A Change in Scenery

My Frog Prince





I was in my animal form-- perched on a  tree and keeping my eyes open for anything unsual like Soohyun hyung told me to. Since Jina's school ended, the flood of students had dissipated quite a while ago but I didn't see Jina anywhere in the crowds. I shifted a little nervously on my branch, I hope nothing bad happened.




I sighed and flew off my branch, flying around the school. I just had this feeling that something happened. I had circled the school about five times when I finally spotted Jina. I sighed in relief and swooped down to a tree, watching her carefully as she looked around warily. After she inspected the area a few more times she looked back over her shoulder and hurriedly motioned for somebody.




I watched carefully as she looked around again. Eventually I saw a familiar face emerge from the building and my eyes widened. I spread my wings out and happily chirped, "Soohyun hyung!"





He looked up and spotted me, grinning. "Kiseop!" I flew down on a nearby bench, perching on top of it. "Whoa hyung you're ," I commented as I noticed how bare he was for the first time. 




"You're barely noticing?" he asked incredulously. "You had that girl in the way," I replied, looking pointedly at the girl in his arms. He looked down at the girl like he'd forgotten he was carrying her then turned to Jina. She had been standing there quietly, cautiously inspecting me. 




"Hey, how long do I have to carry her?" he asked bluntly. Jina turned to him, slightly annoyed. "Until we get to my house since someone a while ago was playing with his fancy little fire powers and destroyed my phone," she hissed. 




Soohyun hyung scrunched his face up and started to grumble to himself. The words ungrateful and pmsing popping up once in a while. I chuckled at them but stopped when I saw Jina narrowing her eyes at me, "I don't have to kiss you too do I?"




"Um....no?" I replied slowly. She nodded and sighed in relief, "Good. So are you his brother?" Jina tilted her head in Soohyun hyung's direction and I nodded. "Do you have a curse on you too?"




I shook my head. "No, all seven of us are able to turn into a specific animal. I'm obviously a crow and Soohyun hyung isn't actually a frog by the way, he was stuck in an animal form that wasn't even his."




Soohyun hyung nodded as I spoke to show that I was telling the truth. Jina looked at me and Soohyun hyung thoughtfully before nodding, "Okay. So um..Kiseop? Do you think you could do something about Adam over here?"




I chuckled and nodded. I hopped down to the seat of the bench and morphed to my human form, smiling up at Jina. 








I watched Kiseop turn from crow to a human being. He lounged on the bench, fully clothed--unlike Soohyun when he turned into a human. "Nice to finally officially meet you Jina," he greeted. I smiled back at him, he was really handsome. His looks were as good as Kevin's if not better. Was everyone in Soohyun's family good looking?!




We just kept on smiling at each other until Soohyun cleared his throat. Kiseop turned to Soohyun, standing up from his seat. "Sorry hyung I forgot for a moment there." He took out a ring from his finger and handed it to Soohyun. I gave Kiseop a questioning look and he explained, "The ring has a spell on it,  whoever wears it can wear any clothes they can imagine in their brain. We just use it so that things like this don't happen." He motioned to Soohyun as he spoke. I nodded to show I understood. 




"Okay. Okay, that's enough chitchat. It's starting to get too breezy out here," Soohyun said as he handed Minzy over to Kiseop.  He slipped the ring into his index finger and in the blink of an eye, he was wearing jeans with a white v-neck t-shirt that had a bear on the front. I sighed in relief mentally, now that he was fully clothed it should be easier to control the thoughts. Ever since Soohyun had become human I've been unreasonably attracted to him. It baffled and disturbed me. 




"Come on guys, Minzy's car is around here somewhere," I said as I my heels and headed to the parking lot, finding her car with no problem. As usual, the keys were in her pockets. We got into the car and I drove to my house. Once we were in my house, I had the guys settle her down on my bed. "Is she going to be okay?" I said softly. 




They both looked at each other and shrugged. "We don't know, this has never happened before. Usually someone who's been that close to a cloud is killed, it's a miracle she's still alive really," Soohyun replied. 




"Is there anybody who'd be able to help her?" I looked to them pleadingly as I sat on the edge of my bed, holding Minzy's hand. 




"Aj hyung might be able to help," Kiseop said hesitantly as he looked over to Soohyun questioningly. Soohyun nodded as he looked back at me thoughtfully, "It's worth a try."




I let out a little sigh of relief and squeezed Minzy's hand. She was unconscious, her face peaceful. Looking at her, I made a silent vow to do whatever it takes to have her wake up again. I mean it was kind of my fault that this happened to her, that thing was coming after me and she was just in the wrong place in the wrong time. It's the least I could do-- I'm sure she'd do the same if the roles were switched. We are best friends after all. 




Kiseop's phone beeped and he fished it out of his pockets. "It's Kevin. He says he has your little brother, he picked him up because you guys were taking forever. And he's texting me this because you wouldn't pick up your phone," Kiseop announced to me.  




I nodded and then told him to tell Kevin to take Jungsu home. A few seconds later Kevin's voice and Jungsu giggling can be heard downstairs. I stood up and made my way down the living room. At the around of my feet on the stairs Kevin looked up, surprised. "Hey! I thought you weren't home. And--,"he broke off as his eyes shifted behind me. "Soohyun hyung! And Kiseop!"




"The one and only," Soohyun grinned. 




Kevin started to bounce excitedly and then practically jumped to hug Soohyun when he finally made it downstairs. While the two brothers had their little reunion, I met up with my own brother. Engulfing him into a hug.




 "Is that the froggie?" Jungsu whispered into my ear as he looked at the trio. I nodded and hugged him tighter. "Noona what's wrong?" 




I sighed and pulled away from him, my hands on his shoulders. "I have to show you something. Come on," I stood up and took his hands, leading him up the stairs to my room. I swung open the door, revealing Minzy on the bed. Hand in hand, Jungsu and I walked over to my bed and then sat on the edge of it. He was in my lap, my arms wrapped around him. 




"Is Noona going to be okay?" he asked softly. Jungsu loved Minzy, she's been around him ever since he was born. She was like another sister to him. I gave him a squeeze and nodded, "We tried to do everything we can to wake her up but she wouldn't. But Soohyun said one of his brothers can help so she's going to be okay."




Jungsu wriggled a little and I let him go. He crawled over to Minzy and kissed her cheek, "Wake up soon noona." 



Author's Note:


Hey guys! Sorry I'm barely putting this up now I have been busy. School started and my ap U.S. History class now dominates my life. It so much fun! (sarcasm) But as promised I updated before Scars of the Heart:) for those subscribed to that too one is headed your way soon!!:D

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I am so sorry for not updating for so long OTL I assure you though, I am working on an update and it will be up soon:)


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Chapter 13: Lol how lovely, I'm liking the new interest on Soohyun :D
But who's the stranger?
Update soon :)
You have a really awesome story:)
Hope Aj could heal Minzy. And what were the thoughts that wandered in Jina's mind while Soohyun was ? :D
Update soon author, your story is really good :D
You have a really good story. And hooray that Soohyun is in human form already :D

Update soon author :D
hehe soohyun <33333 thnxs for the update! :) its been awhile please update soon again :D
WHOA its been a long time !

Mmmm SooHyun... I like XD
YAY!!! SOOHYUN IS IN HUMAN FORM!!!!!! YAY!!! And hehehe Jina likes Soohyun. Update soon author. Please. Please!!! PLEASE!!!
Yay, please let Soohyun be in his human form like the next chapter. I don't know why I anticipate it so much, but I just have a feeling that its outcome will be very exciting. SO PLEASE, I REPEAT AGAIN, PLEASE UPDATE SOON. YOU STORY IS VERY AWESOME.
Omfg. Jina and Baro - all these cute feels >.<" Lolol , I'm imagining one froggy Soohyun. Thank you for the update Umma! x)gb.
So cute~ thanks for the update~!
Lol menopause. When will Soohyun be able to change to his human form? Hope it would be soon. Update soon, your story is very good