Chapter 4

My Best Friend Taehyung

(Taehyung’s POV)


    As we all arrived at the bar, Jin walked up alongside me and put his hand on my shoulder to grab my attention. As I turn my head towards him, he gestures me to the side. I assume so he could talk to me about something.

    “We will be right there guys. I need to talk to Tae real fast.” Jin announces to everyone. I assume when he finally decides that we are out of ear shot from everyone else, he stops.

    “Hyung, what did you want to talk to me about? Did I do something wrong?” I questioned him a bit confused.

    “Yes and no,” he responds. “You’ve been down ever since we all had that discussion at the mall. What happened?” He sat down at a table nearest us and I followed as I begin answering.

    “Is it that obvious?”

    “Yes, very.” He said bluntly.

    “Well, when the girls were gone and it was just us guys talking, you guys made some good points. So I started thinking about it. How I felt about Y/n.”

    “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why you look so upset.”

    “When the girls came back, you know how Hoseok carried Sasha’s bags for her?” I asked him.

    “Yeah, what about it?”
    “I-I started thinking to myself if I should helpY/n out and what not since Hoseok did with Sasha. Then Jimin came up to me and started pressuring me to do it too. And...I just froze hyung.” I expressed my frustration to Jin hyung, hoping he wouldn’t think I was being stupid.

    “Is that the only thing that’s bothering you? That you froze?”

    “No! I’m also frustrated that Jimin went and helped out Y/n. And Jungkook says that it’s because Jimin likes Y/n too. Even though you all said you never tried anything with her because of me hyung. Jungkook says that he could be doing it now because he thinks I won’t.”

    “Ah I see, so you are upset because you froze and because you feel betrayed a bit by Jimin, right?” I nod my head yes to his question. “Well, I understand you being upset because you froze, but don’t be too upset about it. Figure out how you feel about her first, don’t let what we say affect how you feel or how you think you feel. And with Jimin, yeah I think he likes you, but come on. You know our little Chim Chim, he wouldn’t do that. Did you ever think he’s doing because he’s trying to light a fire under you to make a move?” I looked at Jin with a wide eyed expression.

    “So you think he’s doing it because... he cares about me and wants me happy?”

    “That’s exactly what I think, but if you want to know for sure maybe you should talk to him.” I look down thinking about what Jin has said to me and then look back up at him.

    “Thanks for talking with me hyung.” I give him a smile.

    “Anything for one of our little maknaes.” He teased as he ruffled my hair. In response I hug him and squeeze him tightly. “Alright, alright let me go.”

    “But hyung I just love you so much!” He shoves me away from him as both of us are laughing. Jin and I walk back towards the group, who were seated at a long table near the pool tables.

    “Tae I saved you a seat!” Y/n yelled towards me while waving me over. She saved me a spot in between her and Namjoon.

    “Thanks!” I said with a smile as a sat down in between them.

    “You’re looking a lot happier, did you have a good talk with Jin hyung?” She asked me with a smile. ! She noticed?

    “Oh, umm, yeah we did. I’m sorry if I was being a downer.”

    “Don’t be sorry! I’m the one who should be sorry. I should’ve been the one to make you feel better!” She exclaimed to me apologetically. I looked at her a bit confused.

    “Why should you have been the one to make me feel better?” I asked her. Her cheeks instantly started to turn pink as she looked at me like a deer caught in some head lights.

    “Oh, umm, because I..I’m you’re best friend, duh! It’s my job you silly.” She responded and then ruffled the front of my hair. I chuckled to myself, she was so adorable. Oh, is this what they mean? But I can’t help it, she’s always doing something cute.

    “Y/n, what are you going to order to drink?” I heard Jimin ask her and just now realizing her is sitting on the other side of her.

    “I think I’ll have…” she pauses for a moment. “ I think I will have a cider.” She says with a definitive tone.

    “Cider it is then.” He says as he begins to get up.

    “No Jimin, I got it you don’t worry.” I quickly say as I get up as well before he can.

    “You sure Taehyung?” Y/n asks me.

    “Yeah you sure?” Jimin asks as well giving me a look that I could only describe as (is this you taking charge?). I smile at them both.

    “Of course I’m sure.” I start to walk towards the bar to order the drinks.


(Y/N’s POV)


    “Thanks for carrying my bags today Jimin, but like I said earlier you didn’t have to.” I told Jimin.

    “I know, but like I told you earlier. I was more than happy to do so.” Jimin smiled at me. “Did you have fun today?” I nodded my head up and down indicating yes. “I really needed some time with all of you. Work and school have been super stressful.” I explain to him.

    “Well, hopefully it will get better soon. You got this Y/n.” he says to me. I give him a small smile.

    “Thanks Jimin.” Would it get better though? If I stay at my current job and stay in this major, will it get better? Or will I become increasingly more unhappy? I start fidgeting in my seat a bit consciously trying to not let it be seen that I was starting to freak out. I start fidgeting with my hands a lot while trying to put on a smile, but I could tell it probably looked really fake. I just kept thinking about it all and I guess I spaced out. That is until Taehyung called my name.


    “Huh?” I quickly turned towards him.

    “I brought your drink.” His said with smile. His eyes darted from mine to what I assume were my hands and back to my eyes. Then he held out his hand towards me. “Come on, I want to show you something.” Oh no, he always sees right through me. I take his hand and he leads me away from the group. We walk outside to the patio area which is a little more quiet than it is inside the bar.

    “What’s wrong?” He asks me immediately. I sighed, Yeep, he noticed. “Who upset you?” He asked this question more sternly.

    “No one upset me Tae.” I answered solemnly.

    “Then what are you upset about?”

    “I was just talking to Jimin and-” He cut me off.

    “Jimin upset? Let me go talk to him.” He starts to walk away but i quickly grab his arm to stop him.

    “No, Tae, let me finish.” He turns back towards me, his expression changing from a stern one to a more apologetic expression.

    “I’m sorry, please finish. I won’t interrupt.”

    “I was saying that I was talking to Jimin.” I continue on explaining to him what was discussed between Jimin and I. “Then I started thinking that I wasn’t sure if thing were going to get better. I don’t think I want to be in my major anymore Taehyung, or my job for that matter. I’m not happy.” I start to tear up and I can start to feel the pain in my chest. Then I noticed I was already fidgeting with my hands. “I just don’t know what to do. We are graduating soon. Can I be doing this for the rest of my life? It’s too late to switch ma-” He cuts me off again by putting his hands on either side of my face gently.

    “Take a breath Y/n. You don’t have to say anymore, I understand. Just focus on your breathing for a moment.” He takes a deep breath in wanting me to do the same, so I do. I took a deep breath in all while having my eyes locked on his. He then breathes out, and so do I. He repeats this process a few more times and I do the same. “Do you feel a little better?” I nod my head yes slightly. “You sure?”

    “Yes.” I said weakly to him.

    “Okay, so you aren’t happy with your major or job?” I nod yes. “And you think you won’t be able to continue in either.” I nod yes again. “But you think that’s it’s too late to change your major?”


    “If we weren’t sort of close to graduating what would you do?”

    “I’m not quite sure? I guess it still depends on how close we are to graduating. But if we weren’t close I guess I would change my major.” I answer him after a moment of thinking.

    “And do you know what you would change to?”

    “Maybe some type of art or writing?” I knew I didn’t like any maths or sciences, and now I know I don’t like business. “I bet you think I’m crazy or being overly dramatic, don’t you?” I look down at my feet feeling embarrassed. Then Taehyung suddenly hugs me.

    “I would never think that Y/n. I just think you need to sit down one day and take the time to really think what is going to make you happy and not worry about how much time we have till we graduate. I just want you to do whatever will make you happy, something that doesn’t cause you pain whenever you think about it.” He explains to me while still hugging me tightly. I just stand there a moment taking in everything he is saying.

    “I think you’re right Tae. Thank you.” He loosens his grip to look me in the eyes again.

    “I’ve told you before, you can come to me about anything. You don’t have to hold everything in all the time.”

    “I know you have, but you have your own crap to worry about. I don’t want to weigh you down more with mine too.” I explain to him.

    “I don’t care. You’re important to me. If I need to, I will drop whatever I’m doing to help you. So promise me, if you ever need me, just call me okay?” He waits for my response. “Okaaay?” He asks again.

    “Okay.” I answer him. He hugs me again and then lets go.

    “Come on, now let’s take a break from this for now and have some more fun ok?”

    “Ok Tae.”

    “Do you want to play some pool? We can be on a team and obliterate Namjoon and Yoongi!” He smiled his sweet smile as he made his suggestion.

    “Sure, sounds good.” I say to him giving him a small smile.

    We walk back to the group and Taehyung challenges Namjoon and Yoongi to a game of pool. I grab my drink and we all walk over to one of the pool tables. We play some games while all of us alternating every match. I ended up having a pretty fun night after talk with Tae, but I know that he was right. I eventually have to sit down and think everything out, as much as I didn’t want to.

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz