I still don’t clearly know what I’m doing but hey, it’s all about the journey, right?

Always read the fine print, when getting a cat.

Youngjae woke up bright and early, like he did every morning but he didn’t leave his bed until an hour later. After a long relaxing shower, Youngjae finally walked down stairs and into the kitchen where Daehyun was already eating breakfast.

“Good morning.” The younger yawned.

“Morning, are you ready for the meetings?” Daehyun asked when Youngjae sat down at the table.

“I’ve been ready since last week.” Youngjae snorted. “How’s job hunting?” The question made Daehyun cringe.

“Ehhh, could be better… I guess no one really wants a college drop out.” Daehyun laughed pitifully.

“I could give you a job at the company.” Youngjae offered again but Daehyun quickly shook his head.

“You’ve known me for like 2ish years now, what makes you think I’d be happy with a ty office job. Ugh, just thinking about cubicles makes me want to die.” Daehyun sighed dramatically.

“You do know my company offers a variety of job options that aren’t related to cubicles and boring office jobs, right?” Youngjae rolled his eyes when Daehyun’s head perked up.

“What do you have to offer?” Daehyun asked.

“Well, what do you want to do? What are your plans for the future and whatnot.” Youngjae needed the older to narrow down the list before he started listing the possible job positions.

“I haven’t thought about the long term but I was majoring in music related stuff before I dropped out.” Daehyun mused out loud. “But I’m pretty sure the all powerful Yoo Industries doesn’t dabble in music.” The older sits back in his chair and thinks about other possible interests.

“You’re right, the company doesn’t have a music branch but it does work closely with a few record labels and entertainment companies so I could ask around. Maybe share those lame covers you did back in college.” Youngjae teased lightly. In all honesty, Daehyun had a damn good voice, it put angels to shame but Youngjae didn’t want to inflate the older’s ego anymore than it already was, he didn’t need another Himchan.

“You’d do that for me?” Daehyun asked with bright eyes.

“Of course, we’re friends.” Youngjae blushed slightly. “Plus you’ve been really helpful around the house and stuff.”

“You’re the best, thanks so much.” Daehyun got out of his chair and walked around the table to hug the younger. “Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast, you’re going to be late.” Daehyun snickered when Youngjae started shoveling his food into his mouth.

“C’mon let’s go.” Youngjae rushed out of the door and Daehyun followed close behind. They got into the car and drove off into the sunset. Just kidding. Daehyun drove Youngjae to Yoo Industries’ main office building.

“I don’t see why you make me drive you everywhere.” Daehyun chuckled.

“It saves time, I’m a nervous driver, I’m lazy, and I can’t have you sitting around getting fat.” Youngjae poked his tongue out at the older before exiting the car.

“Have a good day at work, sweetie.” Daehyun yelled out the window. Youngjae rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. He quickly sculpted his face into a neutral expression as he entered the building. All the workers he passed greeted him and he would nod at them as he passed, Youngjae didn’t mean to come off as cold but being friendly could lead to problems, like favoritism and manipulation, it was better to keep everyone at a distance. It had nothing to do with Youngjae being slightly awkward when it came to anything other than business.

“Good morning sir.” Jieun, his secretary for the medical branch greeted him with a coy smile.

“Morning.” Was Youngjae’s short reply before he entered his spacely office. He rolled his eyes when Himchan slowly spun around in his chair with a plush cat laid in his lap.

“Isn’t it too early for these old movie references.” Youngjae sighed, completely used to the older’s tactics.

“How rude, you didn’t even let me say the line.” Himchan pouted.

“It’s too late now, I ruined the scene. Now scoot, I have to get my papers in order for the meetings.” Youngjae huffed.

“Alright, alright, you don’t have to be so pissy.” Himchan chuckled. “Are you dating someone?” The older asked out of nowhere, causing Youngjae to snap his head towards the man.

“N-no, who gave you that idea?” Youngjae stuttered, he really didn’t need a dating rumor to spread around.

“Some workers saw you get dropped off by another man and he called you ‘sweetie’.” Himchan wiggled his eyebrows. Youngjae rolled his eyes so hard he was able to look back at his brain and travel across the cosmos. Of course Daehyun would unintentionally start , Youngjae thought.

“No, he’s just a friend.” Youngjae huffed.

Really?” Himchan squinted at him, the younger held his gaze and they stared at each other for like a minute. “Okay, so you’re not dating him.” The older shrugged. “Then why was he dropping you off?”

“You’re so nosey. If you must know, I’m helping him out. He’s going through some stuff.”  Youngjae suddenly remembered something. “Speaking of helping, you’re still dating Yongguk right?”

“Yes?” Himchan answered with a confused look.

“Is he still looking for a vocalist for that one thing?” Youngjae vaguely recalls the conversation they had a few weeks ago, Himchan was gushing about his amazing talented boyfriend and how said man couldn’t find a singer who matched his song or something.

“Yeah?” Himchan didn’t know what the younger was getting at.

“Do you think my friend could, y’know, audition or something?” Youngjae finally got to the point and looked at Himchan with big puppy eyes and a pouting lips.

“Youngjae this isn’t some high school musical, but I’ll see what I can do. Is your friend any good?” Himchan pulled his phone out and started texting.

“Yeah! He’s really good, but don't tell him I said that.” Youngjae chirped.

“Yongguk said he can check him out tomorrow at noon, tell your friend to met him at his recording studio. What’s your friend’s name?” Himchan snorted when the younger cheered.

“It’s Daehyun, Jung Daehyun.” Youngjae quickly sent the info to Daehyun, who sent him a bunch of emojis.

“Don’t get your hopes up to high, Yongguk can still reject him.” Himchan mused.

“I know, the point of this is to introduce Daehyun into the music industry so he can build a name for himself. Maybe he won’t get this part but there’s the possibility that Yongguk will use him for another song or recommend him to someone else.” Youngjae continued to ramble about everything, until Himchan informed him his meeting was going to start in 15 minutes. “Ah, thanks Himchan!” Youngjae quickly straightened his suit and grabbed everything he needed.

“Go get em’ tiger.” Himchan laughed when Youngjae gave him a thumbs up before composing himself and leaving the room. “What a good kid.” Himchan sighed as he sat back into the chair.

The first meeting was a standard numbers meeting; what’s selling, what’s not, how to improve the lower sale rates, how much is the company making, is it enough to keep the company afloat, do they need to fire or hire workers et cetera. The second meeting was with the ceo of a smaller company that wanted to do a collaboration project for charity, which Youngjae agreed to easily, now they were left with ironing out the finer details. When Youngjae finally left the conference room, he check his watch, it was past lunch time but still a while before dinner. Checking his phone, Youngjae had received quite a few texts, most from Daehyun, who was having a meltdown over tomorrow and two from Jaebum, asking him if he wanted to get some food after his meeting. Youngjae sent a quick, ‘calm down, we can figure it out tonight’ to Daehyun and a ‘sure, pick me up’ to Jaebum. Within 20 minutes Youngjae was in the car with Jaebum, Jackson and surprisingly Namjoon, who somehow got dragged along with the duo.

“Oh, hello.” Youngjae greeted politely.

“Hey.” Namjoon greeted back. The air of unfamiliarity was thick between the two until Jackson climbed over the front seat armrest and into the back with them.

“No need to be strangers, we’re all friends here. Tells us your deepest secrets.” Jackson whispered the last part in a sinister voice.

“No thanks.” Namjoon stated with a blank look.

“I killed a man.” Youngjae said nonchalantly.

“I remember that.” Jackson grinned. “That was a wild party.”

“Uhhh, you guys are joking right?” Namjoon was sweating slightly.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Jaebum answered from the front.

“You know, that doesn’t help at all.” Namjoon groaned.

“I thought you would be more-” Youngjae made a weird hand gesture at Namjoon. “But you’re actually-” another weird hand gesture that Namjoon didn’t understand but it seemed everyone else understood and were nodding along.

“Yeah, RM and Namjoon are basically two different people. Sometimes they crossover but yeah.” Jackson explained.

“That makes sense, it’s just always a surprise meeting the real person after watching them on stage for so long.” Youngjae added.

“You’ve seen me live?” Namjoon asked, he was surprised that a high class businessman would go to one of his concerts.

“I usually tag along with Jackson and his friends.” Youngjae said with a shrug. “I like your music, it’s very personal and passionate.” And that was how Namjoon and Youngjae started a never ending conversation about music. Jackson would whine for attention occasionally but Jaebum would hush him up instantly. They finally stopped talking when Youngjae was pretty much kicked out of the car when Jaebum dropped him off at his house after their late lunch.

“What took you so long!” Daehyun practically tackled the younger when he entered the house.

“I was eating lunch with some friends, it doesn’t take that long to pick out an outfit, Daehyun.” Youngjae shoved the older off of him. “Come on, let’s go look through your closet.” Daehyun followed the younger into his own room. “What the happened in here.” Youngjae looked around the messy room.

“I was trying to find the right outfit. This is your fault, you should have helped me sooner.” Daehyun pouted with crossed arms.

“Whatever you big baby.” Youngjae rolled his eyes. “Go make dinner, I’ll pick something out of this disaster.” The younger kicked his friend out the room then started going through all the articles of clothing, folding and putting away the rejects while placing the maybes neatly on the bed. An hour later Daehyun poked his head into the room.

“Ummm, dinner will be ready in two hours. Are you finished?” The older asked softly, he wasn’t sure if the younger was going to kick him out again.

“Almost, start trying those on.” Youngjae pointed to the bed, there were five complete outfits neatly on display. It wasn’t business casual but it wasn’t exactly street wear either. 

“Are you sure this isn't to informal?” Daehyun asked as he looked into the mirror.

“This isn’t an office job interview.” Youngjae said, looking over the outfit Daehyun was wearing. “Nope, try the next one.” The older did was he was told and played dress up with Youngjae until the younger was satisfied.

“So this is the winner?” Daehyun looked at himself in the mirror, he looked pretty hot, if he was honest. The black skinny jeans hugged his legs in all the right places, the blue flannel looked nice with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the black shirt he wore underneath matched well but Daehyun looked at his cartoon socks in question.

“Personality.” Youngjae answered the older’s silent question and Daehyun simply nodded his head. “Now hurry up and take it off so we can eat.”

“Are you sure you don’t just want to see me ?” Daehyun wiggled his eyebrows and was met with a pillow to the face.

“You can starve.” Youngjae snorted before leaving the room, ignoring the older’s whines. The younger was already eating when Daehyun finally came down.

“You started without me!” Daehyun pouted as he served himself. “So rude.” He muttered when he sat down at the table.

“It’s my house, I do what I want.” Youngjae smirked, sticking his tongue out.

“Whatever.” Daehyun snorted. “So what are you going to do tomorrow?” It was Youngjae’s day off and they usually spent it together but Daehyun obviously had the thing with Yongguk tomorrow.

“I could do some research.” Youngjae mused in thought. Daehyun quickly perked up.

“Research what?” Daehyun asked.

“I was thinking about getting a hybrid.” Youngjae shrugged.

“Hybrid? Why would you want one of those?” Daehyun has never seen one in person but from the stories he’s heard, owning one was definitely questionable. “I’ve only heard creepy things about what people have done to them, I honestly feel bad for them.” Youngjae snorted at him.

“Did you hear any of those from someone who owned one or a member of the high class?” Youngjae asked, Daehyun shook his head. “So it was all talk from the lower classes?” Daehyun nodded his head, a little offended since he was someone of ‘lower class.’ “Do you remember the rumors people spread about me?” Another nod. “It’s basically the same concept. The lower class always makes misconceptions about the higher class. When they aren’t using the rich for their fantasies of a better life, they’re villainizing everything they do.” Daehyun took a minute to think things over and it made sense, envy could warp a lot of things. “Now, I’m not saying there aren’t hybrids who probably have ty lives but from my own personal experience most are treated right. I mean most people don’t know this but there are laws that protect hybrids from any form of abuse and slavery. It’s a huge fine and in worse cases even jail time.” Youngjae explained.

“Huh, the more you know, I guess.” Daehyun mumbled out. “But that doesn’t answer why you want one.”

“Ehh, they’re cute?” It wasn’t a lie but it wasn't the full truth. The older looked at him and snorted.

“You’re lonely, aren’t you.” Daehyun smirked, he was able to see right through the younger.

“S-so what… you.” Youngjae grumbled, more embarrassed than anything else.

“Why don’t you try a dating app or something.” Daehyun offered, Youngjae gave him the look. “Ohhhh right, you’re rich…” Daehyun rubbed his chin for a bit. “I still don’t see the appeal of buying a potential lover.”

“That’s because you grew up being told you can love anyone you want. Happiness above all else. Kids like me are taught that love is meaningless and are used a pawns to better the company. I’m lucky since Yoo Industries doesn’t need help from other companies so no arranged marriages for me.” Youngjae said bitterly and for once Daehyun felt sympathy for snobby rich kids but a question quickly passed his brain.

“Wait, are you even allowed to marry hybrids?” Daehyun asked.

“Legally? Yes, hybrids are seen as people in the eyes of the law for the most part, there are a few exceptions to them, like being sold and bought. Socially? Not really, there have been a few people who have married their hybrid and they were met with disappointment but that’s pretty much it, it’s basically like getting married to someone of the same gender.” Youngjae shrugged, he never cared about what others thought of him before and he wasn’t going to start now.

“Well, good luck with hybrid hunting, I guess.” Daehyun mused. “Don’t forget to introduce me to them.”

“Unless you’re moving out next week, you’ll probably meet them when they come here.” Youngjae said.

“I have been looking for places but it will probably be months before I move out.” Daehyun stated with a shrug.

“There’s no rush.” Youngjae smiled.

“Awww, are you going to miss me?” Daehyun batted his eyes.

“Of course I am, why do you think I’m replacing you.” Youngjae huffed, which caused Daehyun to coo at the younger. Little did they know the next few days were going to be a wild ride.


(I think.)


(A/N): They hybrids should be coming soonish? Maybe not the next chapter but the one after that. Like I know where I want this story to go, I have plot points already planned out but actually writing it is a completely different story.

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foxwot #1
Chapter 9: This is a really cozy story considering some of the characters have killed loads of people... Lmao @ everything from Giuseppe Karts to Twattory and Game Pyramid.
foxwot #2
Chapter 8: Good thing they didn't have to settle for wearing Waltmarty brand clothes while they play the Switcheroo. ^ ^
Chapter 8: Aw that was so sweet of youngjae to buy jungkook for jimin
Chapter 6: I really liked this chapter the whole Jaebum as LeftBoob had me giggling, who is RightBoob though?
Chapter 5: I lost it at 'No killing, unless necessary' in fact this whole chapter had me laughing I really enjoyed it
Chapter 3: This is so interesting and I'm in love with it
MidnightBluez #7
Chapter 3: This is getting interesting lmao, anticipating the next!
hbygh12 #8
Chapter 2: This is really interesting!! I can’t wait for more!
001katje #9
first chapter looks good, let's see where this story go's :p