This Song

☆ Pinkfinite One-Shot Collection! (Not Taking Requests)


Lee Sungyeol

Hong Yookyung

a/n: more yeolkyung >D

[yeol's p.o.v]

I was never rich. I was born into a poor family. I also told myself that I wouldn't date until I had enough money, but that changed when I met her. 

Who, you ask? Yookyung, Hong Yookyung. 

She was a beauty, not just on the outside, but everything on the inside: her heart, soul, and her personality, it was all beautiful. And I loved every little bit of her. 

I felt bad though, since I couldn't buy her any pretty clothes or drive her in expensive cars, or even take her to fancy resturaunts. Not just bad, extremely guilty. She deserved the absolute best, but I couldn't give it to her. It was already hard supporting myself, and buying her all these things just didn't fit with my budget. 

"It's fine, Yeol," she would tell me, "I don't need any of that,"

I would always shake my head, telling her that I really wanted to buy her those pretty things that most boyfriends buy their girlfriends. She was worthy to receive all those gifts, but I just didn't have the money. 

It might sound crazy, but as a gift for her twentieth birthday, I decided on my gift to Yookyung. 

A song. 

This song.


I spent three restless nights writing the lyrics and another four to compose it. I also took three hours everyday to learn guitar for the song, and my fingers were callused so badly that it hurt even when I typed something on my touch screen phone. 

I wanted to give up so badly, but whenever I thought of Yookyung's disappointed face, I continued. 

After a week, it was finally done, but there was only two days until her birthday, and I needed to plan something else. 

I called up my buddy, Myungsoo, and he set me up with a garden where I could prepare food and all that stuff. It was all coming together, and I was nervous as hell. I knew that she was probably wondering where I was. I haven't contacted her this entire week. I really hope she doesn't get the wrong idea. My Yookyung is pretty big on the contact thing. 

On the day of her birthday, I pressed speed dial 2 and held the phone up to my ear. 



"Oh hey, Yeol."

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I'm not mad that my boyfriend hasn't contacted me in an entire week and I'm not wondering about his whereabouts. Nothing at all, Yeol, nothing at all."

At that moment, I really did feel guilty for making her wonder.

"I'm really sorry, Kyung, I'm really sorry."

"I'm still mad at you."

"Wait!" I somewhat yelled into the phone. There was a pause on the other line.

"Meet me at the park garden at 7. I'll make it up to you, I promise."


"Alright." And with that, she hung up and I knew that it would take a while until she cooled off. 

"You can do this, Lee Sungyeol." I told myself as I looked in the mirror and got dressed in the nicest clothes I owned. Taking the 30,000 won in my pocket, Myungsoo's guitar draped across my back, and music in hand, I headed out to buy a bouquet of pink and white roses. 

Woohyun, another close hyung of mine, offered to make me all the food, which is great since I would just ruin all of her favorite delicacies. Another plus since he dropped it off there already. 

I walked towards the garden with thirty minutes to spare. Phew, I'm early. Yookyung always used to nag me about being late to all our dates. 

I just hope that she'll love it.


[kyung's p.o.v]

Aish! This Lee Sungyeol! The nerve of this choding!

He hasn't contacted me in any way, shape, or form for an entire week! I know, I sound clingy and all, but it's just something we both agreed on, and I like when my promises are kept. 

Anyways, I went to the park garden, although I was really doubting his promise to make it up. He is not the serious type and I never really expect him to do anything significant for me, since I don't think he should spend his money on me. It hurts me to see him stressed out about school, work, and money. Especially money. 

I might not be wealthy, but I have enough money to live comfortably. Sungyeol, on the other hand, is all alone, supporting himself with minimum pay. Sometimes, I always wonder if dating Sungyeol is the right thing to do. I love him, I really do, but I feel like he spends too much of his money on me and things I don't necessarily need. 

Sure, he can be a complete pain in the sometimes with his constant Choding behavior, but I find it incredibly adorkable at times. He protects me like a kindergartner takes cares of his crayons. His love is really genuine and I love him for that. 

Following his directions, I walked to the park garden, but the lights were turned off.

Was this some kind of joke? He brought me here for this?

Suddenly, when I stepped onto the stone trail, the lights and immediately blinded me. 

"Happy birthday, Kyung."


Sungyeol walked out of the blinding lights holding a beautiful bouquet of pink and white roses. 

"I-You-How-" I stumbled over my own words. He just stood there with a smile plastered onto his face like the choding he was. 

"Do you like it?" He asked me. Of course I like it! In fact, I love it! Oh, that's another thing about Sungyeol. He makes me question my intelligence. 

I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, and I tried hard not to bawl like a baby. His long, skinny arms wrapped around me and he put his chin on my shoulder. 

"Food's gonna get cold, you know." He chuckled. 

Food!? He made food too?! 

Sungyeol led me to a small table for two with two paper plates with giraffes on it. 

"Giraffes?" I grinned. He was so cute. He shrugged innocently and pulled my chair out, motioning for me to sit. Such a gentleman.  We just sat there, talking for hours, like we usually did. There were endless things to talk about. That's another thing to add to my list of why I love Sungyeol, we can talk for hours and hours and not get bored, like best friends. 

"Yookyung-ah." He called out. 

"Yes, Yeollie?" I gave him a questioning look. 

"Happy birthday," Sungyeol wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.  We swayed together in the garden, his chin on my shoulder and our fingers interlocked.  Suddenly he pulled away and walked toward the table. I had no idea what he was doing. 

"Sit here," He pulled the chair out. I walked over and sat on the simple beige chair. What was going on? I heard zippers and papers rustling and Sungyeol stood up with a guitar in one hand and a bunch of papers in the other. 

Yeol plays guitar? He told me that he at any instrument given to him.

He pulled a chair right across from me and I gave him a curious look. 

"This is my present to you." He smiled. "I hope you like it."

My heart melted when he strummed the first chord. 


[narrator's p.o.v]

Even though I want to buy you a pretty necklace
Even though I want to take you out on a ride in a nice car
Even though I want to dress you in nice clothes, 
Even though I want to take you to nice places

Yookyung stared at her boyfriend, unable to process what was in front of her.  

This hand that I put inside my pocket grabs nothing 
How can I get you?

Sungyeol strummed the wrong chord and turned red; Yookyung couldn't help but giggle.

My position doesn't suit you 
Regardless, can you stay by my side?

'He.. Wrote this?' Yookyung's heart was touched. 'For me?'

The only thing I can give is this song 
All I have is this voice 
I don't know if this will make you laugh,
But I still sing 
I hope you accept it

Yookyung caught a glimpse of his fingers, and all she saw were blisters.

Even if you say it's okay 
Even if you say it's okay if I have you

Even if you say you're happy everyday
Even if you say you don't what anything more

She remained speechless, unable to really understand what was happening before her eyes.

Pretty, good things; fun, cool things 
You obviously want to do these things too, Baby
You know that if you stay by my side, I can't do these things 
Regardless, can you stay by my side?

Yookyung recalled a time when they went around Seoul together, and she gazed at everything in the accessory shop. She left the store empty handed, since she didn't bring any money, and Sungyeol didn't have money.

The only thing I can give is this song 
All I have is this voice

Although Sungyeol can't buy her most things, she still finds great joy in just talking with him. Just hearing his voice makes her day.

I don't know if this will make you laugh,
But I still sing 
I hope you accept it

I only have this song 
I really have nothing but this voice
I don't know if this will make you laugh, 
But I still sing 
I hope you accept it

Tears sprung in her eyes as she watched his fingers move around the neck of the guitar. Sungyeol wasn't any of those descriptions. He was so much more. 

He strummed the last chord and ended with the last line of the song, barely whispering. 

I hope you accept it.

Yookyung covered her face with her hands and tried hard to conceal the tears from her eyes. 

Sungyeol was concerned, there was no response from Yookyung, was it really that bad? Her small breaths were noticeable to him and he knew that she was crying. 

"Don't cry, Francheska," Sungyeol hugged her, prying her hands from her face. His gentle hands wiped her tears. "Don't cry,"

"S-Sungyeol," She threw her arms around his neck. 

"Oppa's here," He whispered and wiped her tears again. 

"I didn't deserve that song," Yookyung shook her head. 

"You deserve everything," He kissed her temple. 

"Will you leave me, Yookyung?" Sungyeol asked, a hint of desperation in his voice. 

"Never," She shook her head, sniffling. 

"Then do you accept this song?" 

Yookyung turned to Sungyeol and tippy toed to reach his face. She planted a soft kiss on his chubby cheek. He turned red and touched the spot she kissed. Yookyung giggled at his silliness. 

"So does that answer your question?" She smiled. He thought about it. 


She scoffed, "Thanks for ruining the moment,"

"You know I love you, baby," He kissed her cheek back. 

I hope you enjoy^^
♡, xStarLightx 

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i need more PinkFinite fics T.T
Chapter 33: please update soonnnn
temonijji #3
Chapter 7: "I'm making babies with Naeun..." haha LOL xD
Chapter 3: These stories are awesome!!! Kyaa~
Do you have any idea how much I squealed? Especially with MyungEun. You're right, they are just..Ship-pable? lol, making up words now are we? LOL

Update soon! Kyaa, fluff overload!
Chapter 7: omgomgomg just found this and omg cuteness overload myungeun ♥♥♥♥
SooJunior #7
Chapter 20: Your stories are so sweet !! Hwaiting !! Pinkfinite <3 WooRong MyungEun YeolKyung
Chapter 22: The.Best.OneShot.Of.Pinkfinite I told you =D
Chapter 20: Im dying lol xD cuteness overload xD I really hope that Woorong is real :|
Chapter 17: Aaahhh. This chap is so sad :'( bit daebak tho