A Special Tree

My Frog Prince


I smiled has I absorbed the warmth of the sunlight, a content sigh escaping from my lips. My peace was cut short when one of the teachers made an announcement through the megaphone, "Come on girls!! You have 10 more minutes to pack. If you're still not done by then the buses will leave without you!"

I sighed again. This time more for irritation than content. I walked back into the cabin to find my cabin mate, Choi Soyun, running back and forth across the room trying to gather up all of her stuff. 

"Did you hear that? Only 10 minutes!!!" she exclaimed as she stuffed a handful of her clothes into her luggage. 

I plopped down onto my bed and propped my head up with my hands. "Yeah I heard. I wish they would stop using that microphone it's so annoying." She said something but I couldn't understand what she was saying as she was reaching for something under her bed. I rolled back onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I had packed last night so I was all set to go, Soyun on the other hand wasn't so prepared. She barely started packing after we came back from the camp's little goodbye assembly 20 minutes ago. Even then she would constantly get distracted and go to other people's cabins to talk to them.

I just stared blankly at the ceiling for a while before my thoughts went back to the last couple of days. Lately I've been getting tired more easily, I would be really energetic in the mornings and by the end of the day I'm practically falling over from fatigue. It wasn't like we were doing anything extraneous or anything so it didn't make sense why I was so tired. Also every time I was away from the cabin I would feel like I forgot something and I would always be impatient to come back. The thing was I didn't know what about the cabin made me feel that way and it didn't start until that day I had that weird dream. Lately I've been feeling like I'm being watched too. It's been really weird for me, I didn't understand any of it. 

"Boo!," Minzy exclaimed as she popped out of nowhere and made me sit-up in surprise. A pang of pain shot through my head as it collided with hers. 

"Owww," we both whined, rubbing the spots they collided in. 

"Minzy," I whined. 

"Well I didn't know you were gonna sit up!" she replied still rubbing her head. "Anyway, I'm here because your boyfriend is looking for you. He kept bothering me, pestering me to tell you to meet with him by the dinner area."

I got up and fixed the little sundress I was wearing. "Okay. I'll go see what he wants. Can you bring my stuff out of I don't get back in time?"

Minzy nodded and I hugged her back. "Thank you! I'll see you later."

"Uh-huh. You better be thankful, I'm going have to do grunt work while you go smooch with your boyfriend. Remember it's better to be protected than be sorry later," Minzy teasingly replied. I hit her arm and scrunched my face at her. 

"Don't look at me like that," she said, folding her arms. "Now go to your boyfriend, I would hate it if you kept me waiting." She shooed me away and I giggled while shaking my head. Minzy was the best friend anybody could ever ask for. As I walked away, the feeling that I had forgotten something came back again. Like always I decided to ignore it since I couldn't figure out what I was forgetting. 

Once I reached the dining area, I found Baro sitting on one of the benches. "Guess who?" I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned his head back and smiled up at me. 

I bent down and pecked him on the lips,"So what's up? Minzy said you were looking for me?"

He got up and wove his fingers through mine,"Yeah. I wanted to show you something."

He led me towards the woods and I raised my eyebrows at him. "Where is the thing you want to show me?" He gave me his signature smile and squeezed my hand, "It's not that far. Don't worry about it."

I nodded and we walked in silence for a while. After a few more minutes I broke the silence. "Oppa," I whined. "Are we there yet?"

He chuckled at me and pinched my cheek,"Be patient jagi we're almost there."

We walked a few more paces before he abruptly stopped walking. "We're here now?" I asked, looking around. I had no idea what he wanted to show me, all I saw was a bunch of trees. 

Baro nodded. "But before I show it to you, you have to close your eyes first. No peeking okay?"

I closed my eyes obediently and he led a few paces to our left and turned me around. "You can open your eyes now," he whispered into my ear with his hands resting on my shoulders. 

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times to clear my vision. Once I took in what he was showing me, I stepped forward with a smile on my face and traced my finger on it. 

"I know it isn't much but--"

I shushed Baro as he started to degrade his gift to me. "Don't say that! This is really sweet Baro, I love it!" I turned to face him and kissed him passionately. When we pulled away to catch our breaths I looked at the tree trunk again, re-reading the message Baro had carved into it. 

Jina, I love you. Ever since the day you said yes to me I've been the happiest guy on the planet. Thank you for everything you've done for me, nothing I do can ever express my gratitude towards you or how much I love you. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. 

Forever yours,


I smiled warmly and wrapped my arms around Baro, resting my head against his chest. "Thank you, I'll treasure this forever oppa."

He smiled at me and kissed me. "Anything for you jagi."


I felt the bag I had hidden in get picked up and swing around as the person carrying it started walk. I was able to hear muffled voices all around me, one in particular stood out above the rest. It was her voice, Jina. 

I've spent the last couple of days trying to hide myself in her cabin so she wouldn't find me. I couldn't really come out to talk to her yet because it was really hard to get her alone. Her annoying cabin mate was always around or another girl named Minzy would always be there. It was really annoying. 

It was kinda sad to see her stumble in or be carried in to her bed at the end of the day. The poor girl probably has no idea of what's going on with her. For her sake and mine I hope I get to talk to her soon, this contract not only affects her--it affects me too. 

Author's Note:

Okay so this chapter ends Jina's school trip.....not that it was that long:l but yeah~ Awww Baro carved her a love message on a tree. I imagine that must have taken dedication. I've never carved anything on a tree before but it looks hard>.< lol if I was Baro I probably would have done: Jina, I love you. Then given up and went to find someone with food I could mooch off of.

What do you think is happening to Jina? The contract will be explained soon and more about Jina will be revealed. Like her family and stuff. Thank you for reading and subscribing!! It means a lot.(^з^)-☆

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I am so sorry for not updating for so long OTL I assure you though, I am working on an update and it will be up soon:)


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Chapter 13: Lol how lovely, I'm liking the new interest on Soohyun :D
But who's the stranger?
Update soon :)
You have a really awesome story:)
Hope Aj could heal Minzy. And what were the thoughts that wandered in Jina's mind while Soohyun was ? :D
Update soon author, your story is really good :D
You have a really good story. And hooray that Soohyun is in human form already :D

Update soon author :D
hehe soohyun <33333 thnxs for the update! :) its been awhile please update soon again :D
WHOA its been a long time !

Mmmm SooHyun... I like XD
YAY!!! SOOHYUN IS IN HUMAN FORM!!!!!! YAY!!! And hehehe Jina likes Soohyun. Update soon author. Please. Please!!! PLEASE!!!
Yay, please let Soohyun be in his human form like the next chapter. I don't know why I anticipate it so much, but I just have a feeling that its outcome will be very exciting. SO PLEASE, I REPEAT AGAIN, PLEASE UPDATE SOON. YOU STORY IS VERY AWESOME.
Omfg. Jina and Baro - all these cute feels >.<" Lolol , I'm imagining one froggy Soohyun. Thank you for the update Umma! x)gb.
So cute~ thanks for the update~!
Lol menopause. When will Soohyun be able to change to his human form? Hope it would be soon. Update soon, your story is very good