alone again


mind the font ! italics is a flashback 


"Hey Kevin," Kibum forced a smile when he stepped inside the vehicle, taking one last glance at Jonghyun who was still standing in the doorway.
His driver turned around with a bright smile, "Hey there Kibum, ready for school ?" 

He scrunched up his nose at him as if to say that it was one of the least favorite things on his list and sighed a little when the car began moving. He hated being parted from Jonghyun, he wasn't his soulmate for nothing. Soulmates shouldn't be separated because they're one.

He did like his school, he loved his friends and he had awesome teachers. Sometimes he did feel a little different in school, and sometimes he questioned himself if all of his friends and teachers were only cool and sweet to them, because he was kind of 'famous'. Not really famous of course, but when dating one the youngest pilots in the world, it does come with cameramen and journalists.

He always tried to keep those thoughts far at the back of his head.
At least he still had Kevin whom he could talk to and who would never treat him differently than all the others just because he was dating Kim Jonghyun.

"Do you feel better now ?" He asked at the driver in front, placing his backpack in the seat next to him.
Kevin nodded, looking in the mirror so that he could look Kibum in the eyes, "Yeah, just a little fever, I'm all good now," He flashed the blonde a reassuring smile and averted his eyes back to the road.

Kibum looked out of the window, the landscape was a little darkened because of the tinted glass. The cars dashed by like blurs, the trees were mere flashes of brown and green and the houses were little squares that he couldn't distinguish as houses anymore.
Kevin noticed him being a little less bubbly and happy, frowning in the mirror as the seventeen year old kept staring intently out of the window.
"You look sad, is Jonghyun leaving again ?" His words were underlaced with pure sympathy and slight disappointment, feeling sorry for the young boy to have to miss his boyfriend all the time.

Kibum nodded, sending his driver a smile as if saying that he was going to be alright, "It's okay, it's only for three days this time," 
Kevin smiled at him through the mirror, looking right through the blonde boy and his fake smile, he knew he wasn't okay at all. Even if Jonghyun was gone for only three days, he could see at the way if affected Kibum's original happy personality and lack of energy that he hated being alone in the big mansion all the time.

They soon arrived at school. Kibum grabbed his backpack and bid Kevin goodbye, slinging it over his shoulders after he closed the door of the black car. There were a couple of people quickly making their way inside the school building and he followed suit. Just when he entered the schoolbuilding  the bell rang and all the pupils began swarming around to get to their class.

The blonde quickly smiled at some people who greeted him, running to his locker and dumping his books in his bag, slamming the little, metal door back closed and quickly sprinting to his classroom. It was on the other side of campus and he hated it, he was definitely going to be late now. You weren't allowed to run down the corridors, and the blonde wasn't the type to break the rules but there were no teachers in sight so he couldn't care less right now, trying not to bump in other pupils who were also late.

He was panting by the time he arrived at the classroom, quickly fixing his uniform and hair before knocking twice, waiting for the usual 'come in' and opening the door carefully, flashing the teacher an embarrassed smile.

"How come your late, Kibum ?" She asked, no sign of anger audible in her voice. Whew.
"Uhm, well, I --" There he was, trying to not come over like an idiot. "Uhm, Jonghyun is leaving again and well --" 
The teacher's eyes immediately softened at the name of the pilot, sending the blonde a warm smile, "Okay, well try not to be late next time," 

Kibum bowed ninety degrees and turned to the class, looking for an empty seat and plopping down at the desk.




It was a warm spring day and Kibum and Jonghyun were outside in their garden. Kibum was sixteen and went to visit Jonghyun in his house often. 
His parents had just bought the mansion for him because he was very close on becoming a pilot, and they knew he was now old enough to live on his own. They had already been dating for a few months now and had already made their relationship public. 
It was amazing to be together now without having to fear for getting discovered, finally the rumors of Jonghyun bringing a blonde e boy to his house or having an affair with a twelve year old started disappearing out of the magazines and papers.

The scandals and rumors turned into praising articles stating that 'Kim Jonghyun is not afraid to show the world what true love is'.
The only disadvantage was that now there were much more cameramen and journalists, it was an unusual couple, so it was only normal. They should've seen it coming. 

There was a flower behind Kibum's ear, a pretty red one which Jonghyun had put there. 
There was a soft breeze that tousled their hair, compensated with the burning sun it was pretty much the perfect weather.
They had been goofing around all day, doing nothing but cuddling and laughing. 

Jonghyun was sitting cross legged on the grass with Kibum's head in his lap, he looked down at him and brushed the blonde strands out of his face. The flower was still intact behind his ear, the sun glowing on his skin and making him look like even more beautiful in Jonghyun's eyes.
"Hm, so pretty," The eldest smiled, bending down to leave a little kiss on the other's soft lips.

Kibum giggled, hoisting himself up on his elbows, "Let's make a cake," He proposed with keen eyes, blue eyes twinkling with excitement.
The pilot laughed, "Uhm, okay, but I don't think we have the ingredients for it," 
"Then let's go buy them," He said enthusiastically, fluttering his eyelids, aegyo on level one thousand and Jonghyun couldn't possibly refuse his boyfriend's cute face.


They stood up from the grass and brushed the dirt off their clothes, passing by the beautiful flower beds and willows that were situated next to the romantic pond that Jonghyun wanted so badly.
They walked to the front of the house to the gate, linking their fingers together and leaving Jonghyun's property to go to the grocer. The older boy checked his wallet before nodding, bringing their intertwined hands up and briefly pressing his lips to Kibum's knuckles 

The feeling of having Kibum's slim fingers in between the gaps of his own was almost magical, he felt like he needed to protect his angel. He felt like he needed to always be there for him, otherwise he'd break down into little pieces. Because he was made of glass, he was as fragile as porcelaine and people as fragile as Kibum should be handled with care. 

He let the smaller boy lead him to whatever grocershop had the right ingredients to make a cake, smiling like an idiot at seeing his boyfriend so hyped up.
There were many people on the streets, shopping in their summer clothes, little kids playing around and eating melting icelollies.
It was Saturday so some dads had time to go fishing with their sons, mothers could go to the mall with their daughters, and friends could hang out in the park.
Some people smiled at Jonghyun and Kibum, almost everybody in town knew them and loved them to pieces. Of course not everybody accepted the couple because of obvious reasons but just ignored them, because they knew they would get in trouble when they would say something about it.

Luckily for them there weren't any real homophobes where they lived who would do anything to put them to shame or try to break them apart. Jonghyun had once considered hiring bodyguards for Kibum but the younger boy had thrown a fit, refusing to have two huge bodybuilders by his side all the time.

Their pace slowed down, walking next to each other in sync, fingers locked together. The pretty, red flower was still in Kibum blond locks, making him look a little girly. Jonghyun untangled his slightly bigger hand and put his arm around the other's shoulders, pulling him to his side and giving him a kiss on the temple, arm dropping down to his side and resting his hand on his waist afterwards.

Kibum came to a halt at one of the many shops in the street, standing still long enough for Jonghyun to fish his wallet ouf his pocket. They walked in, a little 'ding' going through the little store, the woman behind the counter smiling at them as they went searching through the racks. 
Well, actually Kibum was the one trying to find the right ingredients and the other boy dumbfoundedly twirling around.

He looked at the blonde who was standing on his toes, trying to grab something from the highest shelf. Jonghyun chuckled, walking over to him and picking up the product from the shelf with ease, grinning at his boyfriend. Kibum huffed, narrowing his eyes at him and walked away to get the other ingredients.
The eldest of the two watched him bend down to grab a carton of milk, the grin on his face turned into a slightly erted one, doing a mental happy dance that his boyfriend decided to wear skinny jeans in this weather, those jeans he loved so much and hugged the other's legs in all the right places.

When Kibum was done, Jonghyun quickly helped him carrying the stuff to the counter. The woman gave them a warm smile, biting her lip to prevent herself from squealing when the couple bid her goodbye after she put everything in a bag and saw Jonghyun putting the red flower in his boyfriend's hair back in place. 




Kibum smiled at the memories, gazing out of the window and only coming back to reality at the sound of the bell.
Everybody packed their bags and walked out of the classroom, bidding their teacher goodbye.
"Hey Kibum," came a sudden low voice. The blonde looked up, coming face to face with Dongwoon, one of his friends. 

"Oh hey," He smiled, standing up from his chair and dumping his textbook in his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.
"Where's Jonghyun going this time ?" Dongwoon questioned, holding the strap of his own backpack as they walked out of the classroom.

"Russia," Kibum answered, turning back around when he heard his teacher calling out his name, "Kibum, stay for a second,"
He sent Dongwoon an apologetic look, telling him to go on without him and walked back in the classroom, standing in front of his teacher's desk.

She gave him a smile, "Kibum-ah, I understand that you're late because of Jonghyun, but even though I would like that you'd pay attention during class," She said in a seirous tone, though her eyes were full of sympathy. She knew that he lived with his boyfriend but that wasn't what concerned her. He wasn't treated differently by the teachers because of Jonghyun, well, partially, but the main reason was because they knew that he was a foundling.

Kibum looked at her, forcing an apologetic smile on his lips as he bowed ninety degrees, "I'm sorry, miss, I'll make sure I'll be on time tomorrow and that I'll pay attention," He promised, watching her jerk her head to the door as if saying he was free to go.

He quickly ran outside, going through the endless corridors to reach his locker and getting his stuff for next class. He joined a couple of guys who had the same class as him next and smiled at them, "Hey, did we have any homework for history ?" He asked them, hoping that the answer would be no because he had a more important thing to do yesterday evening. Jonghyun was going to leave the next day, they were going to be alone and ually frustrated for three days straight, it just had to be done before his boyfriend left.

"Nope," One of them chirped. Kibum sighed internally, quickly fishing his cellphone out of his pocket before entering the classroom.

Be a good boy in school :)
see you in three days <3




kay kay, bye.



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Chapter 27: i just discovered this story and i'm just addicted omg i need moooooooore
pinkwlgirl #3
Chapter 27: Please come back:((
I hope to know what happens next:((
Chapter 27: It's so sad, that you didin't update for so long... :(
kara224 #5
I wish u wud update :)
it's been over a year since this has been updated ; ;
this is my 4th time rereading it since it was last updates ...
I wish you'd come back and update soon..
kara224 #7
Chapter 27: i love your story and wished u would update :)
flamingho #8
Chapter 27: My fourth time reading this cause you wont update and im desperate
missAng #9
Chapter 27: Are you trying to kill me with these fluffssss?! But I love it! :p jonghyun is so gentle towards key OMG. Do write more fluffssss!
Chapter 1: Jonghyun taller than Kibum? If only that would happen to him in real life lol