Chapter 3

My Best Friend Taehyung


Cell phone alarm rings

I reach for my phone on my side table next to my bed. I fumble around looking for it with my face buried into my pillow. “Ughh.” I lift up my head and open one of my eyes. I grab my phone and brought it closer to me to shut off the alarm. Then I flip over to lay on my back. I stare at the ceiling for a little bit before getting up to get ready for work. I walk into my bathroom to start getting ready by washing my face.

As I finished getting ready I grabbed my bag off my dresser and walk out the door, locking it behind me. I got into my car and just as I was going to turn the key in the ignition, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a new text from Tae. I unlock my phone to see the message.

Tae-Tae: Hey, I hope you slept well last night. And I hope you have a good day at work. Text me if you need anything kiddo. I got you. ; ]

Y/N: Thanks Taehyung. I will try my best!

I sent the text as I unknowingly smiled. As I the ignition of my car I was hit by the sudden realization of what happened last night. The last thing I remember was watching a movie with Taehyung. Then I woke up in my bed this morning. My smile got even bigger. Tae must’ve tucked me into bed last night. Wait, I never set my alarm last night. Did he do that too? I thought to myself. Once I got to work and parked my car, I pulled out my phone before I went inside.

Y/N: Hey Taehyung, quick question. Did you tuck me in last night and set my alarm? Or did I magically do that myself?

I put my phone back in my pocket, got out of my car, and started walking towards my work. By the time I reached my desk, my phone vibrated.

Tae-Tae: Um yeah, you fell asleep on my shoulder last night. Just like I told you not to do silly.

Tae-Tae: So I carried you to bed, plugged in your phone, and set your alarm for you.

Tae-Tae: I didn’t want you to be late for work. Is that ok?

I smile again, but this time I caught myself doing it. He is the best, I can’t believe he did that for me. I thought to myself and began to respond back to him.

Y/N: No, no I really appreciate it Tae. You’re the best thank you so much. What would I do without you?

Y/N: Gotta go now. Talk to you later.

I put my phone away and started my long day of work. I had a lot to do, my bosses wanted me to file several stacks of paper before a big presentation the next day. I tried to get my work done as quickly as possible so I could leave early. I was the only one in the building so I knew my bosses wouldn’t mind if I left the moment my work was completed. Plus, I didn’t want to stay any longer than I needed to. It’s gonna be a lonely day today.




“Finally, I’m done! It’s time to get outta here.” I looked at my phone, it’s 1 pm. I grab my bag from my desk and head to the parking lot. “I wonder what Taehyung is doing.” I decide to text him, so I quickly pulled out my phone from my bag.

Y/N: Hey you busy?

I got in my car and waited a bit for his reply. RIINNGGG! RIIINNGGGG!

“Hey Tae.” I answered my phone.

“Hey what’s up?” He asked.

“Oh, I just finished up with work and was wondering if you wanted to do anything? I’ve been by myself all morning and am in desperate need of some human interaction.” I could hear a lot of laughing in the background.

“Guys shut up I’m on the phone!” He snapped at someone.

“I’m sorry if I interrupted anything. I can let you go if you need.” I apologized.

“No, you’re fine. I’m just with the gang, why don’t you join us?”

“What’re y’all doing?”

“We’re at the mall right now and going to the bar later tonight. So, are you in?”

“I’m in. Let me go home and change first. I’ll meet y’all there.”

“Awesome, see you soon! Don’t upstage me this time!” He responded enthusiastically.

“I don’t even know what you’re wearing? How do I know if I’m upstaging you or not?!” I heard him laughing on the other end.

“Just get you but over here!”

OKAY OKAY! I’ll see you soon!” I hung up the phone and drove home. Once I got home I went straight to my bedroom to pick out an outfit. I needed something that would be good for the mall and the bar. I walked into my closet and started filing through my clothes. After a few minutes, I decided on wearing a black long sleeve crop top, super distressed jeans, some Converse shoes, and a buffalo plaid button down shirt tied around my waist. Then, to top it off, I decided to add a black choker as well. I grabbed my tiny black backpack and keys and left to meet everyone at the mall.




(Taehyung’s POV)

After about 30 minutes of texting back and forth with y/n where we were, I finally could see her in the distance. I saw her expression change from one of searching to one of excitement as she found us and began waving. Hoseok, Sasha, Jimin, and Jungkook all waved back to her. Sasha even left us to go meet up with her so she didn’t have to walk all the way to us alone. She looked beautiful as always.

“Hey guys!” She said happily as she finally reached us. Namjoon and Jin got up from where they were sitting to give her a welcoming hug.

“Hey y/n, took you long enough.” Yoongi joked. Y/n stuck out her tongue at our hyung and then smiled as she gave him a fist bump.

“Y/n I’m so glad you decided to come!” Jungkook exclaimed. Jimin nodding in agreement standing next to him.

“Thanks guys, I am too. Work was just…” She paused for a moment with a disgruntled look on her face. “Work was work. You know?” The boys nodded in agreement with her, but I don’t think they actually fully understood what she meant.

“And what about your best friend?” I teased as I stood up and walked to stand behind her since she was facing the other guys. She turned around to face me as I slightly towered over her. She lifted her head slightly to look at me while I smirked at her. She gave me a big grin and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air while squeezing her gently.

“Alright, that’s enough you too.” Sasha teased us while putting her hands on her hips.

“Aww, Sasha are you jealous?” Y/n teased back at her as I was putting her back down on the ground.

“WHAT?! NO! I am not jealous!” She says defensively, her voice cracking slightly. Y/n turned to me and smiled so I winked back at her. I then turned to face Sasha and lunged towards her, grabbing her by the waist, and lifting her in the air as well.

“It’s okay, no need to be jealous. There’s enough of me to go around.” I chuckled giving her a large grin.

“Put me down Taehyung! I’m not jealous!” She yelled as she wiggled around in my arms. I placed her back down on the ground while laughing. As her feet finally landed on the ground and she regained her balance, she began playfully punching me to show her anger. “Y’all are so annoying, god!” She then folded her arms and went to go sit next to Namjoon as everyone chuckled to themselves. Namjoon just patted and rubbed her arm to try and make her feel better.

We all spent the next few hours walking around the mall and shopping a little bit. Eventually, Y/n and Sasha wanted to go into Victoria’s Secret to look at a few things. The rest of the guys and I told them that we would just wait outside till they were done. It’s always too crowded in there.

“Doesn’t Sasha look nice today?” Hoseok suddenly asks out of nowhere. All of our heads swung around to look at him.

“Did you say Sasha?” Jungkook questions.

“Yeah.” We were all just staring at Hoseok a little dumbfounded. “What? Have you all never looked at her that way?” I nodded my head no instantly, but the rest of the guys hesitated a bit and then nodded yes.

“Tae, you’ve never thought about Sasha as more than just a friend?” Jin directed his question to me.

“No, never. I can’t believe you guys have.”

“I don’t see it as weird. I’m just surprised Hoseok hyung said something about it.” Jimin stated. “I mean she is very pretty.”

“I suppose she is. I just never thought of her in that way.”

“Right, because you can’t see anyone other than Y/n, right hyung?” Jungkook blurted out.

“That’s not true.” I had answered while scratching the back of my head. I felt my face getting a little bit hot. Why am I blushing right now?! “I think there are other pretty girls.” I quickly said to get them to stop talking about me.

“But you do think she is pretty.” Yoongi said, not letting anything slip by.

“That’s not what I said hyung.” I began backtracking.

“So, you don’t think she is pretty?” Yoongi asked back with a smirk.

“Ugh, can we just drop this?” I began pleading with all of them while also avoiding eye contact.

“Dude, why are you trying to deny it so much? Y/n is an amazing person. We don’t go after her or say anything because we know you like her. So why can’t you just admit it?” Namjoon began asking me. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“You’ve all wanted to go out with y/n?” I ask confused.

“Of course we have bro. But if we did, knowing how you felt, that would be extremely of us.” Jimin stepped up next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I look at my feet feeling my face growing hotter. They would date y/n?

“What’re you thinking?” Jin asks me. I look up at him, thinking about what I’m about to say back to him very carefully.

“I’ve never admitted it to myself before either. Yes, I think she’s pretty, amazing, how could I not? But we’re best friends. It’s too late for me to be anything more with her even if I wanted to. Plus, she can find someone much better than me. Like you guys said, you all would date her. Who’s to say that a bunch of other guys are thinking the same thinking about her at this moment as well.” I look back down a bit putting my hands on my forehead shielding my face a bit from them out of frustration.  

“You know that’s no-” Yoongi began to say something but was quickly cut off.

“All done boys.” Sasha announces as her and y/n walk out of the store towards us. Hoseok strolls up to Sasha reaching for her bags like a perfect gentleman.

“Want me to get those for you?” He asks her while already grabbing the bags from her. She smiles and pushes her hair back behind her ear after handing over her bags.

“Aww thanks Hoseok, that’s so sweet of you!” Hyung why did you have to go and do that? Do I have to do that same thing now too? Everyone is looking at me now! I was fighting with myself on what to do. Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi began walking ahead to find more shops. Hoseok and Sasha follow behind them and then y/n. Jimin jabs me in the side with his elbow and nods his head towards y/n. I just freeze and don’t know what to do. I could hear Jimin sigh next to me and he walks quickly ahead of me to catch up with y/n.

“Y/n let me get those for you too.” Jimin offers.

“Oh no Jimin, you don’t have to do that. I’m okay holding them.” She says reassuringly.

“No please y/n, I insist.” He grabs the bags from her.

She gives him a little smile. “Thanks Jimin, I appreciate it.” They continue walking side by side with each other talking about something I couldn’t make out as they go out of earshot. I just continue standing there frozen and dumbfounded. Jungkook steps up next to me staring at them as well.

“You really messed up hyung. Jimin has begun liking her more lately.” He explains to me solemnly. I turn my head to face him.

“But you guys said you never did anything because of me.” I restated to him.

“Well yeah, but I think Jimin thinks if you’re not going to do anything, then he will.” I look down and let out a long and drawn out sigh. Great, I can’t believe I ed this up.


(edited 8/20/18)

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz