Chapter 1

My Best Friend Taehyung


(Your POV)


“Hey Y/N, are you listening to me?”

“Huh?” I turned my head to look at Taehyung. “Sorry Tae, I was lost in my own little world.”

Taehyung has been my best friend since middle school. We know almost everything about each other. He’s always been taller than me and constantly likes to point it out to me. He has brown eyes and currently silver hair. Tae’s always been there for me, especially during the bad times where my anxiety gets really bad. He always knows how to get me through it. I don’t know what I would do without him.

“Yeah, no joke. As I was saying, I got the tickets to see Jurassic World. They’re for 7:15 tonight.” He said with a large grin. “You can still go, right?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it!” I said enthusiastically.

“Cool!” Just when I thought his smile couldn’t get any bigger it did and I see all his pearly white teeth.

“I mean, how can I say no to that big goofy smile?” I teased while I lightly punch his toned arm. He playfully pretended to go flying into the grass.

“OW! Hey! Is that anyway to treat me?” He said while pouting.

“Oh, hush you, you big faker!” I scrunched my face up while sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled again, and stuck his tongue out back at me. I stretched out my hand to him to help him up, he grabbed it and pulled me down beside him. The soft grass lessening the hard blow to my hands and knees.

“Take that!” He laughed while standing up quickly. I had a shocked look on my face and started laughing. Then he put his hand out to me, I grabbed it and he pulled me up to my feet. “Come on, we are gonna be late for class.”

“Ugh, like I care, who really needs to know calculus. I mean it’s not like either of us are going to go into a career field that uses it right? So why do we need to take it?” I complain as we walk through campus.

“I know right? But we don’t really have a choice. So, might as well make the best of it.” He patted my arm to reassure me and help me relax.

“Thanks Tae.” I put my head on his shoulder. “You’re the best.”




As we finally made it to class, we took our seats in the middle of the room. If it was up to me we would be sitting in the back, but Taehyung insists we sit at least in the middle if I won’t let him sit in the front. He says that we need to somewhat pay attention to our professor.

As our professor begins his lecture, I try my hardest to pay attention but my mind just trails off. I started thinking about how we will be graduating in about a year or so and how I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I’m studying business management but am completely miserable in all my degree specific classes. I have been having so much difficulty understanding the material and getting along with my classmates. I started to feel the pain in my chest from the anxiety. This has been occurring more often recently than it used too. This caused me to start shaking my leg really fast. I should’ve gone into an art degree or something, not business. Taehyung noticed this and took my hand in one of his. I immediately came back to reality and looked at him confused.

“You were thinking about graduation, again weren’t you?” He was looking at me with his concerned brown eyes and furrowed eyebrows. All while still holding my hand firmly. Ugh, he sees right through me.

“Oh no,” I whispered, “I’m fine. I was just daydreaming.” He kept staring at me with that concerned look on his face. I was just hoping he wouldn’t press me any further, especially during class.

“You don’t have to pretend with me Y/N, I know you.” He lifted up my hand and took it between both of his. “It’s going to be okay. I’m here for you.” I looked at him in his caring eyes and gave him a small reassuring smile.

“Thank you, Tae,” I put my hand on top of his other hand. “I think we should go back to paying attention again.”

“Oh, you’re right, I hope we didn’t miss anything important.” He immediately let's go of my hand and goes back to listening to our professor again and typing on his laptop. I look at him while he’s intensely focusing on the lecture. His eyes are unblinking and his mouth is slightly open. I smile and snicker to myself and go back to listening as well hoping it will be a better distraction than it was before.




“FINALLY! We are free!” I yelled to the heavens once we left the building.

“Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad.” Taehyung lectured.

“Oh yeah? Then why did you almost fall asleep in there?” I questioned while folding my arms in front of me.

“Okay, that wasn’t my fault. You know we stayed up late last night working on our project for Macro Economics.” He whined defensively while sticking out his bottom lip.

“Don’t remind me, I don’t want to have to present that. I hate speaking in front of people.” I placed my hands on either side of my face and pulled down slightly making a disgruntled face. He immediately jumped at the opportunity to help and disform my face.

“Hey don’t think about it right now. Come on, let’s go meet up with the guys and grab some lunch.” He says as he squishes and pulls my face.

“Oh food! Yay! Where should we go eat? There’s this new cafe off Carter and Teasel, OH or the new ramen shop around the corner! OR we could even go to the new ice cream place a few blo-”

Taehyung put his hand over my mouth. “Whoa slow down, let's wait to ask everyone else and see what they say.” I lightly the palm of his hand before removing it from my mouth and gave him an unamused look while crossing my arms.


“Hey now, give me a smile.” He says while wiping his hand on my sleeve.


“Oh come on, just a little one.” He leaned over to be more at my level and poked my cheeks while giving me his sweet smile.

“Mmmm, no.” I turned my head away trying to avoid his smile and finger jabs to my cheeks. He should know I can’t resist his smile. He immediately grabs my face between both his hands and turns it back towards him. He is even squishing it a little bit giving me fish lips.

“Yes.” He looks into my eyes still giving me that sweet smile. I looked down from his eyes to his lips and then back to his eyes. I could feel my face getting hot.

“Ok fine,” I give a big cheesy fake smile, “See? So let's go.” I broke free from his grasp, grabbed his wrist and dragged him behind me hoping he didn’t see my face all red. Why does he have to always do things like that?


(Taehyung’s POV)


Y/N kept a firm grip on my wrist keeping me in tow behind her. I looked at her hand holding me and smirk to myself. I continued to let this happen until she decided to let go of me herself. After she decided I hadn’t seen her face get a little pink, but how could I miss it? I’ve known her since we were like 12 or something and she still thinks she can hide things from me.

“Hey Tae, hey Y/N!” I heard a familiar voice that brought me back to focus on what was going on around me.

“Hey Hoseok,” I waved at him with a huge grin, “What’s up Jiminie?”

“Why do you have to call me that?” Jimin whined.

“Because it’s cute, duh!” Y/N teased as she pinched his cheek a bit. Jimin’s face went emotionless and I laughed. “Kookie!” Y/N walked up to our maknae and gave him a hug.

“Hi Y/N, hi hyung.” Jungkook smiled. “So, can we finally decide on what we are going to eat?”

“Yes, thank you! I am STARVING!” Y/N says enthusiastically. She then begins to list off the restaurants nearby that she was telling me about earlier. I can always count on food to make her happy and distract her from the things that are causing her pain. As she keeps listing off the places Namjoon and Jin arrive along with Sasha (Y/N’s female best friend). Then we all agreed on a place to eat and head out.

Everyone begins to pair up as we walk to the restaurant. Namjoon and Yoongi start chatting with each other, Jin and Hoseok, and Jimin, Y/N, and Sasha are all walking together. I turn around and notice Jungkook walking by himself behind everyone. I slow down my pace to talk to him.

“Hey, how’ve your classes been going?” I ask as he catches up to me. He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh.

“Hyung do we have to talk about them?” Jungkook whined.

“Why not? Are they not going well?” I playfully slap his back. “Come on, everyone is distracted. If you want to keep it between us for now, I won’t tell anyone.” Jungkook thinks about what I said for a few seconds and then nods his head. He proceeds to explain to me how he is struggling in one of his classes. I try my best to give him some advice to help him out and explain to him that we are all here for him. None of us mind helping him out whenever he needs it.

“Thanks Tae, I appreciate it.” He expresses with a now relaxed smile. “Are things with you going alright?”

“Yeah I guess so, nothing really new is happening with me.”

“Nothing at all?” I take a moment to think again.

“No, not really. Just the same old same old. Just excited to start dance practices again soon.”

“Oh yeah! I am too, I can’t wait.”

I patted him on the back and smiled. “Come on, we are almost there. Let’s catch up to everyone else.”

We soon arrived at the restaurant and all sat down in a giant booth. Y/N sat in between Sasha and I. Since there were so many of us they ran out of menus so Y/N didn’t get one and I offered to share mine with her.

“So, what are you thinking about getting?” I asked her while poking her in the rib.

“Hahah hey stop!” She giggled as she pushed my hand away. “Umm, I think I will get the...Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo, what about you?” She smiled and looked at me.

“Mmm that sounds good, I’m going to get the Shrimp Scampi.” She immediately got wide eyed and just stared at me. Oh, I know what this means.

“Ohhhh that sounds really good!” She excitedly started. “Do you think that I could maybe-” I cut her off.

“Yes, you can try some if you want.” She squeaks and a huge smile spreads across her face once I give her permission. She then wraps her arms around me. I chuckle to myself as I pat one of her arms.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“No problem.” She lets me go and focuses her attention on the other’s conversation while still smiling that cute smile of hers. Our waiter comes around and takes all our orders. I turn my gaze back towards Y/N as she’s talking with Yoongi. She is still smiling which makes me smile without thinking, I can’t help but just stare at her sometimes. I don’t know what it is about her, she’s just so cute and adorable. She suddenly turns back towards me.

“What?” She looks at me confused. ! How long was I staring?

“You have something on your cheek.” I tried to play it cool.

“What? Where?” She starts frantically touching her face to get the imaginary something off.

“Right there.” I start poking her face in several places.

“TTTTAAAEEEE! Hahaha stooooppp!” She tries to swat my hands away, but I’m too quick for her. Realizing this she goes and starts poking my stomach which makes me start laughing too.

“Guys, chill out.” Jin scolds us from across the table. We both bow our heads trying to hide our snickering as we sneak glances at each other. Suddenly, our food arrives. Y/n immediately sits up straight. I could feel her excitement emanating from her body.

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz