshua continued laughing hard,

Cheonsa clicked his tongue.

"Who's that ing guy? I'm going to make him pay for humiliating me like this!" He grunted,

He needs to get his revenge no matter what!
"According to my research, that guy who mercilessly humiliates you a while ago is Choi Seungcheol, a transfer student from class 3-B. He transferred here for a week now," Joshua explained.

"Choi Seungcheol, huh?" Jeonghan hissed.

Joshua stared at him, his best friend is really angry with that guy.

He suddenly smirked, he thinks this is a good entertainment for him.

So, your plan is?" He asked excitedly.

"I told you, I'll make that jerk pay."


Jeonghan gave him a dark smile,

"I want him to fall in love with me then, I'll brutally reject him!"

"Ow~ I'm looking forward to this!" Joshua giggled.

At the cafeteria,

"Hyung, my classmates were talking about you earlier, they said you bumped to Jeonghan sunbaenim?"

Chwe Hansol, but most of the students calls him Vernon, 17-year-old, first-year student, from New York. He's also from a rich family.

"Who? The blond guy?"

Choi Seungcheol, 19-year-old, third-year transfer student. He's from Daegu but his Mom and he decided to move to Seoul since they offer more jobs here than his hometown. He lived with his Mom in a nearby apartment building.

"Yes! He's very popular here hyung. Also, not only that, his family owned this school," Vernon explained.

These two became friends just like yesterday, Seungcheol met this handsome dongsaeng when he joined the basketball team. Vernon is really friendly and easy to deal with, so Seungcheol decided to be friends with him.

He only nodded to his dongsaeng,

"To be honest, I really don't care, I still don't like him, he's very annoying."

"What!?" The younger gasped almost dropping his chicken sandwich to the floor.

Seungcheol only looked at his friend like, 'Yeah I'm serious, and so?'

Vernon swallowed hard,

"E-everyone likes him, hyung."


"I mean, everyone inside this school adored his beautiful, angelic face."


Seungcheol can't stop to chuckle,

"I didn't even know he has an angelic face. All I know is that he has a bad personality, and also his glaring eyes when I accidentally bumped to him. Well, I was about to apologize, but he quickly shouted a lot of bull so I just left. I don't want to deal with those kinds of people, so dramatic and a pain in the ."

Vernon didn't know how to react.

"So, you don't ... like him?" The only question the younger thought.

Seungcheol frowned,

"Why would I? Wait, do you like him Vernon?"

"Huh? No! I already have Seungkwannie, I'm very loyal to him, hyung! Besides, he will definitely kill me once he found out that I'm interested to someone else other than him."

The older simply laughed,

"Yah Vernon ah, not everyone will fall in love with that annoying spoiled brat, okay? Besides, he's not even my type and I'm into girls."

"Oh! Okay hyung--"


Someone suddenly shouted at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Jeonghannie, it's Seungcheol," Joshua whispered, correcting his best friend.

"Whatever ..." The blond only rolled his eyes, and made his way to Seungcheol.

Vernon eyes widened, the chicken sandwich he almost dropped to the floor earlier, finally landed to the floor.

"Uwaaah my lunch!" He cried.

Seungcheol let out a heavy sigh once he heard that annoying voice.

The students inside immediately turned their heads to Jeonghan. Girls squealed, boys screamed, others grabbed their cellphone to take pictures of their Goddess, and some of them wanted to approach Jeonghan and confessed right away.

Jeonghan sat down on the opposite chair in front of Seungcheol. He blinked his eyes cutely while looking at him. Joshua just remains standing, and Vernon's still shocked.

"Vernon ah, let's go," Seungcheol suddenly said, standing up.

"Eh? Now hyung?"

"Yes ..."

"Heeeh~ Where are you going Seunggil?"

Joshua tapped his forehead, his best friend is really an idiot.

The young man looked at Jeonghan coldly.

"What do you want from me, Blondie?" He finally asked.

Cheonsa's mouth twitched, he really wanted to strangle this bastard to death!


But still, he forced himself to smile at him and ...

"Of course, I want to see you," he replied with fluttering eyes.

"I don't want to see you," Seungcheol only said.



This jerk is really getting into his nerves. Hah! Didn't he know that his smile could make a person die in heart attack? And he just ... he just ing ignored him like he worth NOTHING! Is this kind of person really exist?

"Oh don't be shy Seung ... Uhmm ... Seung ..."

What is the name of this jerk again? Okay, now Yoon Jeonghan totally forgot about his name. 

Well, he didn't even say his name correctly in the first place.

"You didn't even know my name Blondie and you're talking to me like we're already close?"


Joshua knew his best friend will gonna explode soon but lol! HE'S REALLY ENJOYING THIS DRAMA! The Narcissistic Yoon Jeonghan finally meets his ...

Seungcheol turned his back and started walking out of the cafeteria, leaving Jeonghan with the others. Vernon bowed his head to his senior and hurriedly followed his hyung.

The raven looked at his best friend mischievously.

" that jerk! HAH! Who does he think he is? He even doesn't worth talking to me!"

"You talk to him first Jeonghannie."

"You're saying?" Jeonghan raised a brow.

Joshua only grinned at him,

"He seems to hate you," he shrugged.

"Lol! No one hates Yoon Jeonghan, you idiot."

"I think I just met him now though ..."

Jeonghan gave him a side eye,

"Joshuji, shut the  up if you still want to live, okay?"

"Okay," he playfully grinned.
Jeonghan kept beating his stuff animals on his bed since he went home while screaming angrily.

"You ing jerk, you ! Do you think you're handsome, hah!? Do you think you're worthy for me, hah!? I'm a God, you're just an ordinary person. You should be thankful that I even talked to you, you jerk ... AAAARGH!!!!"


"Just you wait, I'll make you pay!" He said venomously.

The blond get off his bed, he gets tired from beating up his stuff animals.

"Strawberry milk," he muttered to himself.

He decided to get his favorite strawberry milk to the fridge.

Jeonghan's living alone in a luxurious, high-security condominium building near their school. Since he's already used to living alone, he told his Dad to get him a condo unit so it less hustle for him to go to school. 

When he opened the fridge, he clicked tongue.

"Out of stocks," he mumbled.

He sighed, he can't calm down without that particular drink. So, without any choice, he decided to buy outside.

It's already 11 in the evening, but he still decided to go out, he grabbed his coat and locked the door.
While walking down the street, Jeonghan shivered when the cold wind hit his beautiful face.

"I should've put a face mask," he pouted.

After few minutes of walking, he finally saw the 7/11 store across the road. He sighed and happily walked, crossing the road when ...

"Don't move, or else I'll slit your beautiful throat," a guy wearing a black shirt and black mask, covering his whole face suddenly covered Jeonghan's mouth preventing him from shouting for help while pointing a dagger in his throat.


Oh God, I'm just buying buying strawberry milk how could I suddenly end up in this situation?

He freaked out,

But wait, beautiful throat? Well, he knew his throat was perfect and beautiful but, how could this kidnapper ...

Jeonghan swallowed hard, his heart pounding really fast inside his chest.

Oh my God! Oh my God! OH MY GOD!!!


"Now, obey what I say and I'll spare you, Jeonghan ah."

Cheonsa's eyes slowly widened,

HE KNEW IT! HE JUST ING KNEW IT! This  is one of those guys he rejected!

"Aaah~ You really smell sweet Jeonghan ah," the guy started nuzzling his nape.

Jeonghan shuddered and started to struggle.

"Shuush, it's okay, I won't really hurt you, you just need to come to my place, okay? I prepared a dinner for the two of us." He whispered into Jeonghan's ear.

The blond was really disgusted to this kidnapper or stalker or what so ing ever they call this kind of species. All he wanted to do is to get out of here as quickly as he could.

But ! This guy gripping his both hands tightly while covering his mouth. He desperately wanted to ask for help now.

"I told you, right? I've been in love with you since we were in freshmen year and now, I just want to have you for the night before we graduate."

Jeonghan starts getting tired of struggling, he felt his body weaken. Okay, maybe Joshua was right. He really needs to improve his stamina.

"Let's go now, my beautiful Cheonsa."

The guy then started pushing Jeonghan inside his car. Cheonsa collects another amount of strength to struggle, because why not? Who knows what will this guy does to his beautiful body.

He struggled violently, tears started forming in his eyes, he's totally scared and freaking out right now.


"Let him go ..."

Jeonghan eyes went round, his heart beating faster inside his chest more.

"You ..."


Aaaaaand cut! Sorry, let's save the next part for chapter 2 (๑>ᴗ<๑)

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of my new fic. minna san! Comments are highly appreciated, thank you! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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I'm back in Asianfanfiction ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) I'm really happy that Welcome Home Master received lots of love from you minna san. Hope you'll enjoy this fic. Too! (^ω^)


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Seungcheolness #1
Chapter 19: Holy is tbis e?!? urghghhhhhh. It kinda stitch up things to why his mother left.
Chapter 21: Gonna miss this for sure...another good story has ended
myhearteuattack #3
Chapter 21: The story was unique and I love it
myhearteuattack #4
Chapter 21: Finally a happy ending I'm really happy I've been reading this story for quite a while now.
Chapter 21: It's heartbreaking I'm happy it's a happy ending to them ❤
strawberryjeonghani #6
Chapter 21: NOOOOOOO THE END!!!!
Chapter 20: YOU!!!!!! PEDO!!!!!!!
breadtalksugar #8
Chapter 20: poor jeonghan lemme hug him tightly
myhearteuattack #9
Chapter 20: Why do I love this chapter so much? Does it mean I'm a psycho now????? (,,#゚Д゚)