Chapter 5

I wish I could tell you
Youngmin opened the door to their house, him and Kwangmin walked in.
"Did you have fun?"
Kwangmin nodded.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Kwangmin smiled at Youngmin.
"I can tell something is wrong." Youngmin went upstairs
Kwangmin followed him upstairs.
"Do you wanna wash first?" Youngmin asked when Kwangmin opened the door to their room.
"No, you can go first."
Youngmin went downstairs to wash.
Kwangmin laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling.
I need to found out what is hurting him, but where do I start?
Kwangmin turned to lay on his side, he was looking at Youngmin's bed, he saw Youngmin's dresser next to his bed.
Maybe his dresser has some kind of hint.
Kwangmin stood up and went over to Youngmin's dresser, before opening it he stood there and listened incase anyone was coming up the stairs.
When he heard no one coming he opened it and looked inside.
He saw Youngmin's phone, headphones, a CD player, a book, his wallet and some pictures.
Kwangmin picked up the pictures, a few of them were of Kwangmin alone, the rest were of Youngmin and Kwangmin together. He put them back inside.
Nothing... maybe his wallet.
Kwangmin went to pick up Youngmin's wallet but then he heard someone knock on the door to their room.
"Yes?" Kwangmin quickly put the wallet away and closed the drawer.
"Dinners ready." Their mother opened the door and saw Kwangmin standing by Youngmin's bed.
"Is something wrong?"
"Huh? Oh no, nothing." Kwangmin quickly sat on his own bed.
"Okay, well come down quick before your dinner gets cold."
Kwangmin nodded and their mother closed the door and went back downstairs.
Kwangmin laid down on his bed and waited for Youngmin to get done washing.
Minwoo closed the door to his room.
"Good morning." Minwoo's father said.
"Good morning." Minwoo replied as he sat down on the sofa.
"I heard you yelling at Donghyun-ah, he is your hyung you shouldn't yell at him like that." His father looked at him, Minwoo did not answer.
Minwoo still did not answer.
"What happened between you and Donghyun-ah, you two have never yelled at eachother for three years. Why start now?"
"Nothing." Minwoo answered but did not look at his father.
"Something happened and I know it, now tell me."
"I don't want to talk about Donghyun."
I can't, I have to forget about him... If this is how he really is then it won't be a problem for me to forget about him.
"Fine, when you are ready to tell me then I will be waiting."
Minwoo nodded.
"Minwoo-ah you should get to school, before your late."
Minwoo checked his watch and saw he was about to be late if he didn't go soon.
Minwoo left the house and as he was going to school when he got a call, he took out his phone and checked who was calling.
"Youngmin hyung." Minwoo read the caller, he answered it.
"Youngmin hyung whats wrong? You sound strange."
{Huh? Oh nothing, I'm fine, perfectly fine. How about you?}
"I'm... good. Anyway, why are you calling?"
{You are weren't at class when we got there and I got worried, I wanted to call to make sure your okay.}
"I'm find, I just slept late, I will be at class in a few minutes."
{Okay, bye then.}
Minwoo hung up and put his phone away.
He sounded strange, I guess it was only because he was worried about me.
Minwoo opened the doors to the classroom and saw Kwangmin and Youngmin sitting at their desks.
"Minwoo-ah!" Youngmin smiled at Minwoo and waved to him.
Minwoo waved back, he sat down at his own desk and Youngmin took one of the other desk chairs to sit right next to Minwoo.
The door to the classroom opened again and Jeongmin walked in.
"Have any of you seen Hyungseong hyung?" Jeongmin asked and then he saw Minwoo and Youngmin sitting next to each other.
"Oh, Minwoo-ah... and Youngmin-ah, well I should go."
"Why?" Minwoo asked.
"It's just that, well... I have to go, ummm... find Hyunseong hyung." Jeongmin quickly left the classroom.
Minwoo watched as Jeongmin left, he looked to his side and saw Youngmin just sitting there looking down at his hands.
"Youngmin hyung?" Minwoo called for Youngmin but he didn't answer.
"Hyung?" Minwoo called again and put his hand on Youngmin's shoulder, he looked at Minwoo. Minwoo saw as a tear fall off Youngmin's face.
"Hyung what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Minwoo asked as Youngmin quickly rubbed his eyes.
Kwangmin got up and quickly ran over to Youngmin.
"Hyung?" Kwangmin asked.
"I'm fine." Youngmin said, he sat up and left the classroom.
Kwangmin stood there staring at door that Youngmin went out of.
"You've seen it too, right?" Kwangmin asked Minwoo.
"The pain and suffering Youngmin hyung is hiding."
Minwoo and Kwangmin looked at each other.
"It's getting worse." They said together.
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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!