What are you doing -What am I thinking-

My Princess

Aiish" Hee Chul cursed as he took his school bag and stomped out of the hall. Nicole mumbled sorry and ran after Hee Chul.
"Oppa, what are you doing?!" Cassandra shouted in anger. Before another argument could start, Jong Hyun brought her out. 
"Do-does it hurt?" I asked while I observe his wounds. He didn't answer and looked away.
"You guys should leave for school. I will help treat his wounds." Ga Eul suggested. 
"I..I want to.." Before I could continue he was following her out. Dong Hae, Si Xian and Chang Mi then came beside me, "Let's go before we're late for school."
Kyu Hyun…

{Kyu Hyun POV}
It hurt. I wasn't thinking before blocking Ga Eul from that plate.
*Oppa, what are you doing?!*
I didn't even know what I'm thinking. I guess I didn't want more trouble. If the plate hurt Ga Eul in anyway, she wouldn't let Hee Chul off easily.
"Ouch…" I mumbled while she gently rubbed the medication on my wounds.
She laughed, "I knew you were pretending. No way wouldn't a wound like this hurt."
"It didn't hurt that much until you started treating it." I argued
After cleaning off all the blood, I could see several cuts on my arm. They were not as deep as I thought, just surface cuts but enough to hurt the hell out of you.
"Why did you protect me?" She asked while she started bandaging my hand.
"I didn't want more trouble." I answered.
"Really?" She asked in disbelief.
"What else could it be for?" I answered.
"N-nothing. I'll get going. Go get some rest." She said before leaving.
Was she expecting me to say things like I still I love her? Hopefully not.

"Na na na na na na~"(Disco Drive's tempo)
I took out my phone to see the new message.
[Kyu Hyun, are you okay? Have Ga Eul finished treating your wound? Reply me if you are okay!]
I chuckled, how bad could a few cuts be?

{Vernesa POV}
[I'm fine.]
I sighed in relief. At least he's alright.
"I told you he would be fine." Dong Hae said, noticing my reaction to the text message.
"I can't help it. The way he ignored doesn't put me at ease." I answered, doodling on my book again, "He has been acting really weird since she returned."
"Weird?" Dong Hae asked.
"It's as if we have been quarreling since Ga Eul came back."

{Dong Hae POV}
I knew she would be worried. I knew Ga Eul's arrival is sure enough to make her sad.
"I don't so. It's just your imagination. I'm sure the both of you will make up again soon." I said, trying to cheer her up. 
She rested her head on the table, "Hopefully…" 
I can't stand seeing her like this. Sulking and filling her head with depressing thoughts. If it didn't kill her, it would kill me.
"Let's go." I said.
She looked up at me, "Go?"
"Yea. Let's go to somewhere fun." 
"But we still have school. I have pala-" "I will be place responsible for everything. Don't worry. Let's go."

{Vernesa POV}
A dog shelter? I looked out of the car window to see dogs running around the area.
"Come" Dong Hae said while he got off the car.
I followed right behind Dong Hae. Well, I was right that this is a dog shelter. He explained that he is a big animal lover, dogs especially. The person in-charge even told me that Dong Hae came here often to visit the dogs. Sure enough, he donated to the shelter as well.
"You come here every day?" I asked, standing afar from Dong Hae who was petting a dog which I assume is a golden retriever. "Not really. Twice a week." He answered.
I went closer, "You know all the dogs here?"
Dong Hae smiled, "Sort of. Try petting him."
I looked at the golden retriever while he looked back at me, wagging his tail. I turn to Dong Hae for help and he nodded in encouragement. I have never been good with dogs though I love them but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try petting it.
I took a deep breath and rest my hand on his head, gently brushing past his ear. He closed his eyes while his tail started to wag faster.
"He's happy." Dong Hae said.
"Really?" I asked as I continued petting him.
"Yup. He rarely likes other people petting him. It took me awhile to get along with him." Dong Hae laughed.
"You're kidding me. I'm not good with dogs though I like them."
"Well, that proves your theory wrong." Dong Hae answered before he got the golden's attention again.
"He was abused by his previous owner thus he doesn't really open up to people. You're the first that he was so nice to." Dong Hae continued.
"Well at least he got to know you." I said.
If there was any gifts god had send me, I'm sure Dong Hae was one of them.
"I'm the closest he got to a best friend." She smiled as he gestured me to follow him.

For the rest of the day, Dong Hae showed me the places around the shelter. The golden followed us all the way, occasionally wanting some of our attention. It was really adorable. Dong Hae would be explaining certain things to me while he barks and run around us to get attention. If he wanted Dong Hae, he would brush his head against his leg which left Dong Hae no choice but to get down and give him the attention he needed.
"He really clings to you huh?" I said, laughing.
"Yea," He then pointed to me, "go to her." Sure enough, the golden came up to me like instructed.
Just then my stomach growled.
"S-sorry." I mumbled embarrassedly.
"Well, let's go grab something to eat. We can't have our crown princess hungry huh?"

"Where is the crown princess?"
"W-we are not sure your highness." Tiffany and Jessica said in unison.
"Kang In, do the guards know her whereabouts?" the queen asked.
"No. The crown princess instructed them not to follow. They said that she left with Prince Dong Hae." Kang In answered.
"With Dong Hae?" 
Kang In nodded, "Yes your highness."
The queen sighed and shook her head, "Isn't she aware that there might be paparazzi and reporters out there who might take their pictures and place them as a scandal?"
"I'm sorry your highness. I didn't taught her well." Soo Young apologized.
"Try to get in touch with her. Call her mobile phone."

I took out my phone to see Soo Young's name flashing on the screen.
"Dong Hae!! Soo Young is calling me!!" I exclaimed, showing him my phone.
He took my phone and picked up the call, "Yes?"

{Dong Hae POV}
"Yes?" I answered.
"Where is the crown princess?" 
"She's busy at the moment. What is it?"
"The queen wants the both of you to be back now."
"We will come back soon." I finished while I ended the call.
"She must be angry right?" She asked while I returned her phone.
"Let's send him back before going. Don't worry. Nothing will happen."
I would not allow her smile to leave her again.

{Vernesa POV} 
"Why don't the both of you understand that reporters out there might take pictures and cause a scandal? Don't you know this will ruin the image of the royal family?" The queen shouted.
"I'm sorry…" I mumbled.
"Didn't Soo Young teach you the rules in the palace? Don't you know how dangerous it could have been?" She continued.
I looked down, both scared and sad. If only I didn't went out.
"I am the one who brought her out." Dong Hae said.
"Dong Hae, you should know the rules better than her. What were you doing?"
"I am just cheering her up. Even if the reported caught us, there's nothing we should be afraid of. I was just bringing her out."
"Dong Hae, are you in any place to talk back?"
"I'll take responsibility for everything. None of this is her fault." When he finished, he took my hand and left. 

"Here. Stay in your room and rest. Don't think too much okay?" He said while he patted me on the head.
He stopped when we were in the southern gate. I didn't understand why Dong Hae was so sweet to me, he didn't have to take the entire blame. I was at fault too.
"Bu-" "Nothing will happen to me. Don't worry. I told you I will take responsibility right?" He interrupted me.
"It's my fault too…" I mumbled.
How can I make him take the blame while nothing happens to me?
"What are the both of you doing?" 
I turned towards the direction where the voice came from to see Kyu Hyun and turned back to see Dong Hae's hand still on mine. Before we could release our grip, Kyu Hyun took my hand and brought me closer to him.
"What are you doing to her?"

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dasboot #1
Chapter 13: author-nim, when will you update? I can't wait what happens next!:)))) this story and author-nim is really daebak! \m/
totorochu #2
hes my prince
New subscriber here!like this!
-Dany_Sol- #4
AAAHHHH!!!! So AAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't describe it with Words!!!! What IS Going to happen?! Donghae's umma will post the pictures of Kyuhyun and that ****** (Mianhe, I hate her -.-) kissing?! Aahhh!!!! I Really Like your story!! Pweeeaaaseeee Update Soon~!!!
Unnie!When are u updating?
RayGasan #6
A new subscriber here~ <br />
Gosh, I've already subscribed to too many stories here but I just can't help it! Plus, I just realized that Kyuhyun got that prince look on him. Sigh. <br />
HellaCinderella #7
I like it so much unni. Like you, I loved watching Goong. ^^
HellaCinderella #8
JaeEunTaeYeoNa #9
update soon :)