Happy Holidays, wiingwiing

Who's My IGOT7 Secret Santa? 2018 GxB [The Big Reveal is online! // News from 2018.12.31]
Gift for wiingwiing

Gift from ?????

Title of the gift: the meeting that is far overdue 
Pairing: Yugyeom/Reader
How many words: 3,646
Rating: not rated M
Warning: -
note to my giftee: 

Dear giftee I hope you enjoyed this little gift I prepared for you.

I just wanted to tell you that as a student I know how hard things can get and how much effort it requires. And a lot of friendly support so with that in mind I decided to give you support through the person we both cherish very much, Yugyeom. Hope you enjoy the holidays and remember to give yourself a tap on the shoulder once in a while for all the hard work you did



the meeting that is far overdue


“We are here with GOT7 promoting their new TITLE SONG LULLABY from their new album , PRESENT YOU”

You sit in the cafeteria watching the live broadcast of Music Bank on your phone, your eyes can’t help but to stare at the tall boy who is messing around, it’s been so long, the little boy you remember sitting down by the stairs to your house is now all grown up and taking over the world with his 6 band mates.

You watch anxiously as the votes begin to appear on your small screen, your heart skips a bit every time another category appears revealing the scores

“And the winner is….,”you screamed when you saw the numbers under lullaby surpass the second place

“Congratulations got7”, you covered your mouth out of embarrassment but nothing could hide your huge smile and happy eyes that were covered by your palm

“What, what happened”, your best friend pushes herself on you trying to see what has you so freaking exited

“Nothing”, you say closing the app, before your friend grabs your phone right out of your hands

“Yeah right”, she flips through your phone and opening the app

“Oh got7 won, good for them”, she says like it’s no big deal handing your phone back

“How can you say that this is their second win in a row and their 7th in total do you know how special that is, it’s a new record “you say sounding a bit hurt at your BFF’s reaction

“Wow sorry (Y/N), forgive me for dishonoring your idols”, she says sarcastically, to be honest her reaction really didn’t surprise you she is more of a (fandom name) then an ahgase.

“You should be”, you say in a huff taking your phone back placing it next to your heart, you have a special place for each one of them in your hearts but you have an even a bigger one for the tall maknae

“Say aren’t they going to be in town for a fan signing in December?”, shoot, thanks to all your assignments you totally forgot about that

“oh my god yes, you grab your phone and open the web  page and curse, “it’s sold out” you say in a low voice it’s not like you could have gone anyway since the fan sign was on the day of your midterms and on a very important course that you were struggling on as well.

“Bummer, listen maybe you can-“, she tries to comfort you when you cut her off

“No forget it, just forget it , let’s face it it’s not meant to be” you sadly putting your phone back into your bag

“Who am I kidding it’s not like he would even remember me, like honestly who would remember their neighbor of 10 years” you say facing realty


You come home and drop your bag and turn on my computer and begin to stream lullaby, they may have won 7 prizes and even though Jackson said that they would refuse accepting any more trophies since 7 is their number. But you as their fan  aren’t going to stop there . you take your text book and begin reviewing the material as you were about to turn the page your eyes look at the screen and freeze when you see Yugyeom’s teaser begin to play, with your hand still under the page you watch with immense concentration as he teases you with his impressive dance moves and smooth y voice, you still can’t believe that this was the shy timed kid you grew up with.

“I will go more towards you continuously I will go more towards you if you trust me yeah I want more You and all the emotions I want more”

it was at that words that you just couldn’t hold back your tears, yes you wanted to hear those words from his own mouth, by the time the song was over you couldn’t concentrate anymore, his words his face, it was all you could think about, after staring at the text book for a good 10 minutes you finally give up and close the book, this is so childish you say rubbing your face in frustration , you are a college student you don’t have time for day dreaming .you try opening the book again but again instead of reading your notes all you could see was those freaking lyrics.at that point you just get up and leave the house. maybe some fresh air and a walk might help you come back to realty, you begin walking, humming lullaby as you stroll down the street and enter the park, you look around and sigh same, everything is just the same way it was like those 10 years ago the same yellow slide which you and him slide down saying “chu chu” hugging each other backs, the same blue monkey bars which your feet use to hang from looking down at him below teasing him how you were more flexible then him. All those happy memories you have created together now run through your head like a river.it was happy and sad at the same time, thinking back you felt lucky for you know how many girls would die to be in that place where you were but again that was then this is now. But in all honesty you would never trade those memories for nothing

When you finally come home you felt more relaxed your mind was much clearer then when you left.  you were ready to hit the books again, you take your seat at your desk and turn on your phone to listen to some more got7 songs while you study but the second the screen lights up your eyes darken

“Live got7 kiss the radio 1 hour ago”, you see the little notification in the corner of your screen

“NO NO” you yell banging your hands on your desk ,how cruel can this world get ,it was at that moment you really felt like the world really hated you for some reason, well no reason to cry over spilt milk now, back to the those danm books


December 23

it was the day before the winter festival and as part of the student council  you were working overtime to help get the school looking festive for tomorrow ,it was already so late that you were almost ready to call it a night when

“(Y/N)” please go to the auditorium, you heard your name being called through the speakers

“Well go, it’s ok I’ll take over here, your best friend says taking the streamers from your hands,

“You sure?”, you ask in hesitation when you  see how much work still needed to be done.

“yeah the sooner you get down there the sooner we can finish up and go home she sounded a little to exited to you but there was truth in her words, so you quickly leave the room and head down towards the auditorium,

You open the doors and it was dark like pitch black dark, you still had your hands on the handle when one of the stage lights turn on, you slowly walk towards the platform and take a seat in the front row waiting in anticipation, all of the sudden and a very familiar tune began to play through the speakers, a shy smile appeared on your lips when the intro of got7 confession song began to play through the speakers.  You felt like you were in a dream only when you see Jackson emerge from behind the stage curtain wearing a bright red Santa hat and walk down the stairs towards you, you began to believe this might actually be real .but it was at the moment Jackson sat down to your right and took your right hand in his left you knew for a fact that it was indeed not a dream

Next verse and suddenly Jinyoung appears from the other side of the stage his hair perfectly parted wearing the same hat and his signature squared black glasses and comes and he too goes and sits on your left , and as the song progressed slowly all the got7 members except for Yugyeom,  appear, each one taking your hand twirling you around before placing a kiss on your hand you didn’t know how to react you were over joyed feeling like the luckiest person on earth right now suddenly Jackson and Jinyoung take each of your hands and began walking you towards the middle of the stage  telling you stay still before leaving you alone and disappearing behind the séances.

you stood there playing with your feet when your eyes see a tall guy with a bear face being pushed towards you by 4 eagerly looking guys, it was only when you were face to face with that bear you finally realized what was actually going on , you watched closely as two hands slowly grip the top and slowly remove the bear face, you cover your moth when you finally get to see who’s face was under the mask ,KIM freaking YUGYEO, suddenly the music turns off as Yugyeom takes your hands into his

“I love you, (y/n) I love you” , Yugyeom began singing to you in his high pitch voice as you look into his brown eyes that twinkle , you didn’t care at that moment you just throw yourself on him wrapping your hands around his neck saying “Gyeomie paboo-ya”

You can hear the soft giggles of the other members as you drag his tall body down for a hug pulling him as close as you could suddenly you hear the sound of confetti poppers being opened as the boys  and your best friend begin circling and throwing confetti and streamers at you two . At that moment you felt like sleeping beauty who was woken up by her prince after being a sleep so long, you gazed into his beautiful brown eyes when suddenly he leans in and kisses you on the cheek

“Eww”, Bam says as a result of his best friend’s action.

“Screw you Bam”, Yugyeom yells throwing him a glare before pulling you down the stairs and towards the exit when JB calls out “remember you two keep it age appropriate “

“Hyung I’m 22”, Yugyeom says feeling slightly hurt at the comment.

“But your still our baby” Jinyoung says throwing an arm over JB shoulder. Yugyeom doesn’t waste time and grabs pulls you out and off the school grounds

“Man I hate them”, he says greeting his teeth as his pale face begin to turn red

“No you don’t”, you tell him

“You know me so well even after 10 years (Y/N) he says opening the door to his car which you only got to see photos of on his SNS

“Where are we going” you say putting your seat belt

“You’ll see” he grins turning on the ignition

You drive about 10-15 minutes till he parks the car not really far from where you live

Yugyeom opens the door and says “shall we”  holding out his hand  ,with no hesitation you take his hand and get out of the car, and begin walking towards a small cafe stall

“one hot chocolate and one (Y/favorite drink)” you look at him with wide eyes how does he still remember your favorite drink, you think as he hands you your hot drink, once again you begin walking down the street using your hot drink as a heat source to warm your body

“(Y/N) what’s wrong, are your cold”, he says when you begin to shiver a bit

“Yes a little, I forgot my jacket at the school”, you kept rubbing your hot drink

“Oh I’m sorry here wait right hear don’t move” he says before dashing down the street. It only took two minutes when you see Yugyeom’s tall figure reappear from the fog

“Here wouldn’t want my friend getting a cold right before the holidays” , he wraps his winter coat around your body  surrounding you with his sweet scent  making you feel nice and snug, before putting a hand around your waist as you resume walking down the street.

“And we are here”, you let out a soft giggle when you realize where you were, the park the same freaking park

“What so funny”, Yugyeom asks looking completely baffled at your reaction

“Nothing it’s just”, giggle,” This is the place I go whenever I think of you,” you say hiding your slightly red face

“Well looks like great minds think alike” ,he says letting go of you and sits on the swing

“For I two have a lot of great memories in this place”, he begins swinging “Do you remember how we use to race who can swig faster” he says throwing his head back and forth picking up speed acting like a total child.

“Yeah and I would win every time” you say teasing sticking out your tongue

“Not anymore” he throws you a teasing look challenging you

“You’re on” you say sitting on the other swing and begin swinging beside him, giggling and laughing at your childish behavior

“Thanks, thank you Gyeom, “you say as your feet slowly return to the ground

“For what?”, he asks looking straight at you

“For coming”, you say in a low voice.

“It’s not me you should be thanking it’s your friend”

“My friend?” you ask with wide eyes

“Yeah she’s the one who planned all this” he says getting up pulling you off the swing

“But how”, you say confused

“that doesn’t matter, what matters now is that you get some rest and ace that test tomorrow, seriously don’t worry your little head  for no reason, your very smart even as kids I remember you helped me with my homework, so don’t worry cause I believe in you (Y/N)”, he says leaning down before you felt his warm lips on yours  ,your face was red as a tomato and not from the cold, you close your eyes and let him take total control of you , you grip his jacket as he gives you the most mesmerizing kiss of your life, god you prayed that this would last forever as  he held you for two minutes till he finally breaks away breathless,

“Wow”, is all you say smiling letting out a huff of air

“What hyung said to keep it “age appropriate”” he says playfully, as you give him the look

“Come on (Y/N) you don’t think I’m that innocent do you”

“Honestly no, the moment I saw you on hit the stage I knew that sweet little Gyeomie is long gone, and guess what I don’t care” you give him another peck on the lips,

“I LOVE YOU KIM YUGYEOM” you say grabbing his shirt and pulling him down giving him another deep kiss, giving him a taste of his own medicine


Bonus (radio show) ,Yugyeom POV

“Yes so we are here with one of the hottest boy group, you know who I’m talking about, GOT7 is here scream the host yells and we join in

“Come and get it got7, hello we are got7” we deliver our famous line, like always. The host begins to talk about our song playing word games and joking around like always we have a good time whenever we do a radio show

“Ok let’s read some comments from our listeners” I look at the monitor at the flood of comments that were coming in over all the comments were pretty good lullaby was getting the best reviews we have ever gotten so far

“JB aegyo”, that comment came up at least 5 times and JB tried dismissing it, didn’t work

“Yugyeom did you put anything on your lips”, I wanted to die, ever since that freaking V live that line has become my worst enemy, but I learned to just apply every day something on my lips just so I can say yes and move on, but wither I had or didn’t Jinyoung would always force me to perk my lips and say that god danm line.

Other comments were just the word “Oppa saranghe” ,pretty typical it was  in the middle of all the cachous that one comment  got my attention

“User name*****”

Hi my best friend is a second year college and she is a huge fan of your, she has been struggling can you please give (Y/N) a few words of support”

as we say “(Y/N) fighting”, I kept scrolling up reading that comment, I don’t know why  but there was something about that name ,it was only when we were in the dressing room that it hit me, OMG (y/n) my best  friend since I was 10, I kept banging myself on the head feeling like a total idiot

“Yugyeom why are you banging your head on the door looking like a total idiot?”. Mark walks in looking a bit concern

“Because he is one”, Jinyoung says passing bye not really caring

“Ha Ha really funny”, I say opening my SNS and checking if I can find (Y/N) profile

God she looks all grown up, I scroll through her pictures


“Guys I think Yugyeom is in love” bam says in the car on our way home

“With him, we know”. Youngjae joined the teasing

“I’m being serious didn’t anyone else notice how his eyes kept getting bigger every time he read that comment

“Which one, the college student, yeah I noticed he kept reading it”, Jackson said widening his eyes like I did

Yugyeom wanted to die not enough I get teased but know my members found another thing to tease me about


“Hey Yugyeom, you up” Jinyoung walks into my room

“Now I am” I says sitting up hiding the book i was reading. Ever since I began reading everyone began teasing me every time I dare to open a book. Jinyoung slowly walks up and sits on the end of my bed

“Is Bam Bam telling the truth?”, suddenly his voice became low and serious

“Hmm”, I say feeling a bit of guard

“About you and that girl, you know her don’t you”, Danm Jinyoung and his big brain

“Maybe why does it matter to you”, I try dismissing him

“I just want you to know that this isn’t a good time to form a bound we are finally on our way to the top and you starting a relationship isn’t the smartest move”, sadly I knew what he was saying

“However, your happiness is much more important to us and we would hate to be in the way”, that surprised me I didn’t expect those words to come out of his mouth.

“Relax hyung it’s not what you think she is just a good childhood friend I grew up with”, I try to put his mind at ease, who knows next think I know he might get a

“Oh really I didn’t think our Gyeomie had a girlfriend at such a young age, you little brat letting us all think you were innocent”, there he is, that savage Jinyoung I know and love

“Hyung drop it or I will literally throw you over my shoulder and throw you out” I say in all seriousness, I wasn’t in the mood right now for his teasing

“You couldn’t even if you wanted to” he says grinning, at my empty threat knowing the sad truth. I grunt in frustration and turn to the side, I wasn’t going to give the satisfaction/

“So what do you wanna do?” he refused to drop the issue

“About what?”, I say already irritated

“About your friend, come on Yugyeom-ah you’ve been mopping the second we left the radio station”

“I don’t know, honestly I really want to go to her and cheer her up, (Y/N) has always been there whenever I had my doubts and now i want to return the favor, but I know how busy our schedules are I can’t just walk up to her house because social media is going to make such a scandal” I sigh at the end

“What if we all go together”, I turn around and look at him straight in the eyes

“What?”, I say again looking clueless

“What if we go over to the college and surprise her there, it will be just like our confession song we did during MAD”, he says slowly so that my brain can process what he was saying

“What like a confession song 2.0”,I say squinting my eyes ,showing him that I got what he was saying

“Exactly, that way no one would suspect you having a relationship with some girl”, smart, that might actually work.

“But what about our schedule, I can’t just-“, I was cut off

“Leave that to us, I’m sure JB can work something out besides aren’t we going to be at your home town next month, I’m sure we can arrange something.  In the meantime try to get some info about your friend”, he says getting up heading towards the door finally ready to leave me alone in peace

“Thanks hyung, this really means a lot to me”, I say as he begins closing the door

“Anything for my maknae”, I wanted to hurl, every time he uses maknae I know he was teasing me

“Be honest your only doing this so you can see me in some weird oversized teddy mask”, I say, reviling his evil plan

“Honestly I didn’t think about that idea, but thanks I’ll make sure to request one just for you”, he grins

“Get out” I throw the pillow right as the door closed, DANG IT.

Well on the plus side at least I will get to see (Y/N), I say with a dorkish smile as I diel my mom number

(Y/N) you’re in for a surprise.




music bank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fabVLsdcrEA

Yugyeom fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M4gMb6qa5g

Yugyeom car https://www.google.co.il/search?q=yugyeom+audi+car&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjc6IW48JneAhUsyIUKHSGwCw8Q_AUIDigB&biw=1270&bih=671#imgdii=yBZupKAts3m05M:&imgrc=a5gBnu-poMMkbM:


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Chapter 13: I.. I loved this! Thank you so much! The fantastical elements of royalty meeting the mating of wolves is gorgeous and I kind of feel special. Sorry if it was a hassle with my prompt, but I think it's beautiful. Thank you, Santa <3
Chapter 18: Owhhh. I loved it secret Santa. Never knew someone will write an one-shot for me. It was awesome. I really got tears in my eyes. It was a great Christmas gift. Thank you.
here's the separate link on my own account for The Next Part, a gift to Golden_Closet =]
Chapter 26: Happy New year!!!
Chapter 5: Yes!! Lets meet again and I can actually join for real. XD and happy new year to you and everyone else. Take care!!! And thanks for holding this event. Much appreciated!!!
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaahhhhh A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL SO CUTE!!!! thank you so much my secret santa!!! Tbh I forgot what did I asked for in the form but this is just so great! I love it!