
My Frog Prince






I adjusted the strap of my shoulder bag as I continued to walk to school, knowing Soohyun was inside it made me really nervous. I mean what if someone finds him there? What am I supposed to tell them? That I'm frog sitting for somebody? I mean what kind of sane person has a frog in their bag?!




I blew out a breath of air in frustration, scrunching up my face and running my hand through my hair. "Stop it, it's either this or you die," Soohyun yelled, his voice slightly muffled by my bag. I frantically looked around but relaxed when I saw there was no one around us. I ped my bag angrily and glared down at Soohyun, "Are you crazy?! What if someone heard you?!!!"




"Pfft. Please I have a brother that can erase memories, don't get your in a bunch. Plus what do you think people would think if they saw you now? Yelling into your bag in the middle of the sidewalk," Soohyun said nonchalantly. I sighed and zipped my bag, not zipping it up all the way so Soohyun could breathe. I hated it when he was right.




I walked into the somewhat empty schoolgrounds, sitting down on a bench. I was just planning on sitting there to wait for class to start until someone stood in front of me. I looked up to see Minzy staring down at me with her arms crossed, "You owe me an explanation."




I started to panic. Crap. I've forgotten about Minzy, what do I tell her?! I didn't say anything and just stared back at her blankly. I opened my mouth, ready to lie to her but then closed it again. This is my best friend, I've always told her everything. I accepted her being in a gang so why couldn't she accept this? Well at least gangs belonged in our reality, my secret belongs in an entirely different dimension. After an internal debate I decided to tell her, I mean she was my best friend. I have to give her some credit by believing that she would belive me. If she didn't then at least I would know that she wasn't a true friend.




I stood up and grabbed her hand, "Come with me." Minzy let me drag her along to a more private setting aka an empty classroom. I closed the door behind me and sighed, preparing myself for Minzy's possible reactions. "Okay so something really big happened yesterday," I started slowly.




"What do you mean?" Minzy raised an eyebrow and sat on a desk. I took a deep breath, looking straight into Minzy's eyes. "Something attacked me yesterday."




Minzy scrunched up her eyebrows,"What do you mean? Who did it?" Minzy stood up, her hands balling up into angry fists. "When I find out who did it, I swear....."




She drifted off as she glared at the space above my head. I can only imagine the murder scenes that was going through her head. "No you don't understand. I wasn't attacked by a person. I mean I kind of wish it was a person then at least I could do some kind of payback vengeance chizz on them," I said quickly. Minzy raised an eyebrow at me, "You mean you were attacked by a dog or something?"




I shook my head and she gave me a confused look, urging me to continue. Before I could change my mind I blurted out, "I was attacked by a cloud."




Minzy looked at me like I was crazy and I went up to her, grabbing her hand. "No please you have to believe me, I swear if you let me explain it will all make sense." 




"Okay," she said slowly. I gave her a grateful smile and took off my bag, setting it down gently on the table. "There's a frog in my bag---"




"You have a frog in your bag?!" she cried incredulously. I shushed her and continued, "Well he's really a prince but his parents turned him into a frog because they thought he wasn't being a good role model for his brothers." Minzy gave me the you're crazy look again and I sighed, "Fine. Just wait until I show you my bag then you'll believe me for sure." 




I was starting to get excited about showing Soohyun to her, then maybe I wouldn't feel so alone in this whole thing. This would give me someone who wasn't really involved in it, letting me have an outdsider's opinion once in a while. I ped my bag and held it out for her, "See?"




"See what? There's nothing here except your textbooks," she replied. 




My heart dropped at her words and I frantically sifted through my bag. "He was here earlier, where is he?" I cried as I looked around me, thinking that maybe he fell out or something. The bell rang and Minzy sighed, "Come on Jiji let's go to class. I don't know what you're on or why you're lying to me about yesterday but I'll let it pass this time since you're my bestfriend."








"Class. Let's go," Minzy said as she dragged me out of the room and towards our class. I was disappointed that Minzy didn't believe me and a little panicked that Soohyun wasn't in my bag anymore. What the heck happened to him?








I sighed and stretched my legs, the teacher was boring the hell out of me. I glanced over at Jina who was writing down notes. I thought back to how she was this morning, my forehead scrunching up. 




What the hell was that? Was she going crazy or something?




I shook my head and sighed, putting my head down on the table. I know she's going through something right now. I guess I'll just have to wait for when she's ready to confide. 








Aish. Why am I here?




I walked down the hallway, girls again pointing and giggling at me. I kept hearing my name and the word new kid being tossed around. I can't believe the hyungs made me go to that girl's school. This whole thing is so stupid. They're all overreacting just because she was attacked by a cloud. From what I heard Eli hyung was able to save her so why do I need to be here?! 




I walked into my second class and went up to the teacher. "Ah you must be the new student," he said. I nodded and he took the paper that had my schedule on it. "Shin Dongho you can sit next to Kim Jina over there." the teacher pointed to the vacant seat beside a girl and I groaned inwardly, recognizing her as Soohyun hyung's contractor. 




I trudged my way to my seat and plopped down. The entire time we spent stuck in class the girl seemed to be out of it, staring off into space. I just didn't get why hyung chose to have a contract with this girl, there was really not that much interesting about her. I mean she was plain as plain could get--he could have at least picked a better looking contractor. The bell rang and the girl quickly gathered her stuff, managing to get up before me so I had to walk behind her.




We seemed to be heading the same direction too since I pretty much had to walk behind her in the hallway too. From out of nowhere a guy appeared and engulfed her into a hug, leaning down to kiss her. They were doing this in the middle of the hallway so I had to walk around them, my face showing tints of disgust. But pity tugged at my heart a little bit too, I don't know if hyung had told her yet that she has to come with him to Neverland and I know that she's not going to react well to it. From what Kevin hyung said she's pretty attached to her little brother and that must have been her boyfriend back there. 




Hell I know I wouldn't react well to news telling me that I'd be ripped from everything I cared about. Still though there's just something about her that irritates me. I just didn't know what.







I angrily stomped my way down the hallway, school was over now so it was already pretty empty. I had asked Eli earlier if he knew what had happened to Soohyun and he told me that Soohyun had Kevin teleport him out of my bag. With an angry huff I took out my phone and dialed the number Eli had given me.




"Yoboseyo?" Kevin asked.




"Kevin I want you to bring Soohyun here right now," I said through gritted teeth.








"NOW Kevin" I growled. In less than a second Kevin reappered beside me, eyes wide and Soohyun in his hands. Looking at Kevin I sighed and tried to calm myself down. "Sorry Kevin can you give us a little privacy?" I asked, smiling at him weakly. Kevin nodded and put Soohyun in a nearby window sill, teleporting out of the hallway.  I glared at Soohyun and he stared back at me unfazed. "What?" he said, a tint of annoyance in his voice.




His tone made me go over the edge and all of my anger exploded out of me. "What? WHAT?!" I gave out a wry laugh, ruffling my hair in frustration. "That's what you have to say to me after making me look like a nutcase in front of my bestfriend?! I yelled at him, my voice echoing in the empty hallway. Soohyun shrugged nonchalantly and I let out a cry of frustration. "I can't believe you!!! You know I was actually starting to think that you weren't that bad, but now I know that you're nothing but an insensitive !!"




I stopped yelling at him to catch my breath. Since I couldn't yell at him I glrared as I panted, trying to regain my normal breathing rate. I hadn't meant to call him an but the more I thought about it the more I realized the word suited him. He's always been such a jerk and I've been more tolerant with it than I normally would have been if it was someone else. God he was reminding me so much of Baro before we started going out--I hated Baro back then.




Suddenly I heard footsteps and Minzy appeared, "Jina? Are you the one yelling? Who are you yelling at?" She eyed me curiously, "And why do you look so pissed?"




I took a deep breath and was about to answer when Minzy suddenly she collapsed to the ground. "Minzy!" I gasped, all my anger replaced with concern for my bestfriend. "DON'T!" Soohyun yelled. I froze and glared back at him, "And why shouldn't I?"




"Look closely at things before you go blindly making a move," Soohyun sighed. I was still pissed at him but did as he said, inspecting the area where Minzy's body lay. I started to notice that she looked kind of blurred like there some kind of white fog surrounding her, I kept staring at it and it started to manifest more clearly. It was like a puff of smoke, shifting slowly so that it kind of looked like a storm cloud. I would have thought it was harmless if a wave of familiar fear and anxiety hadn't overwhelmed me. "Cloud," I gasped, as I backed away shakily.




"Jina! You have to listen to me," Soohyun called. "We have to form a connection with your consent!" 




I gulped and looked at him, "W-W-What do you mean?" My knees buckled under me and I whimpered, trying to crawl away from the cloud that was slowly making its way towards me. Soohyun hopped down from the window sill and came over to me, "You have to kiss me willingly." He said this with a serious tone, looking directly into my eyes. At first I was irritated, how could he ask for a kiss at a time like this? And who the heck does he think is thinking I'll give him one just because he told me to? Then I started to piece the pieces together, this was what he meant by a connection with my consent. For him to be in his human form and use his powers I have to kiss him.




I looked over my shoulder at the cloud that was only a foot away from me now and then back at Soohyun. On any other day I would have never have kissed a frog but when I have to choose between kissing death or a frog. I'd choose the frog, I mean at least with the frog I can sanitize my mouth later. I leaned to Soohyun and pressed my lips against his. Slowly his gross froggy lips changed to what was the softest lips I've ever come in contact with. I peeked my eyes open to find myself in the arms of the man I'd seen in my dreams and when we formed the contract.




My heart skipped a beat as I my eyes trailed every feature of his face. I had forgetten about everything: the cloud's imminent danger and the fact that Minzy was laying unconcious a couple of feet away from us. There was nothing else I could think of besides his glorious face and his sweet scent. He had some kind of pull on me that was similar to the gravitational pull a sun has on a planet. I simply couldn't look away from him. The entire time I spent gawking at him, Soohyun had been backing away from the cloud. 




"Jina you have to kiss me again," Soohyun said, eyes trained on the cloud. Gladly, a voice in the back of my head said. I mentally slapped myself and brought myself out of the daze I had been in. "What?"




"You have to kiss me again, only this time the connection has to be stronger so you're going to have to use tounge," Soohyun answered, looking down at me to make sure I understood. I nooded and he leaned down, kissing me and then slipping his tounge into my mouth. When our tounges touched fireworks exploded in me and everything else in the world was forgotten, there was nothing but me and him. We both fought for dominance until we felt the essence of the cloud get nearer and we both tensed. He pulled away--much to my disappointment-- and set me down on my feet, protectively standing in front of me.




As I stood behind him I noticed for the first time that he was , I blushed and kept my eyes above waist level. I couldn't help but think that he had a nice body though, he had chocolate abs and really defined arms--it was enoigh to make a girl faint. Guilt started to creep its way into my heart, I'm still with Baro what am I doing thinking and acting like this?








I took a step forward and smirked. It was nice to be my old self again. Inhaling through my nose, I brought up my hand and concentrated. It started to feel tingly and warm until a flame burst on my palm. I grinned as I looked at the flame--it's been so long since the last time I was able to use my powers. I started to feel giddy inside, like a little kid on christmas morning. 




The cloud inched its way closer and I came back down to reality. I threw the fireball at it, hitting it on its center. It shrieked and I cringed a little, the sound hurting my ears. It started to retreat but I wasn't going to let it go, I wanted this thing dead now. I created more fireballs, the cloud shrieking every time it was hit by one. Eventually I got tired of thworing fireballs and just created one big tornado of fire, sending the cloud to its doom. I kept the fire tornado going until the cloud stopped shrieking, I waved my hand and it disappeared. All that was left in the hallway was me, Minzy and Jina.




I turned around to Jina, grinning from ear to ear. "Am I amazing or what?" Jina rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Or what. Now put some clothes on, nobody here wants to see you ."




There was something different about the way she was talking to me right now. There was less sass in her tone than usual considering that she was just screaming her head off at me a few minutes ago. I wonder what made that change? 




Author's Note:


Update:D Sorry its kind of late but I got it in this week right? It's still Sunday (at least where I live) I've been busy with and my family has been moving for an entire month OTL WHY DO WE HAVE SO MUCH STUFF AUGH


Thank you for reading!! Please comment:)  

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I am so sorry for not updating for so long OTL I assure you though, I am working on an update and it will be up soon:)


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Chapter 13: Lol how lovely, I'm liking the new interest on Soohyun :D
But who's the stranger?
Update soon :)
You have a really awesome story:)
Hope Aj could heal Minzy. And what were the thoughts that wandered in Jina's mind while Soohyun was ? :D
Update soon author, your story is really good :D
You have a really good story. And hooray that Soohyun is in human form already :D

Update soon author :D
hehe soohyun <33333 thnxs for the update! :) its been awhile please update soon again :D
WHOA its been a long time !

Mmmm SooHyun... I like XD
YAY!!! SOOHYUN IS IN HUMAN FORM!!!!!! YAY!!! And hehehe Jina likes Soohyun. Update soon author. Please. Please!!! PLEASE!!!
Yay, please let Soohyun be in his human form like the next chapter. I don't know why I anticipate it so much, but I just have a feeling that its outcome will be very exciting. SO PLEASE, I REPEAT AGAIN, PLEASE UPDATE SOON. YOU STORY IS VERY AWESOME.
Omfg. Jina and Baro - all these cute feels >.<" Lolol , I'm imagining one froggy Soohyun. Thank you for the update Umma! x)gb.
So cute~ thanks for the update~!
Lol menopause. When will Soohyun be able to change to his human form? Hope it would be soon. Update soon, your story is very good