Chapter 6

I wish I could tell you
Youngmin closed the door to the classroom, he walked the entrance to the school.
He sat on a bench outside and stared up at the window to the classroom where Kwangmin and Minwoo are.
He tighted his fists and slamed one down on the side of the bench he was sitting on.
Dammit, why am I being like this!? It's getting worse and they notice it too, I can't let Kwangmin know the truth, if he does... I will hurt him so much, but at the rate I'm going he will find out soon... Minwoo can't know either, it will hurt him also, knowing truth... it hurts, I know lieing is wrong but it is to protect the people I... to protect people close to me. Even if it's giving me more pain to keep it inside, I will not tell them, never... never can they know.
Youngmin laid his head back and looked up at the sky, he stared at it for a few minutes then closed his eyes.
Youngmin opened his eyes and saw Hyunseong looking at him.
"Hyung. What is it?"
"Isn't your class about to start?"
"I don't wanna go." Youngmin looked at the window to the classroom again.
"...I feel afraid to go back in there."
"What happened?"
"You notice it too, right?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Look at me, eveyone can see it." Youngmin sighed and closed his eyes.
"Youngmin-ah, your not yourself, what happened?"
Youngmin looked at Hyunseong and closed his eyes again
"Youngmin-ah, you can tell me, if it's something your don't want anyone else then to know then I won't tell anyone, promise."
Youngmin stared at Hyunseong for a few minutes.
"I'm scared... Hyung, I am so scared." A few tears came out of Youngmin's eyes.
"What happened to you? Your not yourself."
"Yes I am, this is how I have been for the past six years... This is how I really was for the last six years, I showed everyone else a fake me, even Kwangmin. I have been scared for so long, so worried. At times I got so scared I couldn't go on, then I see him and I feel like I am being stabbed so deep, that the pain will never go away, at times I cry when I am alone. The only thing that keeps me going is the same thing that is scaring me."
Hyunseong hugged the crying Youngmin.
"Hyung help me! I can't go on, it's getting worse!"
"I'll help you, but you first have you have to tell me everything."
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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!