Chapter 7

My Best Friend Taehyung

(Taehyung’s POV)

    After we all sang happy birthday to y/n and she blew out her candles, I cut the cake and started serving everyone one after I gave y/n her piece. She was smiling ear to ear, she’s so beautiful. I need to stop thinking like this. There’s no way y/n likes me. We’ve been best friends for too long. I looked back down at the cake and took the final piece. I proceeded to sit down next to Yoongi, and just as I was about to start talking with him I overheard Sasha start to talk to Hoseok hyung.

    “Hey Hoseok!” Sasha said cheerfully at him as she sat next to him.

    “Hey there Sasha! Are you enjoying yourself? Is y/n enjoying herself too?” He happily responded back to her.

    “I believe she is, yes. As for mine? It definitely got much better.” I grinned to myself as I overheard. Yeah I know, it’s not right. Blah blah blah.

    “Well that’s great! What made it better? The party?” He curiously asked.

    “Oh, yeah definitely the party.” She smiled shyly and looked down from his face while picking at her piece of cake with a fork. Hoseok smiled to and noticed I was staring. I smiled and him and mouthed ‘This is your chance, go for it.’ to him. His eyes opened wide and he mouthed ‘What now?’ back to me, so I nodded my head yes back.

    “Hey Sasha?” Hoseok turned back towards Sasha and she lifted up her face to look at him again.


    “I have something I want to tell you. Would you mind coming with me for a second?” He stood up and outstretched his hand to her. She looked confused at first and then smiled and took his hand. He then led her away from the group to talk with her.

    After a few minutes we all heard a loud squeal and turned towards Hoseok and Sasha just in time to see her grab Hoseok’s face and kiss him. He looked so surprised and happy all at the same time. We quickly all turned away as they started walking back towards us holding hands. Just as they reached out area again, Sasha ran up to y/n and started squealing and jumping up and down hugging each other. All of us guys just high fived Hoseok and congratulated him. I’m glad they got together. They look really happy.




    “I hope tonight helped you y/n.” I said to her as she sat next to me in the car. We had just left her party since it was already pretty late.

    “Yeah it did, thanks again Tae.” She said back to me with a smile.

    “For what?”

    “For…” I paused for a moment. “For making me go to the party tonight. You were right, I did really needed to get out.”

    “Don’t mention it, I’m just glad your happy.” I pulled into a parking spot in the lot in front of her complex and we got out of the car. As we walked up to her apartment we just continued to make small talk.

    “Wanna come in a watch something on Netflix?” She asked me as we stood in front of her door trying to grab her keys from her bag. “You’re more than welcome to crash here tonight since it’s late.” As much as I wanted to I knew I shouldn't.

    “I’d love to, any other night. But I think tonight you should get some rest, so that big brain of yours can soak up all the information you were studying earlier today. I don’t want you to be over worked before our midterms.” I explained to her. She stood their quiet for a moment and then looked up at me with a half smile with her keys in your hand.

    “Yeah, I suppose you’re right Tae. Thanks again for helping me out tonight.” She opened her door and took a step in and turned around. “Good night Taehyung.”

    “Good night y/n.” I said as I gave her a quick firm hug. “Sleep tight.” I turned around and started walking down the hall.”

    “You too, Taehyung. Drive safe.” I heard her close the door as I continued walking down the hall. Yeah, there’s no way she has feelings for me.

    I stopped just as I was about to open the door of my car. I looked up at y/n’s window with longing for a moment and then opened the door to my car and got in. As I was driving home I couldn’t help but keep thinking about y/n. If I tell her, what would she say? Would she end our friendship? Would she think I’m stupid or ridiculous?


    I grabbed my phone and lifted to my field of vision. BZZZZZ BZZZZ! I quickly looked at the caller id that read Namjoon. “I’ll just call him when I get home.” I drove the rest of the way home trying to focus on the road and not on y/n. I finally pulled into my parking spot and got out of the car. As I walked to my my apartment I unlocked my phone to call Namjoon back.

    “Yeoboseyo.” Namjoon answered.

    “Hey hyung, sorry I was driving back from dropping off y/n.”

    “Oh don’t worry about it. So you got home safe then?”

    “Yes hyung, I walking in now.” I explained to him as I was opening the door to my apartment.

    “Good, well I just wanted to remind you that once midterms are over we need to double up our dance practice schedule for the competition thats coming up soon.”

    “That’s right, it’ll be in a few months right? Right before finals?”

    “Yeah, so send Hoseok your class schedule and work schedule. Are you still keeping your second job?”

    “I’m not sure yet.”

    “Well please figure it out by the end of the week, okay?”

    “I will hyung. Thank you for reminding me and have a good night.”

    “You too Tae.”

    I hung up the phone and fell back onto my bed. Today was a really long day. I’m glad y/n had a good time in the end. I hope she keeps her promise too. I can’t see her so miserable anymore and not being able to do more. I got back up off the bed and took off my shirt and pants. I walked over to my night stand and plugged my phone into the charger and set my alarm. Then I got in to bed and place my arms beneath my head and surprisingly fall asleep quickly.


(Y/N’s POV)




    I drowsily searched for my phone on my nightstand. “Ughhhhh, where are you?” I whined while not wanting to open my eyes. I finally found my phone and dismissed my alarm. After I let my arm drape over the side of my bed. I just not realized how sore it was from bowling last night. “Owwww.” I slowly sat up and walked into my bathroom with my eyes mostly closed. I my shower and began to began to strip my clothes off. I got into my shower and just stood there for a moment letting the shower gently fall on my back and shoulders. The water was so warm and relaxing. I’m so tired, I haven’t gotten a good night's rest like that in a long time. Hopefully not studying all night will help with my exams like Tae said.

    I proceeded to finish my shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Now to figure out what to wear. I guess I can just wear sweats or something since we won’t be having full length classes. BZZZ BZZZZ! I quickly grabbed my phone to see I had a new text. “A text this early?”

    Jiminie: Hey y/n I hope I didn’t wake you.

    Jiminie: But I need to meet up with you later today after our exams.

    Jiminie: Is that okay?

    Y/N: Yeah that’s fine, do you know about what time?

    Y/N: Also where did you want to me?

    Jiminie: We can meet at the cafe near campus if you want. Say around 2?

    Y/N: That sounds perfect!

    Jiminie: Awesome! I’ll see you later then!

    Y/N: See you then!

    I tossed my phone on to my bed and walked back to my closet. “I guess I’m not wearing sweatpants any more.” I grabbed a striped crop top, red washed overalls, and some sneakers. I put on my clothes and then did my makeup.

    As I finished getting ready, I grabbed my backpack walk out of my apartment. I start my walk to campus while trying to review a few more things in my head. Oh! I should text Tae really fast! I immediately pull my phone out of my pocket and text him.

    Y/N: Hey!

    Y/N: I just wanted to wish you good luck to today on your exams.

    Y/N: I know you’ll do great with that great big brain of yours.

    Tae-Tae: Thank you, and good luck to you too. You’ve prepared harder than you needed too!

    Tae-Tae: You’re going to do fantastic!

    I smiled at Tae’s confidence in me, I hope he is right.

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Since starting this story and getting back into the swing of things I feel that I could do much better with this story. I’m struggling with putting a pause on new chapters and going back to revamp the current ones, or if I should just continue posting until I finish and then go back and revamp them.


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Blueberry91 #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: please post other chapters 'cause i'm dying to know the end of the story❤❤
Chapter 5: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
Chapter 12: 請盡快更新^^
Blueberry91 #4
Chapter 9: can you upload the next chapter plzzz