Final Chapter

I wish I could tell you

"Hyung, please, stay with me." Kwangmin hugged Youngmin.

"But I will hurt you."

"I won't suffer, if i'm with you I will be happy. I never once suffered when I was with you." Kwangmin smiled at Youngmin. Youngmin smiled back.


"I'll think about it." Youngmin said.




Minwoo knocked on the door to Donghyun's house. After awhile the door opened and Donghyun was there.

"Minwoo-ah. What is it?"

"I've decided." Minwoo said and walked into Donghyun's house.



"You." Minwoo hugged Donghyun.


"Really? Are you sure?" Donghyun looked at Minwoo.

Minwoo nodded and smiled at Donghyun


"What about Youngmin-ah?"

"I love you more." Minwoo looked at Donghyun. Donghyun smiled at Minwoo and hugged him tighter.


"I am so happy right now." Donghyun said.

"Let's leave it that way, no more pain." Minwoo smiled and let go of the hug with Donghyun.

Donghyun nodded.


"I know a place we should go right now." Minwoo said.


"Follow me."


Donghyun and Minwoo were at the park that Minwoo, Youngmin and Kwangmin went too together before.

"This place."

"Yeah, it's the place we first met. When I'm lonely I come here and think of that day." Minwoo looked at Donghyun.


"Stay with me, forever." Minwoo said. Donghyun looked at Minwoo.

"Yeah, forever." Donghyun smiled.




Youngmin went downstairs and Kwangmin was watching the television.

"Kwangmin-ah." Youngmin called. Kwangmin didn't answer. Youngmin went over there and saw Kwangmin was sleeping.

Youngmin smiled at him and picked him up and took him upstairs.


"Learn to sleep in your bed." Youngmin put Kwangmin in his bed. He stared at Kwangmin sleeping for a few moments then laid in his bed.


Kwangmin woke up and yawned he looked to his side and saw Youngmin was not in his bed, he got out of bed and went downstairs. Youngmin and their mother were eating.

"Good morning." Their mother said to Kwangmin, Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin.


"Kwangmin-ah, could I talk with you really quick." They both went upstairs into their room.

"I will stay with you, I will be together with you." Youngmin said.


"I love you Kwangmin." Youngmin smiled at Kwangmin.

"I love you too, Youngmin hyung." Kwangmin smiled.

They both hugged.


I wish I could tell you... tell you the truth, sooner. Instead of lying for six years. I love you, I always have, but I never thought we could be together, now look at us. We're both happy, not suffering. This is how it should have been years ago, but it is my fault it never did. And I'm sorry for that, I hope you could forgive me... Kwangmin, I am happy to be with you, happy to live in the same world as you.

I love you, forever. Stay with me, forever.

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@chattykitkat I had mixed feelings about it too, but I made it for my friend so I let her read it, she liked it and told me to put it AFF, so I did. lol
I have mixed feelings right now, it's just ugh. But great story!
I like the 2nd ending more kekeke^^ I don´t like bad endings but it´s really interesting seeing both sides of a story! Well, I love that story a lot^^ Good work^^
@ChocolateCookie I am updating right now, the story is already finished I just have to upload it all, I can't add it all tonight though cause it is 6:30 AM and I haven't went to sleep yet. lol
Very interesting^^ Update soon!