Chapter 19

The Hunter's Story

When they finally arrived home Jeonguk and the others were waiting, with Changsun practically tackling Hongseob as he had missed his best friend. "Hey Changsun," said Hongseob. "You finally triggered the change eh?" Changsun asked, moving away from Hongseob. Hongseob nodded. "Congrats then," Changsun said with a grin. "Thanks," Hongseob said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, let's go then," said Jeonguk and they headed back to the pack house.

Luna fit well into their pack structure, though she knew no Korean at all. Woojin, Jeonguk and Hongseob took to at least teaching her some Korean since it seemed she would be with them for a while. Donghun and the others had been called out on missions for Kris and Woojin and Hongseob were trying to get a team to accept Jason on their team as a new vampire hunter.

Things were getting better as time passed. They learned pretty early on about the nightmares that plagued Luna's sleep, to which they ended up having her move into Woojin and Hongseob's room for the time being. She seemed the most calm there instead of being in the guest room.

Life continued as normal for Woojin and Hongseob, though with one more trick to the trade as now Hongseob had the ability to shift between his wolf and his snow leopard form. They couldn't find a team willing to take Jason in so they took him in, with Donghun giving his approval of course.

They didn't do many missions anymore, as they began the plans to announce the new top vampire hunting team. Jason had a hand in choosing, since he knew of both these teams from when they had their separate missions in the U.K. and was the person to make the final decision.

"You sure it's going to be this team?" Asked Woojin. "I would think so," said Jason. "Don't get me wrong, they're both great teams but only one can take the top spot," he said. "Unless they magically had a merge of course," he added. "Two groups that large would be to their advantage considering they have 2 non hunters but," Woojin said tilting his head to the side. "It wouldn't work," said Hongseob. "They live in different countries," he said.

"They could do what Joshua's pack did," said Woojin. "It would only work if they were also in the same faction," said Jason. "To which I think they aren't anyway," he said. "They aren't," said Woojin. "Looks like we'll have to have a giant meeting with all the faction leaders again," said Hongseob as he sighed. Woojin chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "At least we're finally enjoying a vacation," he said. "True," said Hongseob.

"Man, I hope I don't have to deal with what you guys went through so soon," said Jason as he leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. "You will, the more well known you become," said Woojin as he chuckled some. "Well, let's get this email sent then we can get ready to announce the new top team," said Hongseob as he typed up said email.

After a couple days all faction leaders, along with the new top team were ready to get into a call to announce the new top team that would be taking Woojin and Hongseob's place. "This is actually really easy," said Woojin. "Considering this new team already has their own faction, they'll be in the call already," he said, chuckling some. "Pretty much yeah," said Hongseob as he nodded. "They deserved it, don't lie," said Jason as everyone sat around the desk, with Hongseob starting the video call.

Taeseon, Jihun and Hayoung were the first to pick up, going to sit down on a couch. "Hello, long time no see," said Taeseon. "Yes, it has been a while," said Woojin as he waved. "Thanks for doing this," he said. "No problem, it is a title well deserved," said Taeseon as he nodded.

Chanyeol was next, with Doyoung and Taeyong on either side of him. "Ah, a new top team? Man time flies eh?" He asked, grinning. "Yeah," said Woojin. "You finally picked up a third I see," said Doyoung. "I wanted to try it out," Jason said with a shrug. "He's not with our pack though, he still ties himself with my brother's pack," said Woojin. "Just to keep them safe," said Jason as he shrugged. "Which faction did you go with?" Asked Chanyeol.

"Trying to steal my faction members Chanyeol?" Asked Yongguk as he was next to pick up, with Daehyun and Yoongi beside him. "Ah, you know that's never the case," said Chanyeol as he chuckled some. "I like the kid," said Yongguk. "Reminds me of you," he said with a snicker. "How's the hunts in the states?" Asked Woojin. "Good, good, though we've managed to enjoy a lot of vacation time," said Yongguk. "Nice, nice," Woojin said, nodding.

Nickhun and Joshua were next in the call, in their own separate windows as they waved. "Hell, it's been a long time since I've had to be a part of something like this," said Nickhun. "After what happened, it's deserving," said Joshua as he chuckled some. Only Joshua, Taeseon and his team, Woojin, Jason, Hongseob, and Nickhun knew who the next top team were. This was going to be surprising for most of the other faction leaders.

Kyuhyun, Moonbin, Sungjin and Chan were next to pick up, each being in their separate windows, waving. "Ah, the faction creation was a success then?" Asked Woojin. "Yep," said Sungjin as Brian and Jae joined him on the couch. "Yes," said Chan as he chuckled some. "Welcome to the new faction club guys," Taeseon said with a chuckle. "Thanks," said Sungjin and Chan.

"So what's this about?" Asked Sungjin. "Well, I talked about Hongseob and I retiring as top team, and we did so now we're picking the next top team," said Woojin. "We put a lot of thought into it," Hongseob said in English, nodding a bit. "So, who is it?" Asked Chan. "Well," said Jason as he chuckled some. "You're talking to him," said Hongseob.

"I wasn't quite sure why they picked us at first," said Taeseon as he scratched the back of his head. "But after taking back the U.K. and helping get back the rest of Europe, I understood," he said. "We spoke with enough authority to get the others to listen, and we got out of that with no casualties, something that wasn't very easy," he said. "So if you are okay with my team and I becoming the next top team then we accept," he said.

"Hell," said Chanyeol. "Are you crazy? I accept with a lot of enthusiasm!" He yelled. "You guys are practically prodigies," he said. "This title is well deserved," said Moonbin as he nodded. "I was there when you took back the U.K. yes, this title is well deserved," said Chan as he gave a thumbs up. "Ah, I whole heartedly agree," said Joshua. The others give their murmurs in agreement, giving their congratulations.

"And that's that then," said Hongseob as he grinned. "Thank you guys," said Taeseon as he grinned. "Tell Kangmin we said hello," said Hongseob. "Sure," said Taeseon as Woojin hung up, leaning back in his chair.

"Well, now we can focus on other things," said Hongseob. "Like what?" Asked Jason. "I want to go see my parents," said Woojin. "And see Donghun of course," he said. "Any news on yours?" He asked, turning to Hongseob. "Yes, I got a location," said Hongseob. "We can go see them before we go see mine then," said Woojin as he nodded.

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Hello ending~! And since 24k made their comeback, I had to include their newest member Kiyong at the last minute!


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Chapter 20: happy ending!
Chapter 6: finally, large group meet
I really like the story for relaxing and lively tone
It's nothing but makes reader want to continue reading like impressionism period music
Chapter 5: Did they go for work or vacation?
Chapter 4: Is there something move on?
Chapter 3: At first, I think it will be dark story
But it's cute story which gives warm feeling
Chapter 2: it seems to be vampire's Europe tour
Chapter 1: I love their characteristic and mood here
Are they enemies?
I love whatever takes place in Italy