Chapter 8

I wish I could tell you
"So who is it?" Hyunseong asked Youngmin.
"I can't tell you."
"I just can't."
"You told me everything but who it is."

Youngmin looked away from Hyunseong.
"Youngmin hyung!"
Someone called his name, he looked around and saw Minwoo walking toward them.

"Minwoo-ah." Youngmin smiled at Minwoo.
Hyunseong waved to Minwoo.

"How come you left class?"
"I just needed some fresh air before class started."
"Oh. I thought something was wrong. Anyway I need to talk to you alone."
Hyunseong sat up
"I'll go but first, do you know where Jeongmin-ah is?"
"He maybe is at class, go look."
Hyunseong nodded and left.

"I wanted to ask you how you feel about me." Minwoo said when Hyunseong left.
"Why asking this out of nowhere?"
"Just wondering."
"Minwoo, I have been thinking, and I am sorry but, I do not love you enough to be with you."
Minwoo just stared at him and nodded.

"I am gonna go home."
"How come?"
"I don't feel so good, I think it's better if I stay at home and rest then go to class."
Minwoo nodded and Youngmin sat up.

"Good bye then hyung."
"Bye." Youngmin left and went towards the school gates.


Kwangmin was running.
I need to hurry... Before he gets home.

Kwangmin opened the door to their house and ran upstairs. He opened the door their room and closed it, he went over to Youngmin's dresser, he opened the drawer and picked up the wallet Youngmin had inside.
He doesn't take it with him often, I have to see if there is anything inside.

Kwangmin opened the wallet and looked inside, there was nothing inside that could help Kwangmin.
"Damn!" Kwangmin put the wallet away and closed the drawer, he went over to Youngmin's wardrobe.
He opened it and looked around but nothing was there that he was looking for.

He looked around the room for something else to look though, he saw Youngmin's bed and picked up the pillow, nothing was there, he was about give up but then he bent down and looked under the bed. Nothing was there, he sat up.

"Where could he hide something like that?"
Kwangmin went over to the drawer again and opened it, he picked up the picture of him and Youngmin together.
"You look so happy here, but your suffering now, I want you to be this happy again, so tell me... what is hurting you?" Kwangmin tighted his grip on the picture and felt something move on the back of it.

He fliped the picture over and saw that the back of the picture moved.
"Something is glued to the picture, Kwangmin removed the back, it was a piece of paper.
He fliped the paper over and began to read it.

Dear Jo Kwangmin

I know how you feel about me, I am very sorry Kwangmin, but I never told you, I knew about it for three years now.
I just could never bring myself to tell you I knew when you tried so hard hide it, you never were good at hiding your feelings. I can't bring myself to tell you this either so I decided I would write  a letter and hide it somewhere you will find it, I know after this letter you will hate me. But I can't hide it no more.

Kwangmin, I am sorry, but I do not love you. I can't tell you this so I will write you it, please understand, I love some else, but I don't think he loves me back. This has been hurting me for three years now, and it is getting worse, it's hard enough to see you, I feel scared and worried, sometimes I lose control of myself and can't go on, then you come and I feel like I am being stabbed with endless pain, I can't bare it anymore.
I know you are crying right now, so am I, I am crying as I write this letter to you, Kwangmin.
I cry when I think of you, but Kwangmin... I don't love you like you love me, I'm sorry. Please understand, I don't want you to be sad anymore, I don't want you to wait for me to come to you... when I never will, so stop waiting, move on. Forget about me and find someone else, I am a horrible person, I don't deserve you. Find someone who is kind, loving, and who loves you.
Even though we are twins we are nothing alike, you are kind, caring, look out for others more then yourself, and I am a terrible person, who makes the one he cares for sad, makes kcry, brings them pain and leaves them to suffering, I don't deserve to even be called you brother.

Kwangmin please, move on. You always made me smile, just by looking at you, now it is time for you to smile and be happy, I had my share, now it's over, it's your turn, use it and be happy with someone else who loves you.

I decided that after this letter is done I would hide it somewhere you'll find it, say goodnight to you like always, but when you wake... I will have left, I decided to leave, never see you again, it will make things easier for you and for me. Don't look for me, by the time you wake up I will be gone, I will have moved far way from you, mother and father do not know where I am either not, and please do not tell them about letter.

Now Kwangmin, be happy, move on, for you.... and for me.

Jo Youngmin


Kwangmin finished the letter and was crying.
"Youngmin!" Kwangmin cried for Youngmin.
"It's me who is making you suffer then, i'm sorry, I never knew!"

The door to the room opened and Youngmin walked in, he saw Kwangmin sitting on his bed with a paper and a picture next to him.
Youngmin noticed the paper it was and ran over to Kwangmin and took it from hands.
"This is a lie!"
Kwangmin looked at Youngmin and started to cry.

"I'm sorry! It's my fault your hurting!" Kwangmin grabbed Youngmin's arms.
"Why didn't you show me this letter?" Kwangmin looked up at Youngmin.
"I didn't want to leave you and thought if you knew it would hurt you more."

"Do I really hurt you?" Kwangmin asked.
"It's not your fault."
"Do you really feel this way about me... do you really not love me?" Kwangmin cried more as he said this.

Youngmin stood there and stared at Kwangmin.

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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!