Chapter 12

My Best Friend Taehyung




            “UGH!” I pull a pillow over my head trying to drown out my alarm. RRRRIIIINNNGGG RRRIIIINNNGGG! I quickly reach over the side of my bed to my nightstand to shut off the alarm on my phone. As I finally find my phone it falls off my nightstand and onto the floor. I let my arm go limp and let out a big sigh before removing the pillow from on top of my head. I remove the covers from over my body and swing my legs over the edge of the bed and reach down for my still ringing phone. Once I grab it, I immediately shut off my phone and fall back onto my bed. Something isn’t right… I lay there for a minute trying think of what was off, then it suddenly clicked. “Tae?” I sat up and looked around the room. “Where did he go?” I got up and opened my bedroom door. I was hit in the face by a giant cloud of deliciousness. My whole living room smelt so warm and inviting. “Mmmm!” I looked toward my kitchen and saw the back of Taehyung cooking away. I saunter over to him to see what he was cooking.

            “Good morning.” I say softly to him.

            “Good morning babe.” He replies while turning his head towards me and smiling that boxy smile of his. I could feel the automatic smile creep across my face in response to his.

            “What’re you making?”

            “Just some pancakes. I wanted you to have a good breakfast before the rest of your exams today.” I continue to smile as he turns his attention back on to his cooking.

            “That’s so sweet of you, is there anything I can do to help?” I leaned my head onto his arm and shoulder.

            “Nope, don’t worry about it I got this. You just go get ready for class.”

            “Are you sure? I don’t mind helping.”

            “No, no, no. I don’t have any exams today. Let me treat you.” I smile at his reasoning.

            “Okay, thank you Tae.” I give him a quick peck on the cheek before I go to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

Once I finished getting ready I walk back into the living room. My makeup was freshly done, and I was wearing an oversized sweater, dark wash jeans, white combat boots, and a black beanie. I quickly sat down at the table as Taehyung was placing all the food on it. Taehyung grabbed my plate and placed a couple of pancakes on it and set it back down in front of me. I quickly spread some butter on them and then poured some syrup on top. I passed them both to Tae in case he wanted to use them.

            “Thank you for making breakfast Tae.” I blurted out just as I was about to start stuffing my face.”

            “Anything for my princess.” He says smiling at me as he pours some syrup on his pancakes. “Are you ready for your exams today?” I nod my head in response since I didn’t want to talk with my mouth full. “That’s good. Oh, before I forget, did you pack your gym bag? Namjoon told me last night that we have practice again today.”

            “Oops, no I haven’t I’ll go do it now.” As I started getting up from my seat, Tae stopped me.

            “Don’t worry I can do it. I know which clothes to get. Just finish your breakfast and I can get them after I drop you off.”

            “Tae you really don’t have to. I can do it myself real fast.”

            “Nooo, you need to focus on your exams today. And if I can do something to make things easier for you or less stressed than I’m going to. That’s what ‘Boyfriends’ are for.” He explained as he emphasized the word boyfriend. I couldn’t help but smile. “No need to blush babe, you’re gonna have to get used to hearing the words boyfriend and girlfriend.” I reached over the table and pushed my head behind my ear and cupped my face smiling at me. I nod my head in agreement and we both go back to eating.

After we both finished eating, I grabbed and we both walked out the front door. I turned around after I locked the door and Taehyung immediately grabbed my hand and intertwined our finger together. As we walked to his car, I grabbed the same arm hold my hand with my other hand and leaned against him a bit.

            When wee finally arrived at the building where my first exam of the day took place, I turned to face Taehyung to say goodbye.

            “Thanks for breakfast and driving me to class.”

            “Anything for my princess.” He smiled and leaned in towards me to give me a kiss on the forehead. “Now go make me proud and ace that exam!”

            “Will do! Bye!!” I hopped out of the car and walked into my building.




(Taehyung’s POV)


            “Crap, it’s almost time to pick her up.” I rushed into y/n’s apartment. I went into her closet and grabbed one of her sports bras, a crop top hoodie, some sweats, and a pair of sneakers. I put them all into my gym bag which had all my stuff in it already. I bolt for the door but stopped when my phone started going off. It was y/n.

            “Dammit, she finished earlier than I thought she would!” I answered the phone. “Hey babe.”

            “Hey! I just finished my last final. Are you here yet?”

            “Uhh, no not yet. I’m leaving your place now with your clothes. I’ll be there soon, I’m sorry!”

            “Don’t worry, I don’t mind waiting, it beautiful outside. Fall is my favorite!” She sounds so happy.

            “Did you do well on your exams? You sound very chipper.” I ask her as I get into my car.

            “Mhmm! I think I did great! Well I hope I did great.”

            “That’s awesome! I’m so proud of you.”

            “Thanks Tae, well I’ll let you focus on driving. Drive safe please, I’ll see you in a bit.”

            “Will do, see you soon.” I hung up the phone and set it in the cup holder next to me. It took only a few minutes till I arrived on campus in front of y/n’s building. I pulled out my phone and texted her I was here. A few moments later I see y/n running up to my car and getting in.

            “Hey gorgeous!” I smile at her while leaning in for a kiss. She kissed my cheek and then sat back.

            “Hey yourself, did you have a good day so far?” She asked while buckling her seat belt.

            “Of course, it’s always a good day when I get to see you.”

            “Man, that reeked of cheese.” She giggled while turning a bit pink.

            “Yep, that’s me. The cheesiest.” I give her a huge grin and she giggles some more lightly slapping my arm. She’s so cute. “Hey, so why are you and Sasha joining in the dance competition?”

            “I’m not quite sure. All I know is that Jimin said Hoseok and Namjoon wanted us to join in.”

            “Hmmm…Well I’m glad y’all are joining. I haven’t seen you dance in a long time. I love watching you dance.” I my bottom lip and smirk at her.

            “Staaahhp!” She pulls her knees up to her chest and cover her face with her hand trying to hide her blushing.

            “What? I’m just being honest!” I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. I really don’t think she could be any cuter. “Ah, we’re here!” I pull into the parking lot near the studio. Y/n and I get out of the car and I grab my gym bag and walk around the car to stand next to her. “Ready?” She nods her head yes so, I grab her hand and start walking into the studio. We continue to walk hand in hand until we reach the room we had all rented out. I let go of her hand and open the door for her. We walk in and are instantly greeted by everyone.

            “You guys are finally here! Now we can start!” Jungkook quickly gets up.

            “Sorry guys, it’s my fault we were late.”

            “Yeah, yeah, yeah, hurry and change so we can start!”

            “Someone is eager.” Y/n snickers to herself.

            “Well duh! I enjoy dancing!” Jungkook pushes us towards the restrooms to change. I pull out my clothes from my gym bag and then hand the bag to y/n to take with her. I walk into the men’s room and quickly get changed. I come out with my clothes and wait by the door for y/n to come out.

            “All done!” Y/n announced as she walked out. She hands the to me and I put my stuff inside. “Ready?” She asks.

            “Ready.” We walk over to the rest of the group.

            “Ok, do you guys remember the choreography from yesterday?” Hoseok asks y/n and Sasha.

            “Kind of.” Sasha responds.

            “I believe so.” Y/n says after.

            “Okay, why don’t you guys show me what you remember. Let me go start the music.” Hoseok walked over to the stereo.

            “Okay guys, lets work on our stuff. Kookie, you lead till Hoseok comes to join us. Jimin, show Taehyung the choreography that he missed yesterday. Everyone nods in agreement and Jimin walks up to me.

            “You remember what we were doing before right?” Jimin asks.

            “Yeah I remember. Did a lot change?”

            “No not too much. Ready?”

            “Yeah I’m ready.” The music starts and Jimin starts showing me the altered choreography. It looked easy enough. After he went over it a few times I joined in. I followed his moves to the t. We went over it about 5 times and then rejoined the others. I quickly glance over at y/n and Sasha. It looked like y/n and most of the moves down but was having a bit of trouble with one. Sasha on the other hand was having more difficulty so Hoseok was focusing more on her.

            “Hey guys, I think y/n’s almost got it. I’m going to help her out real fast and bring her to join us.” Namjoon nods in approval and I walk over to y/n. “Are you doing ok?”

            “Mostly, yeah. Just can’t seem to get this one part down.”

            “Let me help.” I stand next to her and do the choreography with her.

            “How did you get it so quickly?” She crosses her arms in frustration.

            “It just comes naturally.” I smile at her. “Here just watch closely.” I do the steps again but more slowly and count the parts out loud. “Got it?”

            “Umm, I think so.” She tries to repeat the steps but fumbles a little bit. I try and hide my chuckle, but she notices and puffs out her cheeks and furrows her brows.

            “Try it again.” I walk over and stand in front of her.

            “With you standing right in front of me.”

            “Yeah.” She looks at me confused but dances any way. I helped her by moving her legs and hips into the right positions when she needed help. “Again.” I moved behind her and did the same thing, this time with her arms. I could see her blushing in the mirrors lining the wall. I walked back in front of her to observe everything. “Okay, try one more time at half speed.” She does it again as I count out her steps.

            “I did it!” She celebrated a little bit.

            “Good job! Now keep going, I want you to get it at least five times in a row.” She smiles in determination. She keeps repeating the choreography until she gets it five times in a row. “That’s my princess!” I praise her.

            “Princess huh?” Yoongi questions as he walks over to me with his water bottle.

            “Of course, she’s my princess.” Yoongi snickers a bit.

            “How’s she doing?” He asks me.

            “She’s just about got it.” I answer him. “Hey babe, you think you can do it full speed now?”

            “OH! Umm, yes I think so.” She responds hesitantly.

            “You sure? Cause it doesn’t sound like it.”

            “I’m sure, I got this!” She says firmly while holding up a fist near her face.

            “That’s my girl, now show me.” She gets into position and goes through the choreography at full speed flawlessly.

            “I did it!! I really did it!” She jumps up and down excitedly.

            “I knew you could.” I say to her while lifting her up in the air and spinning her around.

            We rejoined the boys and continued with practice as scheduled. We ran through all the choreography that Hoseok had showed us. By the end of practice, we were all burnt out. Even Jungkook who had the most energy out of all of us. He was basically a real-life Energizer Bunny. We were all relaxing on the ground trying to catch our breaths.

            “Alright, so tomorrow we can go over some new choreography. I thought it would be good to have a part where we do pair dances since the girls are joining us.”

            “Sounds good, who’s dancing with the girls?” Jungkook quickly sat up and asked Hoseok a little enthusiastically.

            “Hobi do I get to be with you?” Sasha asks.

            “I’m not sure yet, I was thinking that we all get a chance to dance with you two and see does the best you know? It’s only fair.”

            “Aww…Okay.” Sasha looks down in disappointment. I couldn’t help but smile.

            “Well, I think I’m ready to go. I feel gross.” Y/n announces. I nod in agreement.

            “We will see you guys tomorrow.” I say as y/n and I stand up.

            “Byyeeee.” Y/n waves everyone bye.

            “Bye!” They all say in unison. I grabbed my gym bag and led y/n out of the studio.

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz