Chapter 14

Mischievous Ghost

Chapter 14

I decided to follow Gui Gui in US, I really can’t let her slip away this time. I needed to know why she’s doing this and if she still decided to marry George at least I know I’ve given my best, that I hold on to her up to the very last hope I have. In two days’ time I’ll be leaving the country. That night I saw my dad talking to Uncle Ali at the porch.

(Ali and Joey talking)

“Did you tell him?” (Ali asked)

“I don’t know how to tell him”

(Ali sighs) “I don’t know if what I’m doing is right, but she’s my daughter how can I refuse her?”

“But my son has the right to know and we know it. Can we at least give them a little more time?”

“It will be harder for him to leave her when he sees her and she’ll be more unhappy. I don’t want to give her any more pain. I can only let George take care of her”

“How about Lily, did you tell her?”

“It’s more difficult to keep it from her. You know her, she’s so nosy with everything but no, I don’t have the courage to break my wife’s heart”

“Just bear with it a little; I believe my daughter will come to her senses in time”

I was buying a gift for Gui Gui at the mall when I saw Mei Mei, one of Gui Gui closest friend.


“Mei Mei…”

“Are you with Gui Gui?”

“Gui Gui? No. I’m actually buying something for her. I’ll be leaving for US tomorrow”

“Tomorrow? She didn’t tell me that. She didn’t change a bit” (Mei Mei chuckled) “I thought she’s over you when she left back then, so I guess you had her head over heels for you again to make her follow you even if you didn’t do the same thing before” (Mei Mei smiled at me) “She’s so crazy about you. Now, she’s even going to follow you.

“What? I’m actually following her there” (I was puzzled)

(Mei Mei frowned) “But her flight is three days from now
and you said you’ll be leaving tomorrow? We’ve seen each other last night”


From Mei Mei I learned that Gui Gui’s still in Taiwan and I’m going to her. She’s staying in one of their rest house. When I reached the house, it was so dark.

“Gui Gui?..Gui..” (Did she left? But there’s a light coming from a room. I continued to search the house. My heart almost stopped when I saw her lying on the floor, unconscious)

“Gui Gui!” (I run immediately towards her and carry her outside to my car. She looks so pale. I immediately went to the hospital)

I was so worried while waiting for the doctor. There are many questions running in my head. I decided not to call at home yet until I know her condition; something is telling me I’ll know the answers today.

“Are you the patient’s guardian?”

“Yes, doctor” (I immediately approached the doctor)

“Her condition is getting worst than the last time she’s been here”

“What do you mean?”

“I can see that you know nothing about it. Where’s George? I need to discuss things with him. I think traveling at this point won’t do. Her body is so weak”

(My head is spinning on what the doctor’s saying. I’m so confused. I saw George running towards us)

“Dr. Yan” (George acknowledged the doctor) “How’s she?”

“Not good. Did you bring her records? I need to see it. I don’t think she’ll be able to travel”

“I understand. Here it is” (George handed a folder to the doctor)

“What are you talking about?” (I whisper. My heart is beating so fast)

(The doctor look at me and then asked George) “Is he the one?” (George nodded)

“Better tell him now. I’ll go ahead and look at her records”

(When the doctor left, I asked George again)

“What’s happening? What’s wrong with Gui Gui?”

(George sighs) “Gui Gui has leukemia. We detected it two years ago. She’s in a very crucial stage when she learned about it. We tried every possible way but her body won’t react the way it was supposed to react to her medication. I’m one of the interns in the hospital she’s in”

“That’s not possible”

“Dr. Yan was a specialist. He was once practicing medicine abroad and he handled a person with the same case as Gui Gui. I followed her here because of that”

“Why didn’t she…”

“She wishes not to let you know. Her original plan is just to see you for a week before going back to US but I guess she just couldn’t leave. But her body is deteriorating so fast, she don’t want to see you in great pain watching her on this condition”

(I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even cry. George decided to call Uncle Ali to tell him. I just sit near Gui Gui’s bed and watch her. She’s still unconscious. I don’t know what I’m feeling it is as if someone’s slowly squeezing my heart out. George been discussing things with the doctor and I decided not to listen to any of that. Uncle Ali and my parents arrived together after a few hours)

“How is she?” (Uncle Ali asked)

“Oh God!” (My mom started crying as soon as she saw Gui Gui lying on the bed)

I went out for a while to have some air.

“Are you alright?” (Dad asked me. I didn’t notice that he followed me. I nodded) “I’m so sorry son”

“How long did you know?” (I asked. So, my dad knows already. I wanted to ask him why he didn’t tell me. Definitely mom knows nothing about it just like me. I feel betrayed by dad and Uncle Ali’s decision not to tell me but I just felt so drained. I feel like a candle slowly melting from the fire)

“Just a few days. I’m so sorry for not telling you. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you and your Uncle Ali…”

“I know..she asked not to tell me anything..”(I fill my lungs some air) “She’s going to be alright, right, dad?”

“Aaron…”(Dad put his hands on my shoulder. On that moment I couldn’t hold it any longer. I started to cry) “She’s going to be alright…” (I said, trying to convince myself. I cried more hugging my father. I cried my heart out)

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Chapter 15: nooo why did this have to end so sadly T^T