11. Missed Chances

Every Night The Loneliness


♫ You cruelly pretend to not see me and turn away ♫


Sounds of chatter and noise could be heard outside the waiting rooms as everywhere you looked there was movement all except one hallway, silent and at a standstill as four people stood frozen.


Lee Hongki recomposed his face after staring in shock for the same amount of time as Yong Jinkyong who was standing in front of him with a hand covering but he could see the other in a fist.


"Junhyung! I was just about to look for you!" He quickly regained his smile as he sped walk to his blood type O friend from B2ST, spinning his stiff body around. "Didn't you hear the announcement? We are late!"


Yong Junhyung got his voice back as he managed to only mumble in confusion but his words faded off as he was mobbed by s as they hurried into the backstage room, leaving her and another tall boy alone.


Jinkyong whipped around with her head down as she revealed clenched tightly like her left fist, taking her time to look up only to feel air rush out after a invisible punch to the gut.




Being less than five steps ahead was Lee Hyunki, her first ever best friend before Hongki, her eyes noticing his sudden change in looks as his hair was black when it was orange-brown back then.


"Pardon me miss, but do you by any chance know me?" He suddenly made the gap smaller, now being close enough to touch her yet still at an arm's length reach, keeping his distance carefully.


"Ah, no!" Quickly putting her hands so they overlap each other at her waist, "Sorry for staring and I haven't introduced myself. Hello, my name is Yong Jinkyong, nice to meet you!" giving a sincere ninety degree bow.


"Oh! I'm sorry then! I'm Lee Hyunki, a expert photographer and the closest friend Lee Hongki has ever had!" Hyunki returned the bow while doing his introduction during the time he came back up.


'Hyunki, your still the same as always. I'm really glad you were got to do your dream job' She smiled brightly on the inside just like on the outside at this moment but slightly blushing too.


"Is something the matter? Your cheeks are turning a bright pink colour." Reaching out a hand, he slowly came closer and closer to touching her left cheek but she backed up at the last moment.


"Sorry. AH, Look at the time! I must go or else they will scold me for being late. Nice meeting you, Jinkyong! Bye!" Hyunki did his signature two finger salute before jogging away & out the side door exit, soon to see a white SUV drive by.


She lifted a hand to wave but stopped midway once seeing him leave, pouting while blowing up to resemble a puffer fish but the air shot out after hearing the familiar voices now exiting backstage.


"Hey, Jinkyong, what are you doing here?" The childish ring made it clear who's voice it was as Yang Yoseob broke off from the group to stand beside her while still talking with some honorifics.


"I came on the request by someone via text messaging." Smiling with her dimples showing a bit, she sneaked a peek at Hongki who was pretending to look away while whistling a random tune.


"Since your here, do you want to come with us back to the company building? Our van has an extra seat in the back if you would like to." Yoseob's face shined as he grinned widely but a hand came down onto the back of his head.


"Don't tell me your planning to sit with her in your own little corner behind all of us where we can't see you two?" Yoon Doojoon jokingly scolded the gold-tan haired boy but laughed while doing so.


"Ow! And no, I'm not planning to do that! It's her choice anyways if she wants to come with us or not!" Yoseob turned swiftly to face her once again. "So, do you want to take a ride back with us?"


"Lead the way." Jinkyong stood to the side as she let a happy main vocalist, a chuckling leader, Lee Gikwang, Son Dongwoon and Jang Hyunseung past her but stepped on in beside Yong Junhyung.


"Don't get the wrong idea about us two" She said it out bluntly while walking with him at a slower pace than the others with her arm slightly crossed, glancing at him with a unreadable facial expression showing.


Junhyung was caught by surprise from the sudden question as he looked at her with shocked eyes as he stuttered. "W-what? What makes you just say that all of a sudden when I have done nothing?"


"You saw me with your close friend Hongki didn't you?" Jinkyong showed a small triumphant smirk, giving him a small roll of the eyes. "Look, just to clear things up, I whispered to him, didn't kiss him."


He couldn't believe the words coming out of , feeling anger rise from deep down slowly but keeping it down since they had caught up with the group, both of them boarding the vehicle.


Junhyung took his usual spot near the window behind Gikwang as he waited for Dongwoon to sit down beside him yet instead the person who sat down wasn't him but Jinkyong as she tilted her head while giving a sarcastic smile.


Yoseob beat Doojoon to it as he landed a space on the other side of her but didn't get a chance to chat as their leader kept bothering him the whole ride, leaving the two alone to do what they like.


"May I ask you a question, Junhyung?" She put her right leg over her left as they stayed crossed along with her arms as she leaned toward his side but still trying to not break his personal bubble.


"Uh, I guess? Go ahead and ask." He had a plugged earphone in his left ear, pausing the song before pulling it out then bundled the headphones along with his Ipod before leaving it in his lap.


"Did you ever end up leaving someone just because you had absolutely no choice? If yes, then have you ever thought about them even once to have the decency to call them?" Jinkyong straightened herself as she looked ahead.


Junhyung sat there looking out the window casually but eyes widened after hearing her words, the question hitting his heart dead centre, the pain required for him to take a deep, breathe in order to recover.


Keeping a hand over his chest the rest of the time on the way back to the company, hand gripping his shirt as if to steady himself, his mind was reeling as a short flashback made him zone out.


[Febuary 15, 2007]


Stepping out of his brother's hospital room after telling that he wanted to take a breather outside, Junhyung shut the door quietly then tilted his head back with eyes closed while leaning, keeping his back against the wall.


Lolling his head to the left, his eyes were halfway open but he could still catch a glimpse the back side of a girls figure that he recognized to be her which caused him to stand up straight in disbelief.


Dodging the incoming nurse going his opposite direction, apologizing to whoever he bumped into as he continued to chase after the very familiar person who was strangely sitting in a wheelchair.


His chase lead him back to the double sliding glass doors to the entrance before stopping, arriving just seconds late only to watch his best friend carry his girlfriend into his own SUV and drive away.


Waving his arm like mad, Junhyung managed to catch a taxi as he got on without hesitation before he was now following the pure white Hyundai car, keeping on it's tail until stopping at the corner of the block in case he was caught.


Seeing his friend unfold the wheelchair then safely placing her down before walking on the stone tile pathway to the house as it wasn't until they went in the house did he order the driver to leave.


'What's the matter with her? Did she get injured while I was away? Who did it?' Then a impossible possibility crossed his mind that he didn't want believe or like one bit. 'Was it because of HIM?"


Once they reached the hospital again, Junhyung bolted in to reach the desk reception in no time, hurriedly requesting a record of a female patient who needed a wheelchair, receiving it later on.


Flipping through the many pages of wheelchair accounted patients and their diagnosis, he finally came across the exact medical records he wanted half way searching through the stack of papers, but what he saw was something far worse.


Name: Yong Jihyun

Age: 19

Gender: F

Birth date (DD/YY/MM): 24/91/05

Physical Condition: Stable

Diagnosis: Hypothermia, Frostbite, Excess Bleeding In The Hand, Mental Shock

Notes: The patient seems to have no response to words unless said by the one stayed at her bedside.

Skin is pale after loosing nearly a litre of blood, became fine after having blood transfusion; successful.

Patient's mind possibly unstable.

Sleeping pills: denied.

1-2 weeks of rest is advised


Looking over at the nurse at the reception, he stuffed the medical form deep into his pocket before giving back the rest to them, leaving after a kind goodbye then speed walking the rest of the way.


Quietly opening the door then closing it the same way, he walked lightly with smalls, soft steps until he sat down beside his sleeping brother's hospital bed near a vase holding many flowers already.


"Where did you go?"  Junhyung looked up at his younger brother who looked better after just a five week stay while resting almost every hour, resting his chin on the second pillow given by the nurse.


"No where special, walked around the outside garden available for patients like you. They have pretty tulips out there you know?" The older brother felt his own voice fade as he slowly began to fall into a deep sleep.


"I wish I could see it someday. Do you think you can take me there tomorrow? Junhyung? Hyung?" Junsung glanced at his non-responding brother to see him resting with his eyes closed on a pillow.


Smiling ever so slightly, the younger sibling placed an extra blanket onto his sleeping brother then gazing down at him, noticing a crumpled piece of paper in his pocket before flattening it out to read.


For the first time ever, Junsung's eyes weren't half open since now they were round like marbles while staring at what was written on the form with hands shaking until he glanced down at Junhyung.


Neatly folding it up and slipping it back into where he found it, a soft sigh coming out of his mouth that turned into a whisper. "That tulip was pretty in your eyes but the colour must have changed to one you never wanted to see."


When Junsung went to sleep once again, Junhyung opened his blotchy red eyes as he had been crying without a sound while listening to him silently, hating himself for not contacting her every day.


"I'm sorry Jihyun. When will I ever get to see you again?"



"Alright, is everyone out? Let's do a head count. 1,2,3,4,5........hey wait a minute, where's Junhyung? Junhyung? Hey. Hey are you alright? HEY!!


Yoon Doojoon roughly shook the shoulders of his fellow member who gave no response with his head drooped to the left side, arms both limp at his sides and breathing sounding slightly uneven.


"Do you think he's dead?" "Impossible, he was completely fine when we got on at the KBS broadcasting building!" "It can happen remember?" "It's only a fifteen minute drive! What could possibly happen?" "Anything!"


"Excuse me, pardon me, I'm sorry!" Yong Jinkyong made her way past in between the two bickering members Doojoon and Jang Hyunseung as she went back in, her back blocking the others view.


Placing her hand lightly on his and speaking in a voice so quiet that the rest of the members wasn't able to hear but only Junhyung could. "Yong Junhyung, wake up, it's time to go to school now silly."


Meanwhile in the rappers mind, the flashback suddenly became a dream where he was alone in the middle of a field with long grass stocks while looking around lost until he spotted a thin outline.


Taking a step closer while squinting his eyes, Junhyung saw the fog clear up to reveal a girl wearing the exact same thing he saw her wear when he left as Yong Jihyun gave her angel-like smile making him reach a hand out.


'Jihyun. You're perfectly fine, I'm so glad' By moving closer and closer, the more he could see of her perfect features and soft dimple pink cheeks but something hit him when a long silence followed.


'Why won't you talk? Don't you recognize me anymore? It's me, your loving boyfriend!' It was all useless as no matter what he said, she didn't give a single reply thus worrying him even further.


Just when he thought that his efforts had come to no avail, just as Junhyung finally decided to start to turn around and find the way out, his ears caught the sounds of a voice that was all too familiar.


"Yong Junhyung, wake up, it's time to go to school now silly."


Snapping out of his dream, his body gave a sudden jerk to the side then holding his head because of the dizziness from the movement before realizing a strange warmth on his right hand, staring at a distorted face.


Drowsiness had made his vision temporarily blurry but it slowly returned to normal, he could see their facial details which began making him think it's still a dream since he looked directly at her.


'Jihyun.' Junhyung thought he was starting to hallucinate yet happy at the same time. 'I can't believe it's you. How can I possibly apologize for all that I have done? I'm extremely sorry, I'm really really-'


Reality hit him hard as his eyes cleared up at last revealing what he thought had been his former girlfriend in front of him actually turned out to be the new CUBE Entertainment rookie girl soloist. 


"Yong......... Jin.........kyong?"...


Song is Kim Kyu Jong - Yesterday


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