Chapter 13

My Best Friend Taehyung

"Thank god it's Friday." I throw my hands up in the air as Sasha and I walk outside from our class.

"I know! Do you work today?" She asks me.

"Nope! I am free for the rest of the day." I answer her.

"Sweet! We should get the guys and go out tonight! I think we all need it. Plus, I need a break from dancing! I am so sore!" Sasha starts rubbing her arms with a frown. I laugh to myself at her actions.

"That sounds like a good idea to me. What do you think we should do?" I ask her.

"Hmmmm... I'm not sure. Maybe the guys will have some sort of idea."

"Well how about you text Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin. I will text Tae, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin." I suggest to her.

"Deal!" We both pull out our phones to send the messages.

Y/N: Hey guys, Sasha and I were thinking we should all do something tonight. What do y'all think?

Jin: Will food be involved?

Y/N: I sure hope so!

Kookie: Sounds goods.

Y/N: Alright! We got a sweet Kookie!

Jin: I'm in too.

Y/N: Yes!

Joonie: Ok


Joonie: YES, I AM SO IN!

Y/N: That's more like it!

Y/N: Tae? Do you want to join?

Kookie: I think he's still at work.

Kookie: But I think he gets out in a few minutes.

Y/N: Oh you're right. Well what do you guys think we should do?

Jin: Eat!

Y/N: YES! But anything else?

"What did the guys say?" Sasha looked up from her phone and at me.

"Jin says yes as long as we eat something too, Jungkook and Namjoon said yes as well. Tae hasn't responded back yet."

"Cool! Hoseok immediately said yes and so did Jimin and Yoongi."

"Great, have they thought about anything to do yet?" I asked since I still had no idea.

"Mmm... Well they suggested the usual, either a bar or a club from Hoseok and Jimin. Yoongi hasn't really said anything other than he will go." She laughs a bit.

"Of course." I laugh with her.

"What about them? Have they thought of anything?" I shake my head no.

"Not really, Jin just reiterated that he wants food. I guess we could always go eat some where and talk about it there as well." Sasha nods her head in agreement as I feel my phone vibrate again.

Tae-Tae: Hey sorry.

Tae-Tae: I was still at work, but I'm off now.

Tae-Tae: I'm down to go do something tonight. Has anyone thought of anything?

Joonie: Not to my knowledge.

Y/N: No, and Hoseok and Jimin just say a bar or club.

Kookie: But we always do that. What about something we don't do often.

Joonie: Like what?

Kookie: Skydiving?


Kookie: Oh come on, it'll be fun!

Y/N: Hell no.

Kookie: fine...

Tae-Tae: I think I have a bit of a compromise.

Joonie: What're you thinking?

Tae-Tae: Amusement park?

Kookie: YES!

Joonie: That's sounds pretty good actually.

Jin: Oh yeah!!

Y/N: Amusement parks I will do. Let me tell Sasha!

"Hey Sasha! I think Tae came up with something." I say to her as she is back on her phone. She pauses from texting on her phone to give me her attention.

"How about we all go to an amusement park?" I ask her. Her face instantly lights up.

"That sounds awesome!" She expresses with joy. "Let me tell the others, I'm sure they'll agree." I wait a few moments while she texts the rest of the guys. "They all said it was a great idea."

"Awesome! So, I guess we should eat and then we can go!" I tell her.

"Sounds like a plan! What do you think? The new ramen shop a few blocks away?" I nod my head yes.

"They're ramen is delicious, I can't wait!" I get all giddy just thinking about the ramen.

Y/N: Ok, the amusement park it is!

Y/N: We can also eat at the ramen shop near campus!

Jin: YAY!

Kookie: Sounds like a plan!

Joonie: Cool!

Tae-Tae: Sweet, y/n I'll pick you up. Do you need to change or anything?

Y/N: You don't have to.

Y/N: I'm with Sasha and we are on campus still.

Y/N: And nope, I'm good on clothes just meet us at the restaurant!

Tae-Tae: Ok, see you guys soon.

I put my phone away in my pocket and start walking to the restaurant with Sasha. We talk about all the rides that we want to go on and which ones terrified us.

"Did I tell you that Kookie wanted to go skydiving?!"

"What?! Is he crazy!" Her eyes instantly doubled in size! "There would be no way that I would ever go skydiving."

"Me either, it terrifies me. I mean, what if the parachute doesn't open?! SPLAT! You'd be dead!" Sasha nods her head in agreement. We keep walking till we reach the ramen shop. As expected we were the first ones to arrive. Sasha and I walk into the restaurant and grab a table for everyone. We sit down, casually chatting till any of the guys show up. Maybe about 20 mins after we got there Hoseok and Jimin walk into the restaurant. Sasha waves them over to where we are sitting.

"Hey sweetheart!" Hoseok smiles at Sasha and she smiles back at him.

"Hey Jiminie!" I say to Jimin as I watched his smile turn to an expression of, 'are you kidding me?' I let out a small laugh as he sits next to me. "Oh come on, you can't be too mad about it can you? It's cute nickname fitting of a cute guy." Jimin turns to look at me. I squish his face in between my hands.

"I guess not, who could stay upset at a face like yours." He grabs one of my cheeks in between his pointer finger and thumb and tugs lightly.

"Hey!" I lightly swat his hand away as he begins laughing with me.

All four of us continue to talk as we wait for the rest of the guys to arrive. Suddenly someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Hey gorgeous." I heard a low voice whisper in my ear that sent a shiver down my spine. I pulled the hands down from my eyes and turned around to see my Tae. He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and I could tell my face started to tint a light pink. Even more so as Hoseok and Sasha started to aww at us. Even as they do, Taehyung just smiles a sweet smile at me while gazing into my eyes.

"You know I think I would rather sit next to hyung and Sasha if you two are going to act that mushy." Jimin gets up and moves to the other side of the table and sits back down. After he does that, Taehyung quickly sits next to me and grabs my hand in his.

"Wouldn't you act the same if you were in my position?" Taehyung asked Jimin. Jimin took a moment and looked back and forth between Taehyung and I.

"Yeah, I guess I would." After saying that, Jimin quickly looked towards Hoseok and began a conversation with him. I wasn't sure, but I think his face turned the tiniest bit pink.

"Sorry if I'm late." Taehyung apologized to me as he played with one of my hands.

"You're aren't late. Plus, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook aren't even hear yet. So you're fine." As I finish my sentence the last four guys walk into the restaurant together. Hoseok raises his hand at them and they quickly make their way over to us. The four of them fill in the empty seats.

"Alright everyone, lets order some food!" Jin cheers.

"Yes! FOOD!" I raise my fist in the air in excitement. Everyone else laughs at me, but I don't care. Taehyung pats my head as well.

"You're so cute." He gives me his boxy smile and holds up a menu for us to both read.

(Taehyung's POV)

After a few minutes of us all discussing what we were going to get, a waitress comes by to take all our orders. About 20 minutes after we order, two waiters brought our food to us. I see y/n eagerly tapping her feet under the table as one of the waiters places her bowl of ramen in front of her. Just like a little girl. I let a small smile appear on my face. She is so cute, how is it even possible that she is this cute? I quickly hand her some chopsticks so she can dig in.

"Thank you." She quickly grabs the chopsticks from me and instantly begins eating. I look towards everyone and I can see they're all trying to hold in laughs, I smile and glare at them. We all quickly eat our food so that we can leave as soon as possible and go to the amusement park. As the waitress brings us our bills I quickly grab y/n's so that I can pay for her food as well. Hoseok does the same for Sasha. I notice Jungkook discretely slide his bill to Yoongi while he tries talking to Sasha.

"Kookie! What they hell is this?" Jungkook pretends not to notice Yoongi talking to him. "Jungkook." Jungkook slowly turns towards Yoongi.

"Yes hyung?" Yoongi raises Jungkook's bill and holds it in front of his face. "Oh, that?" Jungkook scratches the back of his head with his cheeks turning a little pink. "I thought since you were my most favorite hyung, that you would want to pay the bill for me."

"I'm your hyung, you should be treating me for all that you put me through!"

"That's how I show I care though! Plus you're the one who always asks me to go get lamb skewers with you! So I thought that you liked paying for me." Jungkook pleads his argument to Yoongi as he just stares back at him with an 'are you kidding me?' look. Yoongi rolled his eyes and payed for both of their bills.

"You owe me big time." He growled slightly at Jungkook. But Jungkook just tried to hide his victory smile. The waitress quickly came by and picked up the bills.

"So y/n, what ride are you going to want to go on first?" Jin suddenly turned towards y/n and asked her.

"Oh, ummm, I'm not sure!" She put her hand to contemplating what she may want to go on first. After a moment she looked back at Jin to give him an answer, but just as she opened the waitress came back.

"Thank you again for coming. Please enjoy the rest of your day." The waitress bid us goodbye as she handed us our change and cards back. I patted y/n's leg since she looked a bit disappointed that she got interrupted. We all left the restaurant and to our cars.

After a while of driving, I finally saw a sign to the amusement park we were going to.

"We are almost there guys." I announced to y/n, Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin. Jimin and Jungkook cheered as y/n and Jin just smiled.

"I can't wait, I want to ride all the rollercoasters!" Jungkook announces with excitement.

"I think I'm good. I don't like rollercoasters." Y/n turns around in her seat a bit to face our young Kookie.

"Why?! They're so much fun!" Jungkook responds with a shocked look on his face.

"They are the opposite of fun! They're scary! What if I fall out and die?!"

"That won't happen." Jungkook assures her.

"How do you know?" Y/n questions. "People have died this way, so you can't say it wouldn't happen."

"Yeah, but the chances of it happening are really small! Come on y/n, I want to ride at least one rollercoaster with my noona!"

"NOONA?!" Y/n and I blurted out the same time.

"What?" Jungkook looked confused and innocent.

"Since when do you call her noona?" I question him.

"Well I mean she is older than me. So why not call her noona?" Jungkook responded.

"I didn't ask why Kookie, I asked since when?"

"Oh, umm now I guess." Jungkook answered him.

"I'm not that much older than you, you know." Y/n said back to him.

"But you're still older than me. What's so wrong with it?" He continues to respond so casually. How can he call her noona so nonchalantly? I pout my lips out a bit. I suddenly feel a hand rubbing my arm. I look over to y/n and see her trying to reassure me.



Thank you all for being so patient with this most recent update! I'm sorry it took so long to write. I am in the last two quarters of my Bachelor's degree so I'm trying to make sure I don't fall behind on my classes. I hope you will all understand!

So far the boys are having a good tour is seems like. Let's continue to cheer them on for a fun, safe, and healthy tour season!

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz