The Revelation

Last Stop


“Myungsoo! Hey are you listening to me?” Sungjong asked while they were standing by the doorway of Sungjong’s classroom. The former’s class were putting together a maid café and had been busy this week preparing their classroom and costumes.

After Hoya had left, Myungsoo find himself walking aimlessly until he eventually end up standing in front of Sungjong’s classroom.

“What are you doing here? Why are you sweating like crazy?!” Sungjong said with a worried expression upon touching Myungsoo’s forehead. “ Wait here for a moment okay?”

Myungsoo could only nod at his best friend, he silently watched as Sungjong moved across the room grabbing his things and asking to leave first.

“Thanks guys! I owe you one, I’ll entrust the outfits to Jung kook and Jisoo okay?” Sungjong said as we wave goodbye to his classmates and grabbing Myungsoo by the hand they began to walk towards the infirmary.

“Are you alright? You really look pale just now” Sungjong commented without letting go of Myungsoo’s hand. “ Are you in pain? Did you drink you medicine?”

“ The lunch mom made, how was it? She made one for hyung too but since you like omelettes you had them in your lunch box.” The younger boy continued as they arrived at their destination. Sungjong opened the door but the school nurse seemed to have left already. All the while Myungsoo had kept silent, his eyes fixed on the hand gripping his.

Once inside, Sungjong could no longer tolerate the silence of his best friend. “ Hey, Myungsoo? Are you alright what happened? Tell me anything, okay?”

This time Myungsoo seemed to have gone back down to earth, he glanced up to meet Sungjong’s eyes. The latter tried to gently take his hand but this time it was Myungsoo who had a tight grip on it.

“I… I can’t” Myungsoo finally said as he surrendered his head on Sungjong’s shoulders. “I just can’t”

The latter’s eye widened in surprised as he can something warm falling on his shoulders. He smiled, “ Jeez, you’re such a baby”

Myungsoo kept silent as he tightens his arms around Sungjong’s tiny waist. God knows for how long they kept in that position but Myungsoo didn’t care, he wanted this moment to last, Sungjong hugging him back and gently his hair.

However the door opened and it was Hoya standing by the doorway with a blank expression on his face.

“Hyu… hyung” Sungjong flinched as Hoya stared at them.  Myungsoo turned around letting go of the hug but not his grip on the former’s hand.

Sungjong sensing an ominous feeling on the way his two best friends stared at each other tried to ease the situation. “Ah hyung, Myungsoo was not feeling well so I had to take him here. Did you finish the lunch I gave you? I can’t bring any lunch tomorrow since Mom went on an a business trip”

“Care to explain or do I have to understand the way I see it fit?” Hoya asked with a dead tone voice.

Myungsoo did not reply but Sungjong can feel the grip on his hand getting tighter.

“Sungjong, is this your answer?” Hoya finally looks at the younger boy. Sungjong tried to yank his hand away from Myungsoo but the moment he saw the expression on the older boy’s face he somehow knew what’s going to happen.

“It’s not what you think hyung but…” Sungjong began to explain but it was too late. Hoya raised his hand as if surrendering to the fight.

“ No need, I’ve seen enough. I’m done with this” Hoya said trying a smirk on his face but the betrayed look on his face is evident. “ I don’t care anymore, I’m leaving”

“Wait hyung, let me explain” Sungjong to go after Hoya but Myungsoo won’t let go.

“Myungsoo, let me go I have to explain to hyung” Sungjong said as he tried to pull away.

“No!” Myungsoo said as if a kid not wanting to let go of his toy. “ Don’t go, stay. Please”

“ Myungsoo I can’t if you won’t let go, so please let me go after him. I beg of you, please” This time Sungjong’s trying not to cry. “ I have to go after him, please just…”

Sungjong could feel his hand being freed, he glanced up to see Myungsoo trying to smile between his tears, “ I’m sorry, I was not thinking straight. Sorry I was a jerk, I ruined up everything for you” Myungsoo said as he finally let go of Sungjong, not wanting to hear anymore he dashes out of the room.

He did not mean to break things like this even though he intended to do so in the first place but today he was finally able to realize what he really wanted. He finally wanted to do something. But it seems that it was too late. This time Myungsoo must stop his feet from going to the one place he really wanted to be, because it seems that, that place already belongs to someone else.  

The afternoon was sunny as the cool breeze filled the empty spaces; Myungsoo stared from their classroom as he saw Sungjong catching up to Hoya

It was probably more than enough for Myungsoo’s already sick heart to handle; a sudden jolt of pain run through his chest. He tried reaching for his medicine but the bottle was empty. Myungsoo took for his phone and dialled the unregistered number while hurriedly left their school building by the back gate.

“I’m at the back of the school, I need my medicine” Myungsoo said between grasps of air to breathe. “Hurry”

At that moment, Myungsoo heard a crash in the background followed by voices telling him to hang on. Just before he finally lose his consciousness, he hear his father’s voice asking him to call for his friends to help but Myungsoo was too weak to move as he sat on the side of the street, his heart beating going slower by the minute.

Before Sungjong and Hoya could even have a proper talk, they heard what happened to Myungsoo and by the time they arrived at the hospital the latter was already taken in to the emergency room. Myungsoo’s father and Yunho are sitting waiting outside.

“Sungjong, thank god you’re here!” Yunho said as he saw his son. Sungjong glanced at the man sitting silently beside his father. Jaejoong had a grim expression on his face. Myungsoo’s father rarely come home, this is the first time Sungjong didn’t know he was coming.

“Uncle, I’m sorry” Sungjong suddenly said as his tears began to fall but Jaejoong only shook his head.

“I should be the one apologizing. If I didn’t called him to say that I was coming home I wouldn’t have know he’s sick. I always failed to act like a father to him.” Jae had been mulling over on how to face his son. He can feel his fear and regret surging up in him, the only thing keeping him from breaking apart is the prayer he had been doing over and over again for his son to be alright.

“Myungsoo called on his phone, it was a good thing were nearby” Yunho said.

Sungjong glanced at Hoya; the latter seemed to be shaken too. The four of them sat in silence waiting for the doctor to come out.

An hour later Myungsoo was transferred into a hospital room.

“How was he Doctor?” Jaejoong asked the moment the Doctor was out of the emergency room.

 “For now he’s fine, in order to avoid any sudden seizures we’re sedating him, but only for a couple of hours.” The doctor said. “The patient have been here before, our hospital was the one who recommended for his treatment in New York. As soon as the test results were brought in we could suggest the best treatment for the patient. The doctor explained.

“I don’t care how much it will cost, I want my son to be able to live a normal life” Jaejoong said.

“Don’t worry, he’s doing fine. But for now, don’t overwhelm the patient when; a nurse will be staying to keep an eye on him and to inform me when he wakes up.” The Doctor said before leaving.

They now were sitting outside Myungsoo’s hospital room. Yunho had called his sister to inform about what happened, the latter insisted on coming back but his brother said it was alright. Hoya had been silently sitting on the bench but Sungjong could tell he was worried too.

“Hyung, it’s okay. I’ll talk to him when we wake up okay?” Sungjong kindly put his hand on top of his hyung to console him. “It’ll be alright, I promise”

It was almost evening when Myungsoo woke up. The nurse went out of the room and informed his family waiting outside.

“Excuse me, the patient is awake. He’s asking for Mr. Kim Jaejoong and Mr. Yunho”

“Did you tell him there were the four of us?” Sungjong was getting impatient to see Myungsoo.

“It’s okay nurse, please inform the doctor. Sungjong I’ll go tell him” Jaejoong assured the young boy with a smile.

“thanks uncle”

“You two just wait for a moment here okay?” Yunho said.

The younger kids could only nod their heads. Moments after Jaejoong and Yunho went in, Yunho came back and opened the door. Sungjong and Hoya immediately stood up ready to enter the room but his father closed the door behind him.

“Sorry kid, no can do. He said he wanted to talk to his dad alone” Yunho said as he went back to his former seat.

“What do you mean?” Sungjong asked.

“It’s already late I suggest you two should go home. I’ll follow soon after things are settled here. You two are busy with school right now, you need to rest.”

“No, I’m staying here. I’m not going home.” Sungjong stubbornly insisted.

“Sungjong, it’s better if we listen to your dad.” Hoya was I pain to but Sungjong’s father is right.

“No! we’re friends! We should be there with him.”

“Son please, the doctor said not to overwhelm him.” Yunho averted his look on his son.

“Did Myungsoo say something?” Sungjong was afraid to ask.

“Sungjong, let’s just go home for now. We’ll come here first thing in the morning” Hoya tried to pull his friend away.

“No, why won’t he allow us to see him!” Sungjong could barely contain his voice.

“He said he doesn’t want to see you two right now” Yunho finally said.

“What?” Sungjong suddenly fell quiet. He felt like a bucket of cold water had been splashed straight on his face.

“I didn’t want to tell you but I’m sorry kiddo, if something happened between the three of you he doesn’t want to deal with it right now”  


THe Revelation: WHy Next chapter..... is probably where everything will have a degree turn! 

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ooo i love this
32bella #2
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh!! so cute.I just found it and I could not stop until i finished, a beautifull story, love each chapter, thanks you for allowing them to be together. Beautifull story thanks for sharing it, great work
Chapter 18: This story is excellent!!! GReat!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! SERIOUSLYYY!!!!!! Always know how to make me cry.. And the ending is perfectly well done :) Sungjong's bday is coming i wish infinite will celebrate together with hoya :( i will miss hojong moment now that hoya departs in infinite but also in woolim :(
Joudaaa #4
Chapter 18: I loved this story as I loved all your other stories.
I have to say i was so surprised when I realized that Hoya actually had feelings for Myungsoo not Sungjong , it was such a great twist lol
And I love you for not ruining the surprise by putting a myungya tag
Really thank you for this great fic and specially thank you for the happy ending.
As for the other idols you mentioned umm.. Suzzy and Minho?
Drhr13 #5
Chapter 18: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Drhr13 #6
Chapter 4: You write the chapter twice (>人<;)