Flashbacks - Some things are not easy to forget -

My Princess

Dinner was awkward. Very awkward.
Hee Chul refused to have dinner when Ga Eul is around. Majority of the others didn't want to attend dinner if given a choice while my mood went from bad to worse.
Her hand didn't leave Kyu Hyun. It was always either on his hand, his laps or his shoulders. It only made me feel more irritated when he didn't do anything about it.
For the entire session, only Ga Eul was talking. Mostly about the time she spent in America and some of the moments she shared with the rest.
Honestly saying, I don't think anyone was interested. When I wanted to ask Kyu Hyun more about it, Lee Teuk told me he went back.
"Vernesa," Dong hae called, "I guess you want to talk?"

"Ga Eul is like all of us. She's part of the royal family." Dong Hae started the story. He brought me to the small empty space he got just outside his room to sit and talk about it.
"She was engaged to Kyu Hyun when they were 10." Dong Hae continued. "Then what about me?" I asked. My grandfather had this 'pact' with the previous king right? Oh god, he was lying that he wanted me to be his daughter-in-law from the start.
"Well," He looked away, "you were supposed to be engaged to me."
W-what?! Dong Hae and me?! If only that happened…I wonder how things would have turned out. Well, since its Dong Hae I'm sure it would be better than this.
Dong Hae then cleared his throat and went back to the story, "That was until 2 years ago. The royal family was accused of being the reason of tax increase. People started to have ideas of throwing us out. People were rioting. More stories were made up and all of us were facing danger."
"It was in the papers wasn't it?" I asked.
Dong Hae sighed and nodded while he gestured Ki Bum to instruct the kitchen to make snacks.
"What happened then?" I asked, curious. 
"Ga Eul decided to abandon us." He mumbled. "Aban..don?" I echoed.
"She is the strongest in her household. Her parents passed away when she was pretty young. Thus she was seen as the more mature one among us. She opened a press conference and said that the tax increase had nothing to do with her."
"She thought that could pull her out of the mess but it made it worse. The people thought that the royal family must have been the cause. At the moment, all of us could be strip off our title and went on living an ordinary life."
Two of the maids then brought in two cups of coffee and two plates of brownie but it didn't stop Dong Hae was telling his story.
"Ga Eul knew this would happen. She packed her bags, place all her saving in an oversea account and flew to America. She swore she will never come back to the palace. She said that palace ruined her life and she hated the royal blood flowing within her."
"You guys must be hurt huh?" I asked while I took a spoon of brownie to my mouth.
"Yea. We were all childhood friends. No one expected such a long term friendship to end like this. Kyu Hyun was hurt pretty much. He refused to make any friends for a few months. Si Xian cried a lot because they were really good friends."
"It must have been hard…"
Dong Hae smiled slightly, "In a way yes. You're the first person the royal family accepted after 2 years."
I took another spoonful of brownie, "How was the conflict resolved? There wasn't a lot of news about it."
"Chang Mi's family, Jong Hyun's family together with Cassandra's and Junsu's. They contributed a lot to ensure the royal family stay as it is now." 
Kyu Hyun, is Ga Eul the reason why you always stuck yourself to video games? Is she why you don't open up to people now?

{Cassandra POV}
"Oppa!" I shouted while I knock on Hee Chul's door.
He has been inside his room since he saw Ga Eul unnie. Nicole unnie is at the kitchen preparing something for oppa to eat.
"Cass, let's leave already. He won't cool down anytime soon." Jong Hyun said. Hee Chul oppa have always been known for his bad temper and yes, things were flying in his house once in a while. "Onew, did the elders said anything about Ga Eul's return?" I asked, curious. Onew is Jong Hyun's advisor. Well, other than advising and assisting their assigned prince, they were in charge of the problems in the palace. Onew shook his head, "No your highness."
Why is she even back? I wonder how oppa - Junsu- would react if he knew. Vernesa unnie must be feeling really unsettled now. She wasn't talking a lot like she used to and she was constantly looking away from Kyu Hyun oppa.
I sighed. Ga Eul unnie shouldn't even be back.
"Your Highness, your parents need to see you in their quarters. Please go now." Yuri said as she bowed.
"What happened?" I asked, looking at Jong Hyun to see him talking to Onew.
"I wasn't informed of the details but I was told to send you there." She answered.
" Will Junsu oppa be there?"
Yuri nodded.
I turned to Hee Chul's oppa door and shouted, "I'm going because something came up! Oppa, calm down soon!"
Well, there was no answer. Jong Hyun got up from his seat and pat my head, whispering to me that his family is having a meeting too.
"It's about Ga Eul." He said before leaving.
I sighed as I left with Yuri, was Chang Mi oppa's family doing the same too?

"Dear, is it true that Ga Eul is back?" My mother asked.
I nodded, causing both of my parents to sigh.
"Take note of her well. The elders are afraid that her arrival will stir up trouble." My father added.
"She gave our family enough trouble the previous time." Junsu oppa continued.
I shook my head, "I don't think she came back to strip our title off."
"Then what do you think it is my dear?"
"Kyu Hyun oppa. She must be back for Kyu Hyun oppa." I answered.
"Kyu Hyun?" My father repeated, puzzled.
"He used to like her. In these two years Kyu Hyun has claimed to find someone new but I'm sure he have not forgotten her."
"It would be better if she was erased from his memories." Junsu oppa commented.
"Whatever it is, keep an eye on her. If what Cassandra said is true, we should be more caution." 
I nodded at my father's words.

{Kyu Hyun POV}
*I will never step inside of this hell hole again!* 
*Kyu Hyun, I deserve much better.*
I shrugged while I stop myself from remembering the incident two years ago. I look at the book I had taken out just now. The memories I wanted so hard to forget seems to have come back to me.
"Kyu Hyun! Kyu Hyun!"
I looked outside to see Vernesa walking into the hall. Once she saw me, she came in to my room with her face filled with concern.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I answered while I pick the book up and place it in my cardboard.
"You sure..?"
"Yes." I answered while I switch on my laptop.
"I will not stop you from seeing or talking to Ga Eul if you want to." She mumbled.
"What?" I asked, rising my voice. What does she mean?
"I-I thought you were worried that I might get angry or sad so I want t-to say that it's okay." She answered as she bit her lip.
"Even if I really wanted to see or talk to her, I wouldn't need ask nor need your permission."
"Bu-" "It wouldn't be your problem if I like him either." I interrupted.

{Vernesa POV}
"It wouldn't be your problem if I still like her either."
I felt something pricking my heart. N-no. He's correct…so what if he still like Ga Eul. I was just a substitute from the start.
"T-that's good…I…I'll be going back now." I mumbled while I went out of the room, holding unknown tears in my eyes. 
Once I was safe in my room, tears started pouring out of my eyes. I shouldn't cry…I wasn't suppose to be here in the first place. Smile Vernesa.
You're not supposed to feel hurt so don't cry.

"Your highness, are you okay?" Jessica asked while she passed me my school bag.
I took my bag and asked, "Yes. Why?"
"Your eyes look swollen." Tiffany answered.
"A-Oh! Nah. It's nothing." I stuttered. How did a little crying get me a pair of swollen eyes?
"Your highness, you have to go for morning greeting. The crown prince has gone down already." Tiffany reminded.
I nodded. My first greeting followed by my first breakfast.
It should be a good day.

"Good morning." I greeted while I bowed to the Emperor, Empress and Emperor Dowager before sitting next to Kyu Hyun.
"It's so long since I've last seen you. I went to see the clothes you've brought. They look really wonderful." the emperor dowager said, smiling.
I nodded, "Those were chosen Ye Sung shii."
"Ah," she laughed and turned to the Empress, "the education given to her must be really good."
"Why do you say so?" the Emperor asked, curious.
"She seems really different now." She answered, laughing.
I look at Kyu Hyun while he just looks at his family and smile.
Is he still angry over what happened yesterday?
"Ga Eul came back not long ago right? Vernesa, you must take care of her. She must have it really tough at America." The Empress Dowager said.
I almost couldn't believe what I just heard. She wanted me to take care of Ga Eul?
"But d-" "We will," Kyu Hyun interrupted while he took my hand, "don't worry. It's time for us to leave for breakfast."
When he finished, he dragged me out of the room towards the direction of the western corridor. 
"K-Kyu Hyun!" I shouted just before we step into the hall to have breakfast.
He turned back, "What?"
"That was very rude. Don't you think they will get mad?" I answered while I shook my hand free.
"No. Plus if I didn't interrupt and brought you out of there just now, you might ask some inappropriate questions." He rebutted.
"Like what? Was asking why the Emperor Dowager treat Ga Eul well wrong?!" I shouted back.
"Y-" "What makes you think you have the rights of coming here to have breakfast?"
That voice belonged to Hee Chul. The both of us ran inside the hall to see almost everyone pushing Hee Chul back while Si Xian was trying to bring Ga Eul out.
"My family is still royalty." Ga Eul argued.
"Yea? Didn't you say this is a hell hole? Why bother coming back?" Hee Chul shot back.
Si Xian was busy dragging Ga Eul out, telling her to stop arguing with Hee Chul but she ignored Si Xian, "Because I felt like it."
Which cause Hee Chul to snap. He threw Chang Mi, Jong Hyun and Dong Hae aside and threw the plate that was directly in front of him.
I closed my eyes in fear, waiting for the high pitch scream but all I heard was the others calling Kyu Hyun's name.
Infront of Ga Eul was Kyu Hyun, his left hand bleeding from shielding himself from the glass plate.
"Kyu…Hyun…" was all I could mumble.

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dasboot #1
Chapter 13: author-nim, when will you update? I can't wait what happens next!:)))) this story and author-nim is really daebak! \m/
totorochu #2
hes my prince
New subscriber here!like this!
-Dany_Sol- #4
AAAHHHH!!!! So AAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't describe it with Words!!!! What IS Going to happen?! Donghae's umma will post the pictures of Kyuhyun and that ****** (Mianhe, I hate her -.-) kissing?! Aahhh!!!! I Really Like your story!! Pweeeaaaseeee Update Soon~!!!
Unnie!When are u updating?
RayGasan #6
A new subscriber here~ <br />
Gosh, I've already subscribed to too many stories here but I just can't help it! Plus, I just realized that Kyuhyun got that prince look on him. Sigh. <br />
HellaCinderella #7
I like it so much unni. Like you, I loved watching Goong. ^^
HellaCinderella #8
JaeEunTaeYeoNa #9
update soon :)