Unexpected Newcomer

My Frog Prince





Slowly, he opened his eyes and the wind died down. He looked around and found himself in the middle of a playground. Children looked up at him in awe, wondering how he had gotten there. Giving them all a smile, he gave the boy closest to him a pat on the head and went off on his way. The children stared after him but he never looked back at them. He had somewhere to go to----or someone to be more specific.  




He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. People bumped into him and they gave him dirty looks, muttering curses at him under their breath. He ignored them and focused on the task he had at hand---locating her. After a few moments, he succeeded and found her. He opened his eyes and continued down the street with only his senses to guide him. It didn't bother him though, his ability to track things down had never failed him before.








"Oppa," the girl beside me whined. I turned to her, disgusted by the tone of cuteness she was trying to use on me and her use of oppa. We were the same age and we weren't going out. I didn't understand what the hell she was trying to do. "What is it?" I asked, my supressed annoyance audible in my voice.




"Would you like to eat with me at lunch?" she asked, batting her eyes at me. She was completely unaware of how much she irritated me. I shrugged and looked away from her to stare out the window. I spotted Soohyun hyung and his contractor arguing with each other on their way to class. It's been about a week since my first day here and Soohyun hyung regained his human form. He had decided to attend this school also, claiming that by doing so Jina would have extra protection. Despite that he still wouldn't let me leave, saying that the more of us there were around Jina the safer she would be. I still didn't understand what the big fuss over her was and I still can't bring myself to like her.




I sighed and looked away from the window, I just want to go home. The more time I spent here in this world the worst my mood gets.








"Will you stop glaring at them? These are our classsmates, they aren't trying to kill you," I sighed in exasperation. Soohyun shifted his gaze over to me and let out a sigh through his nose. "You never know, things aren't always as black and white as they seem Jina," he replied as he continued to eye every person that walked by. I sighed and rolled my eyes. We were on our way to school and he was already glaring a people on the sidewalk, it always got worse when we got at school. Especially when----




From out of nowhere, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and turned me so that I was facing them. Lips crashed themselves against mine, after recognizing them as Baro's I kissed him back. I was the one who ended the kiss but I didn't pull away and he put his forehead against mine. "Good morning," he breathed. I smiled at him and then sneaked a peek at Soohyun who had turned his head away from our direction, I can tell from his posture that he was tensed up.  For some reason it was always awkward for me whenever I showed skinship with Baro in front of Soohyun and I always found my self wary of his reactions.




"Good morning," I replied after smiling at Baro and giving him a peck on his cheek. He was about to reply when a few cries in t he distance made us all stare at the group of four boys making a ruckus, calling for Baro. Baro sighed and gave me an apologetic smile, "I better go and shut them up." I giggled as I saw Gongchan waving cheerily at me and Sanduel making kissy faces. "Oh and um good morning to you too," Baro said in a hurry to Soohyun, who responded with a stiff nod. Baro gave me another kiss and then jogged over to them, I saw Sandeul put his hands on his hips and wag a finger at Baro. Baro put him in a neckhold and started to give him a noogie, I giggled again and sensed Soohyun's gaze on me. I looked over to him and he had this look in his eyes that I couldn't comprehend.




"What is it?" I asked, giving him a concerned look. He blinked at me, took in a deep breath and  then turned away from me. "It's nothing, nothing that concerns you anyway," he murmured as he walked past me. I stared after him for a while until I finally stomped after him.




"Yah!" I yelled. He didn't stop walking and I had to run to catch up to him, when I finally did we were on school grounds already. "Will you stop yelling at me?" he sighed. "I wouldn't have to if you weren't so rude to me," I huffed.  




"Pfft. I'm not rude, you're just sensitive," Soohyun scoffed. I was about to rebutle when I felt someone staring at me, I looked up and made eye contact with a boy with mushroom hair. It looked like he sighed before looking away, I kept staring at him though, curious as to who he was. I knew he was new to this school and that we had classes together but I never really payed enough attention for his name.




"Jina! We need to get to class, hurry up!" Soohyun called over his shoulder, that brought me out of the little trance I had gotten into and scrambled after him to get to our first class of the day.








It was pretty much an ordinary day for everyone, Soohyun, Jina, Dongho, Eli and Baro were all in class and Jungsu was in school with Kevin wandering around the city to kill time before he had to go pick up Jungsu. Kiseop was as usual the sentry, looking out for anything unusual around the school. That was when he noticed an aura familiar to him, he turned to his human form and followed the source of the aura. With each step he took, the aura started to get stronger and stronger and he knew that he was going in the right direction. Finally he reached the farthest end of the school, where the aura felt the strongest. He looked around, scratching his head with confusion written all over the place. He was at dead end, in front of him was one of the school walls and the area around him was deserted. He had been so sure that the aura had come from here.




Kiseop spent a whie standing there, trying to figure out what was going on. The moment he reached an epiphany, he let out a gasp and turned to look around him once again but before he could even completely whirl around-- fingers found his pressure point on his neck and he out. Becoming visible once again, the stranger knelt down beside Kiseop and let out a small chuckle.




"Sorry, I can't have you telling everyone I'm here....at least not yet, I have something I want to do first," he smiled. With a small grunt he picked up Kiseop, despite being slender he was strong, and walked over to a corner of the school where he'd instilled his powers of invisibility over-- nobody would ever see Kiseop there. Setting down Kiseop on a bench he walked around the school, invisible once again, until he found Jina's classroom. A task of no challenge to him because along with his ability to track things down, he was like a ghost: unseen and able to pass through objects. Leaning against the wall beside the whiteboard where the teacher was currently doing a lesson, he watched Jina follow the teacher with her eyes as he paced around and explained key points. The stranger smirked as he observed Jina's look of concentration, he was looking forward to meeting this girl.




 Jina on the other hand, who had no idea of the invisible stranger in her classroom was too busy being the good student she was. Taking careful notes and highlighting a few things here and there, she was completely engrossed in the lesson. Despite that she had this nagging feeling that was being watched, she looked around and found Soohyun sleeping on his desk. Other than him and a few people playing with their pencils, everyone else was paying attention to the lecture. Maybe it was just Kiseop she thought, but she knew Kiseop wouldn't send her the vibes she was getting now. This gaze was observant, she felt like whoever this person watching her was that they could see right through her-- there was no secret of hers that was safe. Jina decided to dismiss it, maybe she was just still high strung over Minzy. No words could ever explain the depth of her guilt the past week, if it wasn't for her Minzy wouldn't be the way she was.




Despite feeling watched the whole day, Jina made it through okay. She had spent lunch with Baro and the other four lively boys. Sandeul impersonated a duck the entire time and quacked at everyone's face at every chance he got. And Gongchan played hangman with her while she sat on Baro's lap, he kept using weird words like 'Bean Sprout', 'Cowboys', and 'Love Potion'. Soohyun spent lunch with Eli and Dongho, eating lunches Jina had made for them because Soohyun had no patience standing in line for food.




"Can't I just go home?" Dongho whined. Eli gave him a sympathetic look and a pat on the back while Soohyun glared at him.




"No, we need to stay here and protect Jina until we can all go home," Soohyun growled after swallowing a bite of his food. "And you need to make sure you don't start slacking off with that job-- watch her carefully and make sure nothing happens to her." Soohyun glared pointedly at Dongho until he finally sighed and nodded his head. Just then they all heard a whiny Opppaaaaa that made them all cringe. As the three looked up, they saw the girl that had asked Dongho to sit with her for lunch. Dongho groaned and made a face inwardly, he knew if he did it in front of the hyungs he'd be in trouble--especially with Eli because Soohyun wouldn't have cared unless it was Jina. He was biased like that.




"Yes?" Dongho asked as he looked up at her from his seat.




"You promised to eat lunch with me today," she pouted. Dongho let out a small sigh and then gave her a strained smile, "I'm sorry I was a little preoccupied. I'll go with you now if you want." The girl smiled at him and nodded earnestly, pulling on his arms and dragging him away. 




"Poor Dongho," Eli commented as he watched the two walk away. Soohyun didn't say anything as his eyes drifted from Dongho to Jina across the room, instantly his mood turned sour and his blood started to boil. He didn't like seeing her with that guy, that guy was always all over her. Touching her, hugging her, kissing her--- it made him sick. Eli followed Soohyun's gaze and sighed, "She's happy right now, let her be. She's going to be pretty upset when you tell her she has to leave this wolrd, let her create happy memories while she still can. I know  that you really like her---"




"What do you mean by how I really like her? I don't feel anything towards her, she's annoying and always argues with me. Anything that I feel towards her does not in any way involve love, any relationship I form with that girl is purely based on the contract and nothing else," Soohyun snapped as he slammed a fist on the table. Soohyun stood up from his seat and sauntered off out of the cafeteria, Eli sighed and shook his head. He knew how stubborn Soohyun was and how he was going to deny his feelings for Jina no matter what he said.  




Neither Eli or Soohyun thought anyone else was paying attention to them but someone else was, today Aeri noticed she wasn't the only one glowering at the sickeningly sweet couple. She was surprised to see the new hunk (as she liked to call him) Shin Soohyun, glaring at the two as he did. She didn't know much about him, only what she'd heard from other people who'd spoken to him: that he was the son of a friend of Jina's mother and he was temporarily living in the Kim's house because Jina's mother owed his a favor. Apparently their two mothers go way back.




Aeri looked over at Jina and Baro who were giggling with each other and then at Soohyun as he made his way out of the cafeteria. A smile started to form on her lips, she had been trying to get Baro this entire time. Maybe it was time to switch him up for someone more new, someone better. She turned to one of girls beside her, pathetic little things that hoped some of Aeri's popularity would rub off on them if they hung out around her.




"Find out all you can about Shin Soohyun and report back to me, Baro is dead to me now," she smirked as she leaned back into her chair and crossed her legs.




Author's Note:

Hello^^ Ohmygoodness I am so sorry to all of you OTL and thank you for sticking around and reading this even though I'm a y author who barely updates:l I swear I feel horrible and I seriously am sorry. I hope you continue to read this, and I promise the next update will not take as long as this one did. Well thank you and I'll see you guys again on the next update:D

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I am so sorry for not updating for so long OTL I assure you though, I am working on an update and it will be up soon:)


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Chapter 13: Lol how lovely, I'm liking the new interest on Soohyun :D
But who's the stranger?
Update soon :)
You have a really awesome story:)
Hope Aj could heal Minzy. And what were the thoughts that wandered in Jina's mind while Soohyun was ? :D
Update soon author, your story is really good :D
You have a really good story. And hooray that Soohyun is in human form already :D

Update soon author :D
hehe soohyun <33333 thnxs for the update! :) its been awhile please update soon again :D
WHOA its been a long time !

Mmmm SooHyun... I like XD
YAY!!! SOOHYUN IS IN HUMAN FORM!!!!!! YAY!!! And hehehe Jina likes Soohyun. Update soon author. Please. Please!!! PLEASE!!!
Yay, please let Soohyun be in his human form like the next chapter. I don't know why I anticipate it so much, but I just have a feeling that its outcome will be very exciting. SO PLEASE, I REPEAT AGAIN, PLEASE UPDATE SOON. YOU STORY IS VERY AWESOME.
Omfg. Jina and Baro - all these cute feels >.<" Lolol , I'm imagining one froggy Soohyun. Thank you for the update Umma! x)gb.
So cute~ thanks for the update~!
Lol menopause. When will Soohyun be able to change to his human form? Hope it would be soon. Update soon, your story is very good