Athens Part II

Like the Lotus: The Continuing Story

Alexandria quickly whisked Jan Di off as if they were best friends, and Jan Di glanced back helplessly at Ji Hoo. Alexandria began attempting to get to know Jan Di, but Jan Di's limited English and non-existent Greek had her lost in translation. Alexandria prattled on about herself and Obstetrics in English and then Greek when she didn't know the word. Jan Di simply smiled and nodded along as they took a lap around the conference room, arm-in-arm.

Suddenly, Alexandria stopped and glared to her left. Jan Di looked over and noticed that Si-Yeon was the object of Alexandria's scowl. "I no like that one!" Alexandria scoffed and gestured toward Si-Yeon.

"No…like…?" Jan Di repeated. Jan Di wondered if perhaps Si-Yeon had also come onto Nikos. It wouldn't surprise her. Apparently Hwang Si-Yeon had made enemies in at least two countries now. Jan Di pursed her lips and contemplated. I no like her either…

Jan Di immediately felt guilt over such an uncharitable thought. Perhaps she could try to see some good in Si-Yeon… When nothing positive came readily to mind and her head began to throb, she sighed and decided to just forget about it.

Ji Hoo noticed that Si-Yeon was still glancing his way now and then, but they were no longer looks of longing but rather smoldering glares. So she hated him now? He was perfectly fine with that. And he didn't fear any negative ramifications at the hospital. Si-Yeon's intentions had nothing to do with work, so she could hardly complain to her father. Not to mention, Director Hwang was Ji Hoo's second biggest fan, after Jan Di, of course.

Ji Hoo knew that he did his job, and he did it well. He didn't really care if Si-Yeon sought some kind of vengeance against him. His only fear was that Si-Yeon might say or do something to hurt Jan Di in some way. That was something he would definitely not stand for. She would pay dearly if that happened, but Ji Hoo did not intend to give Si-Yeon a chance to get anywhere near his Jan Di.

And if push came to shove and Director Hwang or Si-Yeon gave either of them a hard time, Ji Hoo knew that he and Jan Di could always move on to another hospital anywhere. Joon Pyo had argued with Ji Hoo for not choosing the Shinwha University Medical Center for his place of employment, but Ji Hoo didn't want to ride on Joon Pyo's coattails. Of course, try explaining that to Joon Pyo. Still, he was appreciative that Joon Pyo wanted him there and seemed to have no hard feelings.

Jan Di, Ji Hoo, Nikos, and Dr. Jang sat together in the cushioned banquet chairs listening intently to Alexandria's lecture, which was being translated into English and several other languages, though not Korean. Jan Di sat between Dr. Jang and Ji Hoo, and Nikos sat on the other side of Ji Hoo. Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang took turns leaning toward Jan Di and whispering translations, and Jan Di was able to get the gist of the lecture. She wished she understood Alexandria better because she found her and her work fascinating. Ji Hoo gave his lecture after Alexandria. Jan Di smiled proudly as she listened to Ji Hoo speak, consequently relieved to hear something that day that she actually understood.

Alexandria and Nikos had invited Jan Di and Ji Hoo on a tour of Athens and to their home for dinner that night. They also invited Dr. Jang, who they had developed a liking for. They found him interesting and amusing. Not much was going on at the conference after the lectures, so the group was able to slip out late morning for their tour. They began by walking the mile and a half to the famous Acropolis.

Ji Hoo held onto Jan Di as they ascended the stairs to the Propylaea, the massive marble and limestone gateway to the Acropolis. Ji Hoo was being extra-cautious with Jan Di. Not only was she pregnant, but he was all too aware of her legendary klutziness, and he certainly did not want to see her tumble down the "sacred rock."

Ji Hoo had been to Athens years ago, but the experience was a new one for Jan Di and Dr. Jang. Jan Di marveled at seeing the Acropolis up close and "Wow" escaped her lips upon arrival at the top. She snapped a few pictures with her phone.

Alexandria played tour guide. She spouted off facts, as she led them from the Acropolis to the Parthenon. She explained how the Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, law, mathematics, and the arts. The five stood before the Temple of Athena, and Alexandria told them more about her favorite of the deities. Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang took turns once more translating for Jan Di, and between the three of them they understood most of what she was saying. Ji Hoo filled in some of the gaps for Jan Di, as he was somewhat familiar with Athens from a past trip with Seo Hyun.

Alexandria appreciated the arts, like Ji Hoo, and they got into a discussion about music, art, and classical literature. Jan Di thought that the two would have been able to talk for hours had there not been the language barrier.

When she wasn't playing tour guide or chatting up Ji Hoo, Alexandria buddied up to Jan Di to discuss their respective professions and for some girl talk. Nikos, Ji Hoo, and Dr. Jang stood together discussing medicine and male subjects, but they would toss a translation Jan Di's way here and there. Jan Di had to laugh a few times when the men attempted to translate something Alexandria said about shopping or makeup.

The group moved on to the Erechtheion next. The men divided off from the women, though Ji Hoo remained ever vigilant of Jan Di. Nikos made a subtle comment about the female statues to the other two guys that apparently transcended the language barrier. Ji Hoo shook his head, as Nikos clapped him on the back, and Dr. Jang chuckled.

The group made their way to the Odeum of Herodus Atticus and then to the ruins of the first theatre, the Theatre of Dionysus. Jan Di and Alexandria sat down and pretended to be taking in a play. The group strode to the Temple of Zeus, and the men marveled at the magnitude of the place. They then visited the Panathenaic Stadium, the site of the original Olympic Games in 1896. That began a discussion about sports among the men. Nikos was an avid cycler and hiker. He was also a football fan and golfed some. Dr. Jang joined in on the golf discussion; Ji Hoo didn't have much to say about that. Ji Hoo talked about his baseball teams, which Nikos seemed intrigued by. Then, the men moved on to discussing the architecture of the structures around them.

Jan Di managed to make it through the touring unscathed, though she stumbled a few times. Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang had both been very protective of her. Alexandria and Nikos glanced to each other, sizing up the situation immediately, when Jan Di tripped and both Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang instantly reached out and caught one of her arms.

Ji Hoo kept checking on Jan Di, who he feared would collapse in the hot Athenian sun, despite her gung-ho attitude and assurances that she felt fine. Ji Hoo forced her to slow down a few times and to sit and drink water.

Later, Alexandria and Nikos took the group to the Plaka for shopping and something to eat. Jan Di was immensely enjoying the street food and was ravenous, for some strange reason... Alexandria, Nikos, and Dr. Jang assumed it was the pregnancy, but Ji Hoo knew better. She always ate like that. He simply smiled and bought her whatever she wanted to try. The group watched, with mouths hung slightly, as Jan Di sat on a bench and scarfed a gyro like a shark tearing into a fresh kill.

Unable to look away, Nikos and Alexandria watched Jan Di with a mixture of amazement and amusement. Dr. Jang was only beginning to get a taste for Jan Di's scary eating habits. It was unladylike and yes, a bit frightening, but he had to admit that there was something almost…endearing about it. Ji Hoo would have naturally agreed had he heard the thought; he'd always accepted her for the way she was.

They all decided to continue walking while Jan Di finished off her prey. Ji Hoo simply smiled, put his arm around Jan Di, and guided her. The guiding was necessary, for she was still completely focused upon her food. The other three stared after them for a moment, as if they'd just viewed some graphic nature show, before following along.

The group wandered through the bazaar. Alexandria and Jan Di shopped, and the men simply looked around. The shops were filled with souvenirs, antiques, carvings, and even busts of Greek philosophers and deities. Jan Di jokingly held up a bust of Aristotle's head to Ji Hoo to get his opinion on how it would look above their bed. He simply grinned and emphatically shook his head no. Jan Di, always thinking of others, shopped for souvenirs and postcards for Grandfather, her family, and Ga Eul. She also wanted to get something for Go Mi-Nyu.

Alexandria helped Jan Di to decipher which items were junk and which were good buys among the shops. Alexandria was also eager to put Jan Di in Greek fashion and showed her some lovely goddess dresses. Jan Di attempted to protest that she didn't know what occasion she would wear the dress for and also that she would soon be too large for it. But she had difficulty conveying all that to Alexandria. Jan Di touched her stomach in attempt at explaining. Alexandria shook her head and insisted that she should get it and wear it at dinner for her husband. Jan Di didn't quite understand, but she found Alexandria to be much too eager to play dress up with her. But, Jan Di surrendered to her new friend and allowed Alexandria to help her pick out a blush multi-way goddess dress. Alexandria also suggested a Greek style headband with golden leaflets, and Jan Di caved once more.

The group's last stop was the National Archaeological Museum. The Demopolous couple took the Koreans through the museum and showed them the Mask of Agamemnon, the frescoes of Santorini, and the prehistoric golden Mycenae collection. After that it was getting late, so Alexandria and Nikos suggested they end the day there and head to their home on the outskirts of the city for dinner.

Alexandria and Nikos led Jan Di, Ji Hoo, and Dr. Jang to their charcoal Mercedes. Alexandria sped in and out of lanes and would occasionally yell out something in Greek. The traffic was backed up, but Alexandria knew ways of avoiding some of it. Despite Alexandria's sweet face and friendly personality, she was a force to be reckoned with on the road.

Jan Di sat awkwardly between Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang in the back of Alexandria and Nikos's deathtrap. Jan Di glanced to Ji Hoo, who was looking out the window and wrenching his hands lightly. His complexion was pallid. Jan Di put her hand over his and squeezed it lightly. Ji Hoo squeezed back in appreciation. He turned to her, and she gazed at him tenderly. Through their almost telepathic connection she asked if he was alright. He smiled back lovingly, as if to say I am now.

Dr. Jang glanced over at the sweet interchange, unaware of Ji Hoo's traumatic experience in a car, but rather thinking the two were just a bit too lovey-dovey. He was suddenly feeling like a third-wheel, no a fifth-wheel, in this group, and he was beginning to regret agreeing to the excursion. Dr. Jang gave a subtle eye roll and turned to look out the window on his side. Jan Di glanced over at him.

Suddenly Alexandria made a hard right turn and Jan Di was thrown against Dr. Jang. Her torso pressed against his arm and their eyes met briefly in surprise. Jan Di cast her eyes downward and pulled back from him, mumbling an apology. Ji Hoo was eager to assist and took Jan Di's arm quickly yet gently and re-positioned her in her seat. Dr. Jang glanced to Jan Di, who simply fidgeted with her hands, and then to Ji Hoo. Ji Hoo tightened his mouth and met Dr. Jang's eyes for a few electrically charged seconds. Then, both men sighed and turned back to look out their respective windows.

"Sorry about that," Alexandria cast an apology back to them in a sweet tone of voice.

"It's OK," Jan Di mumbled. She settled into her seat, pulling the seat belt tighter, and took a deep breath. This is going to be a long drive…

They all arrived at Alexandria and Nikos' home about 45 minutes later, probably record timing, Jan Di thought. Alexandria pulled the Mercedes up in front of a large stone Peloponnese style villa, on a cliff overlooking Varkiza Beach. Nikos began spouting off things that Jan Di didn't understand. Ji Hoo later explained that he was talking about the real estate, the architecture of the home, and how he and Alexandria wanted to move to one of the islands soon, possibly Crete, Santorini, or Corfu.

Alexandria and Nikos showed Jan Di, Ji Hoo, and Dr. Jang into their three-story home. They walked into the open living area to the sound of 10 other Greeks chatting away. When they walked in, the group seemed to turn in unison like a hungry herd. They collectively stopped talking just long enough for Nikos and Alexandria to introduce their new Korean friends. The group then descended upon them curiously and loudly, asking a lot of questions, many of which they did not understand. There were too many of them firing too many questions at once, and Jan Di couldn't keep up. She looked to Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang in turn, and they seemed overwhelmed, too. Jan Di simply smiled, as did the men, and they nodded along while the large Demopolous family crowded them. Alexandria started rattling off introductions of all of their relatives. Jan Di again couldn't keep up, so she was relying on her husband's super-human memory. She hoped he could whisper to her who each person was before she had a chance to be embarrassed.

After the onslaught, Alexandria and Nikos gave them a tour of their home. The Greeks' home was a very different style from Ji Hoo and Jan Di's home, yet just as beautiful. It was a bit larger in size and appeared older. The walls were comprised of multi-hued stone in sands and browns and the doorways were arched. The living room area had a series of large arched floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out onto the patio, which housed an outdoor pool. The home was softly lit, and the combination of the moonlight bouncing off the turquoise water of the pool and the interior lighting gave it a cozy glow.

While Alexandria and Nikos' staff was busy preparing dinner, Alexandria took the opportunity to whisk Jan Di upstairs to doll her up before dinner, and the other female relatives joined. The women crowded around Jan Di, apparently fascinated by her, and commented on how cute and thin she was. This made her feel good, considering she'd been rather self-conscious about putting on a few pregnancy pounds. At least that was what Jan Di thought they were saying. But for as good as her English and her Greek was they could have been calling her an elephant and she wouldn't have known.

Alexandria had changed into a casual chiffon dress from her skirt suit and lab coat. She encouraged Jan Di to go into the bathroom and change into her dress, as well. Jan Di did so but struggled with the straps. She timidly called for Alexandria's help. Alexandria explained that it was a multi-way, so there were various ways to tie the dress. Alexandria suggested a cross back, and she crossed one strap over the other in the back and secured a strap on each side of her neck.

"Ise poli omorfi!" Alexandria exclaimed and presented Jan Di to the mirror. The other relatives were saying the same. "Beautiful…Areumdawo…," Alexandria translated uncertainly.

"Ahh, thank you," Jan Di gave a short bow.

Jan Di looked at herself in the mirror, and a smile crossed her lips. It really is a pretty dress… Then, Alexandria and the other females played with Jan Di's hair for a bit. There were several arguments, to the best of Jan Di's ability to understand, as to what to do with her hair. They finally decided to curl it into tiny ringlets and put it up. Alexandria adorned her creation with the headband that Jan Di bought at the market that day.

"Oh! Shoes!" Alexandria recalled that Jan Di did not exactly have suitable shoes to go with the dress. She compared her foot to Jan Di's. Hers was slightly larger, but perhaps it would work. She pulled out a never worn pair of Grecian-style chandelier sandal with a slight heel. She put them on Jan Di and secured them. "There, perfect!"

Finally, Jan Di was led down the spiral staircase with the women to where the men were all grouped. "Ah, there are our lovely wives," Nikos exclaimed and clapped Ji Hoo on the back, as they watched Alexandria, Jan Di, and the women descend the stairs. Nikos grinned and folded his arms proudly.

Nikos gazed upon Alexandria. Ji Hoo and Dr. Jang gazed upon Jan Di. The sight of Jan Di nearly left Ji Hoo breathless, and he locked eyes with her and mouthed 'You're beautiful .' They both smiled widely at one another. Dr. Jang also found himself momentarily stricken by the sight of Jan Di, and this realization had him unnerved. He stepped away for a moment, releasing a heavy breath and running a hand through his hair. Alexandria and the women proudly unveiled their creation before Ji Hoo, and he looked Jan Di up and down and smiled. "You look beautiful," he said aloud this time.

Then, dinner was served at a large table with more food than Jan Di had ever seen in her life. Her eyes roamed the table hungrily. Everything looked so good! Alexandria explained what each dish was. On the table was a series of dips, including tzatziki and taramasalata, as well as olives, courgette balls, grape leaves, moussaka, charcoal-grilled lamb skewers (Nikos' specialty, Alexandria had explained), and other grilled meats. For dessert, there was baklava. "Mmm," escaped Jan Di's lips when she crunched into the flaky, sweet dessert, and her taste buds were immediately assaulted by thick creamy honey and salty sweet nuts.

Nikos held up a blood-red glass of Nemea wine and made a toast to their new friends and announced that Ji Hoo and Jan Di were expecting. The group held up crystal glasses of wine, except for Jan Di and the children, who had water. The group gave an exuberant "Opa!"

The Koreans sat down to dinner with the Demopoulous relatives: aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, and Nikos' grandmother. After tasting the food, Jan Di realized that it was even better than it looked. Yes, she would fit right in here, at least where food was concerned. Jan Di attempted to keep her appetite at bay, but the Greeks simply kept encouraging her to eat more and even loaded up her plate for her. Who was she to argue?

Jan Di found the dinner conversation interesting, what she could make out anyway. It ranged from idle chitchat to boisterous laughing to arguing, with a lot of hand-talking. At one point during dinner, Alexandria's aunt began arguing back and forth with her daughter. Alexandria attempted to explain that her aunt, Cassandra, was upset because her daughter, Arianna, had yet to find a man at age 30. Cassandra glanced over at Dr. Jang and sized him up. She muttered something in Greek, while looking him up and down. Dr. Jang turned to Alexandria curiously. "She said that you are handsome, and it's too bad you are not Greek, Dr. Jang," Alexandria explained, shaking her head. Dr. Jang gave an awkward chuckle and went back to his plate.

The subject of school came up when one of the uncles started berating their child about his grades, so Nikos explained. And Alexandria asked Jan Di and Ji Hoo about their school experiences. Jan Di and Ji Hoo smiled at each other, and he squeezed her hand. Jan Di proceeded to tell the group about a young poor girl who received a scholarship and was forced to change schools and go to a wealthy private school. She also explained that it was where she met Ji Hoo.

"So, you two met in high school then?" Alexandria asked.

"Yes," Jan Di replied.

"Tell us the story of how you met!" Alexandria exclaimed, and the other Greek females chimed in. The men didn't seem to care.

Some of the children had gathered around, and Jan Di wanted to keep it sweet and simple for translation purposes, so she decided to tell the story as a fairy tale. Alexandria and Ji Hoo played translators.

"On her first day at her new school the girl (she pointed to herself) was looking for the swimming pool, and she ran across this beautiful boy playing his violin on the outskirts of the school grounds…" Jan Di flushed and looked to Ji Hoo, who smiled at her. He had to laugh at being described as beautiful.

"The girl was mesmerized by the boy and his music." One of the kids interrupted and asked what that word meant. Alexandria and several relatives looked between each other, mumbled a few words in Greek, and translated for the child.

Jan Di continued, feeling a bit self-conscious, "The boy caught her watching. She was embarrassed and asked him where the swimming pool was, and he pointed the way with his bow. The girl walked away with a huge smile on her face that day. The girl found out that the boy was part of a very popular group in school called F4. Everyone loved F4, but everyone disliked the girl. And everyone in the school was mean to the girl at first, except for this boy, who was part of F4… They all threw flour and eggs at her, poured water on her, and spread rumors about her, but the boy helped her out when no one else would…" Ji Hoo squeezed her hand again. Jan Di wore a soft smile and appeared nostalgic, but Ji Hoo hated reliving what Jan Di had gone through.

Jan Di gave them the condensed version of the story, "The girl fell for the boy, but he liked someone else." Ji Hoo cast his eyes downward. "But they became friends, and the boy protected the girl from many terrible things. He was there for her through some of the hardest times in her life."

This time Jan Di squeezed Ji Hoo's hand. "I don't know how I would have made it through without this one," she smiled at him. He smiled and put his arm around her. "Oh, you definitely would have. You were the Wonder Girl, after all." That statement brought a few confused looks. Ji Hoo attempted to explain the story behind it. Alexandria, Nikos, and the relatives consulted with each other and then gave a resounding, "Ahh, Wonder Woman!" in unison. They seemed to know who that character was. Alexandria and Nikos smiled and laughed. Dr. Jang stood back from the group leaning against a beam, arms crossed.

"Well, eventually the boy liked the girl…," Jan Di began. Ji Hoo interjected, "The boy actually liked the girl very much for a long time, but she didn't realize, and the boy was too afraid to tell her…," Ji Hoo and Jan Di exchanged a tender smile.

Jan Di hesitated, deciding to leave out the Joon Pyo drama. She continued, "But the boy and girl were just friends for a while. Still, the boy was always there for her, and they were very close…and they fell in love. The boy and the girl dated for a while and then they decided to get married. Their path was not an easy one, but they made it just the same. Because they were soulmates and they belonged together. The end." Jan Di didn't know that her storytelling skills were the best, and the language barrier made it a challenge, but the group seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. Alexandria smiled and hugged Nikos' arm, and the other women seemed to find it romantic, too. The kids clapped and then forgot entirely about it and ran off playing.

After dinner, everyone retired to the living room for drinks, music, and dancing. The whole evening had been like a huge party. When Jan Di asked if this was a special occasion, Alexandria explained that aside from a few extra festivities, this was a typical evening and that they always did this when they had friends over.

Greek folk music was played, and several relatives pulled out instruments in accompaniment. One cousin pulled out a lavouto, which Ji Hoo took interest in. Ji Hoo touched Jan Di's arm and excused himself. He wandered over and listened. The lavouto player offered it to Ji Hoo and he began to strum it. Jan Di watched and smiled as beautiful music came forth from the instrument Ji Hoo held like a child. It came as no surprise to her that Ji Hoo yet again picked up a foreign instrument and was instantly able to play it.

Then, people began to dance. They began with a traditional Greek couples dance. Jan Di watched and hoped no one would ask her to dance. For one, she was so stuffed she could barely move. Two, she had no idea how to do what they were doing. She decided that perhaps it would be safe to go and sit on the couch and watch. Dr. Jang had also taken up residence on the couch.

Dr. Jang had been quiet since dinner, no since the car. Jan Di took a seat one cushion over from him. She glanced to Ji Hoo, who was still fiddling with the guitar-like lavouto and was now part of a trio of musicians. She smiled. Despite all the people around, he was in his element.

Jan Di smiled over at Dr. Jang. "How are you doing, Seonsaengnim?"

He smiled back, "Oh, I'm fine, thanks Kiddo."

Jan Di looked at him curiously, not sure if she fully believed him.

Seeing her concern, he continued, "Really. I'm just not much of a party person. And I only understand about half of what they're saying."

Jan Di put a hand up to . She learned toward him slightly and whispered, "I understand even less," as if it were a big secret. She chuckled.

Dr. Jang chuckled back. "Well, they certainly seem to like you, regardless," he replied.

Jan Di smiled. "They're nice people." Loud…excitable…but nice!

Dr. Jang and Jan Di made small talk for a few minutes before Dr. Jang decided to make a rather bold move. "Since your husband is preoccupied with his new toy, would you like to dance?"

"Umm," Jan Di bit her nail and pondered for a long time, longer than Dr. Jang had hoped. She looked to Ji Hoo, who was immersed in playing.

"Well, OK, Seonsaengnim," she slapped her legs and stood. "But I thought you weren't a party person."

He shrugged, "It's just a dance," and smirked at her.

Dr. Jang bid Jan Di go first and he followed behind. His hand hovered near her back, which he noticed was exposed aside from two crisscrossed strips of fabric. He hesitated before resting his hand lightly on the small of her back to usher her toward the middle of the room. Jan Di flinched slightly, suddenly very aware that a man other than her husband was touching such a sensitive area of bare skin. Her discomfort didn't last long, though, before Dr. Jang dropped his hand.

Jan Di and Dr. Jang stood side-by-side, as the others were, and Dr. Jang held out his hand. The dancing around them was very upbeat and fast-paced. Jan Di warned Dr. Jang that there was no way she'd be able to do that. He reassured her that he would go slower. Ji Hoo looked up at them from his instrument, tightened his jaw, and continued to play.

Jan Di hesitantly took Dr. Jang's hand, and they mimicked the movements of the others, bouncing, stepping, and kicking their feet in approximation.

Jan Di laughed, "I'm really bad at this, huh?" She continued to stumble through, watching and imitating the others around them.

He smiled, "You're doing fine. Just follow my lead."

"You're not so bad at dancing, Seonsaengnim," she commented, as she glanced to the side and did as he did.

"Oh, gee, thanks. That sounded sincere," he smirked over at her.

"No, I mean it. You're definitely better than me, and this is a Greek dance, so I don't expect you to know it…," she paused and smirked, "But it is kind of funny to see you dancing like this!"

"Ya, watch it, Kiddo!"

She grinned, and they continued to dance.

"That story you told…was it true?" Dr. Jang asked as they danced beside one another.

"Hm? Oh, about meeting Ji Hoo? Well, I left out a few details, but basically yes, it was true."

Dr. Jang nodded. They followed suit with the group and moved to rows of men and women to face one another. Then they approached each other in line with the others. Jan Di turned to face away from Dr. Jang and put her hands on her hips, as the other women were doing. She took a few steps forward with the group, albeit slightly behind in step, and then turned and approached him again. Then the men took the women's hands up high and began to circle around one another. Jan Di and Dr. Jang did so, more slowly than the others. Jan Di gave a short laugh. "I think we're getting it," she beamed proudly, and he smiled back.

"You know, the first time I danced with a man was my husband, and I stood on his feet the whole time," Jan Di smiled and gave a short laugh, recalling the dance she shared with Ji Hoo after Seo Hyun and he had rescued her from humiliation.

Dr. Jang chuckled. "Is that right?" He continued to circle with her. He felt the slightest bit of disappointment when the men and women separated once more.

Once they were in proximity again, Jan Di smiled and continued, "Yes. It must have hurt his feet, but he let me stand on them the whole time."

Dr. Jang smirked. "That sounds like something Dr. Yoon would do for you..."

They were silent for a moment and simply danced. "So…would you like to stand on my feet now?" Dr. Jang muttered. Jan Di gaped back at him. He looked serious.

"Huh? Oh, no that's OK…," she chuckled awkwardly, "…I um don't think it's that kind of dance…" Her discomfort was increasing, and it wasn't just the ill-fitting shoes slipping against her ankle.

Dr. Jang gave a short laugh. "I was just kidding." He groaned inwardly, suddenly feeling disgusted with himself. Did I really just say that? That was so stupid!

Jan Di decided to change the subject. "Seongsaengnim, has something been bothering you today?"

He sighed. "Oh. No, not really. Just feeling like…I don't quite belong here, I guess."

She nodded. "Well, this wasn't really what I had in mind when I came to Athens either."

That wasn't exactly what Dr. Jang had meant, but he decided to just move on.

"May I cut in?" they heard Ji Hoo's voice from behind them. Dr. Jang turned to Ji Hoo. He pursed his lips and stepped away from Jan Di. "Of course," he said simply and walked away without another word.

Jan Di shot a bow to Dr. Jang as he walked away. Ji Hoo took her hand and began to imitate the dance moves along with the others. He'd been watching, but actually doing it was something else entirely. It certainly wasn't one of the dances he was accustomed to.

"I'm sorry I neglected you just now," Ji Hoo said.

"Oh no, it's OK," she replied, as he spun with her.

"No, it's not OK. I feel badly. I just got interested in playing, but I left you all alone."

She watched his face. He truly looked upset about it.

"Really, it's OK, Ji Hoo-yah. I was just talking to Seongsaengnim, and then he asked me for a dance."

Yes, I know…

"Want to take a break for a moment?" Ji Hoo asked Jan Di.

"Yes, I'm getting kind of tired," she replied. He wrapped his arm around her and took her aside. She was thankful for the reprieve, and she knew Ji Hoo had only been out there because of her.

"You know, you look really amazing tonight," he whispered, as he pulled her close in a partially hidden corner of the room. They escaped momentarily to their own world. Ji Hoo brought her into his embrace and ran his hands down her back. He rested his hands on the small of her back and began tracing tiny circles into her silky skin with his magic fingers.

Jan Di shivered pleasantly and blushed. It was funny how her husband could still bring out the color in her cheeks sometimes. She pulled back from him, still in his embrace, and cocked her head to the side.

"So, I guess Alexandria was right about the dress. You approve?"

"I approve," he agreed without hesitation, as he continued to caress her, pressing his fingers in lightly and running them over the expanse of her back. It sent an electrical current up and down her spine, and she instinctively closed her eyes and let out a small pleasurable sigh. He knew exactly how to press her buttons, and he was doing so right now.

"Ji Hoo-yah," she uttered breathlessly, "You can't touch me like that here in front of all these people." His subtle caresses likely went unnoticed, especially among such a lively crowd, who had been dancing, drinking, singing, and showing their affection without reservation all evening. Still, Jan Di and Ji Hoo were a bit more reserved.

Ji Hoo sighed, clearly disappointed. "I know." He kissed her forehead, and her eyelashes fluttered closed.

"So, I know you have two more days here," he continued, "I'm going to cut my trip short, so that I can return home with you."

Jan Di smiled and nodded. She was glad to be flying home with her husband and glad that he was cutting the trip short for her, but she felt kind of bad ditching Dr. Jang.

"But before we go, would you like to go away with me for a few days so that we can be alone?" he asked.

"I'd love that. Go away, where?"

"I was thinking we could go to Santorini. It's supposed to be very beautiful there. It's about a 45 minute flight from Athens, if you're up for flying again, that is. I know you still have the return flight to deal with."

"It's OK. That sounds great."

"Ok then. I'll arrange it."

Jan Di grinned, "But do you think we'll be able to escape from Alexandria and Nikos?"

Ji Hoo chuckled, "Yeah, I'll figure something out."

"You know they want us to stay here tonight in their guestroom," Jan Di said.

"I know. I feel a little strange about that," Ji Hoo admitted.

"Me too, but I'd feel badly turning them down, too. And it's already getting late, and I'm not really sure what's around here…" The whole thing had been a bit too spontaneous for them.

Ji Hoo nodded. "I suppose it's OK for one night, but I'm going to tell them that we'll be leaving after the conference tomorrow."

"OK, that'll be nice…" She smiled, excited for some much anticipated alone time with her husband.

"Yes, it will be…," Ji Hoo grinned and moved in closer again, …But I really wish I could take you away tonight…It's extremely tempting to just run away with you this second…," he whispered lovingly against her ear. "You have no idea how badly I want to be alone with you right now…" She felt a warm sensation all over.

Suddenly, Ji Hoo pulled back from her. He paused for a moment and then took a deep breath.

"Jan Di?"


"Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Of course, Ji Hoo-yah, anything."

Ji Hoo took a deep breath, "…I know you are friends, but…will you…," he hesitated, "…keep your distance from Dr. Jang."

"What?" She hadn't expected that. She stared up at him. He looked gravely serious. "But we work together…"

"Work is one thing, but outside of work…will you refrain from spending time with him?"

Jan Di furrowed her brow and nodded slowly. "OK…but why?" It wasn't like they would always be hanging out or anything. Really they had only hung out alone once, aside from the flight. She hadn't really been planning to spend time with him alone either.

"Because…" He's getting too attached to you… "…Just trust me. Please do this for me."

Jan Di nodded. "Of course, if…that's what you want..." Is he jealous? Is he still worried about Dr. Jang liking me?

Ji Hoo nodded and pulled her into his chest. He rested his chin on her head. "It's what I want…and I think it's for the best…"

Jan Di pulled back, her forehead wrinkled slightly. "Are you OK?" she asked, "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry…did it bother you that I danced with him?" Though it hadn't even been as close of a dance as at the benefit… "…I was just being nice, and he looked down, so…" Jan Di bowed her head.

Ji Hoo took her shoulders in his hands. "I'm not mad at you…it's not that..." Well, not just that…I didn't like that either…

Ji Hoo tightened his mouth. "It's OK that you danced with him. It was my fault, anyway. I should have been the one to ask you to dance first, so don't worry," he paused, "And I'm sorry…to ask this of you… It's not that I don't trust you…I just…think this is for the best."

Jan Di nodded. She looked up into his eyes and studied them. He looked pensive, almost sad.
"Sure you're OK?" she whispered.

Ji Hoo nodded.

"Saranghae," she said with a sincere smile.

He smiled back tenderly, "I love you, too," and he pulled her in once more. "Don't forget that," he whispered against her.

"How could I?" they broke their embrace and gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.

Suddenly their moment was broken by Alexandria who pulled them onto the dance floor once more. She insisted they join in a final dance. Alexandria instructed them to put their hand on the shoulder of the person on each side of them. Jan Di and Ji Hoo did so. They all joined in a circle, shouted "Opa!" and danced the Hasapiko, as two relatives played a laouto and lyra in the background. Ji Hoo and Jan Di glanced at each other helplessly and attempted the dance.

After the dance, Nikos took Ji Hoo aside to talk about something that Jan Di didn't understand. Jan Di suddenly remembered Dr. Jang. He hadn't joined in the last group dance, and she hadn't seen him since he'd danced with her. Jan Di glanced around for him. Through the window she noticed that he was standing outside by the pool, with arms tightly folded. She considered going out to talk to him, but Ji Hoo had asked her to keep her distance. She sighed and decided to check in with Alexandria instead.

Little by little the family cleared out, except for Nikos' Yia-Yia, who lived with them. Jan Di found it interesting that they too had a grandparent living with them. Jan Di found Alexandria, who led her to the guestroom. The guestroom had white walls set with stone and exposed beams. Alexandria ensured that the room had been properly prepared for Jan Di and Ji Hoo, and Jan Di complimented the room. Alexandria turned down the canopied bed herself.

Jan Di thanked Alexandria, and Alexandria bid her good night and went to check on the room for Dr. Jang. Jan Di sat on the bed for a moment before deciding to go and look for Ji Hoo.

Jan Di exited the room, passing Dr. Jang in the hall. "Oh, Seonsaengnim, there you are," she mumbled.

"Hey, Kiddo. Good night," he replied, heading past her.

"Wait, Seongsaengnim…"

He turned back.

"Are you…OK?"

He smiled weakly, "I'm fine…why do you ask?"

"Well, um…You just seemed quiet, and you disappeared for a while…"

"Checking up on me, huh?" he smirked.

Jan Di lowered her eyes, "Well, uh…I just…," she stammered.

"Don't worry about me," he grinned and headed off toward his room again.

"Seonsaengnim," she stopped him once more.

He glanced back at her over his shoulder, "Yes?"

"I'm going to be flying back with Ji Hoo."

Dr. Jang nodded slowly. "Yes, I figured you would. Good night," he replied simply and turned.

"But thank you, for everything," Jan Di called after him.

"Anytime, Kiddo…," he shot back at her over his shoulder. Dr. Jang bowed to Alexandria, as she exited the guestroom he would be staying in two doors down from Ji Hoo and Jan Di.

Jan Di watched after him for a moment and sighed. I hope you can be happy, Seonsaengnim…

Ji Hoo arrived a few moments later with Nikos. Nikos asked if they needed anything and bid them goodnight. Jan Di was thankful he didn't try to hug her again.

"This is weird," Jan Di commented, as they prepared for bed, "Staying in someone else's home…"

"Yeah, it is. But, I guess we can just think of it as a hotel with an overly friendly staff," Ji Hoo smirked.

Jan Di gave a short laugh and lay down under the white satin sheets. "The bed is really comfortable, though."

Ji Hoo slipped in beside her and wrapped his arm around her. "Yes, it is…So, how are you feeling?"


"That was a lot of excitement earlier. You must be exhausted… I know I am," Ji Hoo gave a short laugh.

She chuckled, "Yes, I am pretty exhausted. I couldn't do this every night."

Ji Hoo laughed. "Me either."

Ji Hoo grew pensive as he held her against his chest. "I'm sorry about what I asked of you earlier…I hope I didn't upset you. The last thing I want is to upset you."

"You didn't. It just surprised me. You know, I wasn't intending to pursue a close friendship with Dr. Jang or even spend time with him. But he's been kind to me and he's helped me out, and…I feel bad for him. I don't think he's very happy…"

Ji Hoo sighed. "I know he has, and I appreciate that, too. You're a very kind person, my little otter. But Dr. Jang has to find his own happiness...," Ji Hoo paused, contemplating the significance of that statement, "Sometimes kindness can be viewed as something more… My request is also for Dr. Jang's sake."

Ji Hoo knew all too well the pain of unrequited love, and in a way, he could empathize with Dr. Jang. Ji Hoo hadn't been able to let go of his love for Jan Di. It had worked out for him in the end, but it had been a very difficult road. Ji Hoo respected and appreciated Dr. Jang, so he desperately hoped that Dr. Jang would let go of these feelings he seemed to be having sooner rather than later

Jan Di nodded against Ji Hoo's chest. "I understand…well, goodnight, Ji Hoo-yah."

"Goodnight, little otter," he kissed her forehead and turned out the light.

As Ji Hoo lay there, he recalled speaking with Dr. Jang earlier by the pool.

He'd noticed Dr. Jang standing by the pool and staring off into the distance. Ji Hoo had approached and stood beside Dr. Jang, likewise folding his arms and staring out. Both men were silent for a few minutes.

"What can I do for you, Dr. Yoon?" Dr. Jang finally asked, still looking out ahead.

Since you ask… Ji Hoo sighed. "I have a favor."

"Another favor? Does it again involve Jan Di, like when you asked me before to look out for her?"

"Yes, actually, it does involve her."

Dr. Jang nodded slowly and tightened his mouth. "What is it?"

"Well, first of all I wanted to thank you for watching out for her. I really appreciated that…," Ji Hoo paused and shoved his hands into his pockets, "But from now on, could you…keep your distance from her?"

Dr. Jang turned and stared at Ji Hoo, who continued to look out over the pool. "What?"

"I understand that you work together, and I know that you are becoming friends in a manner of speaking, but could you simply remain her superior and her teacher, nothing more?"

Dr. Jang gave a sarcastic laugh, "I haven't done anything wrong, Dr. Yoon. What exactly are you worried about?"

"I know that…and I wouldn't call it worried. Again, I appreciate your kindness toward my wife, but it needs to stop there," Ji Hoo turned to face Dr. Jang, who stared back at him.

"I know how you're feeling, and I've been there," Ji Hoo continued, "So, take some friendly advice and turn back now before you are no longer able…"

"What makes you think you know how I feel or anything about me for that matter?" Dr. Jang retorted, his facial muscles tensed.

"It's true that I don't know you well, Dr. Jang, but I know those looks…I see it…the way you look at her…because I looked at her the same way… I acted the same way…," Ji Hoo calmly stated.

"You don't know what you're talking about…," Dr. Jang mumbled, crossing his arms once more and staring out again.

Ji Hoo nodded, "OK, maybe you're not ready to admit it, but I just needed to say this… I don't mean to be harsh, and this isn't a threat, even though it may sound like it…but I'm just warning you to change course now, or it won't end well for you. It won't turn out the way you want."

Dr. Jang felt his eye twitch. He exhaled and stared out over the landscape.

"That's all I wanted to say," Ji Hoo said and then turned and walked away.

The last day of the conference was relatively uneventful. After the conference, Ji Hoo and Jan Di bid goodbye to Alexandria and Nikos and suggested they visit them if they were ever in South Korea. The couples exchanged information. Alexandria hugged Jan Di, as did Nikos, albeit more gently. Her feet remained on the floor this time. Nikos shook hands with Ji Hoo. Jan Di and Ji Hoo bid goodbye to Dr. Jang, as well. Perhaps she was imagining it, but Dr. Jang and Ji Hoo seemed a bit edgier toward each other than usual.

Then, Ji Hoo and Jan Di went to the airport and caught a plane for Santorini. Ji Hoo had chosen a lovely Cycladic style villa for them in Fira on the highest point of the caldera. He had chosen the most remote and peaceful location he could find.

Ji Hoo arranged for a candlelight dinner, and he fed her, as they sat on their balcony overlooking the Aegean Sea. Then, they held one other while enjoying the sunset on what had been called the world's most beautiful island. They were inclined to agree, though it was difficult to choose between this view and the one on their honeymoon in Bali. And it felt like another honeymoon, and they were relaxed and happy.

After dinner, Ji Hoo pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. "I was saving this for our anniversary, but…I think having a child is a very special occasion, so I decided to give it to you now…"

He opened the box and presented her with a silver necklace inlaid with diamonds and in the shape of a lotus. "Wow, it's beautiful, Ji Hoo-yah," she said, smiling. He unclasped it and put it around her neck. "It suits you, my lotus," he whispered.

She held it between her fingers and admired it.

"Aren't you afraid I'll lose it, though?" she half-joked. She had to admit that one of her greatest fears was losing her wedding ring. And here he was showering her with more jewelry that she could possibly lose or destroy.

"Just don't take it off," he replied and kissed her forehead.

She smiled back sweetly. "I still have this," she displayed her wrist which held the gold bracelet he'd bought for her after she passed her first exam in med school. He'd noticed that she had been wearing it lately.

Ji Hoo smiled. "So you do," and he leaned in to take her lips in a soft kiss.

"Thank you," she whispered against his lips.

"Thank you," he whispered back.

"For what?" she cocked her head, smiling.

"For being my wife and the mother of my child."

"It's my pleasure," she replied, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips once more to his.

Once the sun went down and it grew cooler, they went inside. They enjoyed a bath surrounded by candles, and they made love. The next morning, Ji Hoo lightly nudged Jan Di awake to watch the sunrise with her. She stumbled out of bed blindly, and Ji Hoo guided her by the shoulders out to the alabaster balcony. Jan Di leaned against Ji Hoo, blinking and acclimating herself to where she was.

He wrapped his arm around her, as the sleepy sun peeked out from its own bed and stretched its long golden fingers. Slender fingers sliced through the blue-gray sky and reached out like the hand of Midas to transform all in its path. Jan Di could feel the warmth upon her face, and she opened her eyes fully. Her large espresso eyes widened in awe, and she muttered, "Wow." Ji Hoo smiled as he held her there. "I thought this would be worth getting up for," he whispered.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo enjoyed a relaxing day at the villa without venturing out, mainly because Ji Hoo was concerned that the trip had already been way too exciting for his pregnant wife. It was difficult to leave beautiful Santorini, but Jan Di and Ji Hoo forced themselves to do so the next day.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo returned home to Grandfather and Fluffy. Fluffy was resting his head in Grandfather's lap on the couch. The canine perked his ears, leaped off the couch, and ran to the door barking excitedly when he heard Ji Hoo and Jan Di coming. Fluffy put his paws upon Ji Hoo's shoulders when he entered, standing nearly as tall as him and wagging his tail. Ji Hoo put down their suitcases and patted Fluffy on the head. Then Fluffy went to Jan Di whimpering in pleasure and nuzzling her, and she squatted down and scratched him behind both ears. Grandfather smiled widely and affectionately greeted his grandchildren.

Jan Di and Ji Hoo had discussed waiting a little while to tell everyone about the baby, at least until Jan Di could visit the OB/GYN and they could ensure that it was healthy and that the pregnancy was going smoothly. Jan Di wasn't sure how she was going to keep it from her family and closest friends.

It didn't take Grandfather long to realize that something was up, so they decided to go ahead and tell him the exciting news. Grandfather hugged and kissed Jan Di and hugged Ji Hoo, with tears in his eyes and wearing the biggest smile they'd ever seen. Jan Di and Ji Hoo both knew that Grandfather had always regretted missing much of Ji Hoo's childhood. He looked as though he would finally get that missing piece of his heart back.

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Chapter 25: One of the best writers i know
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 25: haha, I was so happy with the last chapter I didn't even see there was one more
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 24: *sighs* More!!! more!!! After torturing me for several chapters, I finally get my happy reunion. Jihoo-ah, you shouldn't tease your wife so much, lol. I do love him walking in and her yelling at him to get out thinking it was Jang. Wau... Now I don't know what to do with myself.
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 23: Aish!!! Come on, Jihoo!! You have to be safe! Dr. Hang, just stay away from JanDi ...inadvertently you were taking advantage of the situation. It's you who needs to see your ex wife, not JanDi. She's got the rest of the F4 around her
seamusmommy #5
Chapter 22: Authornim is killing me here, you know that right? A year with no furlow and now MIA? JunPyo, you better find him!!
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! You put through mental anguish, then happy baby news and now the army???? I know it has to happen, but still... Couldn't we have done the army thing another time? And he's a Dr, meaning he can't just serve 21 months.... Hyperventilating on the bed right now.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 20: Well, maybe WooBin's words will sneak into JanDi's brain. or Jihoo is going to place her on house arrest for the rest of her life. And where the H---is JunPyo?
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 19: Aish! This JanDi. Jihoo is going to kill her when they get home.
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 18: Aww man, good going JanDi!! Mama bear to the rescue!! Hopefully nothing happens to Alex's dad. He's the key to getting HyunWoo put away for good. Maybe Dr. Jang and his wife will get back together?
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 17: Well, glad that's over, Yoon Jihoo, don't ever withdraw like that ever again! I'm sure SeokYoung is adorable. And yes Dr. Jang, you really need to get a girlfriend. Perhaps it's a little difficult to have a life outside of the hospital, but do try. It's not impossible. Praying for Jia, you can do it Jihoo. You have too, there's no other choice. You're everyone's firefighter. Now who's calling Alex? HyunWoo is in jail, right?