Sinful acts -please don't find out-

My Princess

[A/N: Just in case you guys have forgotten italics means that they are talking in English]

{Kyu Hyun POV}
There go two visits for my entire trip in Singapore. The press conference is on Thursday and I would be back on Friday.
"Lee Teuk, What's next on the schedule?"
"There's basically nothing much today sire. I can call for a guide to show if you want." Lee Teuk replied.
Good. I can't wait to just rest in my room.
"Kyu Hyun."
Lee Teuk and I turned back to see Ga Eul.
"Your highness." Lee Teuk greeted.
"What?" I asked.
"You're free today right? Accompany me." She answered, smiling.
"No. I'm busy."
"Just today. Please?" She asked again.
*Kyu Hyun ah, please. Pretty please with a strawberry on top?*
I sighed as the memories from the flashed in my mind. Stop Kyu Hyun. She isn't the Ga Eul that you knew.
"Kyu Hyun, I know you still can't forgive me because what I did 2 years ago but can you take into account of our friendship in the past? Just today. After today you can send me back to Korea." She mumbled. 
*Kyu Hyun I deserved better.*
"Just today?" I asked.
"Just today." She answered.
"Let's go."

{Vernesa POV}
" It's realy a pleasure to be in Korea. " The prince said.
"Our prince says that he is happy to be in Korea." His translator, Alice translated.
"That's nice to here. We are happy to see him here as well." The king said while Alice translated. 
I have to admit this. Half of the time, I wasn't exactly listening to the conversation. I look at Soo Young, trying to find for my phone.

"Your highness, have I not told you not to bring your phone? It will distract you." Soo Young scolded.
"B-but Kyu Hy- no. I mean the crown p-prince might call." I stuttered.
"I'm sorry your highness but I have to keep your phone for now."
--Flashback end--

" Oh, this must be Vernesa, the crown princess. A pleasure to meet you." The prince said, offering a hand shake.
I forced a smile and shook my head, " A-a pleasure to meet you too."
"This time our crown princess will show you around the palace." The Empress Dowager added while his translator starting explaining to him in English.
He nodded and smile, " I've seen your wedding being broadcast on television. You look much more beautiful in real life than on television."
Beautiful…? Is he praising me? Regardless I still bowed and thanked him.

"This." I said while pointing to the door, "Paper."
Prince William looked back at me, puzzled, "Paper?"
" Yes paper. Please tell him that his more than paper." I said, finally giving up on speaking English.
Alice nodded and turned to explain to him until he saw Dong Hae who dressed in a black suit -without the tie- .
" Hey. How is it going? " William said, bringing Dong Hae closer for a hug.
" Hi. It's so nice to see you again. " Dong hae said, hugging William.
I continued looking at both of them as they exchanged greetings with English. Yes. I'm totally clueless about whatever they are saying but they seem…close. When the both of them stopped, I turned to Dong Hae, "You know him? You are friends with William?"
He laughed while bringing William closer, "Nope. We're brothers."
"Brothers?" I said, obviously puzzled.
William and Dong Hae just smiled, "Brothers."

For the rest of the afternoon, Dong Hae and I continued to show William around. Dong Hae is awesome. He speaks English really fluently and often assists me in explaining. Thanks goodness that we're in the palace as well. I can't imagine what might happen if I was seen with both what fan girls called super hot princes.
"The both of us were really popular when we're studying." Dong hae said, flashing the same cute smile.
I nodded. How can they not be popular?
At night, the both of us accompanied William to the press conference where the king and William will sign a peace and friendship agreement before we send him back to the hotel he was staying in.
It was tiring. I wanted so much to just go back to my room and sleep. I miss my hand phone too. What if Kyu Hyun called or messages me?
"Are you okay?" Dong Hae asked after noticing that I was practically sulking while waiting for the press conference to end. It would have better if the both of us would be allowed in; I would pretend to smile in the least.
"I guess." I answered, looking away.
"Kyu Hyun again?" 
I sighed, "Not exactly." 
"Hold for a few more minutes. Hwaiting."
How can Dong Hae be so good with words and girls?

{Kyu Hyun POV}
"There! Isn't it beautiful? Or is that necklace better?"
I couldn't help but laugh at her cute behavior. At least that part of her has not changed.
"Eh Kyu Hyun, don't stand there. Help me!" She said while she grabs my hand and brought me closer.
"This one or that one?" She asked again, pointing to the identical looking necklace.
"Ain't they both the same?" I asked while caused me to be hit on the head.
Ga Eul then turned to the sales girl, " Which one do you think is better? "
" I'm not sure. You should ask your boyfriend to choose it for you." The sales girl answered.
" You're mist-" " Thank you. " Ga Eul interrupted before I could finish.
"See, we still look like a couple." She added.

{Vernesa POV}
Like yesterday, Dong Hae and I continued showing William around. I had to teach him about our tea drinking habits.
It was fun though. William was really keen to learn more as well. He has even fallen in love with tea drinking now.
The both of us - Dong Hae and I - tried our best to bring William around the entire palace but to squeeze everything into a day was simply impossible.
" Thank you for showing me around the palace. I have managed to learn a lot from this trip. "
" Y-you're welcome. " I stuttered. English is seriously not my best subject.
" So how is this visit?  I hope you have fun. " Dong hae said, giving a light punch of William's shoulder.
William nodded, "This trip was fantastic. I really hope that I can have a chance to come back again. "
I looked at Dong Hae, urging him to translate.
"He says that he had fun and he would really like to come again."
" C-come back soon!" I said on impulse, earning laughter from both Dong Hae and William.
This assignment was not that horrible after all and it has finally came to an end.

"Here." Dong Hae said while he passed me my handphone. 
"Ho-How did you get it? Wait! How do you know my phone was with Soo Young?" I asked, taking my phone while checking if there were any calls or messages.
"Don't you know that I can mind read?" He said with a cheeky grin.
I half smiled disappointed that there wasn't any miss call or messages.
"Kyu Hyun didn't call back?" He asked while the maids brought in two cups of tea.
I sighed. Maybe he must be really busy…
He then moves his hand behind my head, smiled at me and brought it back to see a chocolate in his hand.
"Oh. Your mind seems to be in the need of some chocolate now." He continued as he unwrapped the package, "Here."
"Thank you." I mumbled, smiling while putting the chocolate into my mouth.
"If it was me, I would never leave you alone like this." He mumbled before turning to face me, "I would never make that smile leave your face."
W-why was Dong Hae telling me all these? He is starting to scare me.
"If it wasn't for the car accident. If only my father didn't die." He continued. 
"D-Dong Ha-Hae?" 
"If those things did not happen, you will be married to me." 
"W-why are you saying all this for?"
He then reached out his hand to soothe my cheek, "You would have fallen for me instead of Kyu Hyun if we met first."
I gulped while my face went red, "W-w-wait. I- I have to go."
I ran out of the room, heading for the southern gate while my heart beat slowed itself. What was Dong Hae thinking? Please tell me that I was dreaming.
Dong Hae must have been joking.
I nodded to myself. He must be joking. He is just trying to cheer me up.
That is all that is to it isn't it?

{Dong Hae POV}
I clenched the hand that had touched her cheek into a fist.
*W-w-wait! I-I have to go.*
It's probably better that she left. With my hands on her cheek and the distance between us to be this close, I might have just crushed my lips on her, stealing -probably- her first kiss.
I smirked at the seat she was sitting on just now.
Someday, I will get you.

{Kyu Hyun POV}
"I have kept my promise by accompanying you."
She smiled, "Thank you Kyu Hyun."
I can't deny the fact that I didn't have fun today. It was as if everything was back before the incident two years ago.
"Can I request for one last thing?"
"What is it?" I asked. This shall be our last time we shall ever be this like this and the last request I will ever accept from Ga Eul.
"This." She mumbled before having her arms around my neck while her lips met with mine.
This similar feeling; since it is going to be our last time, I responded to her kiss.
May this sinful action only known to the both of us.
Her lips. Her scent.
For this kiss shall be the last.

{Vernesa POV}
With my hand phone is my hand, I went over to Kyu Hyun's room.
Why do I have to miss him this much?
His voice. His scent. His presence.
It seems to have replaced the position of oxygen.
I checked my phone again. No new messages or missed calls.
"Kyu Hyun! Do you not miss me at all?" I shouted, lying on his bed that was filled with his scent.
Lying on his bed seems to put me at ease somehow.
I poured on my ringing mobile phone and picked up the call immediately.
"Is this Vernesa?" 
"Vernesa, your umma condition has gotten worse. She is in the critical ward in the hospital now. You have to see her."
"W-what happen?"
"The doctors said that we should be mentally prepared."
Tears started flowing down my eyes while I dropped my phone to the ground.
"Umma." I mumbled.

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dasboot #1
Chapter 13: author-nim, when will you update? I can't wait what happens next!:)))) this story and author-nim is really daebak! \m/
totorochu #2
hes my prince
New subscriber here!like this!
-Dany_Sol- #4
AAAHHHH!!!! So AAAAHHHH!!!!! Can't describe it with Words!!!! What IS Going to happen?! Donghae's umma will post the pictures of Kyuhyun and that ****** (Mianhe, I hate her -.-) kissing?! Aahhh!!!! I Really Like your story!! Pweeeaaaseeee Update Soon~!!!
Unnie!When are u updating?
RayGasan #6
A new subscriber here~ <br />
Gosh, I've already subscribed to too many stories here but I just can't help it! Plus, I just realized that Kyuhyun got that prince look on him. Sigh. <br />
HellaCinderella #7
I like it so much unni. Like you, I loved watching Goong. ^^
HellaCinderella #8
JaeEunTaeYeoNa #9
update soon :)