Chapter 16 : Goodbyes

Six Members Infinite?!! [Hiatus]


“Hyung...” Sunggyu said and walked to Yongjun at the door. “We can’t... Infinite... I-I’m sorry for not taking care of them but you can’t let this happen. Infinite is... our family.”

Everybody stopped packing altogether when they heard the leader’s raspy voice pleading. Hoya froze to listen more while Sungjong who hadn’t enter the dorm for almost four days stared on the floor. L stood still like he was fixed on the ground and Sungyeol leaned on the bed post. Woohyun was standing behind the half opened door, preparing to drag his luggage out to the living room when he heard Sunggyu talking.

“This is not my choice. It’s for your own good.” Yongjun answered calmly.

“You can try. This is our dream hyung.”                                                        

“It’s only temporary, Sunggyu.”

“They always say that before they broke up for real!” His voice went louder than intended. “I dreamt of becoming a singer. Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, Sungjong and... And Dongwoo too. We can’t be separated. Not while the sick guy is winning this case and Dongwoo is lying on the hospital bed. You told me to prepare for the worst, remember? I’m well prepared now so... you have to try.”

“We did try! We tried! The guy won’t take any action towards Hoya but if you’re asking him to drop the case, that’s being overboard! I don’t own Infinite. None of us do. So please, you’ll make this a lot easier if you guys just pack your things and go home for now. I’m begging you.”

Sunggyu closed his eyes a moment. He felt like a failed leader. He finally realized it was useless to beg now. Everything happened too fast for him and he was too little too late to make it right again. He walked across the living room to his room and saw Woohyun standing behind the door.

“You heard that?” Sunggyu asked as he bent over to pull his luggage from under the bed.

Woohyun nodded. “Yes.”

“Then I guess this is goodbye.” He continued. He threw the luggage on his bed and turned to his clothes spread all over the room mixed with Woohyun’s own clothes. He picked everything and threw it all back on his bed. Not like he’ll be sleeping on the bed now. Then suddenly he felt someone grabbed his shoulder from behind and a second later two hands wrapped around his body.

“Goodbye hyung... See you... later.” Woohyun said and patted the older on the back before letting go and walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, Sungyeol just finished packing and ran his gaze to L sitting on his bed. He was done but he stayed there. L looked up at the older and smiled. “Keep in touch, okay?” he said.

Sungyeol nodded. He exited the room and L followed him from behind.

“Hyung, you’re done?” Sungjong asked to Hoya.

Hoya nodded. He saw the magnae staring helplessly at him. He looked closed to tears.

“Keep your chin up. It’s going to be okay,” he assured though he himself was not sure. The magnae nodded. Sungjong had dreamt of the time he’ll come back to the dorm but not to pack his things and go home. His parents didn’t even know about his case. When Hoya walked out of the room, Sungjong followed suit.

Everyone was at the living room, holding their own luggage, looking down on the floor. It was very quiet that even when Yongjun let out a long sigh, everybody heard it. He moved to the door and opened it. “Let’s go.”

Sungyeol moved first when no one did. L followed and then Hoya, Woohyun, Sungjong and finally Sunggyu. Yongjun closed the door when the last member was out of the door. “The vans are waiting for you outside. They’ll bring you to your house. Now go.”

They took the elevator down and then proceeded to the parking lot. There were six vans. Each for one of them. L thought they would have some extra time to spend together in the van but seeing the vehicles, he knew it was time for goodbyes. He ran his gaze to everybody.

“So... goodbye?”

Woohyun bit his lower lip. The words felt painfully true to him. He took a deep breath and finally managed to mutter something. “Goodbye...” and he left to take one of the vans. It was best to go first so he wouldn’t see any tears shed and any sad words mumbled between the members.

Sunggyu watched as Woohyun walked away. “I should go too...” And he was off.

Hoya bid his farewell and left to board one of the vans. Woohyun’s van began to depart and Sunggyu’s van was starting to move. Myungsoo smiled at the rest that stayed. He found it funny that only the magnae line was left. “My van’s waiting. Bye.” And the visual departed.

Sungyeol looked at Sungjong. The magnae opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. So Sungyeol feigned a smile and ruffled Sungjong’s hair as he left the magnae there. He threw his luggage on the backseat and then closed the door. He looked at Sungjong slowly walking to the last van through the van’s mirror. He suddenly remembered something; he didn’t even say his sorry to the magnae for their previous fight.


haven't update in a while, sorry. i hope the chapter's okay? but should i make the story longer like in 20 chaps or more? idunno.

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Chapter 21: please update !! love it :) x
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 21: (; ̄ェ ̄) ......!
blingblingcutelocky #3
Chapter 21: niceee. I wanna kill whoever thought that sungjong was the murderer.i mean... just put him with a lie detector and there u haave it the truth. I wanna strangle all the bad bad people. But Awesome story Update soon pls
Isadora #4
Chapter 21: Please update... I loves this story so much... :D
Chapter 21: I love your story so much. Please update soon author-nim! :)
1995ghost1995 #6
is this gonna be updated?
Chapter 21: I have a feeling author nim. About that girl.... Oh yeah...NEW SUBSCRIBER LOVES YOUR FIC AND IS EXPECTING TUE NEXT CHAP.
SpiritSie04 #8
Chapter 21: Can't wait for the next chapter...