Dongwoo Wakes Up!

Six Members Infinite?!! [Hiatus]


LOL this is like dejavu posting this again.. haha. anyway, enjoy!


The first thing L saw when they entered Dongwoo’s ward was the flowers and presents on the side table. There were too many that some had to be put on the floor. All of it was from Dongwoo’s fans and relatives. There were also fruit baskets and also balloons hanging on the ceiling. It made his heart flutter. There were so many people wishing him to get better. L greeted Hoya and Sungjong first. Then the rest followed.

They sat around the bed. Everybody was deep in their own thoughts. L noticed the cuts on Sungjong’s face. He didn’t saw the interview but Sungyeol had informed him about it on the way to the hospital.

Suddenly, Woohyun stood up and the TV at the corner of the ward. It glitched for a moment before a clear picture took its place on the screen. Everybody turned their attention on it. They didn’t know what else to say so watching the TV could at least fill the awkward atmosphere in the room. Woohyun took the remote and began flipping on channels.

“Wait!” Sungjong suddenly yelled and Woohyun stopped pushing the buttons altogether.

Everyone turned to the magnae at the sudden raise in his voice. They followed his gaze to the television and saw the news. The headline was ‘Infinite on the Verge of Breaking Up Because Of Lee Sungjong?’

“Hyung...” L said, notifying Woohyun to change the channel.

“No. I want to hear what they said.” Said Sungjong.

“Sungjong!” Sunggyu yelled this time. “You don’t need to watch this!”

“But I want to!”

All of a sudden, Sungyeol stood up, took the remote from Woohyun’s hand and switch of the television. He threw the remote on the couch and stared at Sungjong. He was seething mad. Just like the time he was feeling at the stadium.

“I didn’t come back here to see you act like this.”

Sungjong’s gaze dropped to the floor. He was nervous because Sungyeol was angry at him.

“Don’t watch what you can’t face, Sungjong.” Sungyeol continued. He peeked at Dongwoo a while. He knew Dongwoo wouldn’t hear what he said but it still bothers him if his voice was too loud. He skimmed throughout the room and saw a letter from a fan on the floor. The letter was opened slightly, revealing a picture of them the fan had posted together in it.

He picked it up and shoved it into the sitting Sungjong’s hand.

“Don’t you want that to happen again?” Sungyeol asked, his own voice breaking.

“Don’t you want to be together again?”

Sungjong opened the letter and saw their picture during their first showcase. It was on the early days of their debut. They were all happy and smiling about. Not like now. He traced the edges of his smiling self with the tip of his finger longingly, wishing he could be like that one more time.

“Don’t you want to smile like that again?”

“I do,” Sungjong closed the card.

Sungyeol let out a long sigh and sat at the edge of Dongwoo’s bed, near to Sungjong’s chair. He held Sungjong’s hand and began saying what he had been keeping to himself all these time, his apologies to Sungjong for his last behaviours at the stadium.

“Remember our last fight on our last practice together?”

“That was a week ago.”

“Was it? It felt so long ago. Anyway, I never really said my sorry to you. I was planning to but the next day, you’re gone. When we finally met, the accident happened to Dongwoo hyung and we went separated again. But now we’re back together. I don’t know if I’ll have this chance again. So, I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

Sungjong shook his head.

“It wasn’t a fight and I wasn’t mad at you at all, hyung. The truth is, I received the phone call from Jiwon. That’s when the incident happened. I left because she was in danger. I wouldn’t leave if it wasn’t important. So it’s nobody’s fault.”

“Yea, but still, am I forgiven?” everybody laughed at Sungyeol question.

“Yes,” Sungjong answered. He stood up and gave a hug to Sungyeol. It felt like the reunion of long lost brothers. Sungyeol patted his back, whispering a thank you to him. Sungjong saw Sunggyu, Woohyun, Hoya and Myungsoo smiling. They were glad that one thing was settled.

“Hate to break this mushy moment up but,” Sunggyu suddenly said. “We need to do something about the guy. Miss Jiwon’s ex. I wanted to discuss about it with everyone. It’s about time you know.”

“Thought you’d never ask,” a voice said out of nowhere.

Sunggyu was taken aback. The voice felt awfully familiar. He turned to the door. No one was there. Then he turned to Hoya. Hoya turned to Woohyun and Myungsoo. Sungyeol and Sungjong looked just as clueless and then automatically, everybody turned to Dongwoo.

“Hi,” Dongwoo said hoarsely with a small smile on his lips. His eyes were opened slightly but he still looked weak.

“Dongwoo!” Sunggyu screamed, literally jumping off from his chair to Dongwoo’s side.

“Hyung!” Everybody else exclaimed, also clustering around the bed.

Instantly, screams and yells filled the once silent ward. They enveloped Dongwoo in one tight hug, all cuddled together around him.  Nobody could stop the tears from streaming down their faces. Even Sunggyu and Hoya was crying. Dongwoo threw a smile to the weeping members but he too was wiping his own tears.

“Why are you guys crying?” he cried.

“We’re just glad you’re awake,” Myungsoo sniffed.

“I miss you,” Sunggyu said.

“We all miss you,” Woohyun added.

“Don’t leave us again,” Sungyeol stifled a laugh.

“It’s good to see you back,” Hoya managed between sobs.

“Thank you. It’s nice to be back,” he laughed before running his gaze to everybody and stopped at Sungjong at the edge of the bed. “Sungjong?”

“They’ve taken all the good sentences. I don’t know what else to say but, I love you hyung,” Sungjong wiped his tears back and smiled. Sungyeol at his side pushed Sungjong to Dongwoo before Sungjong was pulled into Dongwoo’s embrace next.

“God, I always imagine this moment. Never thought I would cry though,” Woohyun said.

“I know right.” L nodded.

“We should tell my mom.” Dongwoo said.

“I’ll call her,” Sungyeol offered, starting to look for her number in his phone’s contact. After a minute of talking on the phone, he ended the call.

“She’s on the way. She’s ecstatic to see you, hyung,” Sungyeol informed.

“So tell me, what happened when I was gone?”

“Oh yeah, Dongwoo hyung didn’t know anything,” Hoya said. Dongwoo accident happened just before they knew about Sungjong’s case. Dongwoo didn’t know they almost break up, separated and reunited back again. He hated to tell everything back again to him. Even recalling it brought him pain.

“How much did I miss?” Dongwoo looked around at everyone, raising his brows in question. He didn’t know if it was just a feeling or they were keeping something from him. Everybody seemed so reluctant to tell him anything at all. “Hyung?” his gaze finally stopped at Sunggyu.

“Do you really want to know everything? Promise you won’t pass out again?” Sunggyu answered. If someone was going to tell Dongwoo everything, it should be him.

“What do you mean? What could possibly be worse than Sungjong went missing? He’s here right?” Dongwoo looked at Woohyun next. Woohyun grinned awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Then he noticed L’s small movement to Sungjong. He was brushing the younger on the back tenderly. Hoya smiled at Sungjong and Sungyeol propped his arm around the magnae protectively.

Dongwoo finally got it. Something did happen, and it concerns Sungjong.

“The truth is...”

Sunggyu’s voice was cut off when the door suddenly slammed open. Everybody looked at the panting Manager Yongjun. He had been running. Then he saw Dongwoo sitting on the bed. “D-Dongwoo! You’re awake!” he gasped. “D-Did you inform the doctor?”

“No. How did you know he’s awake?” Yongjun turned to Hoya at the question.

“I didn’t. I came to tell you she’s awake. Miss Jiwon is awake!!!” Yongjun screamed excitedly. Behind him, came Hyoan hyung and Jungryul hyung. They were also shell-shocked to see Dongwoo.

“What?” Sungjong yelled. Everybody cheered and jumped happily at the news.

“Wait!” Dongwoo said. “Who is Miss Jiwon?”


i posted this before. there's going to be a little twist, okay? so pleaseeee dont get mad at me. 

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Chapter 21: please update !! love it :) x
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 21: (; ̄ェ ̄) ......!
blingblingcutelocky #3
Chapter 21: niceee. I wanna kill whoever thought that sungjong was the murderer.i mean... just put him with a lie detector and there u haave it the truth. I wanna strangle all the bad bad people. But Awesome story Update soon pls
Isadora #4
Chapter 21: Please update... I loves this story so much... :D
Chapter 21: I love your story so much. Please update soon author-nim! :)
1995ghost1995 #6
is this gonna be updated?
Chapter 21: I have a feeling author nim. About that girl.... Oh yeah...NEW SUBSCRIBER LOVES YOUR FIC AND IS EXPECTING TUE NEXT CHAP.
SpiritSie04 #8
Chapter 21: Can't wait for the next chapter...