Chapter 1

I wish I could tell you

Youngmin woke up from the light shining in from the window.

He got up from his bed and went over to the window, he closed the curtains and turned around. He saw that Kwangmin was not in his bed.
He laid back down and closed his eyes.
A few minutes later the door opened, someone came in and poked Youngmin.
Youngmin did not move.
"Youngmin-ah." The person poked him again.
"Youngmin-ah! Wake up!"
This time Youngmin opened his eyes.
"Your so noisy." Youngmin smiled at his brother, who looked just like him.
"Then get up quicker."
Youngmin pulled the blankets up past his face.
"Youngmin-ah, get up."
Youngmin turned to the side and took the blanket off his face.
"You will miss school."
"Good." Youngmin still laid there.
Kwangmin sighed then went over to Youngmin's wardrobe and took out his school uniform.
He threw the uniform on Youngmin and then went over to his bed and sat down.
Youngmin got up from the bed and took the uniform then went downstairs.
Kwangmin sat there a few more minutes then sat up and went downstairs also.
Their mother was sitting on the sofa watching television, she looked at Kwangmin and smiled.
Kwangmin smiled back then went over to the sofa and sat down.
"Finally get Youngmin-ah to wake up?" Their mother asked when Kwangmin sat down.
Kwangmin nodded and waited for Youngmin to get ready before going to school.
"Hello." Minwoo waved to the twins when they opened the classroom door.
They both waved at Minwoo and sat down at their own desks.
Youngmin and Minwoo looked out the window, they saw Donghyun and Jeongmin talking.
Minwoo waved to Donghyun.
Donghyun looked up at the window to their classroom and saw Minwoo waving to him, he waved back and smiled.
Donghyun and Jeongmin started talking again and walked into the school.
A few minutes the door to the classroom opened, Donghyun and Jeongmin walked in.
"Hello Minwoo-ah." Donghyun smiled at Minwoo and sat down at a desk next to him.
Minwoo smiled at Donghyun, Jeongmin sat down at a desk next to the twins.
"Have any of you seen Hyunseong hyung?" Jeongmin asked.
"No, why?" Kwangmin looked at Jeongmin.
"I haven't seen him yet today and he always waits for me so we can go to school together, but he wasn't waiting for me today, and he won't answer his phone." Jeongmin was worried and took out his phone and called Hyunseong.
Jeongmin put his phone away when no one answered.
"Where is he?" Jeongmin sat up and went over to the window, he looked around outside for Hyunseong.
"That's cute." Youngmin and Kwangmin said together.
Jeongmin turned around and looked at the twins.
"What is?"
"You and Hyunseong hyung. Your so worried just because he didn't walk you to school, just like a real couple." Youngmin made a soft laugh while Kwangmin and Minwoo nodded.
"I-I... I'm not wor-worried! Why would I be worried about him!?" Jeongmin tried to hide how worried he was but couldn't, he was alittle red.
Kwangmin smiled at him and looked at the clock.
"Class should start soon."
"We should go then." Donghyun sat up and waved to Minwoo then left the classroom with Jeongmin.
Minwoo watched them leave then sat there and waited for class to start.
Jeongmin went outside of the school once his class ended, he went over to the bench and sat down to wait for the next to start.
Someone called Jeongmin's name, he looked around and saw Hyunseong walking toward him.
He sat up and looked at Hyunseong.
"Sorry i'm late." Hyunseong messed up his hair and looked at his watch.
Jeongmin just kept looking at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Where were you!?" Jeongmin yelled at Hyunseong.
"I had a headache this morning and wasn't going to school, it was gone alittle while ago."
"Then why didn't you call me, or answer me calls!?"
"My phone ran out of battery, I couldn't."
Jeongmin looked away from Hyunseong.
"Don't be so mad. I would have called if I could."
Jeongmin ignored him.
"Come on, don't ignore me." Hyunseong tried to get Jeongmin to notice him.
"You leave me no other option." Hyunseong went closer to Jeongmin and hugged him.
Jeongmin turned red and tried to push Hyunseong away.
"Let go of me!"
"Now you talk to me." Hyunseong smiled and hugged Jeongmin tighter.
"Let me go!" Jeongmin tried to push Hyunseong away.
"Hyung! Class is starting soon, we need to go."
Hyunseong let go of Jeongmin and smiled at him.
Jeongmin turned more red and looked away.
Hyunseong and Jeongmin walked back to their classroom.
Minwoo looked at the window when class was over, Youngmin yawned and looked out the window also.
Minwoo saw two people hugging outside, he looked closer and saw it was Hyunseong and Jeongmin.
"Hey look! Hyunseong hyung and Jeongmin hyung." Minwoo pointed to them and Youngmin and Kwangmin looked.
"Their so close to each other, like a real couple." Youngmin smiled at them.
Kwangmin turned sad and looked away.
"Kwangmin hyung?" Minwoo looked at Kwangmin.
Youngmin ignored Kwangmin and sighed.
"Wanna go vist Donghyun hyung before class starts?"
Minwoo looked at Youngmin and nodded then looked back at Kwangmin.
They left the classroom and headed for Donghyun's classroom.
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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!