New Beginnings -Game Addicts-

My Princess

One more day left.
Yes. I have wasted one day of not thinking about the marriage. It was really hard to choose. 
I can't imagine what would happen to my mum if I went to live in the palace. Dad might continue working till late night and my mother would have to be all alone...but! If I didn't go, it's as if I did not fulfil my grandfather's wish.
What should I do? What should I do?
Someone is here to visit again. Tell me it's not someone from the palace. I open the door to see a well dressed old man with at least 5 younger men with him. 
Was it just me or are they from the palace?
"Ah. Vernesa is it?"
I looked at the old man and nodded. Did I see him before somewhere?
"I'm the good friend of your grandfather. May you let me in?"
Wait. Pause. Someone hit the pause the button for me. He's the previous emperor they were talking about!

Like yesterday, I went to make and serve tea. I didn't want to make my mother wake up for this. She must be tired just from fighting that cursed virus.
"It's so long since I last seen you." He said, smiling, "Have you been well?"
I nodded.
"That's good. Have you made your decision?"
Of all questions to ask.
"I didn't know...It's seems really hard to choose..." I mumbled.
"Why?" He asked. Weirdly, it felt as if I was talking with my grandfather. It felt both comforting and warm.
"I want to go to palace but I'm worried for my mother's health. No one would take after her after I leave."
"Hmmm. I do have a solution."
I look up with my eyes brighten.
"We could give your family enough money, for their needs and your mother's medical fees. This way, there is no need for your father to work anymore. He can stay home and take care of your mother."
"That's...really ba-"
"You see Vernesa. Your grandfather came to me one day, saying you wanted to live in the palace. I wanted to help your grandfather. Your grandfather...I never seem him so happy before. He is always mentioning about you when we were talking. I don't know if you remember but your grandfather once brought you into the palace when you were young. Remember?"
I nodded. I even remember getting lost.
"I remember I brought Kyu Hyun that day too. You were eagerly trying to make friends with him though he ignored you. After that, I knew it would be right for you to be with Kyu Hyun."
I played with Kyu Hyun when I was young?
"Would you please come and live in the palace?" Your grandfather would want it too."
I guess I was affected by the whole 'your-grandfather-wish' thing because I answered yes without thinking.
One of the guards then assisted my mother to the living room. She was smiling at me.
"Oh ma, I'm..I'm going." I mumbled.
She smiled and gestured me to come closer for a hug.
"I knew you would choose to go. Your grandfather would be very happy." She said while tears started forming in her eyes.
"Thank you. Please take good care of my daughter your highness." My mum said, still smiling. He just smiled and nods back.
"I'll be bringing her to the palace today."
"Yes your highness"
He took my hang and guided me out.
"I'll visit! I'll be back to visit you Oh ma!"

{Kyu Hyun's POV}
"Sire, there is something I have to report to you about."
"Shoot." I mumbled while playing my PSP.
"His highness is bringing her to the palace. Things have been pushed forward."
The words "Game Over" then appeared on the screen. 
Damn. I was about to break the high score. 
"Push and cancel some events. My grandfather wouldn't be happy if I wasn't there." I instructed. 
"Yes Sire. Please meet them at the Eastern Building."
I took my PSP and went out with Lee Teuk following behind me.
One girl and my game and day are ruined.
"Are the others going to be there?"
"No Sire but the king, queen and emperor dowager would be there."
Father, mother, grandma and grandpa. What an AMAZING family reunion.
"Shouldn't you be happy Sire?" Lee Teuk asked. Was my unhappiness that obvious?
"Why?" Why should I be happy?
"The girl is someone you met when you were young." Lee Teuk answered. 
Someone I met before? I don't remember or maybe I just don't bother to remember.

{Vernesa' POV}
"Ah. Kyu Hyun. You have arrived."
I turned behind to see the black haired crown prince with a white buttoned shirt – which is not fully buttoned at the top – with black jeans.
Oh my god. Hot! Hot! Hot! I turned my back towards him immediately. Breathe Vernesa. Breathe.
"Grandfather, it's long since I last seen you."
Don't look back Vernesa. You might faint.
Grandpa – which what he insisted – then turned me to face Kyu Hyun, "She's the girl that you will be engaged to. You remember playing with her when you were young right?"
"Yes. It was fun." He answered, smiling.
That. Was. So. Fake. Was it just me who just noticed that fake smile?
He turn offered a handshake, "I'm Kyu Hyun. You are?"
"The both of you are in the same school right?"
"Ye-" "Oh. I didn't know that." Kyu Hyun interrupted.
God. Thanks for rubbing salt in my wound Kyu Hyun.
Hyun Joong – I think – Grandpa then laughed, "I'm sure the both of you will get along."
Get along well? I was having bad feeling about this already!

We went on the meet Kyu Hyun's family. Mainly, the king, the queen and the empress dowager. All of them were really happy that I accepted the marriage proposal except Kyu Hyun.  Everyone was welcoming me and sharing stories of Grandfather while his hand was always around his pocket; as if he wanted to take something out to drag him out if this hell hole.
"Cho KyuHyun, don't you think you should respect me a little by trying to smile like you mean it?!"
How I wish I could have said that with my finger pointed at him like the way Phoenix Wright do it when he shouts objection. Imagine the face he would give!!
Well, I kept it to myself. I mean he's too scary! *Sad face*
"Vernesa, why are so quiet?" the queen asked. 
I blinked twice, blurred from being pushed down from my dream land, "Erm...It's all too hard to digest it all at once."
Everyone laughed – except for Kyu Hyun-.
"You will be getting use really soon. There are other prince and princess living in the palace too. I'm sure other will be happy to see you."
That's very, very, very good news! I don't think I can stand living with this guy anymore!
"Vernesa." The Queen called.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Your palace education will start tomorrow."
"Palace education?"
The Empress dowager then clapped her hands together, "To prepare you for the wedding. It's a important event for both Kyu Hyun and you. It will be on national TV as well."
I couldn't help but gasp. National TV?! Ho. This is newsflash.
Before I could even get over from the shock, the queen ordered for the two neatly well dress women in front of me. One has long black hair while the other had blonde.
"They are appointed as your personal maid and assistance. She's Tiffany," the woman with black hair bowed, "and that is Jessica."
I stood up and bow – which cause the both of them to stop me -, "I'm Vernesa."
"They will guide to your temporary room." The Queen said.
I nodded while both Tiffany and Jessica guide the way.

"This is your room your highness. You will be receiving you education in the next room." Jessica explained.
I look around the place curiously to see a traditional Korean house that was really big.
"Am I staying here alone?" I asked, worried.
I was never good at being alone even when it's early in the morning. 
Tiffany nodded, "Yes your highness but we would be staying close so that we can assist to your needs."
"The both of you can't stay with me?"
The both of them shook their head, "We are not allowed to Your Highness."
I look at them empty room. It feels so empty and lonely.
"Guess I will go take a walk around..."

The palace was really big. The biggest building belonging to the king and the queen. The place for us to have our morning greeting should also be there. I came pass a pond with benches nearby. It felt nice and peaceful to be there. I allowed myself to rest on one of the benches to feel a tap on my shoulder not long later.
I turn back to a girl with brownish black hair accompanied with a guy with black hair.
"You must be Kyu Hyun oppa's future wife right?"
News must spread fast in the palace, "Yea."
"Cool! I've been really excited to meet you! I'm Cassandra." She then pointed to black haired guy, "He's Junsu. My oppa."
I stood up immediately and introduced myself, "I'm Vernesa. A pleasure to meet the both of you."
Cassandra then took my hand while jumping on the spot excitedly, "It is so long since we had people coming to live in the palace!!"
I laughed softly under my breathe while Junsu grin due to Cassandra's cuteness.
She then push me along with her, " The others would be really happy to see you! Let's go!" 
I tried my best to keep up with Cassandra, the both of you must be royalty too right? Since Cassandra is one, her oppa should be too.
"Whe-where are you bringing me to?" I muttered, catching my breath. Jusu grinned, "The Western corridor. It's the area where other princes and princesses live."
"Don't worry," Cassandra smiled, "You are sure to have fun there!"

As Cassandra said, I was brought to "the rest". They were gathered in a room. Sitting down, chatting while having tea.
Talk about high class.
I didn't have to introduce myself as Cassandra did it in my palace.
"Welcome to have palace Vernesa." Si Xian greeted.
"I heard that you are from the same school as us?" Jong Hyun asked. I nodded. "That spare us from introducing ourselves." Jong Hyun continued.
It seems really nice being with them. You could feel the warmth and their closeness.It felt like they were a family.
"Vernesa, you're always free to find us if you encounter any problems." Hee Chul said. Nicole smiled and mumbled, "Kyu Hyun oppa is a little hard to talk to sometimes but you can always find us for help."
"It can be a little difficult to communicate with him. Well, do you like games?" Chang Min asked.
"Yes.!" I exclaimed. God do I love games. If it wasn't for my family's financial problems, I would never have left my laptop.
Chang Min then grinned at me, "Well, that should give you an upper hand." All of them nodded.
I look at them, wondering what they mean.
"Kyu Hyun loves games. Be it if it's online, handheld or whatever. He just love them. His PSP is a great example." Hee Chul explained.
"He never leaves them!" Cassandra added.
That should explains why he always had his hand around his pocket then.
"You guys se- Oh. She's here." 
Yes. There was Kyu Hyun standing right there with a blue coloured PSP in his hands.
Jong Hyun looked at me then turned to Kyu Hyun's PSP. I think I know what they mean by inseparable now.
"Dinner?" Chang Min asked, breaking the awkward silence.
Si Xian nodded, "Dinner."

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dasboot #1
Chapter 13: author-nim, when will you update? I can't wait what happens next!:)))) this story and author-nim is really daebak! \m/
totorochu #2
hes my prince
New subscriber here!like this!
-Dany_Sol- #4
AAAHHHH!!!! So AAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't describe it with Words!!!! What IS Going to happen?! Donghae's umma will post the pictures of Kyuhyun and that ****** (Mianhe, I hate her -.-) kissing?! Aahhh!!!! I Really Like your story!! Pweeeaaaseeee Update Soon~!!!
Unnie!When are u updating?
RayGasan #6
A new subscriber here~ <br />
Gosh, I've already subscribed to too many stories here but I just can't help it! Plus, I just realized that Kyuhyun got that prince look on him. Sigh. <br />
HellaCinderella #7
I like it so much unni. Like you, I loved watching Goong. ^^
HellaCinderella #8
JaeEunTaeYeoNa #9
update soon :)