One sided love -She will never understand-

My Princess

A/N: Italics still stand for english!

"I've not been feeling well recently thus I need the both of you to help me. Kyu Hyun would go over to Singapore for a cultural exchange while Vernesa will stay here to assist me in welcoming Prince William from England who is visiting us soon." The King explained.
I looked at Kyu Hyun before turning back to the King, "I can't go together with Kyu Hyun?"
"No. I need your help when the prince arrives." He answered.
"Sire, there is this celebration for the Empress Dowager's birthday." Si Won reminded.
The King nodded, "Oh yes and the Empress Dowager's Birthday is coming soon. Si Won, inform them of their individual schedules."
"Yes Sire." He continued as he flipped through a black book, "Sire, your trip would be from next Monday to Friday. You will be brought around Singapore to learn more about their culture as well as building a bond with the people in the country. Your highness, the Prince will arrive next Tuesday. We will have to bring him around the palace and let him know more about our culture."
I nodded weakly. Kyu Hyun will be gone for five days. I know I should be celebrating but I feel so lonely.
"Before the both of you leave, remember to prepare for the Empress Dowager's birthday. Many other foreigners and important people will be present. The media will be there too."
I nodded. It was the usual. We must be presentable and remember of our place as royalty. Well, it's the first event I'm attending since I became Crown Princess. It should be fun! 
English was the problem now. I only knew parts and parcel of it.
Omona, what must I do?

"Your highness, your palace education will be reducing to thrice a week due to language class. You will be having lessons to learn a little about England's culture and the history of our palace." Tiffany said.
I sighed. To think I was happy when I heard that palace education was reduced.

{Dong Hae POV}
"It's really long since I last saw you. How have you been?" The Empress Dowager asked.
"I'm okay. Dong Hae and I were pretty okay in Canada. I'm sorry that I didn't visit earlier." My mother apologized.
"It's okay. Dong Hae have been really nice when he is in the palace. Like when he was younger, he constantly tries to see if I need any help." She laughed.
"Anyway, how is the Emperor doing? I've recently heard that he is not feeling very well."
The Empress Dowager sighed, "His imperial body is getting weak and there isn't time for him to rest as well."
"I'm sure the other princes and princesses can help on that. The Empress must be tired out isn't it?"
"Yes, we are doing that now. Kyu Hyun is going off to Singapore in place of him while Vernesa is going to assist him when PrinceWilliam arrives."
My mother then turned to me before she continued talking to the Empress Dowager.
I wondered what she was thinking now. Knowing that Kyu Hyun is leaving for Singapore, I'm sure Ga Eul and my mum would have something up their sleeves.
Crown Prince? Heh.

"Why? Dong Hae should be the Crown Prince!" my mother exclaimed while she pulled me closer in her arms.
"Yes but Jang Hyun position in the royal family is higher now."
"Jang Hyun position was lower than ours. Dong Hae is suppose to the Crown Prince! Just because Min Hyuk died, his position is higher? Dong hae is till Min Hyuk's son!"
"I'm sorry Min Ha but the decision has been made."
--End Flashback--

If only my father didn't past away that early. In the end, my mother brought me to Canada. I came back once in a while to stay but my return this time was permanent.
I thought she would have gotten rid of the thought of making me Crown Princess but guess she hasn't.
My phone then vibrated.
Ga Eul?
[I will be leaving for Singapore as well. Tell your mum to send those reporters along.]

{Vernesa POV}
As soon as we each took over some of the king's task, we started to get really busy. Till today, we only gathered for dinner once which was yesterday, just before Kyu Hyun leave for his trip to Singapore.
Thankfully, there wasn't any trouble during the last few days. Weirdly, Ga Eul and Dong Hae were rarely seen. Okay. So yes, I didn't really bothered about Ga Eul's disappearance but I'm starting to worry for Dong Hae. Plus I still have not thank and apologize to him

"Kyu Hyun" I mumbled while I barge into his room.
Lee Teuk and him both turned back, both wearing black suits. His table was cleared, his room was neatly. Next to them were two black luggages. 
My mood started to sink. Though he was close but it seems like he was miles away. 
In a matter of time before this room will no longer be filled with the sound of his video games, his voice and his presence.
"Y-you're leaving already?" I stuttered.
He nodded and smiled, "Yea."
"We will miss you…" I mumbled.
Kyu Hyun then turned to Lee Teuk, "Bring my stuffs to the car first. I'll be there in a while."
"Yes Sire." He answered before carrying both the luggages out.
Once Lee Teuk left the room, it started to seem really awkward. My heart seems to have accelerated somehow. Oh why out of the things he look good in, it must be a suit.
Kyu Hyunthen came forward and got his arms around me, "I'll miss you too."

Like any other morning, I was send to school. Only that this week, I'm all alone in the car.
I stared out of the car in silence. Has he got up the plane?
"Your highness, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself today."
"I-I'm fine. Thank you for the concern." I replied with a smile.
Was my loneliness that obvious?

"Dong Hae isn't here for school?" I asked,
"Should be. He said he had something on." Chang Min answered,
I sighed while cause Cassandra to come and hug me, "Unnie, you still have us right?"
I nodded then asked, "Are you still angry with Kyu Hyun?"
Cassandra like Hee Chul is not a fan of Ga Eul and she was upset that Kyu Hyun protected her from the plate.
"No because Hee Chul oppa told me that the both of you are closer now. I heard the both of you were holding hands."
"Not just that. They talk in sync." Hee Chul added with a grin.
"Oh." Cassandra teased.
And the sweet tingly feeling is back again.

Classes were horrible as Dong Hae is my only friend in class - and the one that 'protects' me from any hurtful comments- people in class started to change their attitudes towards me.
"She doesn't even look beautiful yet she gets chosen to be the wife of Kyu Hyun. She even gets Dong Hae's attention. What do they see in her?"
"She acts so much like a big shot, having those body guards around her wherever she goes. She even have lunch with the other royalties. God. She must have poisoned them or something." 
"She can't even have lunch in the canteen last time!"
"Plus she's using out money isn't it? Doesn't the royal family get their money from taxes? Just knowing that is such a turn off."
I tried to ignore them and doodled in my notebook, holding back tears.
"See what she is doing now. Writing a letter to complain?"
"Your highness, should I?" One of the guards asked.
I shook my head, trying my best to ignore.
"Vernesa-ah. Don't send your guards to hurt us." 
That's it. I stood up with tears in my eyes, "Stop it."
They just laughed and looked away, "All she knows is just to cry huh?"
D-Dong Hae? His pony tail was gone and his hair was short now. [Writer's note: It's like his bonamana and no other hair style :)]
"Do-Dong Hae oppa…" One of the girls mumbled.
"Yes. She is going to complain. And I've received her letter."
"W-we didn't mean it."
Dong Hae ignored them and took my hand; brining me out of the class then to his car.
I can't register what just happened. It was all too fast. Dong Hae wasn't supposed to be here.
He brought me to the passenger seat and shut the door.
I didn't get why my tears didn't stop flowing.

{Dong Hae POV}
"Just follow." I instructed her guards.
They nodded and went to their car.
Aiish. I'm such a moron. Didn't I said that I will never allow her smile to leave her again. I should have known to reject sending Ga Eul to the airport.
In the car, her teards didn't stop flowing even after I tried different methods of cheering her up. 
"W-why are y-you here? C-Ch-Chang Min said yo-you're not coming…" She sobbed.
God she has no idea how her tears make people around her weak. I don't want to see her cry. There was so much I wanted to do to protect her from harm. 
No. I should stop or maybe…
It's far too late to stop now.

{Vernesa POV}
Like the previous time, Dong Hae brought me to the dog shelter and I stopped crying. I don't even know why I continued crying in the car.
"Are you okay? You are seriously making me worried." Dong Hae said worriedly while he rub the remaining tears left around my eyes.
I nodded, "You…you cut your hair."
He smiled while he ruffled his hard, "Yea. Do I look horrible?"
I shook my head, "Just curious. U thought you had something on today?"
"Oh that." Dong Hae then went of the car and opened the door for me, "I cancelled it. School is more important."
"Thank you." I mumbled. I would not know what would have happened if Dong Hae didn't turned up that moment. This wasn't the first time he ever saved me that way. He helped and saved me so much times that I would know how things would turned without him.
"You're welcome." Dong Hae answered while he patted me on the head, "Let's go."

When the golden retriever saw us, he immediately ran around us. Since he is closer to Dong Hae, he was running around him most of the time.
"Since the both of you are so close to him, why not give him a name?" the person in-charge suggested.
Dong Hae then turned to me for suggestion.
"Erm, Sapphire."
He turned to the golden, "Sapphire?"
The golden barked.
"I'm guessing he loves it. Sapphire," He then pointed to me, "She's your umma."
"Umma?" I asked, "Wait, Sapphire sounds like a girl's name."
The golden retriever then barked in respond to my question.
"Since he likes it already, why change it?'" Dong Hae said while he came towards us.
"And why am I his umma?"
"Dong Hae is trying to build an image of a beautiful family inSapphire's mind. Since the both of you are the only people he enjoys being with, it's better to put the both of you in Sapphire'simage of family." The person in-charge explained.
I smiled. Dong Hae's love for dogs is so deep it is unexplainable.

{Kyu Hyun POV}
"Sire, at 2 o'clock, you will be brought around Singapore to learn more about their culture and history. At 7, dinner will be arranged and at 8, there is a short meeting for you to attend." Lee Teuk reported.
I nodded while I looked out of the window, "It's really hot here." 
"Yes. The climate here is different compared to Korea's." Lee Teuk answered.
I took out my PSP while I settled myself down on a seat. Wonder what she is doing now.

{Dong Hae POV}
" Cause you, you are so beautiful~"
I took out my phone to see my mother was the one calling me.
"Eh Dong Hae!"
"I'm sorry umma." I mumbled before placing my phone back in my pocket.
"Dong Hae, I think he wants you." She said while Sapphie followed behind her.
"Did you listen to umma? If not appa is going to punish you." I asked.
He barked back in respond, "He's really good but I think he's tired." She said.
"Then let's send him back."

"Why do you look so unhappy? The girls in class?" I asked while I ate a piece of the pork cutlet.
She holds tightly onto her phone while she answered, "I think I've fallen for Kyu Hyun." 
I expected that but why do I still sad hearing what she just said?
"I miss him when he's missing. My heart can't stop increasing its' speed whenever he's close. I guess I'm seriously in love with him." She continued.
What she just said was what I'm feeling too.
I miss her when she's not around. My heart can't stop beating fast when she is close. I can't bear to see her cry. I wanted to protect her.
"Well, maybe it's because I fall for people easily. I would probably have fallen for you instead if I met you first."She added.
"It's funny isn't it? Falling in love with someone that I really disliked at first" She laughed.
Why doesn't she see me either?
"I-I'm sorry. What I've just said must have been boring for you."
I shook my head, "It's just that you seem really carefree when you're with me. You're even telling me these things."
She smiled, "Of cause. You're warmer and sweeter than Kyu Hyun?"
I put on a weak smile, "Thank you."
She will never know or understand my one sided love.

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dasboot #1
Chapter 13: author-nim, when will you update? I can't wait what happens next!:)))) this story and author-nim is really daebak! \m/
totorochu #2
hes my prince
New subscriber here!like this!
-Dany_Sol- #4
AAAHHHH!!!! So AAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't describe it with Words!!!! What IS Going to happen?! Donghae's umma will post the pictures of Kyuhyun and that ****** (Mianhe, I hate her -.-) kissing?! Aahhh!!!! I Really Like your story!! Pweeeaaaseeee Update Soon~!!!
Unnie!When are u updating?
RayGasan #6
A new subscriber here~ <br />
Gosh, I've already subscribed to too many stories here but I just can't help it! Plus, I just realized that Kyuhyun got that prince look on him. Sigh. <br />
HellaCinderella #7
I like it so much unni. Like you, I loved watching Goong. ^^
HellaCinderella #8
JaeEunTaeYeoNa #9
update soon :)