
It's Not the Real Me.


Chapter 22: Visitor.


“Kamsahamida for taking care of me all these while!”


Yuri bowed in courtesy to the nurses and doctors to thank them for their help for the past week.

Nichkhun ran over to Yuri and held her arm to aid her in her walking.


“Oppa, I’m fine! I can walk normally, you don’t have to hold me.”

“But you have just been discharged, I can’t let you take the risk!”



Just then, Yun Ho walked up to Yuri and held her other arm.


“Oppa! What are you doing? I don’t need any help. I’m fine! Aish…Jinjja!”

“It’s better to be safe than sorry, my dear.”


Nichkhun was unable to stand Yun Ho’s corniness.

After all, I met Yuri FIRST.

Who does he think he is?!


“Ahem… I say Yun Ho ahh, Yuri will be fine with me helping her. You can just go help to hitch a cab for us.”

“Why don’t you get the cab instead? I’m more muscular than you, Yuri will be in safer hands with me around.”

“AISH YOU LITTLE BRAT! I’m way more muscular than you! Watch me! “


Nichkhun let go of Yuri and flexed his arm muscles.

Yun Ho snorted loudly and led Yuri away from Nichkhun, leaving him behind.




Lying on her bed, Yuri realized that she had actually missed the bed in her dorm.

It wasn’t the most comfortable bed she had slept on, but it was full of warmth.


“So, are you going back to school tomorrow?”

“I don’t know…I think I should. After all, I’ve missed so many lessons.”

“Aigoo…just as studious as always, aren’t you?”

“Enough about me. How’s your progress with your little cute admirer?”



Sunny slapped Yuri’s arm slightly, causing Yuri to have the urge to tease Sunny even more.


“I think he’s really cute, Sunny. Don’t lose him to some other girl and regret it!”

“Well, why don’t you talk about yourself, huh? You and that Yun Ho guy! And what’s up with Nichkhun now?”

“Aish…don’t you dare to change the subject. I haven’t even talked to you about that time you ditched me in the cafeteria with Yun Ho oppa!”



Here comes trouble…

Sunny forced a weak smile and gulped.

Yuri raised her eyebrow, clearly waiting for an answer.

At that moment, the door flew open.


“Mrs Park?”


Yuri stared in shock at the admin lady who practically broke the dorm’s door.

Sunny was secretly thanking Mrs Park for helping her to escape Yuri’s nagging this time.


“Yuri-shii, you have a visitor.”


What’s so important about this visitor that Mrs Park had to rush me so impatiently?

Yuri pondered as she ran down the flight of stairs leading to the foyer of the school.

The moment she touched ground floor, a grand and big Mercedes greeted her sight.


The car door swung open and a lady dressed to the nines stepped out.

The woman removed her sunglasses and approached Yuri.


“So, you are Kwon Yuri?”

“Deh, may I know why you are asking for me?”


The woman flashed a smile as she placed her overly accessorized hand on Yuri’s shoulder.


“My son’s fiancée looks beautiful.”


(A/N) HELLO! (: Firstly, I'M SINCERELY SORRY FOR THIS SUPER LATE UPDATE! ): I know it is way past a week since I've updated. I was truly busy with schoolwork. I was hoping that my no, of subscribers didn't go down, and it didn't! :) I was surprise to even have comments even a week after since I'd last updated. Thank you guys! <3 Anyway, I hope this update isn't too short cos I took a like 3 days to write it .___. Hahaha, partly because I had writer's block and partly because of the constraint of time I had. Alright, so who's gonna be Yuri's fiancé? Stay tuned to the upcoming chapers! 

Okay,so far,the poll results show that Yun Ho is winning by a slight margin of 3 votes. I'm gonna let the poll stay for another week or so, cos at some point in time, Nichkhun was winning. What puzzles me is that how come I have 68 votes in total when in actual fact, I only have 40 subscribers? Have some of you been cheating and secretly voting extras for your favourite guy? ^^ Please be fair and vote only once k (: 

Alright,it's a really long author's note so I'll stop here. Don't forget to:


-Tinylittlemoment <3

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Chapter 30: Plz update plzzzzz I'm begging u plz :( :)
kimhyunmi_ #2
Chapter 30: updateee sooon
Chapter 1: wow ! cool yuri !!!!
i don't know what pairing to support.. i love them all..
siiisoyuri #5
khunri or yunri pleaseeeeee !!!
iloveyul #6
Chapter 30: huaaaa im new reader...
omg omg your story really awesome !!!

i love all pairing...jaeri,khunri...yunho...
im confused ...

omoo khun leukimia...hope he will be fine...

please update soon author-nim :-)
GDlover101 #8
please updateeeeeeeeeeee(;
is it Yunho you shouted or Yuri??