Chapter 9

My Best Friend Taehyung


            Jimin comes back into the studio with his hands in the air and then lets them drop to his side signaling defeat.

            “He still won’t answer?” Namjoon asks Jimin. Jimin nods his head no and gives a long drawn out sigh. “That’s unlike him. Y/n, do you mind trying to call him while we start without him? Please?” Namjoon begs while Hoseok walks over to the stereo system to get it ready.

            “Sure thing. I’ll be right back then.” I pull my phone out from my pocket and step out of the dance studio and into the hallway. I dial Taehyung and put the phone up to my ear. The phone just kept ringing and ringing with no answer until I got to the voicemail message. I hung up the phone and called him again. I continued this process a few more times and on the last try I finally left a message.

            “Hey Tae, it’s me. I’m here at the dance studio with the rest of the guys. Everyone is wondering where you’re at. I hope you’re okay, please call me back. I’m worried.” I end the call and lower my phone to my chest. Why isn’t he answering? I pause there for a moment and then decide I should go back inside and tell Namjoon and the rest of the guys. As I’m about to open the door my phone vibrates.

            New text message from Tae-Tae.

            Tae-Tae: I’m fine.

            Y/N: Good, I’m glad to hear it. Why haven’t you been answering you phone?

            Tae-Tae: Don’t worry about it. I won’t be there though.

            Y/N: How come? All the guys are wondering where you are.

            Tae-Tae: I said don’t worry about it.

            Tae-Tae: Bye

            I furrow my brows at his messages. “Why is he acting so weird… and mean.” I let out a said sign and return back to the guys in the studio.

            Yoongi is the first to notice my coming back into the studio. “Well? Any news?” Yoongi asks as I walk towards them.

            I nod yes, and they all turn their attention to me. “He said he’s not coming and to stop worrying…” I let the end of my sentence trail off as I looked down at my feet. It was silent for a long moment, it was like a thick fog that fell on us all.

            “He didn’t say why?” Jin finally broke the heavy silence.

            “I tried asking and he just kind of blew me off.” Everyone looked surprised.

            “He blew you off? Are you sure y/n?” Jungkook took a step forward as he asked me. I nodded my head yes in confirmation.

            “Well we can’t waste anymore time. We have to get the new choreography down and quick. We are all just going to have to worry about him later on I guess.” Namjoon started to corral everyone back to the center of the room so they could practice.

            “Y/n, do you have your dance clothes you can change into?” Hoseok called over to me.

            “OH! Yes I do. Should I change into them now?” Hoseok shook his head yes, so I quickly scurried off to the restroom to change. I hope whatever is bothering Taehyung passes soon… He’s never acted this way towards me. Well except for that one time when I took his fruit snacks at lunch time when we were little.

            I quickly changed into some workout leggings, a crop top, and my sneakers. I put the clothes that I had been wearing into my bag and zipped it back up. As I am walking out of the bathroom, I pull out my phone to check it just in case Taehyung messaged me. Sadly, I received nothing. I sluggishly put my phone away back into my bag and walked into the studio again. This time there was someone new in the studio.

            “Hey y/n!” Sasha ran up to me and gave me a hug. “I’m so excited that the guys want us to dance with them! Isn’t this exciting?!” I give her a small fake smile and nod my head yes in agreement. Thankfully, she was too excited to notice.

            “Ok Sasha and y/n, come on over and I’ll start showing you guys y’alls choreo for the dance.” Sasha skips over to her Hobi while I set my bag down against one of the mirrored walls before I meet back with them.


(Taehyung’s POV)


            I return back to the couch after grabbing another beer from the fridge. I looked back at my phone and unlocked it and noticed I had several missed calls, from both Jimin and y/n. I scoff and roll my eyes while putting my phone back down. Just as I put it back down it starts going off again. “UGHHHH!” I grab my phone forcefully again and look at the caller ID.


            “Why can’t they just leave me alone?!” The phone finally stops ringing and then I get a new voicemail notification. I reluctantly listen to the voicemail that was left by y/n.

            “Hey Tae, it’s me. I’m here at the dance studio with the rest of the guys. Everyone is wondering where you’re at. I hope you’re okay, please call me back. I’m worried.” Why is she worried about me? She has Jimin now, she should be worried about him. Not me. I can’t just ignore her though. I take another gulp from my beer before sending her a text.

            Tae-Tae: I’m fine.

            Y/N: Good, I’m glad to hear it. Why haven’t you been answering you phone?

            Tae-Tae: Don’t worry about it. I won’t be there though.

            Y/N: How come? All the guys are wondering where you are.

            Tae-Tae: I said don’t worry about it.

            Tae-Tae: Bye

            I threw my phone to the side again just wanting to be done with everything about this day. I chug the rest of my beer that I had in my hand and got up to get a new one.





            “Ughh, what now?” I set my beer down on the coffee table, so hard that it started foaming over the top of the bottle.


            “I’m coming!” I reach the door and forcefully yanked it open. I looked at the other person from the other side of the door up and down. I immediately my heel and started walking away from the door and back to my couch. “What do you want?” I hissed and took another swig from my beer.

            “Umm, I came to check on you.” Y/n timidly said as she walked into my apartment and closed the door behind her.

            “I told you not to worry about me.” I responded to her coldly.

            “Yeah, but… You were acting weird.” She said as she looked around the mess of a living room and then to where I was sitting. “How much have you had to drink?” She picks up some of the bottles that I have already finished.

            “I don’t know, why does it matter? I told you to stop worrying.”

            “Tae, there’s like 7 bottles here.”

            “Good you can count! Now go away.” I stand up quickly and falter a little bit. I make my way over to the fridge and to grab another beer. Y/n quickly stepped in front of me. “Move.” I said sternly.

            “No, you’ve had enough. You don’t need anymore.”

            “I said move, I’ll do what I want.”

            “No Tae.” Y/n firmly stands her ground.

            “Just move!” I go to push her away but stop myself before I do. “AGGHHHH!!! Why are you doing this? WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?” I get angry, my blood is boiling at this point and I wobbly walk away from her.

            “I told you I’m worried about you! What’s your problem?!”

            “Right now, it’s you! Just leave me alone! What about that don’t you understand?! Go worry about someone else, like Jimin!” I plop down on the couch turned away from her.

            “Jimin? What does he have to do with anything?” She walks in front of me and has a confused look on her face.

            “HAH! Yeah, play dumb. I’m not stupid y/n!” I scoff at her.

            “Well maybe I am, because I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She crosses her arms in front of her.

            “Why are you lying? I know you and Jimin are dating, I saw you earlier!” I spat out at her. What, does she really think I’m an idiot? The way he touched her like that?

            “You’re mad because you think Jimin and I are dating?” Her eyes widen at my words and as she repeats them back to me.

            “No, I know you’re dating.” I get back up and start walking away from her.

“Even if we were dating, why would it matter?” She moves behind me and grabs my arm. I quickly yank my arm away from her ignoring her question. “Taehyung don’t ignore me!” I open the fridge and grab the beer I was trying to fetch earlier. “Taehyung!” She rips the bottle from my hand and I snap.

“What do you want me to say? Do want me to say that I don’t want you with Jimin? That it makes me angry seeing him touch you like he did earlier today? That you should be with me instead of him?” I can’t control my anger at this point, I feel the complete anger shift in my body, as if I was the Hulk or something.

            “You what?” Her face was in complete shock.

            “Should I keep going?! Oh well let me make myself sound more stupid! Let me just tell you how much I love you then!” She braced herself against the counter. The anger started to ebb away and sadness started to overtake it. I place a hand on the fridge bracing myself against it. “Why can’t you see how much I love you?” I say in a quieter tone.

            “Tae…” She says softly.

            “What?” I sigh back to her.

            “Do you mean that?” She looks at me with confusion in her eyes, as well as concern.

            “Forget it, it’s not like it matters.” I remove my hand from the fridge and start to walk away from the kitchen to my room. But before I could take to steps she lightly grabs my wrist to stop me from walking away.

            “I asked you if you meant what you said.” I paused for a moment now regretting what I said.

            “Yes.” I slowly turned around to face her. I placed my hand on her cheek cupping her face. “Y/n.” I lock my eyes on hers. “I love you.” She looks down as her cheeks turn a bright pink. I move my finger tips to her chin and nudge her face back up so she is looking at me. “I think I’ve loved you for a long time, but only just realized it… I’m crazy about you y/n.”

            “Taehyung… I-”

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz