Chapter 8

My Best Friend Taehyung

(Y/N's POV)

I successfully made it through my first day of midterms. I think I did pretty well, my studying definitely paid off. I wonder how everyone else is doing. I walked out of the building that my last class was in. I pulled out my phone to text Jimin.

Y/N: Jimin! I am on my way see you soon!

Jiminie: Awesome I'll be there in a few minutes as well.

I walked into the cafe and began looking for Jimin. I quickly find him sitting at a table near the window. He waves hi to me with his sweet smile and I wave back to him.

"Hey Y/n, I'm glad you could come to meet me. You look cute today!" He greets and compliments me with ease as I am about to sit down at the table. My face instantly was tainted pink when he said that.

"Thanks Jimin, that's sweet of you to say." I said as I settled into my seat. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Right, well there has been something weighing on my mind recently and I wanted to talk to you about it." He states this while looking at me with a serious face. Contradictory to his normal expressions of happiness. I kind of worried me a bit because I rarely see him like this.

"Okay, is everything okay?" I question him nervously.

(Taehyung's POV)

"Ughhhhh, finally done!" I exhaled in relief. I just finished my last midterm for the day. Unlike y/n, most of my classes are on Monday so that I can have more free days during the week for work and practice. "Just one more to go." I walked out of the building squinting my eyes and covering the glare from the sun with my hand. After my eyes adjusted I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages. That's weird, no messages. Y/n usually texts me when she finishes class. I debated with myself whether or not I should text her, since I was a little worried. But I figured that I was just being silly and over protective so I put my phone away and start walking to the dance studio.

So the competition is in a few months and we've been practicing since the beginning of the semester. I begin to wonder why Namjoon wants to increase our practices. Maybe Hoseok hyung came up with some different choreography that they want to do or something. My minds trails off on all the possibilities of what the reason could be. As I get closer to the studio I I see y/n and about to call her name until I see Jimin put his hand on the small of her back as they walk into the studio.

I stop dead in my tracks completely dumbfounded. What did I just see? Are Jimin and y/ I shake my head vigorously while closing my eyes and opening them up again. That can't be right...I had already talk to him. He said he was going to not do anything! I absently mindedly clenched my hands into tight fists. I could feel my body get hot the more I tried to come up with an explanation of why he was touching her like that, but the more I thought about it the angrier I got.

"Forget this." I immediately turn around and just head home. There's no way I can go through the whole practice knowing that they're dating or whatever. I felt so betrayed, I thought Jimin was my friend. How could he do this to me? I quickly walked to my car and drove home. When I got home I threw my bag to the side and plopped down on the couch and I covered my eyes with my arm. He knows I like her, he knows how I feel. I just really don't understand why he did this to me. He could get almost any other girl that he wants, why did he have to choose y/n! I must've been tired or something because despite all my anger I was somehow able to fall asleep.


I grab my phone out of my pocket and groggily look at the caller ID.


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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz