Chapter 31

Leader of the Pack

"What do you think is going to happen once the stag dies?" Wonsik asked his grandfather.

"It reverts back to its original form, that is, the tear," Jaehwan explained. "Once we can see the tear in its entirety, we can put the energy back where it belongs."

"But how will we know where the tear will arrive?" Sanghyuk asked. "There's miles of woods out there, it could appear anywhere."

"Not entirely," Jaehwan said. "If there's one thing I know about energy, it's that the types like the stag are always connected to its source." 

He leaned over a piece of paper, drawing a small dot on it, and then a circle around the dot. "Think of it like drawing circles with your compass. There's a mid-point and then a radius. No matter where the stag goes, it's confined by a certain radius, and it always returns to the source." He drew a line from the circle to the dot.

"So if we chase it long enough, it might lead us to where the tear actually is?" Taekwoon asked.

Jaehwan hummed in agreement. "The trick is knowing how much to chase it, or it might lead us in circles," Hakyeon put in.

Sanghyuk thought for a moment. "Could there be a way we can help?" he asked.

"Do you have something in mind?" Wonsik asked him.

"When my father tracked ghosts, he used this device that checked for electro-magnetic waves," Sanghyuk said. "And from what I can get after this, ghosts are just light forms of energy, right? So perhaps we can track energy by checking for a rise in electro-magnetic activity."

"A bit too sciency for me," Jaehwan admitted, "but I agree with what you said about ghosts being energy, although their energy signatures were almost invisible."

Hakyeon turned to Sanghyuk. "So your father was effectively able to track energy signatures?" he asked.

Sanghyuk nodded. "Now perhaps it's not the exact signature we're looking for, but I think with a bit of tampering, we might be able to find the place where the tear might be."

There were smiles all around, and Old Man Kim clapped Sanghyuk on the back. "See? Now this is why these hunters can be useful!"

"Good job," Taekwoon smiled at the youngest.

"So Sanghyuk and I'll try to match with you guys on the other side," Wonsik said. "When you drive the stag close to the rift, we'll be there so you'll know you've reached."

"Sounds like a plan," Hongbin said. "So Wonsik, Sanghyuk, you're in charge of finding the exact place of the rift."

"You don't have to get us there exactly," Hakyeon told them, "just as close as possible."

"And then us wolves will be in charge of tracking down the stag?" Jaehwan asked.

Hakyeon nodded. "We wolves will track down the stag and drive it to the tear," he laid out the plan. "Then Hongbin will kill it, absorb the energy and plug in the hole. This will hopefully take care of the hellhounds once and for all."

"And what if it doesn't?" Wonsik asked. "I mean, hypothetically, if closing the dimensional rift doesn't work, then what?"

"We go to plan B," Hongbin said in a low voice.

"And what's plan B?" 

"We kill them all ourselves."

Sanghyuk rummaged about in the large metal box. "Come on, I know it's in here somewhere..."

Wonsik peered into it. "Wow, that's a lot of gadgets you have there," he said.

"Well, not all of us are tied to the supernatural or have spent our entire lives studying magic," Sanghyuk smirked. "As far as I know, hunters have just used science as much as possible to catch supernatural creatures."

Wonsik picked up a gadget that looked like some kind of cell phone. "All these things...can actually help you predict where the supernatural are going to be?"

Sanghyuk nodded. "It kind of makes you think, doesn't it?" He lowered his voice as he continued to search. "It almost makes the line between natural and supernatural disappear."

Wonsik put down the thing in his hand and picked up a bullet that seemed to be filled with some kind of powder. "What's this?"

"Vervain bullet," Sanghyuk supplied without even looking up. "Poison to vampires."

Wonsik put the bullet down as Sanghyuk stood up. "It's not in this one, perhaps it's in the other," the younger murmured as he closed that and then pulled out another box to start going through it.

Wonsik then coughed lightly. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you..."


"How did you guys track the wolves anyway that night?"

Sanghyuk turned to him. "What night?" Then it all hit him. "Oh...that night..."

He shrugged as he went back to rummaging through the piles of stuff in the box. "It's simple, really. The thing that sets shifters aside from any other creature in the supernatural world is that they show the characteristics of the animals they take, unlike shapeshifters. So you follow that same pattern to track shifters. If you're tracking a cougar, you track it like you would a normal wild cougar. A horse, like a normal wild horse. In the same way, you track a wolf the way you would a normal wild wolf."

Wonsik's eyes widened. "Wow...never thought it would be so easy..."

"It seems easy because I'm telling you this," Sanghyuk turned to him for a moment. "But ask any hunter, not just supernatural hunters, tracking a wild animal is one of the toughest things in the world, because they do all they can to avoid you."

Wonsik paused to take it all in when Sanghyuk suddenly exclaimed, "Aha!" and held up a gadget that looked like an old school walkie talkie, with light bulbs lining the top.

"Is that it?" Wonsik asked.

"This is the thing," Sanghyuk said, taking it to the table and pulling himself onto the stool. 

"Now, this thing is set to check for minor disturbances in electro-magnetic frequencies," he explained. "Think of it as a radio, only picking up one specific frequency. However, that's not what we need, since we're dealing with a larger and stronger bout of energy. So, what we need to do is set it to capture a larger range of frequencies all at once." 

He pulled out a screwdriver and began to open the gadget up as Wonsik watched. "But won't other energy signatures interfere with that?" he wondered.

"It probably won't," Sanghyuk theorized. "What we're looking at is an energy so big, other signatures can't possibly interfere with it at one specific place in the woods."

Wonsik peered over his shoulder at him messing with the wires. "You good with tech?" 

Sanghyuk nodded. "Been doing it since I was a kid," he said, raising his eyes slightly to meet Wonsik's. "My dad trained me since then."

Wonsik quietened down as he examined Sanghyuk's handiwork, his precise finger moving over the wires, tinkering with a couple of instruments that sent up small shocks once in a while. 

Sanghyuk, after a while, drew back, panting.

"Anything?" Wonsik asked expectantly.

Sanghyuk nodded, wiping the sweat off his neck with the back of his hand. "I think I'm getting somewhere, but I think I'll need something to test it out."

"Test it out?" Wonsik asked. "Where am I going to get a dimensional rift for you to test if your walkie talkie thingy works?"

Just then, all the lights on the device began to glow, and it emitted a strange metallic sound. Sanghyuk leaned forward to check on it, but then his eyes fell on the window, and his body froze.

It stood outside the window for a mere moment, and then vanished like dust.

The white stag.

Once it disappeared, the lights on the device died down, and the sound also quietened. Sanghyuk turned to Wonsik to see a look of astonishment on the elder's face, letting him know that even he'd seen it, so he wasn't just making it up.

"Well," Sanghyuk gulped, "at least we know this thing works."

Wonsik nodded. "Let's get to work, the sooner the better."

Sanghyuk began to do some final fiddling with the things as Wonsik stepped away from his work table. He went over to a shelf and took out a small box, opening it and finding the silver bullets they'd used on the werewolves.

Grabbing a couple of guns, handheld and hunting rifles, he began loading all the bullets.

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Chapter 3: i'm hooked!
MissDands #2
Chapter 36: I feel empty now... this was so good!!! Omg
Chapter 36: AMAZING story)) could you please write a sequel??
willoworacle #4
Chapter 36: This was really good n.n I read it all within 1 day. I enjoyed it so much! Thank you :)
ninalivixx #5
Chapter 36: I really enjoyed reading this story. Thank you for this author-nim ^^
shikey #6
will you do a sequel ?
Chapter 36: Who was the figure leaning against the tree?? Is there going to be a sequel? I really liked your story and would love to read more from this universe
Thank you!
Chapter 12: Oh poop! So it was a prophetic dream! Does this mean he can predict and try to stop them?
Thank you!
winxtao #9
Chapter 36: This is a masterpiece
nya256 #10
i like your story, authornim