Another Door Opens (Alternate Ending)

☆ Pinkfinite One-Shot Collection! (Not Taking Requests)


Nam Woohyun; 25

Park Chorong; 25

a/n: alternate ending to this ! i didn't want woohyun to die, so xD


A girl off in the distance heard a ruckus up the hill and quietly went up to check what was wrong. She saw a man holding a knife facing towards his heart. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" She screeched as she ran over to stop him. 

"Eunji.." He whispered. "You came back."

The girl inched towards him. Did he just break up? Who was this Eunji girl?

"You're not Eunji." He looked at her with sad eyes. She stopped in her place, she didn't know how to respond to that. 

"Of course." He bitterly laughed. "She wouldn't come back to me."

"Put that knife down!" She yelled. He shook his head.

"I have no purpose anymore." A single tear drop rolled down his cheek. 

"She left me for someone else."

"Maybe it was just you can find someone better." She reasoned. "When one door closes, another one always opens."

He lowered the knife. 

"Don't end your life so quickly." She calmy continued. "There are so many other good things waiting for you."

Woohyun thought about the words the girl told him. No matter how many times he wanted to deny that fact, he knew that she was right. His life did have many opportunities that would slowly unravel throughout his life. 

"I hope you don't choose to end your life." She faintly smiled. "Even when you feel as if you have no hope, remember that there are opportunities waiting for you." Woohyun watched as the girl walked down the hill and disappeared from his sight. He looked down to the mess he created and picked up the engagement ring that fell to the ground. 

"New opportunities.." Woohyun mumbled and traced his fingers around the intricate designs of the ring. He paced around on the hill, thinking about everything that girl said. But questions arrived in his mind. 

Who was this girl? What was her name? How did she find him on the hill?

By now, it was late at night, about 11:30. 

"I should get home.." He started down the hill, but something caught his eye. 

*The girl must've dropped her phone or something.* Woohyun thought as he picked it up. It was the latest model of Samsung's Galaxy. 

*No average person could've gotten this phone.* He thought. *It's well over 300$.*

Woohyun tucked the phone in his pocket and continued down the hill. 

"Can you pick me up by the ChungCheong park?" He told his chaffeur as he made his way to the park.  He was in deep thought the entire time. His mind was racing, thinking about the events that happened in that one night. Woohyun's intense thoughts were interrupted when he felt someone bumping into his shoulder. With his fast reflexes, he caught the person before they fell. 

"I'm so sorry!" The voice, most likely a girl, apologized. 

"It's nothing." Woohyun helped the girl back up. He forced a smile and continued to the park. 

"Wait.." The girl stopped him. "You're the guy from the hill, right?"

Woohyun turned to see a rather girl wearing a casual floral sun dress dress. Her hair was a light brown color, falling below her shoulders. He blinked, but nodded. 

"So you listened to what I said?" She asked cautiously. He nodded again. 

"I'm glad." She smiled. "Well I have to go look for my phone, I'm sorry for before."

"Wait." Woohyun held out the white phone. "Is this yours?"

"Oh you found it!" She took it gladly. "Thank you!"

"No problem."

"Thank you again!" She bowed. "Is there anyway I can repay you?"

"Tell me your name." He said simply.

"M-My name?" She replied, stunned. Usually, people would ask her for money, or something along those lines.


"I would like to know the name of the person who prevented my death." He bluntly stated. "Is there a problem?"

"N-No!" She shook her head. "Not at all!"

"I'm Park Chorong." She stuck her hand out. "Nice to meet you."

"Nam Woohyun." He shook her hand. 

"Like of the Nam Corporation?" Her eyes widened. 

"I knew it." He hissed and threw her hand off hers. "That's all people know me as."

"No," Chorong stopped him. "It's not that."

"I'm the daughter of Park Jungyoo, the CEO of Samsung and Park Incorporated." She explained. Woohyun turned around, suprised. 

"Yo-You're wealthy?" He widened my eyes. She nodded.

"Many people ask me for money when they do me favors, but you were different."

"I already have everything I need." He shrugged. "It would be pointless to ask for what I already had."

She nodded her head in understanding. "Do you live in ChungCheong?"

"Yup." Woohyun pointed to the luxurious, sleek black sports car coming towards him. "I should get going."

"Wait!" She blurted as he walked closer to the car.

"Here's my number." She handed him a small slip of paper with her number on it. Woohyun just looked at it blankly. 

"If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me." She quickly squeezed in together. 

He nodded curtly and went into his sportscar. 

"I hope he's okay." She sighed and called her chaffeur. 


Thoughts about Eunji and Chorong were swimming in his mind. He couldn't sleep for the past 14 days. The doctor said it was a minor case of insomnia.  It was already 3 in the morning, and he had been in bed for well over 4 hours.  Woohyun looked over at his nightstand and saw the small slip of paper with Chorong's phone written on it.  He quickly dialed the number on his phone and put the phone to his ear. After the 3rd ring, a tired voice picked up.

"Hello?" A groggy voice yawned. 



"Yeah, it's me."

"Is something wrong?"

"The doctor said that I had slight insomnia."

"Oh no!" 

"I'll be fine. I..just need someone to talk to."

"Go ahead, I'll always be listening."

"Actually, can you meet me at the park?"


"Yeah. I need a bit of fresh air."

"Alright, I'll meet you there in 10 minutes."

"See you there." Woohyun got out of bed and changed into presentable clothes. All of his maids and butlers were asleep, thankfully. His parents usually traced his every move from what the maids and butlers say. They said that he didn't need any scandals to "ruin his image".

Woohyun slipped on his navy button-up jacket over his white v-neck, tied the laces on his casual black and white shoes, then headed out the grand white door silently. From living in the mansion for his entire life, he learned the tricks of the locking security system. 

After disabling the locks and gate system, he walked to the park, and sat on the swing, swaying back and forth. 

"Sorry I'm late." A voice panted.  Woohyun looked up to see Chorong in a casual adidas training suit with her hair up in a ponytail. 

"It's alright." He waved it off. She took the swing next to him. 

"So what's the problem?" She asked as she lightly rocked herself. 

"I've been thinking about her for way too long." He sighed. 

"..Eunji?" Chorong catiously tried. 

"How did yo-" He started. 

"You asked me if I was Eunji.. On the hill." She explained. He nodded in understanding. 

"Just talk, I'll listen." Chorong smiled. "Rather than a thousand words, I'll give you a shoulder to lean on."

And at that moment, he spilled everything. How much he cared for Eunji, the things he did for her, and how she was the only one who treated him as a normal person.

"What did I do wrong?" He wiped his spilling tears. "I gave her everything she possibly wanted."

"I was going to propose to her that day, too!" Woohyun wept and wept and wept.

Chorong just held him on the bench, his tears almost drenching her sweatshirt.

"There, there." She whispered. "You're okay, you're okay."

"I mean," He sniffled. "I can't stand it without her."

She comforted him for at least 2 hours, until he had spilled everything. Chorong felt her eyelids get heavy. Her head fell forward, and she fell asleep.

"Thanks for helping me, Chorong." Woohyun turned his head to Chorong who was already sleeping.

*I must've tired her a lot..* He felt guilty. She had waken up in the middle of the night and listening to his problems for 2 hours.

*Taking her back to my house where she can rest is the best I can do for now.* He scooped Chorong up and walked back to his house with her in his arms.

Thankfully, everyone in the house was dead to the world. Woohyun silently walked up to his bed and laid Chorong down gently.

"Thank you for listening to me." He pulled the blanket over her. "When no one else wanted to."


Chorong inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm her nerves. It was the big day.

"Miss. Park, you're up soon." Someone called from the doorway. Chorong nodded her head and bit her lip.

"You can do this, Park Chorong." She whispered to herself.

"Unnie!" A voice called. Chorong turned her head.

"Naeun!" She said loudly.

"Oh my gosh." Naeun breathed and looked at Chorong. "You look absolutely GORGEOUS."

"Thanks." Chorong smiled nervously. "I just can't stop this nervous feeling."

"It'll be over in no time, unnie." Nauen assured. "Now let's get you up there!"

Naeun escorted Chorong to the door where she linked arms with her father.

"Good luck." Naeun smiled and hugged her. "You'll be great."

Chorong gave her a thankful smile and inhaled again.

"Ready?" Her father took the lead and led her down the aisle.

People, in the audience, looked at her in awe. Her long white gown flowing and almost glowing in the morning sunlight.

Her eyes met Woohyun's and they were completely stunned. She was almost positive that she saw tears in his eyes.

The end of the dress sweeped along the velvety-red carpet, and everyone was captivated by her beauty.

Once Chorong reached the altar, she looked into Woohyun's eyes again. They were full of pride, love, and most importantly, they were no longer showing the broken heart he had housed for years. 

The beginning words of the priest were blurs to her. Chorong's eyes were only focused on Woohyun's, for she was told to only focus on him when she was nervous.

"I, Nam Woohyun, take you, Park Chorong, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." Woohyun gazed into her eyes, his heart skipping a beat at the beauty in front of him. The minimal makeup on her face bringing out her natural, flawless features.

"I, Park Chorong, take you, Nam Woohyun, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." She recited.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest signaled. Woohyun pressed his lips against Chorong's soft, pink lips. The crowd cheered as the young couple officially tied the knot.

"Thank you," Woohyun murmured in her ear as he broke the kiss. 

"For..?" She whispered back. 

"Everything." He cupped her face and planted a light kiss on her lips again. 


"Woohyun?" Someone tapped his shoulder. He stiffened. Woohyun knew that voice from anywhere. It still haunted him in his dreams.  Woohyun was hesitant to turn around, but finally built his courage up to face his ex girlfriend. 

"Hi," Woohyun avoided her gaze. "Eunji."

"You still remember me.." She smiled. 

"How could I forget you?" He mumbled to himself. 

"The bride looked beautiful today." She complimented. 

Chorong searched through the crowd for her new husband. She found him by the refreshments table, talking to another girl. 

"I found you!" Chorong came up next to her husband. 

"You must be Chorong." A girl with a thick Busan accent smiled genuinely. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Chorong blushed. "You must be Eunji, right?"

"That's me." She grinned again. 

"And this," Eunji pulled the arm of the man standing next to her.  "Is Sunggyu, my fiancee."

"Hello." Woohyun greeted formally. He looked at the ring on her finger. Woohyun hated to admit it, but he knew it looked much better on her than the one he got her. 

"Congratulations today." He patted his shoulder whole heartedly. 

"Thanks." Woohyun forced a smile. 

"I.. I wanted to wonder if you two wanted to join our wedding.." Eunji pulled out two invitations. 

"Yeah," Sunggyu smiled. "It would be nice if you could come. Eunji told me loads of nice things about you, Woohyun."

"I think we might be-" Chorong started to decline. 

"We'll be there." Woohyun smiled as he accepted the invitation. "Definitely."

Chorong looked over to him with a suprised look. Eunji, as well, was suprised. 

"Then I guess we'll see you in 4 months?" Eunji smiled. 

"You can count on it." Chorong smiled. 

"Let's go cut the cake, Chorong." Woohyun pulled her arm away from Eunji and Sunggyu. 

"Why did you accept?" She asked, curious. 

"You never know what happens when that other door opens." He kissed her temple and led her to the grand white cake. 

I hope you enjoy^^

, xStarLightx 

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i need more PinkFinite fics T.T
Chapter 33: please update soonnnn
temonijji #3
Chapter 7: "I'm making babies with Naeun..." haha LOL xD
Chapter 3: These stories are awesome!!! Kyaa~
Do you have any idea how much I squealed? Especially with MyungEun. You're right, they are just..Ship-pable? lol, making up words now are we? LOL

Update soon! Kyaa, fluff overload!
Chapter 7: omgomgomg just found this and omg cuteness overload myungeun ♥♥♥♥
SooJunior #7
Chapter 20: Your stories are so sweet !! Hwaiting !! Pinkfinite <3 WooRong MyungEun YeolKyung
Chapter 22: The.Best.OneShot.Of.Pinkfinite I told you =D
Chapter 20: Im dying lol xD cuteness overload xD I really hope that Woorong is real :|
Chapter 17: Aaahhh. This chap is so sad :'( bit daebak tho