Chapter 5

My Best Friend Taehyung

(Your POV)

(Time skip a couple months to your midterms)


    I got up from my small dining room table that is cluttered with all my school books and notes to take a break. I walk to my fridge and pour myself a glass of water. I’ve been too busy to go to the grocery store to get something else. I then leaned against my kitchen counter while drinking the water and staring at all my study materials.

    “This is such a drag.” I huffed out.




    “Who the hell is that?” I go to my door and look through the peephole, but it’s being blocked. I open the door to find Taehyung with a hand on the door frame leaning against it. “Tae?! What’re you doing here? And why’re you standing like that?” He lifted up his other hand to show a bag of takeout with a smirk on his face.

“I brought you some food, I figured you’d forget because you’re studying.”

“Good call, but you still haven’t explained why you’re standing like that.” I leaned against the other side of the door frame with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

“Oh come why do you have to call me out like that?” He said like a sad puppy as he put his arm down and stood up straight. I just laughed at him as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside my apartment.

“You know where everything is.” I said once I let go of him and started clearing off the table. “So what did you bring?”

“The usual, lo mein, fried rice, orange chicken, and some egg rolls.” He says as he’s grabbing some plates from the kitchen cabinets. I grabbed some forks from a draw and set them on the table.

“All I have to drink iis water, is that ok?”

“Yeah that’s fine, I don’t need anything fancy.” I grab a glass from a different cabinet and go to my fridge to pour another glass of water for him. When I get back to the table he has already made a serving of food for me and himself.

“Tae you didn’t have to do this. I was just about to make some food.” I told him as I began eating the food.

“No you weren’t.” He said instantly before he took a bite of his food.

“Uh, yes I was.” He set his fork down.

“Y/n I just saw into your fridge, there’s hardly anything in there. What were you going to cook?”

“Did I say cook? I meant order, I was about to order some food.” I corrected myself while quickly looking down at my plate and taking another bite of food.

“Look, just admit that I’m right and I know you.” He said while still eating. I blushed while still looking down.

“...Thank you Tae.” I looked up at him slightly and saw he had a huge grin on his goofy face which caused me to bust out laughing.

“You’re welcome, but this isn’t the only reason why I’m here.” I jerked my head up to look at him mid chew.

“What?” I mumbled with my mouth full. I quickly finished chewing the food in my mouth and swallowed it. “What do you mean?” He looked up at me as well.

“I mean, there is another reason why I’m here. I’m just not going to tell you yet. How long have you been studying?”

“Hmm, about 8 hours or so. I’m not quite sure.” He shook his head back and forth lightly. “What?”

“I knew it. Hurry up and finish eating ok?” He commanded me. I just stared at him for a moment as he went back to eat. I did as he instructed and finished up the rest of my food.

After we both finished our food, Taehyung helped me out with the dishes and cleaning up the table. I can’t believe we ate all the food. I am stuffed. I thought to myself as I sat down on my couch.

“What’re you doing?” Taehyung questioned me as he hung up the kitchen towel he was using to dry the dishes I had washed.

“Napping, what does it look like?” I responded as I slumped over to the side.

“Oh no, none of that.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to sit upright.

“Taeee, whyyyy?” I let my body go limp. “Just let me go into a food coma.”

“You can’t. We have stuff to do and talk about.” He continues to force me to sit up straight.

“Ughhh! Like what?” I grumbled back at him and held my own weight up. He then sat next to me, but sat facing me.

“Firstly, can you face me? We need to have a discussion.” I started to get nervous. What could he possibly want to talk about? I thought to myself as I turned to face towards him.

“Tae...You’re kinda making me nervous. What’s going on?”

“Don’t be nervous ok, but first, I need you to take in and release two deep breaths.” I must’ve gave him a confused. “Trust me.” I did as he instructed, I closed my eyes and took two deep breaths and then slowly opened my eyes. His expression change from a serious one to pure kindness and concern. “Good, we are going to talk about somethings and I need you to be honest with me, okay? If you’re honest, you’re going ro feel better by the end of our conversation. Sounds good?” I barely nodded my head yes. “Okay, Y/n, did you decide what path you want to take? Do you want to stay on your current one? Or are you going to choose something different?” He began questioning me and my stomach dropped. I immediately began to feel fidgety and pain started to crush my chest.

“I can’t talk about this right now.” I started to get up, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards that couch. “Tae let me go, I don’t want to talk about this right now. Our midterms start tomorrow! I still have to study, plus I have paperwork to prep for work this week.” My heart is beating very fast at this point and I move my hand to my chest. The pain is starting to get worse. Why would he do this to me? Why now? He knows how stressed I am! I could feel tears begin to form in my eyes.

“Answer me Y/n.” I start crying, I could feel him staring at me intently waiting for an answer. I just shake my head no.

“Why’re you asking me this now?” I can’t help the tears flowing from my eyes at this point, they won’t stop. I then suddenly feel warmth on my cheek. It was Taehyung’s hand lightly lifting up my face to be level with his. I feel him scooch closer to me on the couch and then his other hand is on my other cheek.

“I’m not doing this to cause you pain. I’m doing this because I care about you. I know that if I don’t force you to think about these things, then you won’t think about them.” I clutch even tighter at my chest, now finding it harder to breath. Oh no, not now. Please not now. I was in full blown panic attack mode. I started to feel my fingers and toes go numb. “Y/n….Y/n!” I could barely hear Taehyung at this point. I feel like I’m falling into a black hole. I can’t think about or comprehend anything else other than my anxiety. Then suddenly I’m being pulled up off the couch and forced to stand up. This brings me back to the present a little big. “Y/N!” I tried opening my eyes to look at Taehyung. From what I can see through my teary eyes, he looked extremely worried. Oh great, now I’m worrying him!

He starts caressing my cheek lightly. “Y/n come back to me. Focus on my voice, you can do this. You’re strong Y/n, I know you are.” He continues caressing me and running his fingers through my hair. I try my hardest to just focus on him. “I need you to try and take some deep breaths with me okay? Please Y/n?” I try to nod my head yes, but I’m not sure if it was noticeable. He grabs both my hands in his. “Follow me.” He exaggerates taking in a deep breath and holds it, while I try and do the same. He repeats this a good amount of times till I can follow him without coughing or letting our sobs during the breaths.

“Do you feel a little bit better?” He asked me releasing my hands and then wiping the tears from my face while cupping it in his hands. I weakly nod my head yes. He then pulls me into a hug and wrapping his arms around me firmly. “Do you feel well enough to sit back down and talk this out? I don’t like that your stress and anxiety has gotten this bad. It tears me apart to see you like this.”

“Yes.” I responded softly into his chest and shoulder gripping at his shirt. I could feel the warmth of his body breath a little bit of life back into my drained body. He loosens his hug on me and sits us both back down on the couch.

“Y/n, you’re obviously not happy with how your life is going right now. Am I right?”


“Then why are you torturing yourself?”


“Because why?” He pushes me to give him a real answer while looking deep into my eyes.

“Because I don’t want to be a disappointment…” He looks at me a little bit shocked.

“Who would you disappoint?” He cups my face again when he notices my eyes begin to water again and starts shushing me softly to comfort me.

“My parents.” I leaned my head into his hand as the tears started to fall down my face, but more softly this time.

“Y/n, we’ve known each other for forever now, which means I’ve know your parents for forever as well. Your parents wouldn’t be disappointed in you.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because they’re your parents! They love you y/n, you know that. You can’t let that be the only reason holding you back. If you’re so worried about disappointing people all the time you’re never going to be happy.” He hugs me again tightly as he’s talking to me.

“But how can you be so sure, all this time in school will be a waste.”

“It’s not a waste, you needed to find out that this path wasn’t right for you. You aren’t the only person who has felt like this.”

“I just don’t want to be a failure…” He holds me tighter.

“You won’t be, I promise.” We sit there in silence for a few moment. I think about everything Taehyung has told me. “I want you to promise me that you will change your major to something else. Something that’ll make you happy. I also want you to find a new job so you can quit your current one. I’ll even help you with everything. He releases me from his hug and then sits back. “Promise?” I wait a while before responding back to him.

“I...I promise…” He gives a soft smile at me.

“Good.” He quickly gets up off the couch. “Now for the good part of your evening.” He starts walking to my bedroom.

“Th...The good part? What do you mean? And why are you going into my room?” I start to get up off the couch and follow him.

“Stay right there!” He calls from my room. I instantly sit back down on the couch, straining my neck to try and see what he is doing in there. After a few minutes he finally calls out to me again. “Okay ready! Come here.” I get up from the couch again and walk to my bedroom.

“What have you been doing in here?” I question him, but then look to my bed a notice that he’s laid out a red dress and black studded leather jacket. Then on the floor in front of my bed are a pair of chunky heeled combat boots. I turn my gaze from the bed to him. “Umm...What’s all this?” I asked him a bit perplexed.

“We are going out. You can’t stay here and keep studying, you mind needs to rest. Plus, what kind of best friend would I be if I made you cry and then did nothing to make you feel better?” He answered me as he walked towards my bedroom door. “So get changed and meet me back out here.” And with that he walked out and closed my door behind him.

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz