Something Missing

My Frog Prince



"Jina.........Jina.........Jina, ireona," a voice said. I scrunched up my face, I don't want to wake up yet. I kept my eyes closed and tried to ignore the voice. I succeeded until someone grabbed my shoulders and shook me awake. 

"Okay, okay. I'm up!" I groaned rubbing my eyes and stretching. I blinked my eyes open to see Minzy crouching down in front of me. 

"Hey sleepy head," she smirked. I yawned in response. She chuckled at me and then stood up. "It's almost time for dinner, don't be late."

I watched her walk away before I realized something. How did I end up sleeping against this tree? It's nighttime already? Wasn't I stuck somewhere before? I stood up and scratched my head and tried to remember. It took me a while but when I did the memories came flooding back in a rush, I remembered everything: the frog, the freakish strong wind, the glowing blue circle on the ground, the smoky figure, the red string and then blacking out. 

I looked down on my arm, the red string wasn't there anymore. So was I dreaming then?........but everything felt so vivid. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. I shrugged and started to walk towards the dining area part of the camp, dismissing it as a dream. It's better than actually believing it actually happened, at least it was in my point if view. 


I watched her walk away quietly until her back disappeared from my line of sight. 

"So that's the girl you chose hyung," a voice above me said. 

I looked up to see black crow resting on a branch in a nearby tree. "Kiseop. Where are the others?" I asked. 

"I don't know. They're around here somewhere," he said nonchalantly. He was looking around, trying to look at Jina again. 

I sighed. "Well can you at least help me?"

"Sure thing, just wait for a minute," he replied. He jumped from the branch and transformed into his human form in mid-air, landing swiftly on his feet. Then he bent down to pick me up from the ground. 

"Let's go find the others. That girl doesn't know it but we can't be apart for too long," I said urging him to hurry up. 

"Arasso hyung. Just be patient, the others aren't that far off," he assured me, trying to calm me down.  He turned away from the campsite and started to walk deeper into the woods, now and then using his other hand to protect me from low branches. 

I know the others were close by but that doesn't mean that I still don't want him to hurry up. That vow she took makes it so that she can't be apart from me for too long. Otherwise something bad will happen, and that's something I can't let happen to the one I've chosen to help me return home. I need her well and healthy for her to be of any use to me. 


"Yeah it was really weird," I said in between mouthfuls of my food. I was telling Minzy about the dream I had with the frog. Which wasn't a surprise really, we've been friends for as long as I can remember. We told each other everything.  

"That's some dream alright but I'm more concerned about your appetite," she replied eyeing my food. "Why are you eating so much? This is the first time I've seen you gobble down so much food. You're not pregnant are you?" she asked, smiling slyly at me. 

I blushed, my face heating up. "Yah!"

"What? It's possible! Especially since with you're with Baro," she smirked. 

"Oh please Minzy," I scoffed, standing up. Right when I got out of my seat somebody bumped into me, making me fall on my . 

"Watch where you're going," a snobby voice snapped. I looked up to see Aeri and her little followers sneering down at me. Instantly my anti- mode . 

"Watch where I'M going? I was just innocently standing here. I wasn't the one walking around bumping into people like an old woman with bad eyesight," I snapped, standing up so that we were face to face. 

She glared at me and was about to retort when I felt two hands snake their way around my waist. "Hey jagi, everything okay?" Baro whispered into my ear. 

I relaxed as I realized who it was and turned in his arms to face him, he in response leaning down to kiss me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I deepened the kiss. Our breaths started to become husky as the kiss became more and more passionate. 

Someone behind us cleared their throat. I felt Baro smirk before pulling away. He turned me around so that I was facing Aeri again and put his head on my shoulders. "Sorry got carried away there," he apologized in a tone that made it obvious he wasn't in any way at all sorry. 

Aeri  on the other hand, had put on her fake sweet exterior. "No problem oppa," she giggled. 

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Baro still had his arms around me so he squeezed me reassuringly, trying to calm me down. 

Suddenly one of Aeri's little minions tapped her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Aeri nodded and she turned to us, her fake sweet mode turned to on to it's maximum capacity. "Well I've gotta go oppa, annyong," she said sweetly. 

Minzy made gagging noises that made me giggle. Baro nodded at Aeri and she left, followed by her group. 

"Thank god she finally left," Minzy retorted chugging her drink. 

"Amen. She's such a " I nodded. 

"What's this? Is this miss  goody two shoes I hear cussing? Are you becoming a potty mouth jagi?" Baro asked raising an eyebrow. 

"No. Only when Aeri's involved," I replied indignantly, scrunching my face up in distaste when I said her name. 

Minzy and Baro chuckled at me. Suddenly a familiar voice jubilantly screamed, "Noooonnnaaaa!!!!"

"Uh-oh here comes---" Baro mutter got cut off when a boy ran at us in full speed, colliding into us. We would have fallen if Baro hadn't steadied himself using the bench we were eating at. The hyper boy hugged me from the front, grinning at me excitedly. 

I grinned back in response, "Hey Channie."

"Noona guess what?" he asked, jumping up and down. 

"What?" I giggled. Gongchan's aegyo always made me smile. 

"Today we went by the lake and Baro hyung pushed Sanduel hyung into the water!!" he said in a rush. 

"Yah!" Baro yelled out, trying to grab Gongchan. Gongchan ran away towards Jinyoung and Cnu who were making their way over to our bench. 

"Tattletale," he muttered. 

I giggled. "Well its not nice to push people oppa." 

"Yeah oppa it's not nice," Sanduel mimicked as he sat down on the bench. 

"See? This is why you got pushed into the water Sanduel," Baro replied, rolling his eyes. 

"No arguing you two!" I scolded as Sanduel opened his mouth to retort. They both scrunched up their faces and bowed their heads,"De umma." I shook my head with a smile on my face. I swear these two are the most childish people I know. 

"Okay let's continue eating!" I said dragging Baro towards the bench. Just then Jinyoung, Cnu and Gongchan made it to our table with plates of food. The boys dug in and Minzy and I got up to get everyone drinks. 

I was happy. Everyone was having a good time and I got to spend time with Baro but then why do I feel like something is missing?


"Are you sure you know which one it is?" Soohyun hyung asked for the hundredth time. 

I rolled my eyes at him,"Yes hyung I know which one it is!! Calm down will you? Aj hyung told me which one it is!" 

Soohyun hyung started to grumble incoherently and I blocked him out. He seriously needs to calm down but I couldn't really blame him though. If I was him I would want to make sure nothing would go wrong too so I can go home as soon as possible. We were all here on Earth so that we could help Soohyun hyung go back home to Neverland. We all felt bad because he got in trouble for stuff we did and we weren't being punished or anything. We all tried to help him when we can--using our powers since Soohyun hyung couldn't in his frog form. For example, Aj hyung never got things like this wrong because one of his powers is to track things down. 

I finally reached the cabin Aj hyung said that girl would be at. I peeked inside through the window, since it was dark I couldn't see much. All I could make out were the two sleeping figures in the beds pushed up against the wall. 

"How are we going to get in?" I whispered. I was trying to make as little noise as possible since everyone on the campsite seemed to be asleep and any small noise ended up sounding really loud. 

"Just call Kevin," Soohyun hyung whispered back. I took out my phone and dialed his number after the first ring he picked up. 

"Yoboseyo?" he answered. 

"We need you over here. We can't get inside the cabin," I whispered into the speaker. 

"Arasso wait a sec," he replied before hanging up. 

Just a I was about to put my phone away, Kevin appeared in front me. "Here, you go take him in there," I said handing Soohyun hyung over to him. "I don't know why you guys made me do it in the first place."

Kevin carefully took him from me and nodded. Soohyun hyung remained silent throughout the entire exchange, not paying attention to us. 

It looked like he was staring at the door but something made me feel like he could see the girl through it. Soohyun hyung didn't have that kind of ability so I don't know why I thought that. Maybe it's because of that vow? 

Eh. Whatever. After all this is done and Soohyun hyung can go back to Neverland that girl will be nothing to us.


I watched Dongho walk away before looking down at Soohyun hyung in my hand. "Ready?" I asked. 

"Mm-hm," he replied his tone implying he wasn't really paying attention to me. 

I teleported us into the cabin and set put him down on the floor. I watched him hop over to a bed with a sleeping girl in it before walking over to him and lifting him up to it. 

Leaning over the bed I looked into the sleeping girl's face. "Awww she's cute!" I whispered. 

"Eh. She's okay," Soohyun hyung replied nonchalantly. 

I looked at him and then shook my head,"Don't be too mean to her okay hyung?" 

"What do you mean by that?!" he replied in his normal voice making enough noise for the girl to lift her head up and open her eyes a little. I instantly froze and started to panic but thankfully her head sank back down into her pillow and she rolled over to her side. 

I sighed in relief. "I think you better go before she catches you here," Soohyun hyung said in a quieter tone. 

I nodded in agreement and took one last look at the girl before teleporting out of there. I hope I can get to know her more in the future. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys:) So Jina is okay but she thinks everything that happened was a dream:o What do you think will happen to her if she's apart from Soohyun for too long? 

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I am so sorry for not updating for so long OTL I assure you though, I am working on an update and it will be up soon:)


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Chapter 13: Lol how lovely, I'm liking the new interest on Soohyun :D
But who's the stranger?
Update soon :)
You have a really awesome story:)
Hope Aj could heal Minzy. And what were the thoughts that wandered in Jina's mind while Soohyun was ? :D
Update soon author, your story is really good :D
You have a really good story. And hooray that Soohyun is in human form already :D

Update soon author :D
hehe soohyun <33333 thnxs for the update! :) its been awhile please update soon again :D
WHOA its been a long time !

Mmmm SooHyun... I like XD
YAY!!! SOOHYUN IS IN HUMAN FORM!!!!!! YAY!!! And hehehe Jina likes Soohyun. Update soon author. Please. Please!!! PLEASE!!!
Yay, please let Soohyun be in his human form like the next chapter. I don't know why I anticipate it so much, but I just have a feeling that its outcome will be very exciting. SO PLEASE, I REPEAT AGAIN, PLEASE UPDATE SOON. YOU STORY IS VERY AWESOME.
Omfg. Jina and Baro - all these cute feels >.<" Lolol , I'm imagining one froggy Soohyun. Thank you for the update Umma! x)gb.
So cute~ thanks for the update~!
Lol menopause. When will Soohyun be able to change to his human form? Hope it would be soon. Update soon, your story is very good