Childhood Memories

Last Stop

Hoya glanced at Sungjong as they walk; they have been quiet ever since Myungsoo separated from them. The thing about Sungjong borrowing a CD was an obvious lie. He didn’t expect the younger boy to go with it either. The moment he saw the younger boy barely holding in his tears he can’t help but try to make a way out.

“Hyung, I’ll should probably go back home.” Sungjong stopped and tried to go back but hoya took a hold of his arm.

“I’m not asking this as someone who had confessed to you but as a friend,  if you go back there you will only end up having a fight with him like you always do. You didn’t want to hear more about him moving away right?

Hoya smiled, “Come on, there’s some cake left over at the fridge and it was too big for me to eat alone. Saying as he gently tugged Sungjong back to their previous direction.

Sungjong made one last glance at the way back and turn around. When they arrived at Hoya’s house the latter’s older brother, Dongwoo was at home.

“Oh Sungjong, it’s been awhile my you young people grow up so fast! Where’s the other one?” Dongwoo greeted while referring to Myungsoo.

Hoya and Dongwoo are not related by blood but became brothers through the marriage of their parents. Dongwoo is older than Hoya and lives separately from them though stops by from time to time; a week ago he got engaged to a co-worker.

“Oh he had things to do so he can’t come” Sungjong reasoned out.

“How’s the little brother at school? Still the bratty kid he is right?” Dongwoo joked.

“Don’t call me a brat! Why are you here anyways? Didn’t you come here yesterday already?” Hoya seemed annoyed.

“Jeez, I miss you two!” Dongwoo gleamed and pounced hugging his brother. While Hoya struggled to escape from the clutch of his older brother, Sungjong stood watching them while laughing gently. Myungsoo and I used to play like this too. He thought.

“Don’t call me brother!” Myungsoo said with an angry expression on his face.

He and Myungsoo had gotten into a fight trying to fend off the older kids who were bullying Hoya. As kids Myungsoo ad Hoya really did get into a lot of fights with other kids. It was only Sungjong who could pacify them. After the fight Myungsoo and Sungjong went home, their parents were shocked to see their torn clothes.

“Myungsoo did you drag Sungjong into a fight again?” Myungsoo’s father asked.

“They look like brothers who had gotten into a fight right?” Yunho laughed but then Myungsoo’s father gave a stern look at his best friend and the former ended up being scolded instead.

“Myungie-hyung?  Ne Myungie do you want me to be your brother?” Sungjong said as if trying to make the sound it makes.

“Don’t call me brother! I don’t like that” Myungsoo suddenly said with an obvious conviction in his voice.

“Myungie you meanie!” Sungjong was never a cry baby when they were kids but only Myungsoo can actually make him act like one.

The older boy panic and cupped Sungjong’s face “I will grow up and become the best chopstick! If I become you’re brother I would have to give you away I don’t like that. Myungie will not become your brother so I can stay with Jongie always! Okay?”


*End of flashback

“Chopsticks huh?” without realizing it Sungjong’s tears are falling. Even the two brothers who were busy rough tumbling with each other were shocked and stopped fighting.

“oi, Sungjong are alright?” Hoya stood up and went to him. “ Do you want to come up to my room to rest?”

By now Sungjong was smiling as he wiped his tears, “No I’m fine hyung, I just realized something. Thank you but I have to go home now.”

“Hey are you alright? Do you want me to accompany you home?” hoya asked, concerned.

“No, just by the door will be fine” Sungjong said. “ Dongwoo-hyung I have to go”

“Bye kid” Dongwoo still not grasping the anything waved goodbye.

 “Will you be fine on your own?” Hoya asked while they were at the gate.

“Yeah thanks hyung, I feel lighter” Sungjong smiled. “Somehow, I realized you always know how to cheer us up even if it doesn’t need words.”

“Don’t think highly of me, I’m not that great you know.” Hoya scoffed at the idea but he can’t hide the smile forming on his lips.

“Thanks hyung” Sungjong said and reached out to Hoya in a hug. “I need to go home now, see you tomorrow”…

Later, Hoya watched as his childhood friend walking away. He rests his arms on the gate and waited until Sungjong turned and disappear in the corner.

“Ouch” Hoya smiled to himself as he tries to calm himself, “Sungjong will you be able to say that if you know the truth?”





I feel bad about the short update last week, but I hope this makes up for it. (bow 90°) 

There's a cute concept about chopsticks that I learned way back and until now it stuck to me, you can draw the idea from the story but if you already did please share it here to others. ㅋㅋㅋ 


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ooo i love this
32bella #2
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh!! so cute.I just found it and I could not stop until i finished, a beautifull story, love each chapter, thanks you for allowing them to be together. Beautifull story thanks for sharing it, great work
Chapter 18: This story is excellent!!! GReat!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! SERIOUSLYYY!!!!!! Always know how to make me cry.. And the ending is perfectly well done :) Sungjong's bday is coming i wish infinite will celebrate together with hoya :( i will miss hojong moment now that hoya departs in infinite but also in woolim :(
Joudaaa #4
Chapter 18: I loved this story as I loved all your other stories.
I have to say i was so surprised when I realized that Hoya actually had feelings for Myungsoo not Sungjong , it was such a great twist lol
And I love you for not ruining the surprise by putting a myungya tag
Really thank you for this great fic and specially thank you for the happy ending.
As for the other idols you mentioned umm.. Suzzy and Minho?
Drhr13 #5
Chapter 18: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Drhr13 #6
Chapter 4: You write the chapter twice (>人<;)