10; thehumankid

☆ Pinkfinite One-Shot Collection! (Not Taking Requests)


Kim Myungsoo; 24

Son Naeun; 22

a/n: Man.. Your plot was mad good.
enjoy! (I hope you like it. :3)


(January 15th, 2012)

"Answer me, Kim Myungsoo!" Naeun yelled. 

"It wasn't my fault, okay?" He turned around instantly, facing his girlfriend.

"Don't lie to me that you got drunk and almost hooked up with someone at the club!" Naeun shouted.

"You know I wouldn't ever act like that." He hissed.

"Well maybe if you hadn't been drunk-" Naeun started.

"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO YOU, DRUNK OR SOBER." L yelled. Naeun flinched in response. "WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Naeun was left speechless. Maybe she shouldn't have doubted her boyfriend in the first place.

"Myun-" She started, but he was already out the door.

"Myungsoo!" She yelled as she ran out after him. 

L broke out into a run. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care anyways.

How could Naeun doubt him like that? She knew that he would never get drunk underage, and certainly not hook up with some from the club.

His footsteps slowed down as he walked through the neighborhood park. 

"I can't believe her." He scoffed. "After all we've been through."

Naeun ran out, looking left and right for her boyfriend.

*How could I be so stupid like that?* Naeun thought as she started to run faster. Then she spotted the forest green jacket she bought him for their 2nd anniversary under the streetlights. She sprinted to the sidewalk, where he was currently standing.

"Myungsoo." She breathed heavily. He turned around, looking at Naeun who was panting heavily. "Forgive me."

"Why don't you ever believe what I say?" He said with a hurt tone. "I thought that you would have some trust in me."

"I'm sorry, I was stupid." Naeun apologized.

"Our arguements are always about this." L mumbled under his breath.

"Why can't you just accept the apology?" Naeun stared at her boyfriend in disbelief. "You could stop being so cocky all the time, and just accept it!"

L turned around and took more steps, not realizing he stepped onto the pavement of the street.

Naeun turned back, about to run back to her house, until she heard the screeching of tires on the street. She turned around and her eyes widened. A swerving car heading full speed towards L.

She sprinted back towards the road, pushing him out of the way.

"Ow! What the heck?" He yelled, but then realized what was happening one second too late. 

Naeun's body was hit with full impact by the car. 

"SON NAEUN!" He shouted and ran towards the mess in the middle of the street. Police sirens and ambulence horns blared and filled the streets.

"Naeun." L searched frantically for his girlfriend. "NAEUN!" 

He started to breath quickly, worried to death about his girlfriend.

"No.. It can't be her." L shook his head.

"She was hit with full impact by the car, which seemed to be driven by a drunk man." The police talked into the radio set. 

L looked around on the ground, and found a small body, curled up on the streets, heavily bleeding. He could recognize it instantly. The pink sweater that he had given her for her birthday and the customized white shoes he bought for her graduation.

"No." He whispered. "No." and ran over to Naeun.

"Naeun." He rolled her over, and surely enough, it was her. "NAEUN!"

Her body, bloody, and twisted out of shape. Blood pouring out of her stomach, arms, and head. She was definitely almost unconscious.

"Here! Over here!" L shouted desperately. The paramedics ran over to her body and quickly felt her pulse.

"I'm sorry, sir." The paramedic apologized. "Her pulse is decreasing rapdily by the minute, and the hospital is too far away."

"W-WHAT!?" L bellowed. "No! No, you can't do this!"

"I'm sorry." They said again and walked away. 

His heart sank.

This was all HIS fault.

L quickly held Naeun in his arms, not caring about the blood pouring out of her body.

"Naeun." He choked. "Naeun, I'm so sorry."

She looked up at him with sad eyes.

"Please, Naeun." He pleaded. "Don't leave me. I can't live without you."

She remained silent, her chest rising slower and slower by the second.

"I was stupid, I should've listened to you." He cried, tears flowing from his eyes. "I love you Naeun, I really do."

"Naeun, I need you." He wailed. "Don't leave me!"

"I always loved only you.." Those 5 words left Naeun's bloody lips barely above a whipser as her hazelnut eyes looked back into Myungsoo's own, shutting gently as if she had drifted off into peaceful sleep, a sleep she would never wake up from again.

L's heart shattered. 

"Naeun, wake up." He lightly touched her face. "NAEUN!"

"WAKE UP!" He screamed. "WAKE UP!"

"You can't leave me." His tears were unstoppable. He was the reason why she died. It was because he failed to listen to her.

"Don't joke with me, Naeun." He shook her shoulders, but she was pale and lifeless.

"Naeun.." He whispered. 



(March 13th, 2013) 

"Happy birthday, hyung!" Sungjong handed L a present, but he pushed it away.

"Leave me alone." He growled. Sungjong was hurt by his words, but he understood.

Ever since Naeun's death, L became lifeless, dragging his life along, day by day.

"Come on, L." Dongwoo patted his back. "You need some time with us."

"I said I don't want to." L pushed his way out of the rest of his friends. "Just leave me alone."

"Myu-" Dongwoo started, but Sunggyu covered his mouth.

"Don't call him that." Sunggyu said softly. "It'll remind him too much of Naeun."

"I wonder how much longer this will go one.." Sungyeol wondered out loud. "I feel terrible for him."

"Yeah.." Woohyun admitted. "Ever since the accident, he hasn't smiled once."

"Well, Naeun was everything to him." Hoya reminded everyone. "It'll take him a while."

L walked into his room, instantly plopping himself onto the bed.

*Only if I hadn't argued with her in the first place.* He thought over and over again. *She would still be alive.*

He stood up and walked to his closet. Her favorite shirt was next to his, and he vowed never to wear it.

*Her scent still lingers on her shirt..* L clutched onto one of the last remains of Naeun. 

Tears escaped his eyes. He could never forget her last last words.

"I always loved only you."

She had been his angel, his pride, his heart. When she sacrificed herself for him, Myungsoo hadn't been the same ever since.

Naeun was his joy, the only person who could brighten his day, just with a simple hello.

Now, he lost her. Just because of a stupid mistake that was all his fault.

"Naeun." He whispered, hoping to hear some kind of response, but it was dead quiet.

"I need you, Naeun." He fell to the ground, his tears soaking the white shirt.

"Where are you?"


(January 15th, 2015)

It had been exactly three years since Naeun died in sake of protecting L, but he still found himself thinking about her every day. 

L decided to visit her grave.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Sungyeol said, unsure.

L nodded. After Sungyeol dropped him off, he walked into the flower shop.

"Oh hi! How may I help you?" The flower worker said. 

"One bouquet of lillies, please." He said quietly.

"Where's Naeun?" The  worker asked. "I haven't seen her in a while."

L was silent. She handed him the bouquet.

"She's dead." He whispered and walked out of the shop.

L walked to the familiar spot in the graveyard. He stopped in front of her gravestone.

Here Lies:

Son Naeun

Girlfriend, Daughter, Best Friend

February 10th, 1988 - January 10th, 

L put down the flowers on her grave.

"How are you doing, Nauen?" He asked quietly. "I miss you, a lot."

The breeze his face softly, the way Naeun used to always do.

"Whenever I'm in the house, I wish you were there with me." He sighed. "I need you Naeun, I need you back in my arms."

Softly, the wind wrapped around L, making him feel as if he was being embraced.

"I'm sorry I was stupid." L whispered. "I should've listened to you."

"I can't believe I was so stupid." He broke out in tears. 

"My life isn't complete without you here, Naeun." L hit the ground. "I need you , Naeun. I miss you."

"You're the only thing in my life that I ever wanted." His tears dropped onto the ground covering her body. "I'm so sorry, Naeun."

L's heart wrenching cries filled the entire graveyard. "I miss you, Naeun. Come back."

He screamed in frustration as his tears rolled down his eyes continuously. He gripped the grass tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Naeun!" He yelled as if someone would reply back.

"NAEUN!" L screamed. He needed an answer.

"I'm sorry." He lowered his voice to a whisper. The trees were swaying gently around him. "Forgive me, Naeun."

"I was stupid." Tears streamed down his cheeks. "You died because of me." 

L punched the ground. "GODDAMNIT NAEUN!"

"I miss you.." He lowered his voice to a whisper.

"I love you." Tears soaked the ground. "I always did and always will."

"I'll never be the same without you."

I hope you enjoyed!(:

, xStarLightx  

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i need more PinkFinite fics T.T
Chapter 33: please update soonnnn
temonijji #3
Chapter 7: "I'm making babies with Naeun..." haha LOL xD
Chapter 3: These stories are awesome!!! Kyaa~
Do you have any idea how much I squealed? Especially with MyungEun. You're right, they are just..Ship-pable? lol, making up words now are we? LOL

Update soon! Kyaa, fluff overload!
Chapter 7: omgomgomg just found this and omg cuteness overload myungeun ♥♥♥♥
SooJunior #7
Chapter 20: Your stories are so sweet !! Hwaiting !! Pinkfinite <3 WooRong MyungEun YeolKyung
Chapter 22: The.Best.OneShot.Of.Pinkfinite I told you =D
Chapter 20: Im dying lol xD cuteness overload xD I really hope that Woorong is real :|
Chapter 17: Aaahhh. This chap is so sad :'( bit daebak tho