Which is it: Friendship or the Truth?

Last Stop

 “What do you mean Myungsoo is sick?” Sungjong asked. He can feel fear gripping his heart.

Suzie realizing the situation his cousin had created felt sorry for the younger boy.

“Sungjong, there must be a reason why he didn’t tell you. For whatever reason he has, I have no right to tell you.  It’s better if you talk to him” Suzie held Sungjong’s hand and gently squeezed them.

Sungjong remained silent as he looked at Suzy.

“Please don’t hate him. I’m so sorry” For a moment Suzie felt like kicking his cousin for making Sungjong cry. But for someone who used to play with them as kids, she probably already knew the reason why.

“I don’t hate him. It’s more like I can’t.” Sungjong’s voice quivered. “I just wanted him to rely on me more; it’s always me that needs him. For once, I want him to see me as more than a kid he needed to protect. I want, we’re best friend but I’m too weak that he can’t even tell me his problems”

Suzie walked out of the coffee shop, she looked at Sungjong’s expression and she knew the latter need some time for himself.

“Where have you been?” Minho asked his fiancé as she walked into the parking lot, “I’ve been trying to contact you for ages. 

Minho was surprised when Suzie suddenly hugged him. He can tell she was shaking and that there were tears in her eyes.

“Hey what happened?” Minho softly asked.

“I might have done something despicable” Suzie whispered. The both of them silently drove home as Suzie stared outside the window of the car.

“Hey do you remember the little yellow dress you saw and almost throw out?” Suzie suddenly asked with a faint smile on her face.

“How can I forget about it? You almost killed me for it” Minho smiled. “Why do you ask?”

“I’ve always wanted a little sister back then. I was living near Myungsoo’s house before we moved and there’s this little cute kid who look so delicate and fragile you want to protect him.”

“What about it?”

“Until today, I thought he’s still just a cute little kid.” Suzy sighed as she stared into an empty space. “I didn’t know that among all of us, he’s always been the one that’s suffering the most just because we imposed this fragile image upon him. That kid grew up to be way stronger than the rest of us”

No sooner than he heard the door to his room shut behind him Sungjong bursts into silent tears. His hands were trembling as he slowly collapses into the floor.

When he opened his eyes the next day, the sun was streaming into the window. After sending a message to Hoya he did not remember anything except crying his heart out to sleep. He can’t even remember how he got on his bed.

“Sungjong wake up! You’re going to be late” He can hear her mom calling from downstairs but he did not bother to answer, he kept staring at the shut window across the neighbourhood’s house.

“Why you are still not back you moron!” He shouted from across the window. “Didn’t you promise to punch whoever made me cry?!! Myungsoo you coward! Myungsoo you moron! You better be here right now or else…. Or else I’m going to miss you more” Sungjong softly said his last words feeling like his about to cry again.

There was a small knock on the door before it opened, “How long are you gonna shout like a kid? And why are you cursing my name so early in the morning?”

From below Sungjong’s mom heard a small thud coming from his son’s room.

“You two hurry up or the breakfast will get cold. I’m leaving for work now” Myungsoo heard the door closed downstairs and then everything was silent.

“Sungjong, are you okay?” he asked Sungjong who was lying on top of him. When Sungjong saw him standing by the door the latter suddenly ran up and hugged him. It took Myungsoo by surprise that he lost his balance and they fell on the floor.

“Myungsoo you idiot, Myungsoo you moron, Myungsoo you stupid” Sungjong said while he buried his face on Myungsoo’s chest. “Idiot, moron, stupid, punch yourself to death”

Myungsoo could only laugh as he hugged Sungjong closer to him, “You know you should improve your vocabulary, like “Myungsoo you’re awesome” “Myungsoo you’re the best” or Myungsoo I can’t live without you” something like that.”  

“Myungsoo…. vi... unt… ive… wi… you” Sungjong said in a muffled voice.

“Huh? Myungsoo slightly lift Sungjong’s chin with his fingers so that they were facing each other. “What did you say?”

“I said, I can’t live without Myungsoo” Sungjong said as he look at Myungsoo directly into the eyes.

For a moment there were no words spoken between them as they stared at each other. It was Myungsoo who broke into laughter that they were finally able to break from each other’s arms.

“Oh Jeez, you looked so cute just now” Myungsoo said trying to contain his laughter.

“Shut up! Why did you left without telling about your condition!?” Sungjong unconsciously burst out. “Did you think that if you showed up here as though nothing happened that everything will turn back to normal? Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

Myungsoo’s expression changed as he looked at Sungjong. He remained silent as he stared at Sungjong with a pained expression in his face.

“I met Suzie yesterday” that was all it takes for former to realize the reason why he found Sungjong lying on the floor last night.

“I’m sorry” He clenched his fist like he used to when he was a kid when he trying to prevent himself from crying. “ I promised not to make you cry but in the end I still hurt you. Please… please don’t hate me”

“Idiot Myungsoo” Sungjong said as he took Myungsoo by the hand. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m always the one relying on you. This time I’ll become stronger enough for you to be able to lean on me. Hoya-hyung and I are always here for you”

“Yeah, ‘cause we’re friends after all” Myungsoo smiled as he took Sungjong back into a hug.

Sungjong hesitated for a moment but nonetheless hugged him back. “I forgot to make you punch yourself but that can wait”

“Yeah, let’s go back to the way things are” Myungsoo smiled at Sungjong as he scuffles the younger boy’s hair. Sungjong did not say anything but hugged his best friend.

Hoyas was waiting by the school gate when Myungsoo and Sungjong finally arrived.

“It’s only Monday and why the hell are you two late?” Hoya had his arms folded to his chest while reprimanding his friends. There was a faint smile playing on his lips as he stared at his friends. “We’re going to get detention because of you two”

“Morning hyung” Myungsoo managed a grin on his face.

“Oya- Oya. What happened to the cold prince? Did you hit your head something?” Hoya grinned back.

“I’m sorry I worried the both of you. From now on I’ll answer honestly whatever you ask; I don’t want to lose my friends” Myungsoo said with a warm smile on his lips.

“That can wait. We’ll have plenty of time so tell us in your time” Hoya smiled at Myungsoo as he slightly punched him on the arm. “But seriously I’m more worried when you act like a good guy”

Sungjong’s POV

“Atrial fibrillation” that was Myungsoo told us about his condition, I didn’t know anything about it but he said it has something to do with his heart being abnormal.

Little by little things began to go back to the way it was, there were times when he would look at me as though he wanted to tell something but then hesitated and instead he would smile and play with my hair.

He started to hang out with others too; it’s not that I complain about it. Hoya-hyung and I get to hang out sometimes but whenever I glanced at him I felt guilty. What happened that day, what I heard back then, sometimes I wonder if that was only a dream.

If it was, then that dream, showed me the reason why my friends are hurting. I thought things would be better if we go back to how things were but then that means I’ll keep hurting them over and over again.

I hate it when I see them smiling like nothing happened. Is this what I really want? What should I do?

Should I pretend like nothing happened too?

End of POV

“I’ll be moving by the end of the month, there’s a doctor near my grandfather’s house” Myungsoo said while the three of them were walking home.

“Oh, really? Then we’ll definitely come and help you move” Sungjong smiled but the paused on his words were enough to tell how he feels.

Hoya looked at Myungsoo with an empty expression.  “ But you’ll attend the school festival right?”

“Ah, I don’t know about that probably. It depends” Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders as they arrived at their point to separate ways. He and Sungjong being neighbours used to walk back together as Hoya walked the other way.

“Sungjong aren’t you going to borrow CD I was talking about?” Hoya said as he grab Sungjong by the hand and pulled him to walk along with him.

“Ah yes, did it arrived already?” Sungjong asked.

“Yeah, I’ll let you listen to it first.” Hoya smiled.

Sungjong tried to look at Myungsoo but failed. “Myungsoo, I’ll be going with hyung so, if you want… you can go home first or maybe if you like you could…”

“I’ll go home first then since I have to drop by somewhere” Myungsoo smiled and without another word walk off.





Hi! I introduced some new characters. I thought Myungsoo needed some family or else he'll  truly really break apart. 

also atrial fibrillation, I'd like to think of it as an illness where your heart beats like crazy whenever you see the one you like XD (but in serious tone, it can actually be very dangerous.)

do you want Myungsoo to leave? 

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ooo i love this
32bella #2
Chapter 17: ahhhhhh!! so cute.I just found it and I could not stop until i finished, a beautifull story, love each chapter, thanks you for allowing them to be together. Beautifull story thanks for sharing it, great work
Chapter 18: This story is excellent!!! GReat!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! SERIOUSLYYY!!!!!! Always know how to make me cry.. And the ending is perfectly well done :) Sungjong's bday is coming i wish infinite will celebrate together with hoya :( i will miss hojong moment now that hoya departs in infinite but also in woolim :(
Joudaaa #4
Chapter 18: I loved this story as I loved all your other stories.
I have to say i was so surprised when I realized that Hoya actually had feelings for Myungsoo not Sungjong , it was such a great twist lol
And I love you for not ruining the surprise by putting a myungya tag
Really thank you for this great fic and specially thank you for the happy ending.
As for the other idols you mentioned umm.. Suzzy and Minho?
Drhr13 #5
Chapter 18: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
Drhr13 #6
Chapter 4: You write the chapter twice (>人<;)