Maybe -I miss you-

My Princess

A/N: Italics stands for english! ><


In front of me was a long time which was filled with plates and dishes of food. Honestly saying I don't even know half of the dishes but I was very sure that it is expensive.
I'm guessing it's Japanese though as there were plates of sushi on the table. Everyone seems to have settles in their seat while I stood there; both clueless and awkward.
"What are you waiting for? Sit down." Hee Chul said while signaling to the empty seat beside Kyu Hyun
"That seat is for Dong Hae." Kyu Hyun said with his eyes still glued to the PSP. 
"Dong Hae has called that he wouldn't be coming for dinner." Junsu rebutted while gesturing to the empty seat, "So just sit. I'm sure Dong Hae wouldn't mind."
With 7 pairs of eyes staring at me, how could I have not settled down even if I was a little unwilling.
"Good," Junsu then turned to the others, "let's tuck in."
The others begin taking their favourite food while I continue staring. It seems so odd for me to be eating such an expensive meal.
I mean I don't even know what some of the dishes are called!
"Vernesa, why ain't you eating?" Si Xian asked, "Do you not like Japanese food? I can tell the kitchen to prepare some other things."
I shook my head in defense, "No…It's not that…It's just that I've never seen a number of dishes here before and they seem really expensive."
Nicole then pointed to the plate of raw fish and prawns - I assume-, "That's raw salmon. It's called salmon sashimi. The prawns are called amaebi. Sashimi refers to raw. Try them! It's really good!"
Cassandra was up next, telling me how nice fried prawns and ramen are. Chang Min came up with steam egg called Chawanmushi.
Yes. Everyone was really nice to me other than Kyu Hyun who refuses to talk to me. I know I was ruining his plans with his life but was I that detestable? 
"Kyu Hyun, you should be talking to Vernesa right?" Jong Hyun asked. Finally, someone who notice he's ignoring me!
"Yea. You have not been talking to her since you arrived." Hee Chul added.
"I just don't know what to talk about. I only just met her." was his reply.
"Well, you should try communicating with her. You are the only one who can accompany her most of the time. Try helping her adjust to the life here." Junsu said.
Kyu Hyun then rolled his eyes, "I'll try."
"Say it like you mean it oppa." Cassandra pressed.
"Yes yes. I will try."
The feeling I had now was something I was unable to explain. I felt both happy and horrible at the same time. Happy that the others were worried and helping me while feeling horrible that Kyu Hyun was actually forced to talk to me.
"Erm, it's okay…I'm touched by your concerns. Thank you." I mumbled.
Just then, a black haired guy - who looks the same age as us- who had a tiny pony came into the hall.
"Dong Hae oppa!" Cassandra exclaimed. Dong Hae - I assumed since he responded by smiling - then came towards the table, "I'm back early."
I got up of the chair immediately and apologized, "I'm sorry!"
Kyu Hyun smiled, "Welcome back Dong Hae."
Dong Hae then turned to me, "She must be" then to the rest, "the crown princess?"
"Yea. They brought her in today." Jong Hyun answered.
"Her name is Vernesa. She has been in the same school as us all the while. Cool huh?" Chang Min said.
Dong Hae nodded, " I'm Dong Hae, a prince like Chang Min, Jong Hyun and Hee Chul."
"I'm sorry! I don't mean to sit on your seat!" 
Junsu chuckled, "He wouldn't mind," "Yea. When was I that petty? I will just get another chair."
"It's Japanese today. Vernesa unni have not tried them before!" Cassandra exclaimed, taking another sushi to her plate.
"Really?" Dong Hae asked, shocked. I nodded. Was not eating Japanese food that shocking? To the royal family, yes.
Dinner went on really well. Dong Hae sat beside me now. The others are really nice. It felt nice to be with them. Though it wasn't as good as when I was with my family but I was happy to be able to find people who actually treated me as a person.
When dinner ended, desserts were served. It was waffles with ice cream.
It tasted really nice. Hee Chul urged me to add maple syrup to my waffles - and I did - which made the waffles tasted sweet and perfect for me. I have always loved sweet stuffs. They just have a weird ability to make you feel really happy even at the worst time. 
"Your highness, here. A fresh set of clothes for your sleep."
"Thank you Jessica."
"How was dinner?" She asked.
"I don't know…Well, I'm sure I'm going to have fun here." 
"That's good to hear your highness."
"Well, you can go and rest. Inform Tiffany too." I instructed while I went to change.
"Yes your highness. See you tomorrow."

"Your highness!"
Barely awake, I look around the room, half eyed. Where am I?"
"Your highness! You're going to be late for your palace education!"
Oh! I was in the palace and I have lessons! I threw my blanker and ran over to open the door.
Yes, I saw Kyu Hyun standing right in front of me. Yes, I can see both Tiffany and Jessica panicking over what to do. And yes, I look horrible.
"K-K-Kyu Hyun." I stuttered. Why was he here?!
"Wake up earlier next time. We have to go for morning greetings next time."
I kept my eyes away and nodded.
"And try tidying yourself up first before coming out."
Tiffany and Jessica brought me back to the room immediately.
"Do I really look that horrible?" I asked.
"I'm sorry your highness but yes." Tiffany answered.
Am I cursed to only be Kyu Hyun's negative list? I can imagine my name being stamped there forever.

After changing, breakfast was served. Straight after breakfast was my palace education. Both Tiffany and Jessica brought two piles of books to the room.
"Your Highness, you are to study and memorise some of the books, "Tiffany then pointed to the one stack of the books, "by next week as the wedding ceremony is held next Sunday."
I stared at the stack of books in horror. "One week?" I asked, my voice shaking. Jessica nodded, "Yes your highness. It's under the instruction of the queen."
"I really have to memorise them?" I asked again.
"Yes your highness" Jessica repeated.
Reluctantly, I pick up on the books and started to read.
Someone save me!!!

{Kyu Hyun's POV}
I chuckled. What was that girl thinking? Coming out her room and looking so horrible. Thank god there weren't any paparazzi or reporters.
"Kyu Hyun."
Dong Hae stood in front of my room with his hands in his pockets, "Free to talk?" Before I could answer, he added, "Don't give excuses like you have to play games or watch Jumong."
"Then yes. I'm free to talk."

"How is she?" He asked while we are on the way to the western corridor.
"Horrible." I answered.
"Yea, her maids were having trouble waking her up. So I went over to look. Before I got to knock on her door, she came out with her hair and attire messed up. It was obvious she just woke up."
He laughed, "It's her first day after all."
Cassandra then came between us, "Vernesa unni is not joining us today?"
"Unlikely." I answered her.
"Palace education?" Dong Hae asked.
"I told the chefs to make Japanese food again." Cassandra whined.
Dong Hae patted her head, "There's always a next time."
"Fine." She mumbled and left.
"When are you going to be admitted to the school?" I asked. Dong Hae have just come back to Korea not long ago so the school was still in the process of accepting his admission.
"I'm coming on Monday."
I smiled. It was nice to realize I wouldn't be left out in the group again. Plus, I've always been closer to Dong Hae. It would be nice to have someone to talk to now.
"Sire." Ki Bum interrupted. Noticing my presence, Ki bum bowed and greeted again. Ki bum is Dong Hae advisor and assistant like Lee Teuk.
"Sire, you have your foreign language class today. Please proceed to the library in the western corridor." 
Dong Hae then turned to me, "If you're going to visit, bring along some sweet stuffs like candies or chocolate."
"Girls like this kind of things. It can probably lift up her spirits."
Then he left for class.
I look at my watch which showed "11:00" since it was so long before dinner…Jumong.

{Vernesa's POV}
Seven hours have passed and I'm only at the start of my second book. I glanced at the stack again; I was left with eight more.
I can't do this. This is torture! Umma, save me! Umma…I lied down on the mat, I wonder how umma and appa were now. Did umma condition worsen? Did appa really resign to take care of umma?"
"Umma…Appa…" I mumbled.
Kyu, if only you were here. I have so many things I want to tell you. My whole world changed so fast that I didn't even manage to send the letter. I turn to my side, would I regret marrying now? I was stupidly in love with an online pal but that wasn't Kyu. He's always there to cheer me up last time. Though I know almost nothing about him, I stupidly love him.
"Eh Vernesa." 
Black hair…Black eyes...I slowly turn myself to see it was Kyu Hyun.
God. Why must he come now?
"Wasn't you suppose to be studying?" He asked. I sat up, "Yes. I thought no one was allowed to come here." I asked.
He smirked, "Do you think they will stop me?"
I ignored him and turn back to my books.
"You don't want to have dinner?"
My eyes brighten up, "Dinner?"
"Cassandra wanted you to come for dinner. She called for Japanese cuisine again."
"Really?" I asked. I was starving plus I really wanted to eat Japanese good again!
"Let's go."
"W-wait! Wouldn't Tiffany or Jessica be blamed if I went?"
"I told them to say I'm bringing you if anyone asked."
"Wouldn't you be in trouble?"
For the first time, Kyu Hyun smiled at me, "No."
Sure it wasn't the sweetest smile but it was enough for blood to rush to my cheeks and made me stood rooted to the ground like a moron.
"Oi, what are you standing there for?"
I shook my head and walk - it wasn't appropriate to run in the palace - behind him.

Dinner was awesome. Everyone was there, settled around the table. Though Kyu Hyun did smile at me, it didn't mean he will talk to me. My entire time was spent on talking with the others. This time round, they were curious if I knew how to speak any foreign language."
"I only know a few basic English and Japanese." I answed.
"Show us!" Hee Chul exclaimed.
"Hi…I-I'm Vernesa. How ar-are you? Konnichiwa. Arigatou." I stuttered.
The others clapped while Kyu Hyun smirked.
"It's better than my oppa's." Cassandra laughed.
"His best quote was oh my god sun." Chang Min added.
Junsu then grinned at Chang Min, "Chang Min, shut up!"
For the first time, I saw Kyu Hyun laugh too. It was nice to see him smile and laugh. It brought a mysterious kind of feeling. It was both warm and soothing.
Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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dasboot #1
Chapter 13: author-nim, when will you update? I can't wait what happens next!:)))) this story and author-nim is really daebak! \m/
totorochu #2
hes my prince
New subscriber here!like this!
-Dany_Sol- #4
AAAHHHH!!!! So AAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't describe it with Words!!!! What IS Going to happen?! Donghae's umma will post the pictures of Kyuhyun and that ****** (Mianhe, I hate her -.-) kissing?! Aahhh!!!! I Really Like your story!! Pweeeaaaseeee Update Soon~!!!
Unnie!When are u updating?
RayGasan #6
A new subscriber here~ <br />
Gosh, I've already subscribed to too many stories here but I just can't help it! Plus, I just realized that Kyuhyun got that prince look on him. Sigh. <br />
HellaCinderella #7
I like it so much unni. Like you, I loved watching Goong. ^^
HellaCinderella #8
JaeEunTaeYeoNa #9
update soon :)